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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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On the bright side, this should all result in a pretty awesome 21st century British punk music movement right?
British Asians voting for keeping EU immigrants out is IMO a testament to them feeling integrated in the UK. Admirable even, in a way. Probably misguided though, since I assume once the "foreigners are bad" ball gets rolling, Polish, Indian, Nigerian, etc, it's all non-British...


British Asians voting for keeping EU immigrants out is IMO a testament to them feeling integrated in the UK. Admirable even, in a way. Probably misguided though, since I assume once the "foreigners are bad" ball gets rolling, Polish, Indian, Nigerian, etc, it's all non-British...

Oh I've come across quite a few 'British Asians can never be British' folks in my time. Doesn't matter how many generations in you are to them, or whether you only speak English, it's all about whether or not you're white






So. How are you guys keeping up over there, personally speaking? All of this is pretty hard to witness as an outsider, I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I was British.

I remember the days of the Euro crisis. Was pretty anxious for Greece alright but what I had gathered from friends and family in Greece it was more of a "us vs. them" feeling. Brexit sounds more like an "us vs. us" situation which must me pretty tough on you.



Why does it bother me more the investigation against Clinton has been dropped?

So. How are you guys keeping up over there, personally speaking? All of this is pretty hard to witness as an outsider, I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I was British.

I remember the days of the Euro crisis. Was pretty anxious for Greece alright but what I had gathered from friends and family in Greece it was more of a "us vs. them" feeling. Brexit sounds more like an "us vs. us" situation which must me pretty tough on you.

It was weird at the start, it felt like people couldn't even look at each other incase they voted differently to you, now it's more let's just get this shit show over and watch the world burn feeling.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
A country with ~1.500 billion people wanting what they would consider a significant movement of people with a country of 0.067 billion (using billions to illustrate)... I don't think India wants British companies to have unfettered access to their economy and this is a poison pill to shut down negotiations.

It's crazy. A couple of my British Asian friends said their parents voted Brexit for similar reasons - they thought fewer EU immigrants would make it easier for their family and friends to emigrate.

Yikes, that pretty mean-spirited and not at all how anything works.


Yikes, that pretty mean-spirited and not at all how anything works.
Some of them even vote because they want to make it harder for people to immigrate in general. Mostly because they consider it makes them look superior back home.

It's basically the ultimate 'fuck you got mine' and plugs straight into India's caste system.


Why does it bother me more the investigation against Clinton has been dropped?

It's not that it's been dropped, or that she's "Off the Hook" (which would imply that she had done something illegal, but managed to avoid prosecution), it's that there was nothing new in the Weiner laptop. Ergo, she still did nothing illegal.

More on-topic, fuck Farage for threatening riots. He's just the the UK Trump at this point - dim-witted, conniving, rabble-rousing, populist, racist. The absolute last thing the UK needs is riots questioning the rule of law with racism in the mix, but oh noooo, he has to raise the possibility.

Currently living in the Middle East, but going back to the UK for Christmas. Very worried about going back, even though myself and my wife are both white British.
Currently living in the Middle East, but going back to the UK for Christmas. Very worried about going back, even though myself and my wife are both white British.

Do you sound Polish / generally foreign? Or have you kept a proper British accent? :D
Because I assume we'd know of the UK had somehow devolved into Mad Max-like land...


Do you sound Polish / generally foreign? Or have you kept a proper British accent? :D
Because I assume we'd know of the UK had somehow devolved into Mad Max-like land...

Heh... I have a weird British middle-upper-class & non-regional accent. Lots of people ask me where I'm from and say I have an accent, but they can't place it. One ditzy woman I worked with a few years back thought I was Polish. I put it down to living in various places through my life, but never long-enough to affect me. (Born in Oxford, lived in Berkshire, Surrey, Worcestershire and then South Yorkshire).

More seriously, I'm sure my worries are related to living outside the country, but reading what the crazy media are saying coupled with anecdotal evidence of normal people on Twitter. For instance, two tweets from a UK games dev I follow on Twitter:

Post ref I've seen more racist posters pasted, stickers stuck to bus stops and lampposts, swastikas drawn in places on my travels...

...than in the past 30 years. Given the state of this country I grew up in, that's saying something.

That doesn't sound comforting to me.


Take it I'm not the only one who assumes every use of the word "deplorable" is calculated these days?

Anyhoo, keep it up. Disappointing its taken so long for something like that to be honest, unless they have been preparing and were emboldened by the recent supreme court ruling.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Take it I'm not the only one who assumes every use of the word "deplorable" is calculated these days?

Anyhoo, keep it up. Disappointing its taken so long for something like that to be honest, unless they have been preparing and were emboldened by the recent supreme court ruling.

Yeah the timing seems odd. If successful it will probably not affect the outcome, but this shit needs to be stopped in any case.
So if Leave is found guilty of deliberately misleading voters, why would the result still stand? If found guilty I would order the Government to consider the referendum invalid and rerun it. If Austria can redo a election due to postal votes being opened at the wrong time why can't it be done here?


Yeah the timing seems odd. If successful it will probably not affect the outcome, but this shit needs to be stopped in any case.

Well, yes. A lot of people are going to feel robbed when the things they were promised don't come to pass and there's only so much deflection the politicians and press can do when the amazing trade deals, extra NHS money, etc. don't materialise.

That's why that Indian restaurant association are so angry. They were promised a points-based immigration system that would aid their bringing chefs into the country, May has said "No points system, no increase in immigration from India" and they, quite rightly, are demanding to know why they were deceived.

