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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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We mock but this is how she wins. The Tory base really dislike gay marriage and Cameron's social liberalism, and she's making a direct appeal to them on those issues.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I thought Boris Johnson was your Trump. How many Trumps can a country reasonably have?

People make that comparison for physical reasons. Johnson is more our, uh... well, he was never really pro-Brexit but played it up for gain then lost out when it went sour, so our Chris Christie or something?

Farage is our Cruz, that one is easy.




sputum-flecked apoplexy
I think she means she doesn't believe in gay marriage. But accepts that they can have a civil partnership. But gay people being allowed a civil partnership and straight people not is unfair.

You have to remember this comes from the same lady that said she believes homosexuality is a thing but doesn't agree with it. This is why she ticked for and against in the gay marriage vote.

so it basically is just a, 'i would end discrimination by letting white people apply to scholarships set aside for black students' kind of deal
We mock but this is how she wins. The Tory base really dislike gay marriage and Cameron's social liberalism, and she's making a direct appeal to them on those issues.

They also like winning elections, which with those type of policies is unlikely to happen. So I think May will win easy in the end.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
We mock but this is how she wins. The Tory base really dislike gay marriage and Cameron's social liberalism, and she's making a direct appeal to them on those issues.

i for one can't wait for the PLP to say that they need to demonstrate that they're a safe pair of hands for society by announcing their support for stripping marriage rights from LGBT people


i.e we'll lobby the UK Government and Europe for a deal which maintains the EU passporting and if we don't get it we'll be in France or Germany quicker than you can say Guten Tag

If you read between the lines that is pretty much what they mean lol.


They also like winning elections, which with those type of policies is unlikely to happen. So I think May will win easy in the end.

No they don't. Actually the opposite - if they wanted to win elections, Clarke would have won in 1997 and 2001. IDS in particular was a choice of heart over mind.

It's the MPs who focuss on electability and winning over anything else. It's why the Tories are so fast to decapitate leaders. The base is as crotchety and fanatical as every other party.
Leadsom said she did not like the gay marriage law. She would prefer to offer equality by letting heterosexual people have civil partnerships, she said.

This is the Tory Party that was locked in a box by the Coalition for 5 years, folks.

Tonight's Question Time looks like a lot of fun. No UKIP, but both wings of the Labour Party are being represented by Lord Falconer and George Galloway
okay Galloway's still in Respect but give it a few more weeks
, and Ian Hislop's also on to laugh at everyone.

Sal Brinton's on for the Lib Dems, too, so even I'm catered for.

TBH it's looking like Brexit has been sidelined until the Tory leadership election is over - which is a good thing in my book. The more bleak the economic outlook, the more likely the new PM's hand will be forced to block Brexit.

Parity with the Euro should hit home hard enough for most Brexiteers to start to see sense.


Sounds like a nice person.... jeez god help us all if she wins, hopefully Labour can sort out a decent leader and stroll to a win in 2020, because Leadsom will be worse than Corbyn is for Labour to the Conservatives.

I think the important thing to remember here, is that this fine class of politicians, aka the ones that jeopardized the country future for personal political gain, and keep backstabbing each other, and can't seem to come together at massively important times, and have lets say antiquated views, and a severe lack of economic experience, are the politicians that are replacing the corrupt undemocratic EU, and taking the UK back to deliver its people to the bright future of economic and political prosperity that is their god given right.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
This is the Tory Party that was locked in a box by the Coalition for 5 years, folks.

Tonight's Question Time looks like a lot of fun. No UKIP, but both wings of the Labour Party are being represented by Lord Falconer and George Galloway
okay Galloway's still in Respect but give it a few more weeks
, and Ian Hislop's also on to laugh at everyone.

Sal Brinton's on for the Lib Dems, too, so even I'm catered for.

TBH it's looking like Brexit has been sidelined until the Tory leadership election is over - which is a good thing in my book. The more bleak the economic outlook, the more likely the new PM's hand will be forced to block Brexit.

