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The solution to my bad NAT on Switch may be bridging a router. How do I do it?


So, I just can't get a good NAT when trying to play online on my Switch. This has happened before with other consoles, but got fixed whenever I switched from wireless connection to cable. On Switch, however, the issue persists in whatever way I connect (I got the official LAN adapter and all).

I tried port forwarding, but Nintendo recommends opening every port, which is a bit weird - and didn't work anyway. UPnP is activated, but I didn't get any positive results as well.

The thing is that the router my ISP provides (a Technicolor 589vn) isn't that great. However, I believe I can fix this issue by connecting a second router and putting it on bridge mode. But how do I do that? I've followed a number of tutorials, but it just isn't happening. I know jack shit about the matter, so that doesn't help. I guess I need someone to grab my hand and show step by step.

The second router I have laying around here (which is the one I intend on using as bridge) is a TP LINK TD-W8968, BTW.

Can anyone help me? I can't wait to stay fresh on Splatoon 2 :(


Research if your ISP uses a custom firmware on the modem instead of a stock one. ISPs often do this and sometimes disable features like bridge mode.
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