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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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The Birthday Skeleton
yeah, I'm inclined to agree. The EU already has a great bargaining position, it doesn't need to use Article 7 and that would just reflect badly on them. The stop, stop, he's already dead .gif comes to mind.

I was hyperbolic a bit. I agree, it won't happen.


Sounds like it's purely due to frustrations with the EU, so if they played ball with them more, we'd be dropped in a heartbeat. Hopefully they don't! Or maybe we go to the negotiation table and find out just why the EU haven't made China a priority.

Frustrations with the EU were the reasons for the UK to exit (OK, for me). They are long-term, the EU can't really play ball, so we are safe on that particular front.


Leadsom says that when she becomes PM she will tell Putin he "absolutely needs to abide by international law".

Good luck with that....


Some limited positiveness regarding the (probably not very near) future:

Chinese and British officials flirt with possibility of an early post-Brexit trade deal

"“And to the opportunities in the East, where for centuries British merchants have traded with China for tea, white gold and porcelain as well as with Japan, South Korea and other Asian nations,” said Lord Price." Lord price forgot all that opium they traded XD.

Anyway any deal with china is going to take quite a long time http://shanghaiist.com/2016/06/24/china_brexit_response.php especially considering that right now it's going to be all hands on deck to deal with the EU, also considering the massive negotiating power difference between china and the UK, I have my doubts a mutually beneficial (in the long term) deal would come from it.


can we not protest to push for a general election? I can't see any of these candidates being worth having as unelected PM. They're almost all worse than Cameron.

We're so fucked. The tories will be sitting smugly in their cosy leather armchairs in front of a roaring fire - that fire being the entire country burning down around them. But they'll be happy


can we not protest to push for a general election? I can't see any of these candidates being worth having as unelected PM. They're almost all worse than Cameron.

We're so fucked. The tories will be sitting smugly in their cosy leather armchairs in front of a roaring fire - that fire being the entire country burning down around them. But they'll be happy

I think there will be an election soon no matter what. Even if people are ruling it out now I think it's very possible they aren't being totally honest. No benefit in showing your hand and letting the other parties know when you plan to call an election.

At the end of the day the Tories have a pretty slim majority and the party is still v. divided on the EU. Seems difficult for them to crawl one when they'll be facing frequent rebellions. It's also an easy attack by the opposition that the PM has no mandate and is too scared to face the country etc. Also Labour is a trainwreck right now so I can see them trying to strike while the iron is hot.


... considering the massive negotiating power difference between china and the UK, I have my doubts a mutually beneficial (in the long term) deal would come from it.

Perhaps you meant to say that the deal would likely benefit China more than the UK. That's not a given, negotiation power difference nonwithstanding, because there's no pressure to sign -- but possible. It would be mutually beneficial in either case, because if it isn't, the UK just won't sign it. So, if there is any deal, it would be an improvement upon what the UK has now. But I agree it'll take years even with everything going right.


I just started reading Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin, and it's almost like a reverse Brexit.

Human envoy goes to alien planet trying to recruit them to join Space EU. Planet is inhabited by many David Bowies.


All a GE is going to get you is either a bigger Tory majority or more UKIP.

A large proportion of the shires and Wales. Traditional labour heartland. Voted to leave. To have any chance Labour would have to run with the promise of ignoring those voters. That and them being too shambolic to even run a campaign at the moment.


Perhaps you meant to say that the deal would likely benefit China more than the UK. That's not a given, negotiation power difference nonwithstanding, because there's no pressure to sign it, but possible. It would be mutually beneficial in either case, because if it isn't, the UK just won't sign it. So, if there is any deal, it would be an improvement upon what the UK has now. But I agree it'll take years.

The key point there was the long term, it is not particularly hard to imagine that a UK which is almost certainly going to be suffering some economical problems for the first few years, would take a deal that would ease short term problems, even if it meant long term damage, something which honestly should be quite obvious considering the current political climate in the UK, you had someone like Boris Johnson clearly defending a campaign he didn't believe in, just for political gain.


As with Brutus, the one who wields the knife ends up being skewered himself. Not that I have much love for Johnson or the Tories in general.


I am disappointed that Michael Gove is out of the leadership race.

Can anyone imagine thinking that 2 weeks ago?

Considering Gove likened the N.Ireland peace process to Nazi appeasement, then not really, I'm glad he's not in contention.

Not happy with May or Leadsom either in fairness.

