If I posted something along the lines of
"A lot of people who voted remain aren't against kicking out the foreigners, but know that the EU is the only thing holding back the lizard people."
then I would be jumped on too. And rightly so.
You're stereotyping 17million voters as anti-immigration though
That's blatantly false
You can't lump 17million people into one category like that when I know from conversations with professionals (not lumberjacks or joe the plumber but highly educated people here - again another stereotype that those voted leave are uneducated did the rounds)
I was quite happy sitting on the fence listening to both sides of the argument.
And it was entertaining to say the least between some staff members.
And quite often when immigration got raised by the anti-eu.
The Pro EU staff member would say exactly that "Oh you just want to kick all the foreigners out"
Which sitting on the fence enjoying the argument - he wasn't saying at all!
*edit - added: The Pro EU are far too eager to wave the anti-immigration stick around when there was a number of voters trying to talk the point for controlled migration or just against the EU ideology and bureaucracy
But it's far easier to label them all as racist xenophobes - I get it