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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True


I know this is a MMO, but is it possible to do quests and hunt monsters on your own? I love the concept of the game but hate engaging with people online


I know this is a MMO, but is it possible to do quests and hunt monsters on your own? I love the concept of the game but hate engaging with people online

For the most part, easily. I have played both alone and with others. The additional fact of cutscenes and almost fully voice NPC's makes it closer to SP in feel.

If anyone needs a Cabel a couple of us are on Arcadia. The Infernals, I am Malanthrax on there. Mostly helping people out and doing some dungeons. Pretty laid back.

I have to say this, best writing in an MMO in my opinion, in years. I mean there are bits and pieces here that suck, but as a whole simply great. We had a blast today, played around 13 hours straight. So much work and real brain power required on some quests. God its fucking great.


Servers are up!
I am tempted to buy something ouf of the store because I got 32000 bonus points for the beta testing.

syko de4d

Damn, I hope this thread gets more posters after the real release date. It deserves it since it's the best MMO I've ever played.

Right now is one of the best RPG´s i played the last years, i really not know how good the MMO part is.

But the Quests, lore, Voiceacting and Story are awesome, better then the most normal SP RPG´s
Right now is one of the best RPG´s i played the last years, i really not know how good the MMO part is.

But the Quests, lore, Voiceacting and Story are awesome, better then the most normal SP RPG´s

I and some friends were worried about the potential quality of the group content, but 4 of us (yes, 4) did Polaris last night and we no longer have that concern.


Right now is one of the best RPG´s i played the last years...
But the Quests, lore, Voiceacting and Story are awesome, better then the most normal SP RPG´s
I was thinking the same thing. The characters are better than any recent SP RPG's I can think of. MMO's are almost always quantity > quality but TSW is attacking that straight on. The dialog is just great. I have a feeling that this is thanks to Ragnar Tørnquist being the Creative Director.

Even if you decide not to go on for months and months you *will* get your $50 worth of quality gaming here (and many multiples of that).
Was worth a few times for me before :) And will with this game I think.

I guess it's tough to find a pleasing time to update since it's all one server for all regions.
I hope this fixes some of the bugged quests I want to finish.

edit: egypt? Man you guys are fast :) Or maybe I should wonder off too and do some exploring.

So Feef you went Lifetime? Last night I told myself to wait it out a few weeks but then again today I'm back to thinking it will ultimately be worth it.

Looking to get out of Kingsmouth tonight. I decided not to start a new character as I really don't want to go back through the early a Kingsmouth stuff. I did figure out the beginning tutorial flashback can be skipped though which is nice.

Itching to play this but God Damn work, how is Egypt? Seems like it will be a really cool setting, as well as Romania.


I think Lifetime is not worth it if you are not dedicated and play on a daily basis for a longer period of time, even if it's just an hour or so (which is what I will do). I would say spent this free month and then decide. I have no idea if Lifetime will be avialible later on too, though.

And yeah, love Romania - it's basically a Stalker MMO in some places.




A Norwegian article about the early access launch:


Funcom have invested about 300 million Norwegian Kroners which equals 50 million USD into TSW.
At the biggest the team size was 250 people.
1.5million people have participated in the various Betas.
They are aiming to sell 1.35million copies (boxes/digital) in the first year and earn 945 million Norwegian Kroners which equals 158 million USD.

Early access launch has gone incredibly smooth and response is highly positive they say.


I'm pissed that the Something Wicked quest is so bugged - it's so interesting to do all that stuff in an MMO, and now all of a sudden the guy I'm supposed to be talking to is buggy :(

So now I'm making it work and the other step is buggy? Ugh :(


I'm pissed that the Something Wicked quest is so bugged - it's so interesting to do all that stuff in an MMO, and now all of a sudden the guy I'm supposed to be talking to is buggy :(

That part worked for me, but
you are not supposed to talk to him.

edit: ah ... yeah it's terrible.


Finally got the game downloaded last night. Since I'm still flagged I decided to take advantage of the head start. Since adding more ram and Windows 7 the game is running a lot better compared to the beta. Looks a lot better as well.

I can not however get my character's skin color to be the brown I want. I've tried recreating the character several times and it still looks off. Will give it until Monday night to know if I'll pull the trigger (at least by Friday) or wait until the price drops. My character Daornthir on Cerberus.