Parity with the Euro should hit home hard enough for most Brexiteers to start to see sense.

a rigorous respect for reality was low on the agenda while Leave was campaigning, why do you expect it to materialise now?


This is the Tory Party that was locked in a box by the Coalition for 5 years, folks.

Tonight's Question Time looks like a lot of fun. No UKIP, but both wings of the Labour Party are being represented by Lord Falconer and George Galloway
okay Galloway's still in Respect but give it a few more weeks
, and Ian Hislop's also on to laugh at everyone.

Sal Brinton's on for the Lib Dems, too, so even I'm catered for.

TBH it's looking like Brexit has been sidelined until the Tory leadership election is over - which is a good thing in my book. The more bleak the economic outlook, the more likely the new PM's hand will be forced to block Brexit.

Parity with the Euro should hit home hard enough for most Brexiteers to start to see sense.

Not the coalition. We actually have to thank Osborne and Camerson for this - it was the heart of their modernization project.
No they don't. Actually the opposite - if they wanted to win elections, Clarke would have won in 1997 and 2001. IDS in particular was a choice of heart over mind.

It's the MPs who focuss on electability and winning over anything else. It's why the Tories are so fast to decapitate leaders. The base is as crotchety and fanatical as every other party.

I was thinking more recently with Cameron and Co. But your probably right in that case Leadsom will win for sure.


Twitter lefties and Lobby hacks are trawling through Andrea Leadsom’s old blog written back before she was an MP. Expect to see her musings taken out of context and spun for the worst possible headline. Guido has had a look himself – she comes over as well-meaning but a little old school. In one blogpost she expresses her discomfort at gay adoption:

“There’s a truly unbelievable story in the paper today, that a young brother and sister… have been turned down for adoption by their own grandparents… If that weren’t enough, the siblings are now to be adopted by two complete strangers against the wishes of the grandparents… And as if that weren’t enough, the two strangers are a gay couple, who have been selected ahead of several heterosexual couples.”
In another post Leadsom rails against political correctness, writing:

“I’m sick and tired of political correctness… I don’t want my daughter to be taught by a woman with a veil covering her face. What’s wrong with wanting to communicate face to face?”
In this well-intentioned article condemning racism, she uses the old-fashioned phrase “coloured people”.

“During my campaign, I had come across a small number of (mostly) young men, who had strongly racist views. They told me they would only vote for a party that was willing to get rid of black and coloured people from this country. What struck me as strange is that they weren’t bothered about the thousands of white Europeans arriving from Central and Eastern Europe”


So Leadsom scares me more then May now.


As others have pointed out, the UK has a very severe lack of negotiators https://twitter.com/colettebrowne/status/750066964425543680 according to that article Britain had 20 trade negotiators against 600 EU ones, it estimates the UK would need between 700 and 750.

Which is likely a low ball estimation, considering the Chinese have said you would need 500 negotiators and 10 years to make a deal with them, similar numbers would not be unreasonable for a trade deal with the US, let us remember the EU which has a lot of experience and isn't in a position of extreme disadvantage, has been trying to make a trade deal with the US now for quite a few years, and those negotiations are expected to last until the end of this decade.

So a 2 year negotiation for EEA is realistically highly unlikely even if the UK had the trained professionals for it, which they don't, let alone have ones with as much experience.

Adding to that the UK is already in a very massively weaker trading position, and by letting the 2 years pass without a EEA deal (as such leaving the EU and entering WTO with tariffs and so on), their position not only becomes weaker but the EU gains even more businesses that will have to move to the EU, so really one can very easily argue that it might not even be in the best interest of the EU to finish a negotiation in those 2 years.

Regarding negotiations for EEA, the reason I think this might not take much time is that the UK is already subject to the rules, we are talking about making adjustments caused by exiting the EU and perhaps there aren't that many to make. That's vastly different from making a trade deal with China or the US.

In fact, the UK is already a contracting party to the EEA agreement through the EU, and it is unclear from the agreement whether the UK will automatically cease to become such a party after it exits the EU, the agreement does not specifically exclude continued membership. The EFTA secretariat was asked to clarify on the matter and apparently they said that there is no definitive answer either, it's up in the air. So, getting to EEA might be easier than we think.

