So while I still think Vesperia is a solid B rpg, it's become such a chore to play it these days that it really is like work and I can't wait to beat it this weekend so I can give IU a shot. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, since most people are really enjoying Vesperia and that's great for them, but here are my issues with the game.
Basically I loved the game through act.1, liked the characters, was always interested in the next story point because of them, really enjoyed the battles as more and more systems were introduced, really enjoyed playing with the skill system and making longer cooler combos for each element, really enjoyed synthesizing everything to get all the neat skills, enjoyed cooking to learn the new recipies. There was quite a bit to do at all times and for everything you did, you got new cooler stuff in return.
Then around 30 hours in or 50% through the game when my characters were in mid 30s level-wise and I'd gotten almost all the altered skills and almost all the recipes, and there were only a few new moves left to learn and they were spread hours started getting a little boring gameplay-wise. I had basically my "end-game" combos down for each color of enemy and on bosses combos are pointless since they overlimit so much or just ignore your damage so you might as well just spam low hit#, high damage short combos.
So every battle I was doing the same combos over and over and then doing fatal strikes. The enemies didn't get harder, they just started getting more HP so more repetition of the same combos over and over. Even on hard they just had even MORE HP but battles played out the same everytime to the point where you could do it in your sleep.
With no new moves to look forward to, so no real reason to mix around and use all your skills (I VASTLY prefer the Tales games where you get a new ougi by doing 2 tokugis like 500 times each instead of just at a set level, since it keeps you using all your attacks), and no new recipies to learn, battles just felt kinda pointless and I started avoiding a lot of them just to save the time. Skills became a non-interest because 90% of them seemed pointless and I'd never use them, especially since I didn't need them since the battles were so easy and dull. From that Synth became boring too because why bother to waste time running around collecting the items to make a weapon to learn skills you won't use? At some point I realized I wasn't going to have 100% everything (skills, equipment), so I think I stopped caring about stuff that isn't actually useful.
And then there was the plot which just kinda became a generic Tales with no real drive around 30 hours. Save the world, one slow dungeon with tiny plot development every hour at a time, instead of being glued to the seat like act 1, I stopped caring about what was going on since it's pretty obvious how it's all playing out and Vesperia's worldview is just very bland for an rpg world. The characters are solid, but the magic history and all that is bunk.
Also doesn't help that the dungeons are neither exciting in terms of puzzles (most are just run from A -> B with branches for treasures) nor are they breathtaking environments that continue to impress (I took a photo of like 3 areas total so far in Vesperia, compared to most rpgs I take a lot). In BD or LO or Persona or any good rpg I take a moment to go "wow" when I reach a cool looking place, but Vesperia's dungeons are all pretty bland. So there goes another incentive to look forward to when playing.
So at the end of the day my main problem with Vesperia is that while the game is 60 hours+, you pretty much complete/master the gameplay at 30-35 hours in, which leaves 20-30 hours of just doing the same old, same old every battle as you go from A->B in the dungeons and watch a little plot advancement and there's just not anything to look forward to that gives that 'pull' that makes you not want to leave your seat and to just keep playing for hours.
With 99% of the rpgs I play, I play in 5-10 hour sessions each day I sit down with the game. I was like that for the first 20-30 hours of Vesperia. But since then I can barely manage over an hour each time I play and am just hitting 50 hours like 2-3 weeks after hitting 30 hours.
Even if it's not "amazing" Vesperia is a very well made rpg in every aspect, but I feel like I finished it 20 hours ago and wonder why I'm still playing and the story is not over. :\
ps. I know a lot of people say Abyss felt like that too, but I guess I didn't notice it because I was playing Abyss for the next cutscene all the way until the end because the story was really interesting.