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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Gove needs ejected into space on a rocket with Farage, May, Boris, Hunt and some others.

I mean as much as I dislike Cameron give me his lying pig antics back just now. Although hes largely to blame for being so casual around Brexit. Depression everywhere you look.


It will be interesting to see how quickly Europe this will get shut down.

What I don't understand is how *anyone* can think we that we have the upper hand in negotiations with the EU. They hold all the cars! How is Boris Johnson getting away with saying they need our cakes, or that we can get a better deal than the single market?

Also, have to say, the Economist had a good article this week which pointed out that the rest of the world can see what we say in the UK when we are in the UK. It's always something we have fucked up - our politicians give anti-EU speeches and policies, and then don't realise that the rest of the EU sees us pissing on them for popularity points with racists. For some reason the Tories never realise how much they are fucking up negotiations and our relationship with Europe by behaving in this way - it's so absurdly transparent and dumb.


Michael Gove accuses the Remain campaign of "slut shaming" the British public. It's like your dad trying to use modern slang to seem down with the kids.

May assures Nissan will be shielded from Brexit tariffs. Interestingly is the following:

Something something taking back control.

Time for everyone to describe themselves as complex supply chains, don't leave the EU is the better option. May just wants power and will do anything to keep a hold of it. This is going to be a mess.


What a load of bollocks that is about Nissan. Sunderland had one of the highest % of leave voters, why do they deserve special treatment? I thought Brexit meant Brexit.


I just don't see how it's possible - if they give special treatment to Nissan then surely lots of other companies will want the same thing. Then we end up losing money by subsidising/compensating for their losses which is against that whole profitable and prosperous future we were promised by leavers when out of the EU. I'm guessing it'll end up being some sort of across the board cut like reducing corporation tax.

The labour party should be all over this but then we'd need a competent opposition for that.


I just don't see how it's possible - if they give special treatment to Nissan then surely lots of other companies will want the same thing. Then we end up losing money by subsidising/compensating for their losses which is against that whole profitable and prosperous future we were promised by leavers when out of the EU. I'm guessing it'll end up being some sort of across the board cut like reducing corporation tax.

The labour party should be all over this but then we'd need a competent opposition for that.

Jeremy Corbyn could get the support of big business, young people and a shit tonne of other people by literally saying Brexit's stupid the Tories are leading us of a cliff and I'll keep us in Europe. Fuck me what are you doing Labour.
Just talked with the someone from the Communist Party in Glasgow. You could really see the inner conflict of the guy which thing he should hate more - the guys in London or the ones in Brussels.

Then he wanted to start to trash talk Germany and then just threw into the conversation that I'm from Germany.

After that we talked about the weather.


Jeremy Corbyn could get the support of big business, young people and a shit tonne of other people by literally saying Brexit's stupid the Tories are leading us of a cliff and I'll keep us in Europe. Fuck me what are you doing Labour.

I thought you liked Corbyn because he was principled? That goes against everything he's been about for the last 20 years, state aid like what the Tories are suggesting is kinda his thing.


Jeremy Corbyn could get the support of big business, young people and a shit tonne of other people by literally saying Brexit's stupid the Tories are leading us of a cliff and I'll keep us in Europe. Fuck me what are you doing Labour.

But he thinks the Tories are brilliant for leading the country out of it.


Jeremy Corbyn could get the support of big business, young people and a shit tonne of other people by literally saying Brexit's stupid the Tories are leading us of a cliff and I'll keep us in Europe. Fuck me what are you doing Labour.

Why the fuck would he want the support of those people? They sound like Lib Dem demographics.


I thought you liked Corbyn because he was principled? That goes against everything he's been about for the last 20 years, state aid like what the Tories are suggesting is kinda his thing.

I have never been a Corbynista. I don't like how he came across dragging his feet with the remain campaign and he doesn't come across as attacking the Tories for how they are handling Brexit. Any competent opposition, would say project fear seems to be coming true, where is the extra £350 million for the NHS, how will leaving the EU tackle immigration? You promised all these things and backtracked literally 24 hours later. They ran a campaign based on lies, their lies have harmed the economy and now the UK is heading of a cliff they are choosing to put their foot on the accelerator instead of braking and turning round. Instead with Corbyn you got a fuck it, there's nothing we can do now, instead of making the argument that it can be stopped he said might as well get it over with.

edit: why wouldn't you want the support of a wide variety of people?


