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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Just saw tweets of Diane Abbott saying to Sky News that Labour "don't take a view" on should Parliament vote on A50.

Fucking hell what is the point of you Labour


Labour tried to early to get rid of Corbyn. They'll have to wait until a terrible general election defeat until things can be shook up.

Maybe you can become new, new labour Jonathan?


Dominic Raab has been trying his best to thrust himself into the limelight. He's not too far from where I live. Someone should ask him what he thinks about an independent judiciary. If I happen to bump into him I'll be sure to.
Case to last four days. Verdict expected in January.
So much for hoping for a pre-Christmas exchange rate bump.

I can also see now why the Goverment is shitting themselves. They can't push the button in March without a plan if in January they find they need a "aims of leaving the EU and what kind of great deal we want" document voted on...like Theresa said "Brexit means Brexit and I'll make a mess of it".

Edit: Then again maybe that is what the Conservatives want. If it has to go to vote they'll have a scapegoat for not pushing the button in March. Not their fault they didn't have a plan of course... (remember pro-remain David Cameron was meant to provide this...whilst pushing the button on June 23rd)
The govt will find it easy to push an article 50 bill through before March - Labour have said they'll amend it for some meaningless "safeguards" but that they won't vote the bill down if their anendments fail. So the govt will start the process even if they still don't really have a plan because the Mail and Express would crucify the government if they didn't do it by march like they said and Theresa May is the walking personification of the Daily Mail.




Just saw tweets of Diane Abbott saying to Sky News that Labour "don't take a view" on should Parliament vote on A50.

Fucking hell what is the point of you Labour

With the way the press and media are behaving, Corbyn leaving it to the tories to stew in is the best option.

We are more likely to get a sensible outcome if the right doesn't have easy distractions like red jeremy thwarting the will of the people.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
With the way the press and media are behaving, Corbyn leaving it to the tories to stew in is the best option.

We are more likely to get a sensible outcome if the right doesn't have easy distractions like red jeremy thwarting the will of the people.

It's just a shame this plan isn't by design.


...Aren't the claimants already publicly known? Or is this to say newspapers can't start revealing 'extra' details like the Daily Mail did with the High Court judges?

I believe there are claimants from Northern Ireland and the Scottish/Welsh gov. that are now involved that weren't in the original case so it would be protecting them.
I believe there are claimants from Northern Ireland and the Scottish/Welsh gov. that are now involved that weren't in the original case so it would be protecting them.

It suddenly dawned on me that while the individual heads of the devolved governments and parties are obvious enough, the individuals representing them probably aren't. Fair enough then, and good call.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
So, who is winning the arguments so far?

We've only had one side (the government), so difficult to tell. They got quite a frosty reception, I'd say, but it obviously won't be anywhere near concluded yet. Four days more, if I remember correctly.


Other main takeaway from Barnier's press conference:

First, unity. Unity is the strength of the European Union. President Juncker and I are determined to preserve the unity and the interests of EU 27. This determination is shared by all governments.

Second, being in the European Union comes with rights and benefits. Third countries can never have the same rights and benefits since they are not subject to the same obligations.

Third, negotiations will not start before notification.

Fourth, the single market and its full freedoms, its four freedoms, are indivisible. Cherry picking is not an option.

Not sure how many times the 4th point needs to be said for the penny drop for the leavers.


Don't worry. Theresa May has come up with an equally concise and solid plan.


For fucks sake.
We could just start with actually defining Brexit, Theresa.

Not sure how many times the 4th point needs to be said for the penny drop for the leavers.
They've accepted it already, unfortunately. Everything else is sacrificed at the altar of no free movement.


I'm starting to believe that Theresa May is much less competent than her Evil Sith persona made me believe at first.

She presided over a series of mess ups at the Home Office. Just Call me Dave's unwillingness to sack folk (it interferes with the chillaxing) and the fact he saw her as a threat he could keep occupied with a challenging brief was the only real reason she remain in place. In terms of performance she was pretty much bang average.
I'm starting to believe that Theresa May is much less competent than her Evil Sith persona made me believe at first.

