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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Saying that I was speaking to a passing acquaintance last week who I occasionally run into dog-walking. He expressed the opinion that hopefully now we're leaving the EU we can ditch the metric system.

I just smiled and gritted my teeth, sigh

Jesus, the country is full of loons, If you have an emotional attachment to pints you need locking up.
I never realised how many people in this country were so ignorant until this whole thing.

I mean, I'm no genius or expert myself, but when the vast majority of experts, analysts, professors, scientific bodies, public services, banks and even the actual government tell a nation of people that doing something would be a very bad idea and the majority actually decide to do it anyway - that is not exactly very clever, is it?

The funny thing about all of this (well, not really funny considering how many people are going to suffer as a consequence of all this) is how for continental Europeans, the United Kingdom has always had this image of being a bastion of reason and pragmatism. In fact, "English pragmatism" is a term that still gets passed around here quite often in public discourse, newspaper articles, etc.

It might explain why, on the continent, the reaction to these ongoing Brexit shenanigans is still mostly one of bemusement (and not just from journalists, but from EU politicians, French and German government ministers, etc.). It just seems inconceivable to people here that a country that has always been looked upon as "the sane one" (after all, the UK managed to stay largely immune to the revolutionary, totalitarian, and otherwise disastrous political manias that haunted the continent in the 19th and early 20th centuries) seems to have gone full retard in a flash.


Jesus, the country is full of loons, If you have an emotional attachment to pints you need locking up.

He is quite a smart guy in other respects, it's like Brexit flipped some sort of switch in some of these people that turned them into a gibbering mess


On a total side/unrelated note i am following the live feed on BBC website and cant shake off the idea that the queen has a massive grin/troll face chin behind those pound coins. Hard not to laugh i am having one of those days i guess.


In their defence, asking someone to go our for 0.57 litres doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

change it to half a litre exactly or 50 CL, call it big beer or new European pint, it doesn' t matter. i don't even mind pints, it's all this weird stuff about taking pints out of cold, dead hands etc.

we are becoming a nation of Alf Garnett's


Saying that I was speaking to a passing acquaintance last week who I occasionally run into dog-walking. He expressed the opinion that hopefully now we're leaving the EU we can ditch the metric system.

I just smiled and gritted my teeth, sigh

How dumb can people fucking be?! Goddamn this place.


Britain right now is an abject lesson in what happens when neoliberalism goes wrong (you know, that big recession we had a few years ago) and the left wing is too incompetent to deal with the fallout.

America had Obama and some competent Democrats to save them, we got Nick Clegg and Ed Balls.
Cons in 6 years added nearly £600bn of the £1.6tr UK national debt, borrowing(up £50bn-ish this year) more than every Lab Govt combined! @kevin_maguire


I never realised how many people in this country were so ignorant until this whole thing.

I mean, I'm no genius or expert myself, but when the vast majority of experts, analysts, professors, scientific bodies, public services, banks and even the actual government tell a nation of people that doing something would be a very bad idea and the majority actually decide to do it anyway - that is not exactly very clever, is it?

That's what you get when the elites consistently fail at everything they set out to do for 10+ years. After Iraq, the 2008 crash, the expenses scandal, all of the failed attempts by the Tories to reduce net migration, failing to reduce the deficit, phone hacking etc etc why would you trust the experts?


That's what you get when the elites consistently fail at everything they set out to do for 10+ years. After Iraq, the 2008 crash, the expenses scandal, all of the failed attempts by the Tories to reduce net migration, failing to reduce the deficit, phone hacking etc etc why would you trust the experts?

Hell I'd argue after all those events plus movements like Occupy Wall St, "the 99%" and surge in popularity in left wing figures like Sanders and Corbyn, why the fuck has there been so much Tory rule? When politics like theirs enable shit like it.

And why have moved even further into dangerous crazy right wing politics?


Another World (and Heart of the Alien) spoilers:
Lester is wounded at the end of Another World, recovers a bit but then dies in Heart of the Alien)
Perhaps not the most encouraging metaphor.
Props for good spoiler discipline. However...
wiki said:
"quickly after it was released, Chahi made a public statement that the title did not represent his vision of the world he crafted and disowned it altogether from being treated as an official sequel."
They took a discarded brainstorming idea by Chahi, and coded it in when he was gone. At least according to what I understand from reading an article at hardcoregaming101. Page is spoilerific both in text and imagery, particularly an animated gif of the pre-final endboss cutscene is in plain sight, so think before you click SPOILER-->this.

