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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Ah, my mistake. But given the recent events (pound tanking, companies moving abroad, companies asking for government support etc.) surely the majority view of the parliament has a decent chance to be in favour of the remain side now? Or are they all willing to tank the economy of their nation because of an ill informed vote a few months back, since when the situation has turned for the worse?
Watching Question Time the answer to that question would be no they will all get in line and trigger article 50 like the people wanted (the whole few % majority but a majority nonetheless) regardless of if Queen Theresa explains it all or not.


Everything about Question Time is so bad. The panel, the people, the questions, Dimbleby. This is seriously dire. Might as well call it statement time.




The print edition went a step further:



"These papers have but one goal in mind, they will dedicate themselves to the arts of deception, half truths and other-ism. But only one can be BRITAN'S NEXT PROPAGANDA RAG!"

Mr. Sam

That The Mail puts "openly gay" in that headline - as if it meant "cannibal" - is despicable. I'm honestly beginning to despair, not in the rolling my eyes way but in the sickness in the pit of my stomach when I wake up sort of way.
Ah yes papers:

It's no wonder the public are more clueless about what exactly happened yesterday* than they are about the EU they voted to leave.

Speaking of enemies can't wait for some snow to cripple the country and thus close parliament so the Express can claim the weather is the enemy of the people and in case you forgot from the last time we mentioned it, WE MUST LEAVE THE EU NOW

*-My favorite being the woman left speechless on question time about the whole thing for reasons I struggle to understand. Edit: This post says why and that is just kinda depressing.


I can't wrap my head around the fact that since the referendum we have seen very real effects Brexit would have on the country and yet people are still trying to leave. As I said before, should MPs respect the votes of their constituency or should MPs commit to the country and make a decision on what is best for the British people, since this decision will affect the life of everyone in the country for years and years to come? Specially considering the promises made by Leave campaign will not be fulfilled by leaving regardless of the outcome of this.


I can't wrap my head around the fact that since the referendum we have seen very real effects Brexit would have on the country and yet people are still trying to leave. As I said before, should MPs respect the votes of their constituency or should MPs commit to the country and make a decision on what is best for the British people, since this decision will affect the life of everyone in the country for years and years to come? Specially considering the promises made by Leave campaign will not be fulfilled by leaving regardless of the outcome of this.

Unfortunately, it's become increasingly apparent that the claims made by the Leave campaign are completely irrelevant to a very loud portion of the pro-Brexit voting population.

Also, the effects of leaving the EU probably haven't impacted a lot of those who voted out yet all that much anyway - things like currency fluctuations are a headache for someone like myself whose interests involve expenditure on foreign products or travel, but price increases on MacBooks or foriegn holidays are very middle-class issues that aren't really huge concerns for those from impoverished working class towns and cities, nor the moderately wealthy who can afford it anyway. Now, give it a couple more months for non-luxury items to start creaping up in cost, and then maybe it'll be a different story, but it's not like MPs are going to go poll their entire constituency to see if there's been a change of opinion or how hard a Brexit they want.


I genuinely don't know what to say about what I've read about the press insulting the judges like that, when there's plenty of people that could easily be strung up by the media for far, far worse things. UKGAF, what the hell is going on? I know the press in Britain are, to put it bluntly, pissants at time, but this? Jesus......
No one should miss the startling revelation that newsnight has BANTER.

I cannot tell you how nice it is to see the BBC standing up for itself with a wry shrug like that.

Cue legions of comments from people still angry at the BBC for banning the song 40 years ago (we can't have progress if it means I can't be angry any more) and a tiny handful of unironic twunts.



Sky News Newsdesk ‏@SkyNewsBreak
Jeremy Corbyn says Labour will vote against Article 50 if the Prime Minister does not guarantee access to the single market

Given that single market access is tied to freedom of movement, it will be interesting to see how the 60% of Labour constituencies that voted Leave will think of this.
It'll be interesting to see. I think that for what it's worth at least in the safe labour seats labour and especially Corbyn is trusted enough that he could pull this off, Corbyn could communicate the message to these voters that any such impact could be minimised, but even if it's a bluff it forces the Tories to potentially re-consider. The whip may not be so strong.