The comments seem sort of weird considering how the Opium wars and Elizabethan-era trade are seen in China, and how much bitterness there still is towards the West for colonialism.

If anything, now that the UK is isolated from the rest of Europe, I'd expect China to finally get back at Great Britain for all the economic bullying it endured a couple of centuries ago. I can't imagine China would go for a deal that's fair and favorable to the UK, especially considering how attractive the narrative of "giving it to the foreigners" would be politically in China.


As with Brutus, the one who wields the knife ends up being skewered himself. Not that I have much love for Johnson or the Tories in general.

Tories fail to learn from their own past. The knife wielded never gets the crown. The only time in recent history that happened is with Thatcher when she challenged Heath in the 70s.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
The comments seem sort of weird considering how the Opium wars and Elizabethan-era trade are seen in China, and how much bitterness there still is towards the West for colonialism.

If anything, now that the UK is isolated from the rest of Europe, I'd expect China to finally get back at Great Britain for all the economic bullying it endured a couple of centuries ago. I can't imagine China would go for a deal that's fair and favorable to the UK, especially considering how attractive the narrative of "giving it to the foreigners" would be politically in China.

Good point. A while ago I read that the core idea behind China's national identity is this sense that they've been humiliated throughout history by other nations.



So what's the best way to learn a foreign language? Use Duolingo to pick up vocab and sentence structure then watch films/read kids books?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Tories fail to learn from their own past. The knife wielded never gets the crown. The only time in recent history that happened is with Thatcher when she challenged Heath in the 70s.

Not true - Keith Joseph was the one who made Heath's position untenable; Thatcher was just the protege. I guess the analogy here is that Keith Joseph is Boris Johnson and Margaret Thatcher is Andrea Leadsom.
On the one hand, Leadsom doing well because of members would be hilarious because it'd be similar to Labour with Corbyn.

On the other she'd be prime minister oh JESUS CHRIST NO NO NO.

Isn't it great that we've created a political system where members choosing their representative emphasises the extremes, because those with the strongest views are the loudest about them? Fun fun fun.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Prime Minister Leadsom is going to happen, isn't it.



So what's the best way to learn a foreign language? Use Duolingo to pick up vocab and sentence structure then watch films/read kids books?

I'd take courses (in person) and watch / read (aloud whenever possible) news in the free time.

Mr Git

So what's the best way to learn a foreign language? Use Duolingo to pick up vocab and sentence structure then watch films/read kids books?

Depends what kind of learner you are. Best way is learn the basics and then immerse yourself in the target country.


All a GE is going to get you is either a bigger Tory majority or more UKIP.

A large proportion of the shires and Wales. Traditional labour heartland. Voted to leave. To have any chance Labour would have to run with the promise of ignoring those voters. That and them being too shambolic to even run a campaign at the moment.

its an uphill struggle, but you need to explain to those voters why voting leave is a mistake and will not actually deliver what they think it will - i.e more control, more jobs, more security. Precisely the opposite.

This just seems like the worlds worst thought through protest vote.


Neo Member
or.... GOD!


Nah, he's got this covered.


Tories fail to learn from their own past. The knife wielded never gets the crown. The only time in recent history that happened is with Thatcher when she challenged Heath in the 70s.

That is very true, although Thatcher was a real piece of work. That said, it does amaze me as someone who studied classical studies in secondary school (classics basically in Ireland) that the Tories never seem to take heed from history, whether recent or ancient. Why is that? Arrogance? Foolishness? Blind optimism? I'd be curious to know why.

Juicy Bob

Good news: Britain will soon have a woman Prime Minister again.

Bad news: it's not going to be Nicola Sturgeon or Caroline Lucas.


So, Leadsom, the racist homophobe, versus May, who thinks the racist homophobe isn't racist enough, being soft on those foreign criminals.

Whoever wins, we lose. Fuck this country.


Good news: Britain will soon have a woman Prime Minister again.

Bad news: it's not going to be Nicola Sturgeon or Caroline Lucas.

I can imagine Nicola Sturgeon's first initiative (Scotland referendum). And second as well (thanks, folks, with Scotland leaving I am not fit for this position, I am sure you all understand).

guys, guys guys.

Just go to the pub.

It'll all be fine.

Go whilst you're at work. Then go back again in the afternoon. And evening.

You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.


Well guys its in the hands of the tory party membership now....



guys, guys guys.

Just go to the pub.

It'll all be fine.

Go whilst you're at work. Then go back again in the afternoon. And evening.

You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.

this is my plan
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