It has nothing to do with being petty and spiteful.
Please, actually read my damn posts. If you're actually here to listen and talk with other posters, then do so, if you're not going to, stop wasting everyone's time.
Let's start all over again from the start.
1. As per the EU rules, no EU member state may have a trade deal with any non-EU member state. All trade deals must be between the EU as a whole and the other party.
2. Therefore, if indyScot joined the EU, indyScot *could not have* a trade deal with the rUK, other than what the rUK and the EU are willing to agree between them. Let me stress again:
this is not because the UK is playing hard ball. This is because of the rules of being an EU member state.
3. The rUK is a much more important market than the EU for Scotland. It accounts for over three times as much of Scotland's goods, for example. This will almost certainly always be the case, simply because of geography and language. For example, even Ireland is about evenly split between being UK-oriented and being EU-oriented and their links to the UK are much weaker than Scotland's links to the rUK would be.
4. Therefore, indyScot will be better off seeking a trade agreement with rUK and not joining the EU than it would joining the EU and not seeking a trade agreement with the UK.
5. Therefore, if you want what is best off for Scotland, and Scotland is independent, you would not chose for Scotland to join the EU.
6. Therefore, if you are planning to vote Yes to independence in an independence referendum because you think it represents a chance for Scotland to stay in the EU, you are mistaken.
Mate, the above argument is true regardless of whether I'm Scottish or not. It doesn't suddenly leap up five levels in truthfulness because I was born in Dundee instead of Sydney or because I grew up in Aberdeen instead of Newport.
But fine, doesn't listen to someone who studied this and currently works in a related field just because they're not of your nationality.
I'm just very surprised to see you agree with a Conservative policy!