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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Yeah. The UK as a global power has been done for years. Brexit isn't the cause, it's what will finally make that apparent.

England especially, is as relevant to modern civilisation as Greece and Italy is.

Those two countries cannot print their own money and there's another shit storm coming. I don't think the German taxpayer is going to take anymore beating. UK at least can still print and eventually adjust to economic conditions ahead.
Those two countries cannot print their own money and there's another shit storm coming. I don't think the German taxpayer is going to take anymore beating. UK at least can still print and eventually adjust to economic conditions ahead.

To be fair I was more talking internationally, not domestically. The UK economy will have to drop considerably to even come close to the Greek one.

Doesn't change the fact that on the world stage, we are pretty much irrelevant now


Several weeks later and I'm still in complete shock when I see these articles crop up. I cannot comprehend what a large chunk of the population voted upon themselves.

My kinda welsh girl believes that every single article that is saying anything negative about the effects of the brexit, is just blatent fear mongering and its just all a lie or blown up. She also believes that all the points that remain made where bullshit. She voted leave and celebrated after.

This the kinda people England Is dealing with. I personaly can't believe she is so freaking stupid.
Quiche keeps popping in and out.

It moves pretty fast these days!

But yeah I'm not sure what to say anyway. Everything seems fine so far. That "dead cat bounce" everyone was so sure about turned out to be more of a return to the norm. Markets and sterling heading in the right direction and new government that seems to be keen with getting on with things. If you looked at Gaf you'd think the sky was falling in, but really thingsarelookingprettygood.gif


OK, so fuck those poor people. And the ones that voted to remain in the "good" cities, but are poor?

Then they should get out on the streets and protest. They have a possible 6 months before article 50 is invoked, that is more than enough time to get them to back down from Brexit all together.

Mr Swine

My kinda welsh girl believes that every single article that is saying anything negative about the effects of the brexit, is just blatent fear mongering and its just all a lie or blown up. She also believes that all the points that remain made where bullshit. She voted leave and celebrated after.

This the kinda people England Is dealing with. I personaly can't believe she is so freaking stupid.

When it gets worse, just say you said so and celebrate :p


It moves pretty fast these days!

But yeah I'm not sure what to say anyway. Everything seems fine so far. That "dead cat bounce" everyone was so sure about turned out to be more of a return to the norm. Markets and sterling heading in the right direction and new government that seems to be keen with getting on with things. If you looked at Gaf you'd think the sky was falling in, but really thingsarelookingprettygood.gif

Well tbf, nothing has actually happened yet.

Once a50 has been triggered and the exit is assured, we'll see changes. Until then, there won't be much changes.


It moves pretty fast these days!

But yeah I'm not sure what to say anyway. Everything seems fine so far. That "dead cat bounce" everyone was so sure about turned out to be more of a return to the norm. Markets and sterling heading in the right direction and new government that seems to be keen with getting on with things. If you looked at Gaf you'd think the sky was falling in, but really thingsarelookingprettygood.gif

The sky is falling in and those under it should be left to die because it's their own fault.

That's the next thread's title.


It moves pretty fast these days!

But yeah I'm not sure what to say anyway. Everything seems fine so far. That "dead cat bounce" everyone was so sure about turned out to be more of a return to the norm. Markets and sterling heading in the right direction and new government that seems to be keen with getting on with things. If you looked at Gaf you'd think the sky was falling in, but really thingsarelookingprettygood.gif
Right now there is a lot of political fallout and a great deal of anxiety among the public about their economic security. And this is before article 50 has been triggered and before the UK needs to actually negotiate their post-Brexit trade relations etc. There's a long way to go yet before anyone can say "so far so good."


Then they should get out on the streets and protest. They have a possible 6 months before article 50 is invoked, that is more than enough time to get them to back down from Brexit all together.

Totally, but we were talking about he Labour membership fee....


Well tbf, nothing has actually happened yet.

Once a50 has been triggered and the exit is assured, we'll see changes. Until then, there won't be much changes.
The new government are being quite clear about their intentions. It's not as if the markets can't see exactly where things are headed.

People should be relieved that the doomcrying has thus far been largely unwarranted.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
It moves pretty fast these days!

