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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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If a Tory candidate is selected to lead the party but Cameron is the one to call a GE after that's done, before he steps down, the next PM could be Labor. Not impossible but pretty unlikely.

Cameron can't call a general election. The parliament act means it requires a two thirds majority vote in parliament to do it, which won't happen under him.
lol @ John Kerry saying there are a number of ways the UK can stay in the EU.

Of course it would be US meddling and trying to school UK on how to undermine democracy. How apropos.

But then again, UK told Obama to fuck off when he came over and told them they'll be at "the back of the queue", so I doubt anyone over there is paying Kerry any mind.

Mr. Sam

On Theresa May, from an article in the New Statesmen in May: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2016/05/tory-civil-war

The favourite to end up in the last two with a Brexiter if there is an early leadership contest is Theresa May, described by one who knows her well as “cold, unfriendly, charmless, not as clever as she thinks she is, lacking imagination, unable to think outside the railway lines and intellectually dishonest”. However, he said that were the choice to be between her and Johnson, “I would, of course, vote for her.”


Yup, totally right. Just what France have proposed so they can take that a big part of that pie because we're so petrified of immigration at any cost.
Yep. It's poisoned gift. Lack of freedom of movement for the death of London's financial services. It's incredibly ruthless proposal, because the brexit masses will easily swallow the "hahaha..let those dirty banksters burn", not realizing just how catastrophic this would be to UK's economy.


After another question

Negotiation will need to take place on EU migrants allready here, and for those UK citizens in EU, it is not they are not welcome, but a deal obviously needs to be dome

Human rights

Her position is clear, however she will not pursue to pull us out as she can not secure a majority


lol @ John Kerry saying there are a number of ways the UK can stay in the EU.

Of course it would be US meddling and trying to school UK on how to undermine democracy. How apropos.

But then again, UK told Obama to fuck off when he came over and told them they'll be at "the back of the queue", so I doubt anyone over there is paying Kerry any mind.

Well, certain segments told him to fuck off. A lot of us realised that Obama was actually talking a lot of sense.
Brexit means Brexit...NO attempts to stay in, NO second referendum... NO General Election....NO back door to the EU

Shit, BoJo might be a better bet so he can fudge a turn around. Whose the best of the Pro-Remain candidates left?

4yrs of May as PM is a nightmare of a thought. I swear I'm watching my homeland burn itself to the ground - still better than the tumble weed of yesterday.


Zero right now. UKIP only has one MP, they failed to increase that at the last election, and now the Tories will bring home a lot of those protest votes by being for Brexit.
Yeah, I meant after the general election. I mostly agree, but UKIP has a lot of fertile ground left promising to veto immigration issues in the negotiation.
Cameron can't call a general election. The parliament act means it requires a two thirds majority vote in parliament to do it, which won't happen under him.

Theoretically the prospective Tory leader could ask him too (to give him Conservative votes) and Labor as the opposition would be pretty much obliged to go along with an effective no confidence vote.
Not saying it's likely just that the a set of circumstances exist by which the next PM is non-Tory.


I can't see a way in which the passport is not gone and although this is going to mess up my life, drive a huge deflation in the wage I can command, devalue my house and make it harder and harder to find work I'm kind of over worrying about it now.

It is what it is, i'll knuckle down and do whatever I can to keep my families head above water. No point crying over spilt milk.

I hear you. But the milk is not spilt yet. The bottle top is just off and primed to be tipped.

I want just one major voice to come out (Farron doesn't count) to say "Fuck this noise - if this is gonna be final, a 2nd Referendum will just reinforce us"

The Leave Campaign has been destroyed as lies. We cannot get a goddamn thing they promised and surely that's been spelt out to at least some of the poor sods who believed them

There is still a hardcore line of ignorant hardliners who believe we're on the way to the promised land but Jesus...


A trade deal will have to be accepted by all 27 members.

No. The deal is concluded on behalf of the EU by the Council. And decided by a qualified majority vote. That means more than 55% of member states representatives vote for the deal (at least 15 of the 27) and the winning vote must be supported by members of countries that represent at least 65% of the EU population. It's a double majority rule.

