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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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not tag worthy
Oh yeah we are on a roller coaster until March... 2019!


i dont thing this works. Every single statement from belivable polititians and experts explains how brexit is unavoidable after the poll. People with money are no fools and usually know how to keep it. But there is no sign of pessimism in the market. So, they must think there are opportunities here, right?

I think they are hoping to get in there and make some money.

We could actually get loads trade from other countries now and they will want in.

Fuck knows, I'm being optimistic I can do this to myself I'm in a fuck it mode
i dont thing this works. Every single statement from belivable polititians and experts explains how brexit is unavoidable after the poll. People with money are no fools and usually know how to keep it. But there is no sign of pessimism in the market. So, they must think there are opportunities here, right?
They bet on a Norway type scenario and everything else being noise. May could still be posturing right now, but if the threat of single market withdrawal / loss of fin. passport becomes real, you will see & feel very real consequences.


Hard Brexit? Where are you getting that from?


Well it sounds like May is on full on hard Brexit mode. No wish to have the EU have any influence over us, and for any kind of trade deals we would need to make compromises. This sounds like no compromises and a very difficult future ahead for us all. Talk of letting us label food however we want (say goodbye to all that pointing out how unhealthy our food is as the food lobby bribes our MPs to get rid of that pesky shit, and so on).

I'm Scottish and the thought of the Tories having complete say over our fate is fucking chilling. EU oversight has been the main thing making the world not such a bad place as England becomes more introspective and goes backwards. That will be no more and Scotland will absolutely get fucked left right and centre u less we leave and maintain our EU ties. I hope to god we're not fooled again in the impending second referendum. No one here wants Tories, no one here likes the Tories no one wants to see the many positive elements of our society disintegrated under the Tories. We need independence. Fuck this shit.


Oh yeah we are on a roller coaster until March... 2019!


I wish!

We're on Mrs May's Wild Ride.

And as we all know...


Nah but seriously we won't be seeing the end of Brexit bullshit until at least five years from now, the ramifications going even further than that.


i dont thing this works. Every single statement from belivable polititians and experts explains how brexit is unavoidable after the poll. People with money are no fools and usually know how to keep it. But there is no sign of pessimism in the market. So, they must think there are opportunities here, right?

The government will spend a fortune to try and avoid disaster, so a few more years of the status quo and then money and tax breaks being thrown around for a few more after that.
Just think, there's an alternative world where at least 3% of the population voted differently and we all quietly went back to how it was before. Still a bunch of idiots whining about the EU, but at least we were relatively stable and not on an emotional and financial rollercoaster.
There's an alternate universe where Britain is fully into the European project, Euro and Schengen and all. Constants and variables. And where Nigel Farage loves the EU.

I wonder if a lower turnout would mean a Remain win, I believe the turnout was higher than a general election so the polls were off. People disenfranchised with politics seized their chance to mess everything up.


There's an alternate universe where Britain is fully into the European project, Euro and Schengen and all. Constants and variables. And where Nigel Farage loves the EU.

I wonder if a lower turnout would mean a Remain win, I believe the turnout was higher than a general election so the polls were off.

In Star trek DS9 maybe.


There's an alternate universe where Britain is fully into the European project, Euro and Schengen and all. Constants and variables. And where Nigel Farage loves the EU.

OK time to build a particle accelerator, cause an explosion, and get struck by lightning in a room of chemicals in the ensuing storm 😉


not tag worthy
Just my luck this year I'll win the lottery and the pound will have devalued so much it won't be worth anything lol


Good read: Theresa May’s “Great Repeal Bill”: Some preliminary thoughts
The overarching message that has emerged from today’s speeches at the Conservative Party conference is that the Government is single-mindedly committed to an executive-led withdrawal process, and is unprepared to tolerate interference in that process by either Parliament or the devolved institutions. Of course, there is one institution — the UK Supreme Court — whose interference the Government may have to tolerate whether it likes it or not. By the end of this year, the Court is likely to have ruled on the question whether the Government has the power to trigger Article 50 without parliamentary authorisation. If the Court rules that Parliament must be involved, then the constitutional landscape envisioned today in the Prime Minister’s speech will alter significantly, and the Government’s plans will have to be revisited accordingly. But if the Government is permitted to go ahead and trigger Article 50 without reference to Parliament, then today’s speech will have served to make the broad outline of what lies ahead — at least as far as the mechanics are concerned — a little clearer.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

If the Supreme Court allows Article 50 to be considered an act of royal prerogative, it would be perhaps the greatest concession of power from the legislature to the executive in UK history. David Davis would be able to effectively singlehandedly rewrite over 40 years over British law with no real oversight. I can't imagine much worse; it's quasi-dictatorial in the extent of the powers given.


If the Supreme Court allows Article 50 to be considered an act of royal prerogative, it would be perhaps the greatest concession of power from the legislature to the executive in UK history. David Davis would be able to effectively singlehandedly rewrite over 40 years over British law with no real oversight. I can't imagine much worse; it's quasi-dictatorial in the extent of the powers given.

It really is a chilling thought.


If the Supreme Court allows Article 50 to be considered an act of royal prerogative, it would be perhaps the greatest concession of power from the legislature to the executive in UK history. David Davis would be able to effectively singlehandedly rewrite over 40 years over British law with no real oversight. I can't imagine much worse; it's quasi-dictatorial in the extent of the powers given.

