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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I really wish somewhere deep down in the referendum rule book it states you have to use the pencil provided. I remember the leave campaign were giving out pens to prevent the remainers from changing their votes.

I know it's a technicality but would trigger a revote.

Hopefully the High Court case today will case problems for May and cohorts.

How does that work. The whole reason that prices are going up is because of the exchange rate. Getting them from France doesn't change anything, unless I'm missing something?

Apologies, I forgot to say I was in Ireland


Maturity, bitches.
The pound is where it should be in a normal world when you look at current interest and inflation rates. Some need to realise interest rates of 0.5-0.25 are not the norm and are not sustainable in the medium to long-term. It was artificially high because investors saw it as a safe haven as our government has its own money printers and the EU looked to be going down the pan.

The Brexit vote removed the safe haven status for investors and the pound is where it should be when you look at the other fiscal factors which drive it.
Ah yes, the good ol' 'we were in fact having it too good before' excuse.

For 168 years...

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
So you're watching BBC NEWS, and it suddenly switches to the sports segment. What do you do:
A: change channel.
B:mute TV.


Really good article, and even though many on GAF have tried to explain to me that without bankers we are screwed, vast swathes of the country feel like me...... fuck em.

My friend, the senior investment banker, simply did not get it. “If the Government goes down the hard Brexit route, we will look to move thousands of our employees out of London.” He made his warning on Radio 4’s Today programme. And all he got in return, from the audience of millions and government ministers was a collective, unmoved shrug. Bankers and big business think they can hold a gun to the country’s head; the country is urging them to go on and pull the trigger. More than 17 million voters ignored their forecasts and voted Leave.

The bankers in particular don’t understand how far they’ve sunk in esteem; why, when they wave what they regard as a big stick, the public is not bothered. They don’t realise how society finds it impossible to forget they nearly brought the world to ruin and had to be bailed out by the taxpayer; and is all too aware they’ve since gone on to pay themselves enormous sums and carry on as if nothing had happened. What especially irks them is that the Government is not taking them seriously either. At the recent Tory conference, the absence of well-known commercial names was apparent. Once, financial and industrial brands would have been much in evidence – in the exhibition hall, as sponsors of fringe events, as holders of glitzy parties. At any given moment, during the day and evening, the crowd in the main hotel lobby would contain a fair sprinkling of City and business stars. Not any more.

more here https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/business/chris-blackhurst-bankers-need-regain-respect-us-listen/
Really good article, and even though many on GAF have tried to explain to me that without bankers we are screwed, vast swathes of the country feel like me...... fuck em.

Those two things aren't really related though, are they?

A big reduction in the financial sector in London can still be a big loss to the economy of the country despite lots of people disliking bankers.


Really good article, and even though many on GAF have tried to explain to me that without bankers we are screwed, vast swathes of the country feel like me...... fuck em.

more here https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/business/chris-blackhurst-bankers-need-regain-respect-us-listen/

I'd like you to talk about the industrial strategy etc that will replace it. That would probably make people more relaxed about the situation.

We know what you against, what are you for?
All I have heard besides some infrastructure spending is tax cuts for big business.


Those two things aren't really related though, are they?

A big reduction in the financial sector in London can still be a big loss to the economy of the country despite lots of people disliking bankers.

Yes, because when you say financial sector, people see bankers...even though lots of them are hard working bank staff, the perception is there


As with leaving the EU itself, it's not the potential loss of the financial sector which concerns me so much, it's the lack of a coherent strategy on what will replace it. Plenty of jobs rely on the finance sector indirectly

That being said I still can't bring myself to be particularly sympathetic
Yes, because when you say financial sector, people see bankers...even though lots of them are hard working bank staff, the perception is there

Yes. I get that.

I suppose I didn't understand this part of your post:

...even though many on GAF have tried to explain to me that without bankers we are screwed...

It read like you thought that because the general public didn't like bankers, that would somehow offset any economic damage caused by any shrinkage in the City.

Apologies if I've misunderstood your point.


As with leaving the EU itself, it's not the potential loss of the financial sector which concerns me so much, it's the lack of a coherent strategy on what will replace it. Plenty of jobs rely on the finance sector indirectly

That being said I still can't bring myself to be particularly sympathetic

and that is the articles point, most people can understand it is going to have a huge effect on London and elsewhere, but still people are unmoved, and quite willing to let it happen as the trust is so eroded that it is unrepairable
Yes, because when you say financial sector, people see bankers...even though lots of them are hard working bank staff, the perception is there
The people, and I use that term loosely, that are hated couldn't give a fuck about hard working bank staff any more than they care about teachers,doctors, builders, shop staff. They care only for themselves and how much wealth they can accumulate.


The fact that vast swathes of the country are morons doesn't surprise anyone at this point. 12% of the GDP ffs.

People don't get that threat, walk up to most people and say you are about to cost the country 12% of it's GDP...then walk up to the same person and say petrol is going to be £1.35 a litre, 2 schools will shut, 1 doctors surgery will close, crime will rise, unemployment will rise, there wont be any jobs...

Then they will get it......well probably not even then
People don't get that threat, walk up to most people and say you are about to cost the country 12% of it's GDP...

then walk up to the same person and say petrol is going to be £1.35 a litre, 2 schools will shut, 1 doctors surgery will close, crime will rise, unemployment will rise, there wont be any jobs...