Finally got the game downloaded last night. Since I'm still flagged I decided to take advantage of the head start. Since adding more ram and Windows 7 the game is running a lot better compared to the beta. Looks a lot better as well.

I can not however get my character's skin color to be the brown I want. I've tried recreating the character several times and it still looks off. Will give it until Monday night to know if I'll pull the trigger (at least by Friday) or wait until the price drops. My character Daornthir on Cerberus.

I noticed that most character models look "asian".
Right now is one of the best RPG´s i played the last years, i really not know how good the MMO part is.

But the Quests, lore, Voiceacting and Story are awesome, better then the most normal SP RPG´s

Do you think the story, lore, characters and such will last a while? will they keep adding new story with as high quality as it is now?


Wow, I seem to be master of the detrimental bug finding today. I had just purchased a 40-token blue weapon from the vendor, attempted to combine it with a blue glyph I got as a quest reward. The Assembly interface seemed broken, so I dragged both items back to my inventory and logged out.

Upon logging back in, both items were completely missing from my inventory, and the tokens were still spent.

I submitted a petition, so hopefully something can be done about it.

I had that exact same bug with some waters the first day. Assembly seemed to not be working, next time I relog all the items were gone. Submitted a report and a ticket, not heard back. Wish it had the 'ticket' window popup you get in wow that tells you it's in the queue.


For the most part, easily. I have played both alone and with others. The additional fact of cutscenes and almost fully voice NPC's makes it closer to SP in feel.

If anyone needs a Cabel a couple of us are on Arcadia. The Infernals, I am Malanthrax on there. Mostly helping people out and doing some dungeons. Pretty laid back.

I have to say this, best writing in an MMO in my opinion, in years. I mean there are bits and pieces here that suck, but as a whole simply great. We had a blast today, played around 13 hours straight. So much work and real brain power required on some quests. God its fucking great.

Thank you so much, I'm sold, buying now. Will be my first mmo, very excited
so i have never played an mmo before, but this game kind of intrigues me ... my question: could i play this game like in two player co-op mode? And also if that is the case, will the enemies get stronger?


Since it's open-world MMO style, the mobs will be the same strength. You can group with a friend, some content will not be doable without finding others (dungeons), and some of it is only solo (pretty uncommon, just solo instances which are often short parts of quests along the along the main storyline, or occasionally in other quests). 99% of the time you could run together just stay on the same quest steps.
Since it's open-world MMO style, the mobs will be the same strength. You can group with a friend, some content will not be doable without finding others (dungeons), and some of it is only solo (pretty uncommon, just solo instances which are often short parts of quests along the along the main storyline, or occasionally in other quests). 99% of the time you could run together just stay on the same quest steps.

alright, thanks! but i guess i'll wait til its free-to-play, haven't realised before that this would cost me 15eur/month ....


Neo Member
I just played the first Templar ranking mission. I never did those in the beta since it was added only two weeks before release.
But kudos Funcom, you creeped me out and made me jump in a MMO.

Spoiler pic! http://i.imgur.com/l9rw8.jpg

I loved that quest (I think all 3 get the same one).

Got to say, the lighting in TSW is one of its best aspects. Just a simple indoor area like Dr. Bannerman's office really benefits from everything feeling lit exactly how it should.


A Norwegian article about the early access launch:


Funcom have invested about 300 million Norwegian Kroners which equals 50 million USD into TSW.
At the biggest the team size was 250 people.
1.5million people have participated in the various Betas.
They are aiming to sell 1.35million copies (boxes/digital) in the first year and earn 945 million Norwegian Kroners which equals 158 million USD.

Early access launch has gone incredibly smooth and response is highly positive they say.
Worldwide I think they could do that.

Also, I liked what I played of the beta weekend. I still feel MMOs are too much of a solo experience these days - group on the tough quests and never again - which kind of defeats the purpose of playing them.


I loved that quest (I think all 3 get the same one).

Got to say, the lighting in TSW is one of its best aspects. Just a simple indoor area like Dr. Bannerman's office really benefits from everything feeling lit exactly how it should.