Hey, but at least you'd be free from these undemocratic Eu beaurocrats.


not tag worthy
Hey the Brits will now know who to put their knives into when things go bad. They cannot blame a faceless representative in Brussels. I call that a bargain.

Oh don't worry the Tories will pass a law saying we cannot blame them.

Over Ten years I'd imagine the changes happen.

Maybe not maybe they leave the EU and bam bowlerhats Victorian sweatshops for kids and the upper class are able to hunt the working classes.
Hey the Brits will now know who to put their knives into when things go bad. They cannot blame a faceless representative in Brussels. I call that a bargain.

They will be busy blaming the EU for not giving the deal they deserved...

Expect the sells for Thatcher action figures and telephones to explode.


Pound taking a tanking. I think it'll improve from this position over the day, but 30 year low territory against the dollar just now.


not tag worthy
This would be hilarious , if we weren't living through this.

I hope we can look back on this in a few years time on one of our heavily sanctioned lunches and breaks and laugh at this whole debacle. Not too much or May and co might feed us to the wolves.


What I don't get is the mixed messages from the Government, Hammond is about to announce he is dropping the chase to be in surplus financially, and invest this money in house building....

however if we are going hard brexit it stands to reason that it would be sensible to just see what the population does, as if Neo Gaf is representative everyone is going to up and leave!


What I don't get is the mixed messages from the Government, Hammond is about to announce he is dropping the chase to be in surplus financially, and invest this money in house building....

however if we are going hard brexit it stands to reason that it would be sensible to just see what the population does, as if Neo Gaf is representative everyone is going to up and leave!

This is the UK, expect resistance to major house building projects so start early.


Nah, I'm sorry, it's Another World, Brexit edition.

In the end UK and US (Buddy) will ride a dragon into the sunset. Thus it is written in the holy scriptures.

Another World (and Heart of the Alien) spoilers:

Lester is wounded at the end of Another World, recovers a bit but then dies in Heart of the Alien)

Perhaps not the most encouraging metaphor.


not tag worthy
What I don't get is the mixed messages from the Government, Hammond is about to announce he is dropping the chase to be in surplus financially, and invest this money in house building....

however if we are going hard brexit it stands to reason that it would be sensible to just see what the population does, as if Neo Gaf is representative everyone is going to up and leave!

Brilliant irony of ironies Brexit turns us into mass immigrants..

"Yeah I know the UK were dicks about it...I voted to remain, oh you mean I actually have to remain ??"

Oh and they flood the housing market with cheap property meaning anyone who brought a house prebrexit loses money.

Sadness is real


Brilliant irony of ironies Brexit turns us into mass immigrants..

"Yeah I know the UK were dicks about it...I voted to remain, oh you mean I actually have to remain ??"

Sadness is real

I'm more sad about all the spending to head off failure that could have been spent earlier to boost communities and avoided some of this anger.

We have future austerity to look forward to I imagine after this all settles down.


I'm more sad about all the spending to head off failure that could have been spent earlier to boost communities and avoided some of this anger.

We have future austerity to look forward to I imagine after this all settles down.

too late now, there are only so many teachers and doctors/nurses....

There was a report in my local rag last week bemoaning that there are 39 GP vacancies unfilled, and they can not find anyone


too late now, there are only so many teachers and doctors/nurses....

There was a report in my local rag last week bemoaning that there are 39 GP vacancies unfilled, and they can not find anyone

Did they ask local politicians what they intended to do about it?


not tag worthy
Tak3n has a pro Brexit and austerity MP if I remember correctly, he sorted out an incinerator or something.
An incinerator ? To burn the ill and decrepit, oh don't worry about finding jobs we will just get rid of the ill.
thanks brexit.


An incinerator ? To burn the ill and decrepit, oh don't worry about finding jobs we will just get rid of the ill.
thanks brexit.

oh it gets better, it got cancelled, but my local council had pre agreed with the company, so had to pay 34 million in cancellation costs!

seriously.... and not one of them were held legally to account, then they were going to do an inquiry, but that got halted as well


oh it gets better, it got cancelled, but my local council had pre agreed with the company, so had to pay 34 million in cancellation costs!

seriously.... and not one of them were held legally to account, then they were going to do an inquiry, but that got halted as well


Almost a million each to train the vacant doctor positions.


On SKy News now

Head of political research @ YouGov Joe Twyman

You should only hold a referendum when you are absolutely sure of the result. The referendum ended up being about the dissatisfaction with the Government, and not the issue on the ballot paper


Saying that I was speaking to a passing acquaintance last week who I occasionally run into dog-walking. He expressed the opinion that hopefully now we're leaving the EU we can ditch the metric system.

I just smiled and gritted my teeth, sigh

Juicy Bob

C'mon man, that's pretty harsh
I never realised how many people in this country were so ignorant until this whole thing.

I mean, I'm no genius or expert myself, but when the vast majority of experts, analysts, professors, scientific bodies, public services, banks and even the actual government tell a nation of people that doing something would be a very bad idea and the majority actually decide to do it anyway - that is not exactly very clever, is it?


I never realised how many people in this country were so ignorant until this whole thing.

I mean, I'm no genius or expert myself, but when the vast majority of experts, analysts, professors, scientific bodies, public services, banks and even the actual government tell a nation of people that doing something would be a very bad idea and the majority actually decide to do it anyway - that is not exactly very clever, is it?

No, but when 46% of people in England still voted against, that's a pretty sweeping generalisation to make about the population of an entire country
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