Brexiters always say there will be a pragmatic solution to avoid all this trade chaos by which they mean the EU bending on the immigration point. The pragmatic solution would be for the UK to stop being so obsessed with limiting immigration...

Ah well, it's populism, it's only about pointing out problems, not finding actual solutions. Just "winning" and feeling good about it without a care that the problems will still be there afterwards.


A remorseful Leave voter owns up to his mistake

Worth a listen if you haven't already. Shame about his decision, but it took guts to fully admit this mistake.

The catastrophic level of ignorance exhibited by such an uninformed population is staggering. Absolutely staggering.

You can always have some empathy for anyone willing to swallow their pride and admit they think they made a mistake/were wrong. However I've said it a few times on GAF unfortunately politics is ruthless to hindsight and there's times where if you don't get it right the first time you're fucked.

Without a doubt though the lies peddled during Brexit were teetering on criminal if you ask me. For no one to be held accountable for the NHS lies is an injustice to British politics.

It is entirely possible for politicians to make promises in goodwill that are actually obtainable but in reality we fall short. The NHS stuff though was such a lie through and through not even an ounce of it could be reality. That is dangerous and can seriously impact lives, and for everyone to just walk after it is absolutely shocking.

We can bemoan the people we want to class as stupid for believing such things but like it or not humanity doesn't have some flatline IQ. People come in all levels of intelligence and that is why everyone with a right to vote at least deserves honest campaigning.

Real Hero

Jeremy Corbyn could get the support of big business, young people and a shit tonne of other people by literally saying Brexit's stupid the Tories are leading us of a cliff and I'll keep us in Europe. Fuck me what are you doing Labour.

Yeah because Labour saying they will ignore the vote isn't the worst possible thing they could do.

Bold One

You can always have some empathy for anyone willing to swallow their pride and admit they think they made a mistake/were wrong. However I've said it a few times on GAF unfortunately politics is ruthless to hindsight and there's times where if you don't get it right the first time you're fucked.

Without a doubt though the lies peddled during Brexit were teetering on criminal if you ask me. For no one to be held accountable for the NHS lies is an injustice to British politics.

It is entirely possible for politicians to make promises in goodwill that are actually obtainable but in reality we fall short. The NHS stuff though was such a lie through and through not even an ounce of it could be reality. That is dangerous and can seriously impact lives, and for everyone to just walk after it is absolutely shocking.

We can bemoan the people we want to class as stupid for believing such things but like it or not humanity doesn't have some flatline IQ. People come in all levels of intelligence and that is why everyone with a right to vote at least deserves honest campaigning.

I agree wholeheartedly, but lets be real, the majority of the people voting leave never really stood a chance, these are people who fo the last 30 or so years have been subsisting on Daily Mail/Express rhetoric of evil foreigners, EU oppression, and nationalistic toxicity. It is scary that so many fell for the NHS bullshit bus lies but it is not surprising.

As a nation we suffer from the British exceptionalism that will never allow a majority of us to admit our mistakes, which is why I appreciated the fellow in the link coming forward and saying, I dun goof'd.


Yeah because Labour saying they will ignore the vote isn't the worst possible thing they could do.

Leave it to a parliamentary vote fuck it be on the right side of history on this one. Let the Tories be the party of brexit and campaign for that. I'd go to farmers and talk about the EU subsidies they'd lose, I'd go to Cardiff, Cornwall and Sunderland and inform them of how much they will lose in social services due to lack of funding. I will play interviews of Farage, Hannan and Boris backtracking over and over again. I will tell young people if you want to stay in Europe vote for us, I will tell the elderly how they will lose out on services, I will tell bankers look we won't always see eye to eye, but I will ensure the City's position in the world unlike Theresa May who might as well be kicking them out. Where will some left wing voters go to UKIP? The Greens? It would court a lot of right wing voters and look competent. Are there any faults in my logic?


I agree wholeheartedly, but lets be real, the majority of the people voting leave never really stood a chance, these are people who fo the last 30 or so years have been subsisting on Daily Mail/Express rhetoric of evil foreigners, EU oppression, and nationalistic toxicity. It is scary that so many fell for the NHS bullshit bus lies but it is not surprising.

As a nation we suffer from the British exceptionalism that will never allow a majority of us to admit our mistakes, which is why I appreciated the fellow in the link coming forward and saying, I dun goof'd.