But yeah I'm not sure what to say anyway. Everything seems fine so far. That "dead cat bounce" everyone was so sure about turned out to be more of a return to the norm. Markets and sterling heading in the right direction and new government that seems to be keen with getting on with things. If you looked at Gaf you'd think the sky was falling in, but really thingsarelookingprettygood.gif

I think "everything seems fine so far" is probably a wee bit on the optimistic side!

My import costs have gone up at least 10% for starters. You won't see it yet, but wholesalers are under particular pressure, and this will funnel through to a lot of independent retailers over the next few months. Difficult times.

I grant you, the sky hasn't fallen in, but cracks are showing (speaking of cracks in the sky - are you reading UNSONG?).

The anticipated political turmoil is out in full force though, and should get really interesting late September.

I'm wrestling with my conscience to try and work out what a "good" brexit will look like. I'll try to post about that at a bit more length over the weekend.


The Birthday Skeleton
The new government are being quite clear about their intentions. It's not as if the markets can't see exactly where things are headed.

What's clear? Where are things headed? What kind of trade deal? EEA or Turkey because of rejecting free movement? Financial passport yes or no? Article 50 triggered in December, next year or longer in the future?

Nothing relevant is happening yet.


My kinda welsh girl believes that every single article that is saying anything negative about the effects of the brexit, is just blatent fear mongering and its just all a lie or blown up. She also believes that all the points that remain made where bullshit. She voted leave and celebrated after.

This the kinda people England Is dealing with. I personaly can't believe she is so freaking stupid.

I mentioned in another thread, that my Mother in law professed that after my wife lost her position it was all a conspiracy, and the company was just using Brexit as an excuse. A lot of people won't accept any negative consequences as being anything other than lies.
Yes, and others - something that often goes unsaid. I appreciate it's easy to look down on the UK right now but there's a lot of us here that didn't vote for it and certainly don't support the movement yet could very well be seriously affected because of it.
The thing is: No one cares in the end.

Heck, only 43.9% of the Germans voted for the NSDAP in 1933 (52% of the British voted for Brexit), and unlike the Brexit referendum that was in a time when SS goons were literally marching in the streets as deputy policemen with attack dogs and SA troopers were constantly cracking down on any democratic party. Did anyone care then, later or now that most of the Germans didn't vote for the Nazis before they completely took over? Nope. The still prevalent German = Nazi stereotype shows it.

The majority of the British voters voted for Brexit and that is how the world will look at you and remember this mess.


Good Morning!

Just saw this:


After becoming energy minister in 2015, Leadsom admitted having asked officials whether climate change was real.

“When I first came to this job one of my two questions was: ‘Is climate change real?’ and the other was ‘Is hydraulic fracturing safe?’ And on both of those questions, I am now completely persuaded,” she told the all-party parliamentary group on unconventional gas and oil in October last year.


I'd have said we all dodged a bullet, but she is still in cabinet.
I mentioned in another thread, that my Mother in law professed that after my wife lost her position it was all a conspiracy, and the company was just using Brexit as an excuse. A lot of people won't accept any negative consequences as being anything other than lies.

This is why I don't buy the idea that this will be some kind of wake up call for the British public. They'll just stick their head in the sand and ignore it or pass the blame onto somebody else.
The pound has risen because protracted leadership campaigning hasn't had to happen (and no one cares what's happening to Labour) and Carney is holding off on slashing rates. The (non-immediate) slide was a result of the BoE's initial signalling of a rate cut, which will still happen just not yesterday. Stocks have risen because where else are you going to get a return? And it's specific to certain industries.

Juicy Bob

Andrea Leadsom suggests men should not be nannies because they may be paedophiles

"As an employer we’re not, let’s face it, most of us don’t employ men as nannies, most of us don’t," she said.

"Now you can call that sexist, I call that cautious and very sensible when you look at the stats. Your odds are stacked against you if you employ a man.

"We know paedophiles are attracted to working with children. I’m sorry but they’re the facts."
I think she needs a nanny to help stop her from saying stupid shit on a daily basis.
But really, how can any of us be safe Leadsom, until you just make it illegal for men to be outside without an armed escort (presumably of women).

We're probably all just waiting for that moment where you're not paying attention to your children, then boom.

[/s] harder


This is why I don't buy the idea that this will be some kind of wake up call for the British public. They'll just stick their head in the sand and ignore it or pass the blame onto somebody else.