Sky News Newsdesk ‏@SkyNewsBreak
Jeremy Corbyn says Labour will vote against Article 50 if the Prime Minister does not guarantee access to the single market

Given that single market access is tied to freedom of movement, it will be interesting to see how the 60% of Labour constituencies that voted Leave will think of this.

It's been a while since I've been somewhat proud of Labour but this'll do.

Night write to my MP. He's a Tory but he supported Remain, and our constituency voted Remain, so hopefully he'll make a similar pledge. If Labour, the SNP, the LDs are behind this I can see it being OK.


The Birthday Skeleton

Sky News Newsdesk ‏@SkyNewsBreak
Jeremy Corbyn says Labour will vote against Article 50 if the Prime Minister does not guarantee access to the single market

Given that single market access is tied to freedom of movement, it will be interesting to see how the 60% of Labour constituencies that voted Leave will think of this.

I don't think that it matters. He's just calling now the bluff the leavers started before the referendum. Labour doesn't have enough votes to block the Article 50 and by 2020 a lot can happen that will justify their votes.

And if May continues the bluff and guarantees that, even better for Labour, they can vote for it and get a wild card on May.



Seems like humans haven't learned anything in the last 80 years.

We learned plenty. Just the wrong lessons.

The Baby Boomers ride on the coat tails of those who fought in the wars, co-opting their sacrifice as triumph, not over fascism but over Germany. It doesn't matter what we fought for, the important thing is that we won.

Great Britain is glorious, our flags and the poppy symbols of our glory. We can't understand why the rest of the world isn't bowing before our feet. What point co-operating with a Union when we could go it alone and show the rest of the world just how glorious we are?
Islam extremism bad because of brown people. Right wing extremism okay because of white people.

To anyone who's involved in these ideologies (if we can call the Mail as representative of such a coherent thing) of course they're justified, a priori, almost. I don't think the race thing plays such a significantly obvious card for anyone not involved in it - they're all pricks.
going off the article, they're reliant on non EU migrants, who they were struggling to get visas.

And then supporting a movement that is against all immigrations to the UK?

It's not that the people who support to get rid of Polish workers has a different opinion about Asians in that matter.


And then supporting a movement that is against all immigrations to the UK?

It's not that the people who support to get rid of Polish workers has a different opinion about Asians in that matter.

It's crazy. A couple of my British Asian friends said their parents voted Brexit for similar reasons - they thought fewer EU immigrants would make it easier for their family and friends to emigrate.
I've really got no sympathy for anyone who voted or supported Leave and trusted the Tories with some vague hand-waving, only for them to be shafted by the reality of what is going to happen.

Why on Earth would anyone ever even remotely think that the Tories would be pro-immigration from non-white countries?

The mind boggles.


I've really got no sympathy for anyone who voted or supported Leave and trusted the Tories with some vague hand-waving, only for them to be shafted by the reality of what is going to happen.

Why on Earth would anyone ever even remotely think that the Tories would be pro-immigration from non-white countries?

The mind boggles.

My thoughts put into an eloquent paragraph thank you


Knows the Score
I've really got no sympathy for anyone who voted or supported Leave and trusted the Tories with some vague hand-waving, only for them to be shafted by the reality of what is going to happen.

Why on Earth would anyone ever even remotely think that the Tories would be pro-immigration from non-white countries?

The mind boggles.

Right On, Commander!


It's crazy. A couple of my British Asian friends said their parents voted Brexit for similar reasons - they thought fewer EU immigrants would make it easier for their family and friends to emigrate.

Direct Democracy works!
It's not a crazy view. The goal was to get immigration under 100,000 and the government only control non-EU migration so they made that much harder. I don't see why they feel betrayed, though. We haven't even left the EU yet, what were they expecting?
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