The Real Abed
Just caught up on this season a few days ago. I was happy to see Marge using Bender as a safe. Because we need to remember that from now on, Bender is as much a part of the basement as that giant Olmec head. Forever.
If there's ever a 2nd Simpsons Movie, I would be shocked if Bender isn't featured in it. He'll be employed for visual gags and the like until then.Just caught up on this season a few days ago. I was happy to see Marge using Bender as a safe. Because we need to remember that from now on, Bender is as much a part of the basement as that giant Olmec head. Forever.
Now who will chew through Skinner's ball sack?Farewell Nibbles
Now who will chew through Skinner's ball sack?
Nothing shameful about laughing at gags that work.I feel kinda ashamed for laughing at the snow segment. Had some good jokes.
Only three outright terrible episodes out of 15 is probably a record for the HD era. We've had seasons where we've had three of those in a row.This season hasn't been that bad imo, better than the last.
Do vegetarians eat eggs?
There are certainly mixed opinions about a lot of episodes so you won't find one solid resource for "these episodes are great" / "these episodes should be avoided". I try to break that down as best as possible in the OPs of each of these season threads but, even there, you're going to find some subjectivity in play.I've always been one of those people who is vocally opposed to newer Simpsons episodes, but I've just watched a few of Season 27 - I'm surprised!
When did the quality start going up?
It's still not on par with the older era (although that's probably a bias that I'll find hard to shift) but it's refreshing to see glimpses of good writing - and interesting stories. It's more amazing that I've found myself entertained!
As I've missed out on a lot, is there a decent review source that people tend to trust when it comes to episode rankings? Not just for Season 27, but for the show as a whole?
As for when the quality started going up, I would argue it was when Al Jean decided to give up showrunner duties for 4 episodes a season and let Matt Selman show him what a fresh and motivated approach to the gig would look like. It's actually encouraged Jean to stop phoning it in all the time itself. Season 23 was rocky because it was when Selman was getting his feet wet and Jean was especially complacent outside of Holidays of Future Passed.If you're going to take a chance on recent episodes, don't just grab one at random. Seek out recommended episodes, go in with an open mind (they're not going to equal the classic era) and you might wind up surprised.
Here are seven quick recommendations from earlier this decade...
- The Book Job (Season 23, Episode 6)
- Holidays of Future Passed (Season 23, Episode 9)
- A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again (Season 23, Episode 19)
- Steal This Episode (Season 25, Episode 9)
- Brick Like Me (Season 25, Episode 20)
- Halloween of Horror (Season 27, Episode 4)
- Barthood (Season 27, Episode 9)
The original girl that was set to play Ilsa sounded different than usual to me. And now I can't remember if her name was what it used to be either. But maybe I am thinking of incorrect people.
Don't think it was meant to Janey Powell, but they kind of look similar.
Ah gotcha. I thought it was a situation where the lost the voice actor for Janey so they changed the name and carried on with a new actress.
Was rather disappointed in last night's episode. The main plot was rather trite. Waylon and Julio had no chemistry whatsoever. There were a couple decent jokes here and there but I never felt invested. The unfortunately named Flaming Moe from Season 22 was much better... although I did enjoy the 4th act wrap-up with Smithers giving Milhouse advice on unrequited love in the bar. That was a nice touch.
Speaking of that Casablanca subplot, the twist was a cop out, Bogart kid wasn't exactly funny and it just seemed like another lame vehicle for the writers to throw in a bunch of references to classic cinema that they like to do from time to time.
Thankfully for FOX, there were plenty of bigger disappointments on television last night.
I have high hopes for next week's episode as it's a script from classic era mainstay Jeff Martin... his first since Homer's Barbershop Quartet.
His legacy of episodes includes Three Men and a Comic Book, I Married Marge and Lisa's First Word.
Next week's subplot also seems to feature what may be the show's very first Bart and Maggie-focused storyline.
It did. Shame it had barely any development followed by a terrible ending.I was much more impressed with the Bart-Maggie story, that felt fresher.
It would be one thing if they were able to come up with fresh and witty parodies.Aw the quality went down It's not on 25 levels, but it started so good. I think writers should retire classic cinema and broadway from their references list. They feel so.. anachronic.
Seems that way. Even episodes I was underwhelmed by (and that was one of them as you can tell from my rankings in the OP) seem to win over a handful of people. There have only been 3 to 4 episodes in total that have been dreadfully subpar and that's a minute number compared to many recent HD seasons.I just catched up with "friends with benefits".. Wow, that's what I call a solid episode. Felt season 8-ish. "Better than expected" is the motto of this season isn't it? Sad the cancellation ghost is starting to creep up.
I haven't watched an episode in probably 5 or 6 years (and even back then it was only out of morbid curiosity). I don't just have fond memories of the glory days of Simpsons, I still regularly rewatch the first 8-9 seasons.
I gave a few episodes of this season a shot, but gave up when I went back and watched the first episode, where Homer and Marge break up (again...really?) and he starts dating a pharmacist.
I don't even have words. Like, what happened to this show? Who still watches it and looks forward to it? Every other primetime animated show is leagues better. It's boring, the show moves along like it isn't even interested in its own stories. The characters all deliver phoned in forced jokes to each other and....dude it just is awful.
Can you imagine the legacy Simpsons would have had if it went off the air at Season 10, 11, or 12 at the latest? Man I really want this show to die. That Flanders grand canyon episode was lifeless as hell.
THIS right here is why I tell people to only watch the good episodes and avoid the ones that make them wish the show was dead.I gave a few episodes of this season a shot, but gave up when I went back and watched the first episode, where Homer and Marge break up (again...really?) and he starts dating a pharmacist.
I don't even have words. Like, what happened to this show? Who still watches it and looks forward to it? Every other primetime animated show is leagues better. It's boring, the show moves along like it isn't even interested in its own stories. The characters all deliver phoned in forced jokes to each other and....dude it just is awful.
Can you imagine the legacy Simpsons would have had if it went off the air at Season 10, 11, or 12 at the latest? Man I really want this show to die. That Flanders grand canyon episode was lifeless as hell.