Rhomega Beta
I'm morbidly curious.
So wait, will it count as a Simpsons episode or a Family Guy episode? Or will it be first half Simpsons seamlessly leading into second half Family Guy?
No clue. Hopefully more news comes out later this week or around the time the episode airs.So wait, will it count as a Simpsons episode or a Family Guy episode? Or will it be first half Simpsons seamlessly leading into second half Family Guy?
As someone who actually still enjoys Family Guy and The Simpsons I am looking forward to it.
They've actually devoted a handful of episodes in recent years covering the Lisa-Milhouse dynamic (the best being Homer Scissorhands) so it's not as off-putting an idea as it may have been during the classic era when it was clearly just Milhouse's unrequited crush.I really don't understand why the writers constantly try to match Lisa with Milhouse. How it worked in the Lisa's Wedding episode was perfect.
My understanding is that it's an hour-long Family Guy episode. There's a 30-minute Simpsons episode ('Clown in the Dumps', the Season 26 premiere) airing at 8pm that night.So wait, will it count as a Simpsons episode or a Family Guy episode? Or will it be first half Simpsons seamlessly leading into second half Family Guy?
I hope the Simpsons team takes on a couple of Futurama writers for that one.I'm more interested in the Futurama crossover. If Futurama is truly over, at the very least you can say it went out on a high note.
wait wat, only now? I thought they became one show many seasons ago.
[quote="trab pu kcip, post: 120487015"]wait wat, only now? I thought they became one show many seasons ago.[/QUOTE]
I don't like either of the shows currently but they're still tonally different enough that this is just... weird.
wait wat, only now? I thought they became one show many seasons ago.
They didn't need to take on anyone new. They've already got J. Stewart Burns on staff. He wrote such noteworthy Futurama episodes as Roswell that Ends Well (the ep where Fry becomes his own grandfather), My Three Suns (the ep where Fry drinks that one planet's emperor and is declared their new leader) and a number of others. Rest assured that the Futurama characters will be written faithfully.I hope the Simpsons team takes on a couple of Futurama writers for that one.
They didn't need to take on anyone new. They've already got J. Stewart Burns on staff. He wrote such noteworthy Futurama episodes as Roswell that Ends Well (the ep where Fry becomes his own grandfather), My Three Suns (the ep where Fry drinks that one planet's emperor and is declared their new leader) and a number of others. Rest assured that the Futurama characters will be written faithfully.
is there a higher quality version?Promotional poster to hype up The Simpsons panel at San Diego Comic-Con in two weeks...
Oh my god.
"I WARNED YE! DIDN'T I WARN YE? THAT COLORED CHALK WAS FORGED BY LUCIFER HIMSELF!""Uh Oh. That's two independent thought alarms in one day. The children are overstimulated. Willie, remove all the colored chalk from the classrooms"
It's cool to watch old episodes on DVD and notice all the little scenes cut for syndication because they were something like 10 seconds too long. My favorite one is in that episode where Bart becomes a Boy Scout after a night of drinking a Super Squishee and the joke is he wakes up and finds out he joined the Scouts and he say's something to the effect of "Boy, that drink makes you do crazy stuff." and it cuts to Barney waking up in a Sailor's outfit on a submarine saying "Uh oh!"
Same here. Must be a corporate America thing.Haha... I always find this weird because I don't think I've never seen an episode cut for syndication. For some reason or other, they always showed the full episodes here in New Zealand, as far as I can tell.
Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping from the way you worded it, that it would be something related to this.Krusty seems to be the choosen one.
Seems like that's still open speculation seeing how that episode title also hints at the potential death of other Emmy-award winning Simpsons characters like Hyman Krustofsky, Princess Penelope... and I wouldn't even put Sideshow Mel out of the running quite yet.Krusty seems to be the choosen one.
Krusty seems to be the choosen one.
Main reason I've always discounted the logical possibility of it actually being Krusty is that they've already "killed" him off once before in Season 7's Bart the Fink.
Krusty already died once. He can't die again. That's crying wolf and no one will believe it.
Sunday is laundry day.
Sunday is laundry day.