To be fair, Farage is not dumb. He's just an opportunistic cunt. You'd have to be dumb not to hedge your bets at this point.
What exports?
Makes sense. His wife and kids will have to leave anyway to stop foreigners from taking British Jobs. He might as well follow them.
What exports?
Farage, apparently.What exports?
I am sorry, but: Our intelligence agency is neither capable enough to spot, nor well-funded enough to hire (or train) talent of that caliber.What if Farage was a German spy all along?
You'd think even if he was seeking German citizenship that he'd still deny it. The fact that he didn't is pretty astonishing given his character.
So Nigel is the equivalent of a hit and run driver or something? Robs everyone's EU citizenship and still wants the benefits for himself and his children? What about everyone else's children? Also, he knocked down the economy and is now frantically driving away.
Can anyone who understands the economic mess say if this shit will get any better soonish?
Ok UK, you got us. You'll get whatever you demand if you just make sure that Farage stays away from Germany.
Sorry, but those terms are unacceptable.Ok UK, you got us. You'll get whatever you demand if you just make sure that Farage stays away from Germany.
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Oi, don't go bringing that non-pessimism in here!
QuicheFontaine said:Oi, don't go bringing that non-pessimism in here!
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Oi, don't go bringing that non-pessimism in here!
There's a difference between pessimism and realism.
This is like seeing a tsunami on the horizon and thinking the waves will attract surfers and boost the economy.
We haven't left yet or even started to leave.
Uh huhEmployment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
There is, and there's a lot of pessimists in here! Remember the "dead cat bounce"? What happened there?
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Trumpets doesn't care. They'll keep drive-by posting to reaffirm their worldview and vanish before the wave of refutation comes.Uh huh
How many times has this been covered now? Anyone keeping count?
Employment is up, the FTSE 100 is on a 14 month high and heading towards 7000, the FTSE 250 is up 3% since Brexit.
What a mess, eh?
Sorry, what was I thinking? I'll stab myself in the foot with a fork until I attain the correct level of pessimistic gloom to take part.
And as for employment, we just got the figures for the month ending June. That means there's only a week of post-Brexit world to three weeks of pre-Brexit, and the economy had been steadily improving until the referendum, so it's difficult to draw any conclusions. There is a little silver lining in there in that the fundamentals appeared to be okay going into this and that's obviously better than if we attempted to do this with an already poor economy, but we won't have any strong evidence of impact on unemployment either way until mid-October, given the speed the labour market moves at.
I reserve the right to bookmark all these posts about "realism not pessimism" come mid-October, mind.
Errrr, guys
Case closed.
Good ol' Russian tactics right here. "We don't need them, we're good enough on our own. Look at our medals".