The lighting and effects are really good in TSW. I do wish there was a flashlight or something for the quests that are completely dark. Had one where I had to jump on objects to not fall in the electrified water and I had to turn up my monitor settings just to see the objects.


To me the group content is only a plus in MMO's. My friends do not like those kind of games so I am stuck with strangers and since it's mostly not fun with those, I appreciate good solo content.

TSW has good group content too, though. Dungeons in three difficulty settings, Lairs, PvP and everything you can do in this game (except some solo instances for story etc.) is groupaple. The soft-grouping works really well too.

Forcing the player to form a group to manage the majority of the game is a really bad idea.

is there a free trial code or anything? like to try this out

I thought you did not like it during the betas? And no, no trial code as of yet.


To me the group content is only a plus in MMO's. My friends do not like those kind of games so I am stuck with strangers and since it's mostly not fun with those, I appreciate good solo content.

TSW has good group content too, though. Dungeons in three difficulty settings, Lairs, PvP and everything you can do in this game (except some solo instances for story etc.) is groupaple. The soft-grouping works really well too.

Forcing the player to form a group to manage the majority of the game is a really bad idea.

I thought you did not like it during the betas? And no, no trial code as of yet.

really loved everything but the combat but willing to give it another shot


really loved everything but the combat but willing to give it another shot

The combat isn't anything to write home about but it opens up a bit once you two weapons skilled up a little. It's by far the weakest part of the game IMO. But it's good enough not to be a big hindrance.


really loved everything but the combat but willing to give it another shot

The combat seems better to me. Though I'm not sure if that's because they changed something or as a result of the changes I've made to my PC after playing the beta.


The combat isn't anything to write home about but it opens up a bit once you two weapons skilled up a little. It's by far the weakest part of the game IMO. But it's good enough not to be a big hindrance.

I think the combat is fun actually. Shotty at least :)
The weakest part of the game to me are the player characters and some of the NPC's can look strange. I am glad there are some options coming, but the CC is still weak.


What do you pair with the shotgun? I've so far put all my points into the shotgun abilities and was wondering what secondary weapon that would complement it.


Combat definitely feels a lot better than a couple months ago. I don't think it's fantastic (All weapons can feel a bit same-y in some ways, since they're all variations on combo points), but it's very high mobility which I like. It's not THAT unlike GW2 honestly, and the combat in that is praised.
Since it's open-world MMO style, the mobs will be the same strength. You can group with a friend, some content will not be doable without finding others (dungeons), and some of it is only solo (pretty uncommon, just solo instances which are often short parts of quests along the along the main storyline, or occasionally in other quests). 99% of the time you could run together just stay on the same quest steps.

oh one more question: if you team up, will only one player complete the quest? so if you play with one more player you have to do each quest two times?


oh one more question: if you team up, will only one player complete the quest? so if you play with one more player you have to do each quest two times?

I grouped up today to do some random very hard quests and we both got credit for each step of the quests as long as we were in the vicinity.


Junior Member
The combat isn't anything to write home about but it opens up a bit once you two weapons skilled up a little. It's by far the weakest part of the game IMO. But it's good enough not to be a big hindrance.

I definitely had this approach during my first hours of the game. But honestly, you don't even have to get out of Kingsmouth to find enemies that require you to think on your toes, react and have a great fight. The moment that opened up to me, the fighting came alive, and it was definitely one of the stronger points in the game.


Neo Member
I really wish they had spent more time on the combat. This game would have been a shoe-in for me if it had better combat. Now, I'm just waiting for free-to-play.
oh one more question: if you team up, will only one player complete the quest? so if you play with one more player you have to do each quest two times?

Most of the time, the entire group will get quest credit, but sometimes it's very picky. I've been going around mostly in a group of 4, and there was one quest to photograph 10 things that we had to find 40 of.


Weekend Review.

First off I'm not an ARP fan. I'm up on my Cthulhu jokes and have done my fair share good old fashion roleplaying so i get most the references but I've never really delved into the worlds of ARP.

I bought The Secret World simply because I buy most MMO looking for a gem. I enjoyed early Wow, I've played EVE on and off since the beginning and was there when EQ broke open the dam.

So I sat down to TSW without much expectation. The production seemed rough and the concept not really something that would last. Hell it still might not.