Added: "negotiations for EEA" is perhaps a misnomer, it is just "resolving exit questions assuming the UK continues to be subject to rules of EEA" vs "resolving exit questions assuming the UK won't be subject to rules of EEA", I think the first option might actually be less work for negotiators, not more.
In another post Leadsom rails against treating people with respect, writing:

“I’m sick and tired of treating people with respect… I don’t want my daughter to be taught by a woman with a veil covering her face. What’s wrong with wanting to communicate face to face?”

I love this extension.


I thought it was just something she'd been quoted as saying in like 2013 (not that that makes it any better, but I assumed she'd at least be keeping quiet about it)

She was asked about abstaining (ticking both boxes) in the gay marraige vote the day she said she would run to become new Tory leader. She started spewing the religious homophobic shit then, but in the typical politician way.
Oh Jesus Christ, May's just as bad.


"Picking up on Leadsom’s declaration in her speech that she would let EU nationals who are in the UK legally remain after Brexit (see 9.49am), a spokesman for the May campaign said:

"Andrea Leadsom’s commitment to give permanent residence to foreign criminals is concerning and is exactly the kind of misjudgment that her inexperience can cause. That’s why we need strong, proven leadership – something only Theresa can offer."

here we fucking go


Oh Jesus Christ, May's just as bad.


"Picking up on Leadsom’s declaration in her speech that she would let EU nationals who are in the UK legally remain after Brexit (see 9.49am), a spokesman for the May campaign said:

"Andrea Leadsom’s commitment to give permanent residence to foreign criminals is concerning and is exactly the kind of misjudgment that her inexperience can cause. That’s why we need strong, proven leadership – something only Theresa can offer."

here we fucking go


May: racist
Leadsom: racist homophobe


Oh Jesus Christ, May's just as bad.


"Picking up on Leadsom’s declaration in her speech that she would let EU nationals who are in the UK legally remain after Brexit (see 9.49am), a spokesman for the May campaign said:

"Andrea Leadsom’s commitment to give permanent residence to foreign criminals is concerning and is exactly the kind of misjudgment that her inexperience can cause. That’s why we need strong, proven leadership – something only Theresa can offer."

here we fucking go


Who's better at kicking foreign people out? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT
Oh Jesus Christ, May's just as bad.


"Picking up on Leadsom’s declaration in her speech that she would let EU nationals who are in the UK legally remain after Brexit (see 9.49am), a spokesman for the May campaign said:

"Andrea Leadsom’s commitment to give permanent residence to foreign criminals is concerning and is exactly the kind of misjudgment that her inexperience can cause. That’s why we need strong, proven leadership – something only Theresa can offer."

here we fucking go

Trying to out-nasty each other. This can only end well...


This is the Tory Party that was locked in a box by the Coalition for 5 years, folks.

Tonight's Question Time looks like a lot of fun. No UKIP, but both wings of the Labour Party are being represented by Lord Falconer and George Galloway
okay Galloway's still in Respect but give it a few more weeks
, and Ian Hislop's also on to laugh at everyone.

Sal Brinton's on for the Lib Dems, too, so even I'm catered for.

TBH it's looking like Brexit has been sidelined until the Tory leadership election is over - which is a good thing in my book. The more bleak the economic outlook, the more likely the new PM's hand will be forced to block Brexit.

Parity with the Euro should hit home hard enough for most Brexiteers to start to see sense.

I look forward to Galloway disingenuously claiming he was expelled from the Labour party for "opposing the Iraq war".


i.e we'll lobby the UK Government and Europe for a deal which maintains the EU passporting and if we don't get it we'll be in France or Germany quicker than you can say Guten Tag
Yeah England getting passporting is not going happen.


I think she means she doesn't believe in gay marriage. But accepts that they can have a civil partnership. But gay people being allowed a civil partnership and hetrosexual people not is unfair.