We can easily say "that's what you get for believing people who were making promises they didn't have the power to keep" but that then disqualifies any opposition party from making manifesto pledges. We need to make sure something like this can't happen again.

People are fed up with the political class telling them what they want to hear and reneging on their promises. They haven't worked out yet that Farage, Johnson and co. are part of the "political elite" that they claim to be fighting against. But when they do, who do they turn to next? Someone even more odious, offering those easy answers to their problems?


So if Leave is found guilty of deliberately misleading voters, why would the result still stand? If found guilty I would order the Government to consider the referendum invalid and rerun it. If Austria can redo a election due to postal votes being opened at the wrong time why can't it be done here?
IF that were the case, right wing media will dismiss it as remoaner propaganda trying to go against the will of the people. Whoever leads the decision will be accused of being an immigrant, or from Europe, or gay. The media, and also the political class, will continue to ignore it as Brexit means Breshit.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
IF that were the case, right wing media will dismiss it as remoaner propaganda trying to go against the will of the people. Whoever leads the decision will be accused of being an immigrant, or from Europe, or gay. The media, and also the political class, will continue to ignore it as Brexit means Breshit.

What makes you say that?



What makes you say that?

You're going against 20 years of conditioning from the media that immigrants are bad, Europe is bad and the U.K. Is unquestionably great. No one dare says against it because you will instantly be made into a public enemy, and there is a legitimate threat that you might be killed by a right wing extremist.The hate in the media at the moment is disgusting and intense. It's almost at the level it was during the EU campaign, you know, before somebody was killed by a terrorist. Then everyone backed off for abit. Either way, the story was immediately dropped once they had sold their newspapers , and every effort was made to avoid labeling Thomas Mair as a terrorist.

I think that's what it's going to take for things to calm down. Another innocent person will need to be killed for everyone to step back and consider this language that is being used. Either way, you'll have to accept that we're going to leave the EU. It will only be hindsight hat there will be a chance that it will be considered bad for the nation.
Wouldn't it just be a kick in the pants if a post-Brexit Britain had to have even more immigration in order to get the deals it wants?

I need this to happen. I need white safe havens to be invaded by the dreaded browns these pathetic cunts so desperately fear. I want them to feel like they've lost every single time they look out of the window, I want these cunts to go to their grave knowing they didn't get their country back. Fuck every single one of them.

All the bullshit about sovereignty fell apart the second these cunts attacked the ruling from the UK judges.


Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Umm, not even going to respond to Miles, just add him to my ignore list...good lord is that post vindictive.

But James O'Brien is on point. Under British law, parliament is supreme, the head of government can't authorise everything on their own. Nobody should be upset that parliament has to authorise any exit, even if it doesn't give you the result you want.
Oh no, let's not be dicks to the people who are willingly steering country towards decades of hardship because reaching with a hand of understanding will surely win them over.

They just need someone to sit them down and explain why their opinions are wrong, I'm sure they'll come around...it's not like they are angry over literally nothing at all, don't know the fuck the they are talking about half the time and seem more than happy to broadcast their pig ignorance to the world and then fall back on shitty right wing talking points when their ignorance is exposed.



I hope things are serious between Prince Harry and his girlfriend.

I can't think of a more perfect end to Brexit than the nation's darling marrying a hot brown chick.


I hope things are serious between Prince Harry and his girlfriend.

I can't think of a more perfect end to Brexit than the nation's darling marrying a hot brown chick.

Who gives a fuck though? Seriously, obsessed with some Prince boning a chick. Just like the whole Toblerone news, who honestly gives a flying fuck?! Sick of this shit.
Don't get the fuss over Toblerones.

See, you only buy them in airports, and once we ban immigration, no-one will fly to or from here. No need for them anyway.


Maturity, bitches.
Doesn't matter if Brexiters were mislead, they wanted to leave Europe no matter what. The campaign just gave them something to say when they were asked why.

Newsflash: Sturgeon to get several-points bump in ratings by continuing to be extremely irritating to the Tories.

I'm not sure if she has a legal leg to stand on, but her position is logical given the SNP's stance that Scotland should remain part of the EU if possible. Even if I don't think the Supreme Court will go for it.

Her side wins: Sturgeon and the Scottish Parliament get a massive bump in authority and influence, both within Britain and outside of it.
Her side loses: She tried, and she gets to go to the Scottish people as someone who tried to speak for Scotland but was blocked by the English.


Newsflash: Sturgeon to get several-points bump in ratings by continuing to be extremely irritating to the Tories.

I'm not sure if she has a legal leg to stand on, but her position is logical given the SNP's stance that Scotland should remain part of the EU if possible. Even if I don't think the Supreme Court will go for it.

Her side wins: Sturgeon and the Scottish Parliament get a massive bump in authority and influence, both within Britain and outside of it.
Her side loses: She tried, and she gets to go to the Scottish people as someone who tried to speak for Scotland but was blocked by the English.

it truly is win/win for her


So what if Scotland win the case. Do they really block Brexit? I find it hard to believe that this is where all this ends.

No it just prevents the UK government from appealing against the ruling which says they can't unilaterally activate article 50, it must go through Parliament


Back in Lords to vote to stop local authorities being given power to opt out of child protection obligations.

Vote won, three to go tonight but Labour have gone home - again.
It would create all manner of fuckups, but in terms of actual discrimination it'd be access to things Leave voters willingly decided to forego, wouldn't it?


It would create all manner of fuckups, but in terms of actual discrimination it'd be access to things Leave voters willingly decided to forego, wouldn't it?
I don't see anything stopping Leave voters for applying for EU citizenship.

Unbelievable to be against this. I assume it would come at a high price once negotiations start, but to reject it on principle...
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