Confusion filled my first two hours. Poor tutorials and little to know documentation grind into my brain like fine glass but hell I've been through this before. Gaming in general has tossed out the game manual so they can let there vendor partner sell the Guide. So I plowed on.

I picked Illuminati - I mean is there any other choice? I picked from a really low set of facial features and then an underwhelming array of cloths. And so Wanderlust the jean wearing blonde was born. As I played through the beginning, the story line started to take on shape. What at first seemed like low brow jokes and hap hazard direction slowly turned into something I was listening to. All right I said "I'm interested." My skirt wearing Illuminati master sent me off to Kingsmouth on some quest.

After navigating a truly weird travel tree hub I arrived in a fog covered small town and was quickly introduced to zombie. "Great I thought. More fucking zombies! Well this game didn't take long taking a huge dump on my desk." But hell it was Friday and the baby was in bed, my hooker and blow options were extremely limited. Again I donned my MMO hat and decided to kill the evening in Kingsmouth.

Somewhere between then and Sunday afternoon I research sonatas, looked up old paintings on google started a Cabal and fell in love with Kingsmouth. I became their hero, I wanted to save them from the evil that had descended upon them. At every turn I was suprised by a new quest solution. Sure there are some f the same 'go kill ten kobalds' but there are others that had me staring at the Google search bar. Dare I cheat? I did, once. I will again but I do so only in dire straights. And now that we have a Cabal we give each other hints instead.

What can I say, I hope this ride continues. Where I was waiting for Guild Wars 2 I now want to see where this journey goes.

Negatives? The combat is bland. The difficulty level ramps up and you find yourself staring at your assault rifle screaming 'I need to replace you! Hooooowww!" They start off with vanity market and can tell they need to get micro-transactions going in order to make money.

+ Best story line I've been enveloped in in quite awhile. Better than SWTOR imo.
+ I want to make the Illuminati proud. This is harder than it sounds both in execution as a Dev and as a player.
+ You can learn every skill in the game eventually, I don't feel trapped forever as a Warrior.
+ Those playing seem to be solid fans.
+ the difficulty of the quest seems to be driving off those 'annoying' MMO players
+ The game has a vibe, you feel the weather and the oppression of the enemy.
+ The writing is solid. At one point an
enemy actually said 'I know I can't kill you. You'll just ghost out and come back, so I'm going to trap you here."

- Combat feels bland - I have yet to see someone do something and think "Man! I want to do that!"
- The abilities are all very bland, not a lot if any 'fun' skills
- Get ready to run, no fast travel with a zone
- Crafting is confusing with numerous parts - find a guide.

All in all I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a different MMO and isn't afraid to bang there head against the wall in order to get that Eureka! moment.


I definitely had this approach during my first hours of the game. But honestly, you don't even have to get out of Kingsmouth to find enemies that require you to think on your toes, react and have a great fight. The moment that opened up to me, the fighting came alive, and it was definitely one of the stronger points in the game.

What weapons are you using? Because with a blade/assault rifle there isn't any thinking on my toes besides stepping out of strong attacks.


I definitely had this approach during my first hours of the game. But honestly, you don't even have to get out of Kingsmouth to find enemies that require you to think on your toes, react and have a great fight. The moment that opened up to me, the fighting came alive, and it was definitely one of the stronger points in the game.

Agreed. Just got my second character to Blue Mountain. Pretty much barely slept all weekend. Did many quests 2 or 3 times helping others and just running around. One of the first games I stop ALL the time to help others who may have their hands full.

Favorite place so far-
Lighthouse on the Savage Coast.
The atmosphere was insane.

Also loving exploring as a ghost. Holy shit do you see more stuff. So much can't be seen unless you are ghost. Great times.

Voice Acting in the Academy is spot on. Love that the weird FBI guy from Frightners is one of the teachers. Just amazing game.


I'm using sword/AR and I find it pretty engaging. Obviously moving out of attacks is one thing, but there are also a lot of effects/attacks that you can/should move out of that aren't the obvious white circles (lots of breaths to avoid, or like puddles of shit, etc). I enjoy the 'blink' attack in swords, and to maximize your AE can be tricky, since you build AR points on every target when you sword AE, but your AR ae has a 2-3 second cooldown, so you want staggered 5 point blasts, etc. Single target is a bit more basic, but it's still optimal to weave attacks to get debuffs for your build.

