I really don't think wanting to leave the EU is a far-right belief.was pretty much verbatim BNP policy if i remember correctly. the new PM doesn't even rule out deporting existing EU citizens for god's sake.
And why would she? that would be bad negotiation. I recall she saying that the security and status of all EU citizens in this country would be assured once the status of British citizens in EU states are assured too.
because it's utterly disgusting to imply that people who chose to come here could be thrown out because of a decision they weren't even allowed to vote in. their position should be safe irrespective of them being used as bargaining chips.
I really don't think wanting to leave the EU is a far-right belief.
Boris for Foreign Secretary is legitimately peak shambles.
That's politics ¯_(ツI'm starting to get a bit fed up of Tory party bollocks, it's spoiling the outlook for my kids.
I really don't think wanting to leave the EU is a far-right belief.
Not seeing the utter disaster that everyone else is. Foreign Sec has been split into three jobs and given to Brexiters, a nice easy scapegoat when brexit inevitably fucks more shit up.
Meanwhile the other announced posts just appear to be standard MPs, shuffled about a bit.
Are people really so worried about Boris? The guy was London mayor for two terms, a large part of which was foreign relations, and nothing much terrible happened. In the end the best outcome from this would be negotiations so poor that a50 has no chance of being activated, so even bad performance could have a silver lining.
the government isn't far right. It's certainly hard right. David Davis is the Corbyn of the Conservative Party, for example.
leaving the EU and massively restricting immigration is pretty much my idea of the far right, which is what the govt want to do.
Daft Racists said:They think they can get away with ruining our country, turning us into a Third World country, giving away our homes, jobs and heritage, but they will face the wrath of the Britain First movement, make no mistake about it!
We will not rest until every traitor is punished for their crimes against our country.
And by punished, I mean good old fashioned British justice at the end of a rope!
Am I ignorant or does it seem that the UK is heading towards an Alan Moore dystopian version of itself?
I think the fairest way to put it is not all people who want to leave the EU are far-right, but pretty much the entirety of the far-right in this country wanted to leave the EU.
Any cabinet with Liam Fox is hard right.I wouldn't say that. Corbyn would never have made it anywhere near the front benches had he not been voted leader, whereas Davis would have a place in any Conservative cabinet. Corbyn was (and some may say still is) much, much further out in the fringe of his party than Davis is in his.
I hope David Davis gets what he thinks is Possible. Free trade agreements with about 10 countries before we leave and full access to the EU free trade area.
I wouldn't say that. Corbyn would never have made it anywhere near the front benches had he not been voted leader, whereas Davis would have a place in any Conservative cabinet. Corbyn was (and some may say still is) much, much further out in the fringe of his party than Davis is in his.
She's stitching the Brexiter's up, right?
Yup 1922 entrenches the hard right plus the membership.That's because the Conservative hard right have always been more powerful within their own party than the Labour hard left, though, so centrist Conservatives have always had to pander to them more than e.g. Blair had to to Corbyn.
She's stitching the Brexiter's up, right?
No, he shouldn't be doing that yet.
Leavers must be glad we have a foreign secretary with Turkish ancestry!!!11!
Does seem foolish at this point
You can just say cunt for short. Everyone knows who the king cunt is.He's a brash blonde new yorker that's shaken your political establishment
He's a brash blonde new yorker that's shaken your political establishment
Juicy Bob said:This is not Remainer salt...
The term Brexiters makes me sick. It makes it look as if a) they have any idea what they're doing and b) that this is some kind of adventure.
Yeah, losing the ability to ever get my own house is certainly looking promising.
No, he shouldn't be doing that yet.
We're the laughing stock of the western world. Stay living in the 1870s....it's Pacific dredged, triple filtered, individually hand sifted Remainer salt.
It's a gamble, but it might pay off if things go really tits up and he ends up looking prescient.
Who? The Guardian and?Liam Fox is a disgrace. It's awful that he has been allowed back in to government. I hope journalists don't let him get away with it.
Another idiot that doesn't understand how this works.