So, for one it's a heretic perversion of the prophecy. Sacrilegious to the highest degree. Burn this sick, rotoscoped, high fidelity filth.

Plus, let's be honest, wouldn't it be kinda sorta fitting to see it play out like that? With the (boss spoiler)
red eyed alien
as the EU, I mean. Probably the remainders of the prophetic vision, shining through all the heretic lies. Seems realistic. ;)
[IMG ] https://i.imgur.com/9PE2eBy.png[/IMG]

Seriously, I second the sentiment that all of this would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact that millions of lives will be impacted negatively by it.
That's what you get when the elites consistently fail at everything they set out to do for 10+ years. After Iraq, the 2008 crash, the expenses scandal, all of the failed attempts by the Tories to reduce net migration, failing to reduce the deficit, phone hacking etc etc why would you trust the experts?

And the additional mistrust from the public as all those failures are brushed off as either obvious in retrospect or inevitable with change. There's no closure for people directly affected by the previous, or even current, actions of government.
As a brit living in norway with a swedish wife what will this mean for me...

im already working on getting norwegian citizenship in time for full brexit.

My long term girl friend is Swedish and currently studying there. All this is very disheartening and worrying to me, because we are unsure what to do now. Every plan we have created is up in the air given that we have no idea how immigration law is going to change in two years.


Not if they revoke the ease of living here as a eu citizen before I become a full national :/
If you are married with a Swedish, you might still be able to not be affected...

This is assuming they will really trigger article 50 in March and leave by 2019.

I am trying to find a way to leave this country, but it's not super easy even if I have 10+ years of working experience :(


Not if they revoke the ease of living here as a eu citizen before I become a full national :/

Could you not get Swedish citizenship and continue living in Norway?

It's going to be a real pain for families, a friend of mine is already trying to work out how to get dual citizenship for his kids as his wife is an EU national. Doesn't want them to lose the chance to live with half of their family just because they happened to be born here


As a brit living in norway with a swedish wife what will this mean for me...

im already working on getting norwegian citizenship in time for full brexit.

If you've been married for more than three years I believe you'd qualify for Swedish citizenship if you moved there.
Return to work after several months off after an accident to find an exceptional student we were hoping would join us has pulled out, citing fears over Brexit etc vis their status, funding etc. We told them it would be OK, but they were still very anxious.

And for what? That's a visible, negative effect of missed opportunity, not just for her but for us and our university and city. Does anyone in Sunderland feel better for it?

Anecdotes ahoy!


You're a British person looking for work abroad?

What do you have experience in?

Nah mate, I'm Italian, but I have been living in London for 10+ years (my wife recently got a British passport).
My experience is related to the games industry where I've been working since forever now; a mix between QA and business side of things.
Norway isn't in the EU. But with a Swedish wife, you should be good no matter what. The Nordic countries work together in all sorts of things.

No I know but they are the country that enacts the most of any country in the eu. It has freedom of movement and schrengen. its only the fishing and farming that really is different here. I know I will be able to be ok due to my swedish wife but it might mean she transfers her nationality which she wont do, we would move to sweden in that case but the marriage entitlements in sweden are much different if youre out the EU.


Return to work after several months off after an accident to find an exceptional student we were hoping would join us has pulled out, citing fears over Brexit etc vis their status, funding etc. We told them it would be OK, but they were still very anxious.

And for what? That's a visible, negative effect of missed opportunity, not just for her but for us and our university and city. Does anyone in Sunderland feel better for it?

Anecdotes ahoy!

Yeah but now all those millions of British graduates desperately needing employment can get the job instead, right? Take back control!

Instead of being a magnet for foreign academia, our Universities are going to see their best and brightest leaving for the continent


Saying that I was speaking to a passing acquaintance last week who I occasionally run into dog-walking. He expressed the opinion that hopefully now we're leaving the EU we can ditch the metric system.

I just smiled and gritted my teeth, sigh


Green are metric. How did you not call him a moron there and then.


Anyone think May in time could become as powerful as Maggie or the boys will come back to pull the plug from underneath her once Brexit is done?
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