You're not wrong, it's just with the margins we are talking at times even getting through to some people can be the difference between Brexit and no Brexit. Those who are hardcore DailyMail enthusiasts are just 99% lost causes. I refuse to believe everyone who voted Leave is like this so it just comes down to how many might have been led away from Leave if things like the NHS lie hadn't been allowed.

I mean the polls even suggest around a 6% swing... Which is enough for remain to have won.

There's always going to be chunks of your population that are just asshats. Ask America how it feels about the hardcore Trump supporters. Even NI and Scotland have decent amounts of leave voters!


Leave it to a parliamentary vote fuck it be on the right side of history on this one. Let the Tories be the party of brexit and campaign for that. I'd go to farmers and talk about the EU subsidies they'd lose, I'd go to Cardiff, Cornwall and Sunderland and inform them of how much they will lose in social services due to lack of funding. I will play interviews of Farage, Hannan and Boris backtracking over and over again. I will tell young people if you want to stay in Europe vote for us, I will tell the elderly how they will lose out on services, I will tell bankers look we won't always see eye to eye, but I will ensure the City's position in the world unlike Theresa May who might as well be kicking them out. Where will some left wing voters go to UKIP? The Greens? It would court a lot of right wing voters and look competent. Are there any faults in my logic?

Yes. The main fault in your logic is that it's not Corbyn's logic. The bankers all work for one central bank, the farms are all owned by the state and the lost services can be gained back by nationalising them all.
I can guarantee you Corbyn is anti-EU and secretly loves Brexit. If he went out and said it all the Momentum people would desert him in a day. Leftists hate free trade and globalization.


I can guarantee you Corbyn is anti-EU and secretly loves Brexit. If he went out and said it all the Momentum people would desert him in a day. Leftists hate free trade and globalization.

Momentum is mostly pro-EU (about 2/3), with the rest mainly being concerned about its pro-austerity policies; they officially supported the Remain campaign. The majority of leftists want to stay in the EU but instead call for EU-wide reform.


I doubt this will have any effect on the Witney by-election but interesting to see nonetheless.

Edit: this is being sent out to conservative voters.

Yes. The main fault in your logic is that it's not Corbyn's logic. The bankers all work for one central bank, the farms are all owned by the state and the lost services can be gained back by nationalising them all.

Why do people constantly try to make Corbyn sound cooler than he actually is?


That's somewhat misleading though, because the more educated you are the more you have to gain from EU membership too.

Every working person has gained from EU membership. The negatives outcomes for the poor over the last 30 years have been entirely the result of failed domestic policies. The EU was pumping money into communities that successive British governments abandoned.


Every working person has gained from EU membership. The negatives outcomes for the poor over the last 30 years have been entirely the result of failed domestic policies. The EU was pumping money into communities that successive British governments abandoned.

While there is truth there, the more educated are better able to see it. The poorly educated are thus more susceptible to cases of Dunning Kruger syndromes.


Every working person has gained from EU membership. The negatives outcomes for the poor over the last 30 years have been entirely the result of failed domestic policies. The EU was pumping money into communities that successive British governments abandoned.

Exactly that and when the cost of food and petrol goes up, certain industries leave the UK for an EU member state instead, the NHS suffers an even greater staffing crisis (it's bad now but we aint seen nothing yet) and a holiday abroad becomes prohibitively expensive because the £ is worthless the poor will feel the squeeze and suffer the most. They have far more to lose from this but the well off will still have their BUPA memberships and be able to shop at Waitrose.


Nothing is a surprise. May was Mrs Remain beforehand talking about the single market and benefits of the EU, and now she is Mrs Hardexit.

Flip flopping career politicians with no spine or set principals. Just whatever suits their personal and career needs.


Well, it would prove that magic exists.

Considering Brexit is in itself typical political grandstanding. You have EU policy which states how long economic migrants can stay in a country without finding a job before they have to leave, with no EU single policy on how to cope with that. If that were to change to a single unified policy you would see a reduction in a lot of the far right politics that a gaining support. Even implementing a EU wide policy, TM goes back home and looks like a hero.

TM worked in the Home Office the element of EU see most likely despises the most is that of ECJ. My guess she will look to EU on how to implement EU zone wide policy of "economic migrants that haven't found work for 3 months", take over some of the agencies in terms of UK paying for them entirely like EMA(European Medicines Agency), remove the common fisheries policy and CAP, but refusal of ECJ and the right to become a full WTO with tariff free single market access.

This is the most likely want list. Make the EU think the UK wants it cake and eat it and behind close doors come with enough cake to share for 27 people.
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