You know, I thought I knew it's the former, but I went to check and it seems it's actually the latter.

It's good for the potential of the UK - EU deal, obviously, but I guess I will do more reading and less writing for some time.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I sometimes think people hear what they want to hear here and have no care or understanding for anything else thats not in their narrative, or maybe I heard a different speech from May.


May on General Election

Tories elected to govern until 2020, uncertainties around would only be made worse by calling a GE

people looking for stability
So, as a foreigner am I right in assuming that your likely next PM seems to be an updated version of Margaret Thatcher, who seems even more stern and ruthless than the original (I never thought that this would even be possible)?

If true then, yes, fun times ahead indeed :-/


First thing I've actually liked from May - no longer advocating UK pulling out of ECHR.

Yup, that was the scariest thing. Although she said she is clear she would like it, just that she couldn't get a majority. She's basically saying she just doesn't want to lose.

And I'm OK with that.

So, as a foreigner am I right in assuming that your likely next PM seems to be an updated version of Margaret Thatcher, who seems even more stern and ruthless than the original (I never thought that this would even be possible)?

If true then, yes, fun times ahead indeed :-/

I wouldn't say more stern and ruthless, but it's clear Thatcher was someone May looked up to.
Well everyone has been bemoaning the political chaos engulfing the two main parties, saying that we need leadership. Well it looks like we're going to get it. The wrong kind of leadership, but leadership all the same...


After another question

Negotiation will need to take place on EU migrants allready here, and for those UK citizens in EU, it is not they are not welcome, but a deal obviously needs to be dome

Human rights

Her position is clear, however she will not pursue to pull us out as she can not secure a majority

The sight of the UK rounding up people who came here legally and are working, to deport them back to their home countries, will cement our position on the world stage as being an utterly fucked up bunch of racist cunts.

Even giving the slightest credence to that nonsense is appalling and pandering to bigots. Any leader with an ounce of morals (or sense) should be saying clearly that everyone here legally will be able to stay here no matter what happens.
So with this set of conservative candidates, what are the chances of an early general? I'd understand them wanting to hold onto power as long as they can. But even if one was held, would article 50 be triggered before so all the parties have to focus on leaving?
Yep. It's poisoned gift. Lack of freedom of movement for the death of London's financial services. It's incredibly ruthless proposal, because the brexit masses will easily swallow the "hahaha..let those dirty banksters burn", not realizing just how catastrophic this would be to UK's economy.

But it doesn't even achieve that. I'm as much for holding bankers over the fire as anyone else when their less then ethical behavior in the pursuit of fat bonuses screws the economy but having them pick up and set up shop in a different country and carry on as us usual not only fails to achieve that , it makes it more difficult to impose even token a wrist slaps the next time it happens.


Theresa May

We will leave the European Union

Brexit means Brexit...NO attempts to stay in, NO second referendum... NO General Election....NO back door to the EU

Budget Surplus requirements will extend over 2020

Article 50 will be announced when we are ready....

Process of negotiation is going to take several years, will be lead by secretary of state and that person must be from the leave campaign

NO free movement of people! will be accepted...Holy fuck, she is ruthless......No wriggling out of the promise on free movement

The Sky will not fall in

I'm an Italian immigrant in UK and honestly at this point I hope she'll be the one negotiating the leave.

When she'll get nothing leavers won't be able to say that she wasn't carrying their ideals and maybe realise that what they were asking for was impossible.

If someone more moderate goes to negotiate I'm afraid that we'd only end up with many people going to vote extremist parties to achieve what they would still think is feasible


The sight of the UK rounding up people who came here legally and are working, to deport them back to their home countries, will cement our position on the world stage as being an utterly fucked up bunch of racist cunts.

Even giving the slightest credence to that nonsense is appalling and pandering to bigots. Any leader with an ounce of morals (or sense) should be saying clearly that everyone here legally will be able to stay here no matter what happens.

I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt for now because something probably would need to be worked out if EU citizens aren't allowed to come here, technically speaking they wouldn't be allowed to stay under the current terms.

