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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Maturity, bitches.
Guess all those Swedish Krona my grandmother gave me over the years will finally come in handy.



I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing... Is it because Germany and France don't want to bother with negotiations during their campaign ? Or that UK will prefer to wait for its new partners to start discussing ?
One thing is for sure, we haven't finished hearing Marine Le Pen banging her Frexit drum. Sorry to say that, but it would help us if the next year proves to be difficult for Brits (although Le Pen will probably blame it on the EU, and that "everything will be so much better once they're out !").




I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing... Is it because Germany and France don't want to bother with negotiations during their campain ? Or that UK will prefer to wait for its new partners to start discussing ?

The latter. I don't know if it makes sense to wait more than a year, but filing right away is a no-no, there should be preparations, planning and talks prior to filing (*at least* 6 months).
Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.


Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.
Literally nobody had a leave plan in place.


Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.

1. Leave
2. ?????
3. British Empire


Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.

It's fucking UKIP. Of course they didn't have a plan. They probably thought that union jack coloured flower petals would grow the second the Leave campaign succeeded and every thing was going to be just fine!


Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.

1. Leave
2. Somehow win a majority of MPs in the 2020 General Election to implement whatever plan they might have by then.


Ken Clarke knew that mic was on, he was talking to someone he knew about people they know and using surnames? very clever if you ask me.
Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.

They can't agree on the basics of policy, let alone a strategy for Brexit
Does anyone know if the UKIP actually had a Leave plan in place? Considering they have been running on this for over 2 decades or so, did they ever look ahead what the steps were after leaving? Because I can't find anything about it, and it would seem that if your whole party is based on leaving the EU, it might have been nice to think about what to do if that happens.

Only in the vaguest sense, and more in terms of 'things we might try', rather than 'this is what we'll do and the various steps we'll take to enact these policies'. Hence why it also only seems to be now that a lot of the complications in actually leaving are being realised, because next to no-one - in either the Leave or the Remain camps - actually bothered to look into the possible process beyond 'invoke article 50'.


Only in the vaguest sense, and more in terms of 'things we might try', rather than 'this is what we'll do and the various steps we'll take to enact these policies'. Hence why it also only seems to be now that a lot of the complications in actually leaving are being realised, because next to no-one - in either the Leave or the Remain camps - actually bothered to look into the possible process beyond 'invoke article 50'.

UKIP could have laid out the most intricately detailed plan that everyone agreed on and would be guaranteed to work, and it wouldn't have mattered one bit. Because they have one MP, they have no power whatsoever to implement a plan. Nor do they have a popular mandate to implement any plan.

That said, I do think we need a general election soon for the various political parties to present their Brexit plans, so we can vote on what we want.


Ken Clarke knew that mic was on, he was talking to someone he knew about people they know and using surnames? very clever if you ask me.
I mean there was also he 'leaked' gove letter last week. Clearly there is some kind of media war going on. (both were Sky)


Another one bites the dust

M&G has suspended its property fund.

It' the biggest property fund in the UK (£4.4 billion)

The rest of the property fund market will almost certainly follow overnight or tomorrow.

GBP to USD: 1.30415 at the close.


Knows the Score
I don't understand the Amazon hype. Won't the UK pound be worthless if you buy stuff from other Amazon sites?

unless....you guys are planning to use your Euros on Amazon UK ???? :O



Shit, I really need to get off my ass and exchange some money ahead of a holiday to India around Christmas time. I'm pretty sure I'll have lost around 15% by tomorrow evening as it is.


Another one bites the dust

M&G has suspended its property fund.

It' the biggest property fund in the UK (£4.4 billion)

The rest of the property fund market will almost certainly follow overnight or tomorrow.

GBP to USD: 1.30415 at the close.

I wonder how much is the Central Bank of UK is going to spend in order to hold that 1.30


Property stuff can't be helped by the supposed lead candidate for PM (I doubt she'll get it) suggesting she might cause a hundreds of thousands of sales and sudden fall in rental occupancy.

But sure great negotiation chip there May. Tool.


Another one bites the dust

M&G has suspended its property fund.

It' the biggest property fund in the UK (£4.4 billion)

The rest of the property fund market will almost certainly follow overnight or tomorrow.

GBP to USD: 1.30415 at the close.
I strangely see things like this as a positive.

The more this country is fucked, the less likely article 50 will be activated.


The FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 are really taking a different path. One gained 23 points, the other lost 344.

They normally mirror each other but the FTSE 100 simply has a different exposure to the UK economy.

Ooh, GBP to USD now 1.3036

Edit 1.30255 now. I'd start marinading the shoe leather about now.


I strangely see things like this as a positive.

The more this country is fucked, the less likely article 50 will be activated.

They would have to be insanely stupid to go through with it, if shit is already hitting the fan its going to be monumentally worse as things go along. And they are going to have to live in this country with the rest of us.


I think we are setting ourselves for disappointment.
I doubt that shoe can really live up to the hype.

e: Hit 1.30194 earlier. I can already see the shoe.


They normally mirror each other but the FTSE 100 simply has a different exposure to the UK economy.

Ooh, GBP to USD now 1.3036

Edit 1.30255 now. I'd start marinading the shoe leather about now.

The 100 index has a lot of multinationals that earn in dollars.
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