You have to remember this comes from the same lady that said she believes homosexuality is a thing but doesn't agree with it. This is why she ticked for and against in the gay marriage vote.

Because she is a bigot.

Edit: Or at least wants bigots to vote for her.


The Birthday Skeleton
Oh Jesus Christ, May's just as bad.


"Picking up on Leadsom’s declaration in her speech that she would let EU nationals who are in the UK legally remain after Brexit (see 9.49am), a spokesman for the May campaign said:

"Andrea Leadsom’s commitment to give permanent residence to foreign criminals is concerning and is exactly the kind of misjudgment that her inexperience can cause. That’s why we need strong, proven leadership – something only Theresa can offer."

here we fucking go

Oh, ffs. Trying to uptrump Trump, I see. With statements like this I think there is enough basis for invoking article 7 if May is PM. So much for European values.
i.e we'll lobby the UK Government and Europe for a deal which maintains the EU passporting and if we don't get it we'll be in France or Germany quicker than you can say Guten Tag

They're self-serving so of course that's what they mean. But I still can't see it being France.


Regarding negotiations for EEA, the reason I think this might not take much time is that the UK is already subject to the rules, we are talking about making adjustments caused by exiting the EU and perhaps there aren't that many to make. That's vastly different from making a trade deal with China or the US.

In fact, the UK is already a contracting party to the EEA agreement through the EU, and it is unclear from the agreement whether the UK will automatically cease to become such a party after it exits the EU, the agreement does not specifically exclude continued membership. The EFTA secretariat was asked to clarify on the matter and apparently they said that there is no definitive answer either, it's up in the air. So, getting to EEA might be easier than we think.

Added: "negotiations for EEA" is perhaps a misnomer, it is just "resolving exit questions assuming the UK continues to be subject to rules of EEA" vs "resolving exit questions assuming the UK won't be subject to rules of EEA", I think the first option might actually be less work for negotiators, not more.

Considering the special stature of the UK, doubt it would be that simple, but more importantly the vast majority of those 2 years are almost certainly going to be spent resolving the issues of the UK leaving, adding to that unless I'm mistaken EEA access requires an unanimous vote, which is not easy when you have parties that will certainly be interested in having the UK linger in WTO for a while, this ofc even assuming the EU as a whole is not interested in having the UK enter WTO for a while, and it also assumes they also have no interest in negotiating a deal that is worse than what Norway has, which I believe is not the case at all.
We can also safely assume that the UK will try and negotiate a few things for themselves, instead of just taking what ever the EU gives them, which ofc will add more time.
There is also the issue of Scotland, which may very well leave the UK after the UK leaves the EU, which is a new thing for the EU, in fact the entire article 50 process is completely new for the EU, so one can very easily expect delays resulting from that.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Article 7?, is that where the UK goes directly to hell.

Article 7 allows the EU to suspend the voting rights of and impose sanctions on member states it judges as having breached certain fundamental principles - normally democratic norms or human rights. It de facto turns a member into a non-member, at least temporarily.


Article 7 allows the EU to suspend the voting rights of and impose sanctions on member states it judges as having breached certain fundamental principles - normally democratic norms or human rights. It de facto turns a member into a non-member, at least temporarily.

I was right in a way then.


We shouldn't really be surprised they had no plan for a no vote win, there was no plan for the aftermath of a win in Iraq why should this be any different

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Article 7 won't happen, if it does I'll eat my sho...a well done steak. WELL DONE. THE BARBARITY.

yeah, I'm inclined to agree. The EU already has a great bargaining position, it doesn't need to use Article 7 and that would just reflect badly on them. The stop, stop, he's already dead .gif comes to mind.


People make that comparison for physical reasons. Johnson is more our, uh... well, he was never really pro-Brexit but played it up for gain then lost out when it went sour, so our Chris Christie or something?

Farage is our Cruz, that one is easy.

I think Johnson is your Cruz, because, much like Cruz, he pretends to be much more crazy than he really is.

Farage is basically your David Duke. Maybe the British equivalent of Santorum, with some issues swapped around.
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