For instance, right now I gain penetration when I afflict, and I afflict when I penetrate, and I do vastly more damage with penetration too. So to get it rolling I need to afflict things, which comes from my AE sword attack, not my single target one, have to monitor that to max my dps, things like that. All while running around. It's not super complex, but I'm still fairly 'low level' as it were, and it's definitely more engaging than most wow-clones. I will give the nod to wow still despite its immobility, because the classes require more finesse/have more synergy, and are more different, I think TSW combat is fun BUT all weapons play sort of same-y in the long run, because mechanically they're so similar. Your build will affect things a lot, but it still all boils down to 'build 5 resources' for everything.

Oktarb: It's a roundabout way, but you can fast travel by /reset (killing yourself) and spawning at an anima well near where you want to be, then click the well to revive. Repairs seem almost non-existant levels of cheap so this is pretty simple.


Weekend Review.

First off I'm not an ARP fan. I'm up on my Cthulhu jokes and have done my fair share good old fashion roleplaying so i get most the references but I've never really delved into the worlds of ARP.

I bought The Secret World simply because I buy most MMO looking for a gem. I enjoyed early Wow, I've played EVE on and off since the beginning and was there when EQ broke open the dam.

So I sat down to TSW without much expectation. The production seemed rough and the concept not really something that would last. Hell it still might not.

Confusion filled my first two hours. Poor tutorials and little to know documentation grind into my brain like fine glass but hell I've been through this before. Gaming in general has tossed out the game manual so they can let there vendor partner sell the Guide. So I plowed on.

I picked Illuminati - I mean is there any other choice? I picked from a really low set of facial features and then an underwhelming array of cloths. And so Wanderlust the jean wearing blonde was born. As I played through the beginning, the story line started to take on shape. What at first seemed like low brow jokes and hap hazard direction slowly turned into something I was listening to. All right I said "I'm interested." My skirt wearing Illuminati master sent me off to Kingsmouth on some quest.

After navigating a truly weird travel tree hub I arrived in a fog covered small town and was quickly introduced to zombie. "Great I thought. More fucking zombies! Well this game didn't take long taking a huge dump on my desk." But hell it was Friday and the baby was in bed, my hooker and blow options were extremely limited. Again I donned my MMO hat and decided to kill the evening in Kingsmouth.

Somewhere between then and Sunday afternoon I research sonatas, looked up old paintings on google started a Cabal and fell in love with Kingsmouth. I became their hero, I wanted to save them from the evil that had descended upon them. At every turn I was suprised by a new quest solution. Sure there are some f the same 'go kill ten kobalds' but there are others that had me staring at the Google search bar. Dare I cheat? I did, once. I will again but I do so only in dire straights. And now that we have a Cabal we give each other hints instead.

What can I say, I hope this ride continues. Where I was waiting for Guild Wars 2 I now want to see where this journey goes.

Negatives? The combat is bland. The difficulty level ramps up and you find yourself staring at your assault rifle screaming 'I need to replace you! Hooooowww!" They start off with vanity market and can tell they need to get micro-transactions going in order to make money.

Spot on! Had a blast this weekend, strangely had a very similar experience to you. I have been in the game since beta and always tried to get into it but for some reason never could. Maybe the strange world design or lack of explanation.

After spending a few hours with it solid things clicked, so many interesting and original ideas for quests and as you say it actually makes you use your brain! Have had to use Google to find out clues, research and learn Morse code ffs, listen to ravens talk... and loads more!

Fully appreciate that this is not a game for everyone and looking at global it is spammed with people saying this quest is bugged when in reality they might not understand what they need to do. Bring new meaning to the old classic Funcommed!

Give it a month and the WoW players would have left and the real fun can begin, so many 20+ page threads on the TSW forums trying to figure out puzzles etc, never experienced anything like it.

Just hope Funcom have planned for smaller numbers and not shot for the moon like so many other MMO's in the past.