Then they will get it......well probably not even then
The banks have already caused all that only 8 years ago.


Really good article, and even though many on GAF have tried to explain to me that without bankers we are screwed, vast swathes of the country feel like me...... fuck em.

more here https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/business/chris-blackhurst-bankers-need-regain-respect-us-listen/
People say "fuck them" because, as demonstrated by Brexit, a lot of people aren't very smart. They think 'banking' begins and ends with bankers and bank staff - and can't put two-and-two together about the hundreds of thousands of working and middle class jobs the sector supports throughout the entire country - not just London - that have nothing to do with actual banking or trading.

Our country is one of blame and excuse making. These people will see further unemployment and blame the government and immigrants for the lack of jobs. They think a world is coming back where you could walk up the street to your local chippie or ironmonger, and get a job for life that would support a family.


and that is the articles point, most people can understand it is going to have a huge effect on London and elsewhere, but still people are unmoved, and quite willing to let it happen as the trust is so eroded that it is unrepairable

It's weird isn't it, but when you have two banks in this country which are still nationalised in all but name, one being slowly sold off at no profit to the taxpayer, I find it hard to care all that much, even though intellectually I know I probably should

Good on Tesco. Fuck 'em.

Unilever aren't a charity, they aren't going to sell stuff at a loss just because?


I don't know much about how Unilever source and produce their products so it may be fair to raise prices or not. They are a Dutch British company with subsidiaries all over the world.


I don't know much about how Unilever source and produce their products so it may be fair to raise prices or not. They are a Dutch British company with subsidiaries all over the world.

In the case of Marmite, it is produced in the UK, but Unliver source commodities and ingredients in Dollars and that is what they are saying is the problem. They produce a hell of a lot more than just marmite though so I'm sure most of those aren't made here - I doubt much of a pack of PG Tips is souced locally


Independence consultation bill to be published next week!!

Important for GAF to know before passing judgement that it was made clear we are still working to meet our interests within the UK first.

Gotta say that before hard right Unionists have a heart attack.

edit: Sturgeon should have had a mic drop at the end there!


Important for GAF to know before passing judgement that it was made clear we are still working to meet our interests within the UK first.

Gotta say that before hard right Unionists have a heart attack.

edit: Sturgeon should have had a mic drop at the end there!

Fam, I don't think anyone but Brits have any problem with Scotland going independent.


Knows the Score

From the SNP conf.


Fam, I don't think anyone but Brits have any problem with Scotland going independent.

I know 99% of those outside of the UK don't, it's those inside the UK who can get incredibly noisy about the prospects of the Union being broken up. A Union that seems to have people having a hard-on over for reasons of the heart, rather than accepting reasons of the head should come first. As in being proud of the shape/colour of a flag and "rule Britannia" are not good reasons to want a Union.

Nor is wanting to continue to call Andy Murray British/wave British flags.

Brexit is a disaster and it's really any Nations responsibility to try and avoid/marginalise it. That is thinking with the head right now, and it's also why I made it clear having watched Sturgeons full speech that she still began with the fact the party is working to meet Scotland's interests inside the UK first. With a Tory opposition going on about a hard Brexit though, it's inevitable if they continue on like that a ref might be needed.

edit: I'll post her full speech later when it's on YT on its own.


Maturity, bitches.
London doesn't want Scotland to leave because they don't want to be left alone with all the loony bins.


London doesn't want Scotland to leave because they don't want to be left alone with all the loony bins.

Here's my proposal: Take London, put it all on container ships and bring it to Hamburg. A new city will be born. Hambdon.


London doesn't want Scotland to leave because they don't want to be left alone with all the loony bins.

I still think we should fortify the Outer hard shoulder of the M25, just in case Daily Mail land starts to disintegrate.


I forgot guys, why are we doing this again?

Like, what is a single realistic benefit from all this?


I heard the old man pubs be in great debates all the time
'Bout who's the "best" MP: Johnson, Gove, and Farage
May, Davis; the rest of y'all?
EU members just EU members, don't get involved
And I ain't rocking no more designer shit
cus the pound dropped so hard, all I got is smart price things
I'm usually homeboys with immigrants I'm workin with
But this is Britain and you all should know what time it is
And that goes for smart scientists, experienced doctors, lawyers,
knowledgeable academics, financial analysts, Nurses.
Mark Carney, other economists, Obama
I got no love for you all, sit the fuck down and stay quiet experts
Tryna make sure the population never heard of you experts
They don't wanna hear not one more noun or verb from you experts
I'm English but my family heritage is deeply Scottish. I will be very sad if Scotland leaves the union as it is a part of me that I will lose a bit of touch with, but I will understand. Brexit is a disaster and is similarly taking away part of who I am. And I can't blame Scotland for wanting to bail from that mess.


I'm English but my family heritage is deeply Scottish. I will be very sad if Scotland leaves the union as it is a part of me that I will lose a bit of touch with, but I will understand. Brexit is a disaster and is similarly taking away part of who I am. And I can't blame Scotland for wanting to bail from that mess.

I can't even imagine how I'd feel if Germany decided to take my EU citizenship from me. I feel European (which is not the same as EU citizen but you get what I mean) first and foremost.


I wouldn't blame Scotland either. I lived there for 5 years and loved it. I'd be gutted if they left though, as it'd mean strengthening the Tories down here, plus I secretly wish they'd take me with them.
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