More of a Tin Lady than an Iron one, it seems.

Seriously though, that is such a non-answer its pitiful. The best she can get for Britain will be defined by what it's possible for Britain to even get. That is increasingly looking like very little.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait for the SC to conclude we need Scottish consent and then for UKIP to campaign for Engxit from the Union.

Edit: and Wexit obviously.




I'm starting to believe that Theresa May is much less competent than her Evil Sith persona made me believe at first.

She is a PM with a very British problem - we put too much value in the traditional appearance of competence rather than competence itself.

It's an insidious problem with affects way more than just our politics, and is one of the major reasons why, despite the talent, infrastructure and money in London, we will never produce the Google's/Facebook's/Snapchat's of the world.
Can't wait for the SC to conclude we need Scottish consent and then for UKIP to campaign for Engxit from the Union.

Edit: and Wexit obviously.

I suspect it'll be the altar of Brexit that sees the slaying of many things. Hopefully not the Union, but...

we put too much value in the traditional appearance of competence rather than competence itself.

Ssssh! I'll be out of a job if we stop that!
May can't possibly be serious with all this stuff she is saying. Blue, white, yellow, red, black, whatever... it'd be hilarious if it weren't about the future of the UK and in part also the EU.
Can't wait for the SC to conclude we need Scottish consent and then for UKIP to campaign for Engxit from the Union.

Edit: and Wexit obviously.
SNP will vote against triggering A50 anyhow if the government loses in the SC.
Not sure how the SC could rule against a parliamentary vote.


Had anyone used black, grey or white Brexit as terms? Or has May/advisors made it up so she could roll out that awful red, white and blue comment? I've honestly never heard the terms before.

FWIW, if I had to choose, I'd like a Pink Brexit. Sounds nice.


Don't worry. Theresa May has come up with an equally concise and solid plan.


“I’m interested in all these terms that have been identified – hard Brexit, soft Brexit, black Brexit, white Brexit, grey Brexit – and actually what we should be looking for is a red, white and blue Brexit,”

For fucks sake.

Haha that's amazing.

Not as good as these protesters outside the supreme court though:


Very quietly, Liam Fox admits the Brexit lie

"In order to minimise disruption to global trade as we leave the EU, over the coming period the government will prepare the necessary draft schedules which replicate as far as possible our current obligations."

It is a startling admission. The UK's extracted WTO schedules will "replicate as far as possible" it's current status. So we'll keep the special rule for oranges, even though we don't grow them. We will continue to protect a sugar process designed for Europe and continue failing to protect one used by one of our major companies, despite its years of lobbying to change the system.

In short, despite all the sound and the fury, despite all the attacks against immigrants and the threats against EU citizens in the UK, despite all the Brexit votes and the Richmond rebellions and the sudden change in this country's political dynamic, the government is not aiming to change anything of any substance. Britain will keep the exact EU tariff system which Brexiters for so long said was strangling it.

None of this will be mentioned by the Brexiters, of course. In public they puff out their chests and accuse critics of not believing in Britain and thumb their nose at their European counterparts. But in private, well away from prying eyes, they delicately and loyally replicate all of the EU's trading arrangements, just so they stand a chance of setting themselves up in a viable manner at the WTO.


She presided over a series of mess ups at the Home Office. Just Call me Dave's unwillingness to sack folk (it interferes with the chillaxing) and the fact he saw her as a threat he could keep occupied with a challenging brief was the only real reason she remain in place. In terms of performance she was pretty much bang average.
Of course that plan never included here ascending to PM in one of the most challenging times in British political history.
The Supreme Court case is fascinating as much as it's pointless. Labour will march through to pass A50 in any vote.

The absolute chaos of the SC upholding the High Court's verdict, and May then throwing a tantrum and going to the country, would be a sight to behold though.

The Brexit rhetoric would be absolutely ripped apart in any General Election now that it's been left to soak in for a few month. There's a huge amount of ammunition.
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