If there's any rumbling she would kick people out, then fuck anything else she tries to do, she can just fuck off.
So with this set of conservative candidates, what are the chances of an early general? I'd understand them wanting to hold onto power as long as they can. But even if one was held, would article 50 be triggered before so all the parties have to focus on leaving?

May who is supposedly on the remain side just said no general election and full steam ahead for "stability".


I'm an Italian immigrant in UK and honestly at this point I hope she'll be the one negotiating the leave.

When she'll get nothing leavers won't be able to say that she wasn't carrying their ideals and maybe realise that what they were asking for was impossible.

If someone more moderate goes to negotiate I'm afraid that we'd only end up with many people going to vote extremist parties to achieve what they would still think is feasible

She said Secretary of State will head a dept for the negotiation, however that person will be from the leave campaign


Yep. It's poisoned gift. Lack of freedom of movement for the death of London's financial services. It's incredibly ruthless proposal, because the brexit masses will easily swallow the "hahaha..let those dirty banksters burn", not realizing just how catastrophic this would be to UK's economy.

Taking this line of thinking (which I'm not arguing with), and something like this article, would it be reasonable to argue that the masses are entirely uneducated about the economy? I don't mean this in an elitist fashion, but from the outside-looking-in, the Remain campaign was all about the negatives of leaving, not the positives of staying in. So, when someone says

“I don’t have any money in the stock market,” Mr. Walker, 59, said as he drank a pint of beer in a pub. “So what’s it to me?”

Isn't that a failure of the politicians, education and the media to ingrain into all parts of society what the EU, the City and the financial sector does? Isn't it just a desire by both politicians and media to feed into the popular myth of bankers and large corporations as soul-sucking entities not giving anything back?

Or is it too broad a reading... Too much "tarring everyone with the same brush"?


She said Secretary of State will head a dept for the negotiation, however that person will be from the leave campaign


Potentially the worst position he could be put in....


Funny how there's mention of kicking smart skilled people out of the country when I've already spoken to several skilled smart workers from EU (and even other parts of the world) who are voluntarily planning to leave the UK because they don't feel welcome as a result of the referendum vote. Nobody wants to work/contribute here anymore so no bother in even threatening to boot them out. Damage already done.
The french can say what they want. Eastern european countries will veto any deal without freedom of movement
Actually, his comments are completely noncommittal. "Everything is on the table and will need to be discussed"? Well, no shit.
They want Article 50 to be triggered so they're not going to be publicly negotiating before it happens. These are really boilerplate platitudes.


And France is just begging us to invoke Article 50. Once done, they will unleash an absolute barrage of attacks to make sure that banking passport is gone, by incentivising us to drop it or by hostile means.
Even more so when this government is incredibly unpopular and is up for reelection one year from now. They have a political interest in this moving forward as quickly as possible, just to take any kind of win home, even if there's not a chance in hell that these negotiations would be done by the next election.

Still, with May pushing back article 50, I fail to see how the current limbo wouldn't progressively push businesses out of the U.K. anyway.


So, as a foreigner am I right in assuming that your likely next PM seems to be an updated version of Margaret Thatcher, who seems even more stern and ruthless than the original (I never thought that this would even be possible)?

If true then, yes, fun times ahead indeed :-/


She opened by talking about social injustice and that poor people basically have no chance of achieving anything in this country.

Not Thatcher-like at all.
If a Tory candidate is selected to lead the party but Cameron is the one to call a GE after that's done, before he steps down, the next PM could be Labor. Not impossible but pretty unlikely.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that once the new Tory leader is selected he has to stand down immediately? I'm certain its not a requirement that the Prime Minster is the leader of the party that commands the majority in the commons (doesn't have to be an MP, Lords have been PM before, doesn't have to be the largest party - it's the commons majority bit thats important), but it is a long held convention that would make his position even more untenable than it already is if he doesn't step aside immediately.

When he steps aside the newly elected Tory leader will be invited by the Queen to form the new government.

I don't see any option here for Cameron to try getting Commons support for an early election. Hell, he'd need the support of is own part who just elected a replacement PM.
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