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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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I refer you to the map below, that's all stuff you need to renegotiate. Also, regarding China and potentially India too, do you realise that they don't just give out trade agreements. China will probably want over a decade of one sided free access to UK markets as the price for a trade deal. Because the UK is not a power player like the EU.

Eh? China has a FTA with Iceland. I'm pretty sure we'd get one no problem.


"Boris cannot provide the leadership or build the team for the task ahead".

That's a big spoiler to him.

Funky Papa

Gove running for PM now, just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse.

Not to sound like a chicken little, but given the sorry state of Labour, a cohesive Tory government in charge of redoing UK's post-Brexit legislation should be a cause of real concern.
So apparently Gove backstabbed Johnson and is running himself

UK politics has more backstabbing than GoT

All this craziness just makes it more impossible for Ianucci to come back for a one off The Thick of It Special. It wouldn't even feel like a comedy, just a documentary on the fuckery of the political system.



"Boris cannot provide the leadership or build the team for the task ahead".

That's a big spoiler to him.

Gove really does look like a Madame Tussaud's waxwork of Michael Gove >_>


You know what, I know the country is fucked, but this is entertaining as fuck.

Also this means May will win the leadership election. Yaasss.


So apparently Gove backstabbed Johnson and is running himself

UK politics has more backstabbing than GoT

At this point, I wouldn't put it past them deliberately screwing themselves so he or Boris don't get the job because neither want it after this mess. A team together might get them a win so best split and look weak then let May take the job.

I still haven't seen Gov since before the election, what a scum bag.
His point 14 - is he referring to Article 50 being triggered, THEN it going to Second Ref to approve the deal??

If so, what happens if UK public shoot down the deal??

If there's time left / you get an extension further negotiations. Otherwise you get kicked. They'll likely retune that as the date approaches and if it looks like failure is possible make predictions then based on the time remaining and relationship with the EU.


FTSE 250 jumped on Gove news. Probably not that he will win, but that it means May - pro-EU (or more so than BoJo) will win, and get a less suicidal deal.
Wow, wasn't expecting Gove to throw his hat into the ring. Wonder what it was that Gove and Boris disagreed on - perhaps immigration?

He probably realises they will not get the immigration controls he wants with BJ, so maybe he thinks with him in charge it is more likely, then again maybe his wife wants to be PM...
It's not a zero sum game, FTA is a win-win.

FTAs are not inherently win win. Australia has had one with the US , and it's net effect for us has been ~0. The US got to write a chunk of their laws into ours in exchange. We pretty much lost that one. We do the same thing to our weaker partners.

I'll admit that I haven't read it, but since both parties signed it I'm gonna say it's beneficial to the interests of both parties.

It might be. The thing is no one knows until a few years down the road if the exchanges were fair. Its educated guessing / predictions and it's far from immune to lobbying by specific interest groups to get terms that are beneficial to them even if the net trade offs for those concessions are negative. There's also political considerations our prior Prime Minister hastily signed a bunch of FTAs because they are electorally popular and his ratings were in a dumpster.


In one respect Gove would be good. Would completely cut out the middleman between Murdoch and running the country - he won't need to use the press to push for policy, as he would just own the prime minster outright. much more efficient to have the most corrupt man in government at the top.

My big worry right now is the Tory majority weirdly enough. Whilst I don't think any of the main leadership candidates wants to leave Europe, there are more than 12 nut bag Tory MPs who will push them to enact article 50 and thus they will be forced down that road unwillingly.

I utterly despair at the fact that my future has been wrecked because of internal Tory party politics. These ridiculous pygmies of politics, willing to sacrifice everything for a shot at number 10.


Wow, wasn't expecting Gove to throw his hat into the ring. Wonder what it was that Gove and Boris disagreed on - perhaps immigration?

Whatever Murdoch and the Daily Mail twat want them to do. Gov seems more of a puppet in that regard and they probably think Boris has no idea what he is doing now and wants out of this mess so it's Gov as the ticket.
People are going to miss Cameron when he's gone

Could be something on Mock the Week's "Unlikely things to hear..." section...

But possibly true. Sorta.

When someone said "No deal is better than the deal we have at the moment" I was gobsmacked and asked how and they just replied Freedom.

We doomed.


Farage says all Leave voters want to prevent immigration.

Johnson says no Leave voters want to prevent immigration.

That's going to go down well.

On Gove:
He said that the school I went to is the best in the country,
He said schools shouldn't show Blackadder in history lessons.
My school showed Blackadder in history lessons.

Edit: Holy shit
Eh? China has a FTA with Iceland. I'm pretty sure we'd get one no problem.

China has a strategic interest in the arctic that is far more important to them than trade concerns with a nation of 300,000 people. So I'm fairly certain that the agreement with Iceland is in service of other goals.


Can any one of them seriously say that free movement of people and the single market won't come together when they set out their stalls. It would be a 100% lie unless they want to screw the UK by not being in the single market. That's going to be the most interesting point in their campaigns.

Tommy DJ

You are talking like it's a zero sum game, while in reality it's not, and FTA is a win-win.

I'll admit that I haven't read it, but since both parties signed it I'm gonna say it's beneficial to the interests of both parties.

It isn't a win/win situation. The main deal here was that Iceland's fisheries could have better access to China's consumers with the FTA. But as far as I know, this has not occurred where as China hasn't increased its consumption of Icelandic fish. In fact, Japan is still a significantly more important market as they're actually willing to buy Iceland's fish despite no FTA. The total catch/export ratio to China is actually decreasing as of the start of this year.

In the mean time, China gets improved access to the Arctic's natural resources.


Regarding numbers and projections.

I mean, there has been a bunch of analysis on this stuff from a bunch of economists. Basically it says Britain will lose 4% GDP growth and go into recession. I'm not really sure what else you want, planning-wise.

Here's what the Economist Intelligence Unit has to say about Brexit consequences:


As time passes, the numbers become better, the second (later) link talks about losing 2.5% GDP and not 4%.


It seems to me there is a clear tendency of overblowing the losses initially.

They do?? What is it? I've geniunely never heard of this.

Oil and gas.
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