Servers back up with patch notes:


You can no longer create a Nickname that ends with a dash instead of a letter or number. (in accordance with the rules of naming your character as stated in the character creation tooltips).
Items/Weapons obtained from the in-game item shop can no longer be sold in game to vendors.
Corrected an issue where some character bound items could be traded.
Fixed an issue where background music would cease to play after zoning a few times.
When the player holds Shift and double clicks a loot bag, the cursor now reverts back to the default icon.
Characters are no longer bald after character creation (unless you chose to be bald).
Fixed an issue where particles from a buff would not be removed properly.
Fixed the "getting Lore" animation.
When changing the eye color on a newly created character, it now changes the eyes as intended.
Fixed the animation when your character interacts with something.
Fixed an issue where the chat filter was not working properly.
Fixed an issue that was responsible for a chat server crash.
Climbing ladder animations are now more in sync with the ladder.
Using /reset while in anima form no longer renders your character unable to resurrect.
Fixed some visual issues seen in London with Tessellation enabled.
Removed the automatic video popups while in the training rooms.
Your pet should now be able to follow you through Agartha without pathing issues.
Fixed a staircase in The Scorched Desert where your character would stop moving near the top while climbing the stairs.
Shadowy Forest : You can no longer look through the bottom of the herb gardens.
Equipping an item should always play a sound now.
Corrected an issue where a few cinematics could remove certain buffs from your character unintentionally.
Fixed an issue where you could accidentally select the wrong dimension to create your character during character creation.
Fixed a crash that occurred on shutdown of the client.
The patcher button now links players to the official forum, and players are now sent to Community and Support pages in their chosen patcher language.
Applying more than one resource at a time should now play the resource added animation correctly.
Fixed an issue with overlapping voices.


Fullscreen mode setting on the patcher should now save for Dx11 users.
Fixed a crash caused by opening/closing the browser and going into fullscreen mode.
Fixed a crash observed when training skills.
You should no longer crash when using energy drinks.
Fixed a crash caused by opening the tradepost window.
Fixed a crash caused while navigating through the storage pages of the tradepost.
TXAA has been disabled in the Video options setting panel, even if you have a 600-series card (like the GTX 680) and the newest beta drivers (304.48).


There is now a popup asking if you would like to buy an item you cannot use.
Dynamic tooltips are now updating correctly on the toolbar as well when players have "Show advanced ability descriptions" both checked and unchecked.
The Run for the Border achievement has been renamed.
The text that warns you that you are about to delete your character is no longer cut off.
Loot confirmation popup windows now display during cinematics.
The Claim Reward button on the Deck tab will work correctly now.
The Health bar tutorial now contains all correct information.
Empty passive skills no longer have a gold border around them.
Fixed the cause of some error text in the tooltip of an item updated with a glyph or signet.
Mission goals are no longer overlapping for multiple missions in the mission tracker GUI.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to lose keyboard input when clicking outside the tradepost while writing a letter.
The inspection GUI no longer shows Faction Rank as undefined.
Missions that are unrepeatable do not show up on the Mission GUI anymore.
Fixed an issue where you could not drag an ability's icon from the ability wheel to your hotbar.
Added missing tooltips to the Savage Coast , Carpathian Fangs, Besieged Farmlands, City of the Sun God, The Blue Mountain, and Shadowy Forest maps.
Fixed an issue where a button on the login screen would overlap the login name field on small resolutions.
Implemented a few new Lore categories.
Double left clicking items that have an ability no longer automatically attaches them to your mouse pointer to move them.
The tutorial window now properly displays information.
Fixed an issue where you may have seen the wrong faction on the character selection screen.
Rank is no longer cutoff in the Members tab of the Cabal Management window.
Stack size no longer appear as a block in the crafting window.
Cursor "cog wheels" no longer light up when you are too far away to interact with an object.
There is no longer a black screen when the player spams the M key to open the map is pressed repeatedly.
Corrected an FPS drop that occurred when opening and closing GUI windows rapidly.
There is a rename GUI that pops up now when you have an invalid name.


Players are no longer able to sprint with their weapons out.
Fixed an issue where the Shotgun Wedding ability had no icon, description, tooltip, and could not be equipped.
Raging Volcano is no longer missing its animation.
When using the ability Blowout the buff icon now appears the same no matter how many resources you have.
Linked Veins no longer heals the player, but his allies, as intended.