It's like a religion with many people, which is something I can't understand. I am at least willing to accept the possibility that Britain can be successful outside of the EU, though I haven't seen any compelling evidence pointing to that yet.
Doesn't change the fact that on the world stage, we are pretty much irrelevant now

Our position is waining for sure, but irrelevant? P5 UN Security Council, Founding NATO member, G7/8/20, Commonwealth, US "special relationship", Nuclear Subs (if we renew Trident), and we haven't lost the financial power of The City, yet.

As much as I voted Remain and firmly believe we are better within the EU, I'm also something of a realist - there'll be a period of readjustment and our position on the world stage will be lessened (hard not to be), but we will survive. Give it 20 years or so post Brexit and we'll have our economy and position on the world stage suitably refocused.

The most important thing to us right now is London. It is the de facto capital of the world. If we loose that then our position might be in serious jeopardy.

I think we'll end up with a fudged token Brexit. We'll be full members of the EU in all but name and voting rights.
I am at least willing to accept the possibility that Britain can be successful outside of the EU, though I haven't seen any compelling evidence pointing to that yet.

Yes, I agree, Britain will be successful outside the EU. Not as successful (depending on your measuring of success) as we could within the EU, but we're not going to turn into Greece over night. Our problem now is a forced and painful refocusing of the economy. It'd take time but I'm sure we'd come out of it in a relatively good position.

(I think I've worked through the stages of grieve and have made it to acceptance ;))
Being P5 on the security council is a pretty undeserved relic of past relevance these days. Frankly the only two that matter on it are China and the US. Maybe Russia. Ask Uganda.

Forgive an aging man a moment of blind patriotism, they don't happen often. Financially at least I'd say we are. It's a lot to loose.

Had a little further thought on this.

It really does sum up the problem of Brexit. London defines Britain on both the Domestic and International stage. Internationally our importance disappears with London, domestically the Capital has grown too big and we've become too reliant on its wealth. In that context you can see why Brexit happened.

Juicy Bob

I get that people have legitimate concerns about child welfare, but there's just no sense of nuance with these Tories. At all.

They look at every issue solely at face value.


My kinda welsh girl believes that every single article that is saying anything negative about the effects of the brexit, is just blatent fear mongering and its just all a lie or blown up. She also believes that all the points that remain made where bullshit. She voted leave and celebrated after.

This the kinda people England Is dealing with. I personaly can't believe she is so freaking stupid.

Does it make you think less of her?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Andrea Leadsom said:
"As an employer we’re not, let’s face it, most of us don’t employ men as nannies, most of us don’t," she said.

Well, she's spot on correct there. Most of us don't employ men as nannies - because most of us can't afford to employ nannies.

Quite apart from the rest of it, what bloody planet are you on woman?


Honestly, I'm tired. It seems all the good people are too distracted and the awful pieces of shit are left running around.

There were rumours on Thursday that Jeremy Hunt would be sacked as health secretary, but he was later confirmed in his post, tweeting, ‘“rumours of my death have been exaggerated” and that he was thrilled to be back “in the best job in government”.

One well-placed NHS official said: “We were told this morning [Thursday] that he was going. Everybody was hoping that he would move on and everyone was expecting that he would move on. But then we were stumped that he was being retained. People were genuinely surprised. Hunt staying was clearly not the plan.”
I suppose the rumours that no one else wanted the job could be true.
I'm not sure why anyone's criticising Leadsom for implying male nannies are pedos. She's a mother, so of course she's correct. She's got to be correct, she's a mother. This makes her views better than ours.

Interesting that was from the original mother interview - I presume the Times knew if she stayed in the contest another week, they could properly sink her with this.
Interesting that was from the original mother interview - I presume the Times knew if she stayed in the contest another week, they could properly sink her with this.
Might even be why she dropped out. Once audio started being released, she must have known this would come next.



Just like no one wants the job of actually triggering article 50 as it would focus too much blame on them, I imagine no one wants the job of actually destroying the NHS even if they all fantasise about it at Right-wing Lunch-club every week.

It must be hard, they have lackeys to do all the other unpleasant stuff in life, but this they can't actually pay someone to do.


Yeah. The UK as a global power has been done for years. Brexit isn't the cause, it's what will finally make that apparent.

England especially, is as relevant to modern civilisation as Greece and Italy is.

Even less so, because at least Greece and Italy have a tourism industry that isn't mostly localised to their capital cities. :p

Are you high?
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