Recursia should no longer freeze and fail to summon adds.
Hell Raised : Nightmare version - Adjusted the Corroder encounter difficulty slightly, based on feedback.
The Ankh : Elite - Slightly increased difficulty to make this more of a challenge.
Hell Fallen : The damage numbers have been balanced to make the Golems much more difficult.
The Slaughterhouse door now has a tooltip to show it leads back to The Carpathian Fangs.


Story and faction ranking mission can no longer be shared, as intended.
Missions with prerequisites should no longer appear locked in the GUI when not locked.
Templar : Weapon training missions now update from all groups of demons in the Crucible in London.
Onscreen messages will now show updates for each tier of a mission you are doing, not each task.
Fixed several facial animation issues in cinematics.
Virgula Divina : Players can now enter and exit the dungeon without having their mission paused.
Dawning of an Endless Night now has proper faction-specific mission completion text.
Dawning of an Endless Night : Tier 18 cinematic with Cassandra now displays correctly.
Dawning of an Endless Night : Ami now opens her mouth to speak during her cinematic.
Dawning of an Endless Night : Fixed a crash during tier 15 defend the Savage Coast wards.
London Underground now completes correctly.
After the cinematic that plays once Mara has been killed, the effects no longer have visual issues.
Fixed an issue where your character could become stuck in the Dojang in Seoul.
The van that drops you off now has a better visual look.
Heart of Chaos : The Dragon is now more lifelike during his cinematic!
Total Eclipse : The waypoint marker is no longer offset for tier 9.
Dae-su no longer runs over tables to describe the currently selected weapon.
Dae-su will no longer use incidental dialog choices while describing weapons.
End Game : The female characters lips are now moving with the speech.
The Blue Mountain
The player is now able to assemble the ward on tier 3 of The Light that Blinds.
The Besieged Farmlands
Of the Forest will now update on tier 2 when you go to the Polluted Valley.
City of the Sun God
Black Sun, Red Sand : The mission no longer automatically pauses after reaching Akhenaten. Akhenatan's cinematic will now trigger properly.
Mummy Issues : First temple door for Tier 2 now opens after the guards are defeated.
The Black Pharaoh no longer interrupts himself while casting.
The Carpathian Fangs
Mortal Sins should progress correctly now.
Zen and the Art of Weapon Maintenance : The pop-up now shows the proper image for assembling pistols.
Kingsmouth missions The Hunger and Floater have been locked in this update.
The Occultist's Cookbook : The text located in the instruction booklet now reflects the correct way of assembling with glyphs.
Interacting with the computer in the Kingsmouth Code mission now works as intended.
The Scorched Desert
The locusts now have the correct animations for all of their abilities.
Angels & Demons : Fixed an issue where some users would crash at the end of the warehouse cinematic.
The Fate of al-Merayah : The mission now updates for all team members.
The Savage Coast
The mausoleum in the Wheel of Misfortune instance has had its collision adjusted.
The Black House : All media popups have subtitles now.
The Shadowy Forest
Mortal Sins - Leaving the Dragon's tomb while on tier 15 will no longer prevent mission completion.
Mortal Sins - Dying during Emma's cinematic will no longer make Emma disappear permanently.


Besieged Farmlands : Greenguards return to their original position after attacking enemies.
London : Iain Tibet Gladstone now stands in his correct pose.
Kingsmouth : NPCs at the sheriff's office now have attack animations.
Fixed several NPCs in London who had clothing texture issues.
Using an NPC's incidental dialog will no longer disable other dialogs on the NPC.
Some additonal NPCs will now have conversations when you walk past them and trigger them.
Reduced the difficulty of the Mud Golem in Kingsmouth.
Cassandra King in Kingsmouth has proper textures now.
Kingsmouth : The Draug Warmonger and it's zombies now correctly hate the player spawning them.
Coughing NPCs now have cough audio.


Players can now correctly purchase abilities within Fusang Project.


"Fullscreen mode setting on the patcher should now save for Dx11 users."
And I thought it was just me.


Characters are no longer bald after character creation (unless you chose to be bald)

lol this has still not been fixed in AoC


That's a pretty significant update though. I'm guessing they have been working on it for the last few weeks.
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