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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Have you been paying attention today? Winding down?! This has all happened today:

  • Labour are needing members for their shadow cabinet so badly at the moment that they put an 81 year old backbencher of 20-something years, who literally has written a book on being a backbencher, in a front bench position
  • Theresa May is the favourite to be Tory leader. Fortunatly isn't planning to withdraw from the European Human Rights but only because she won't get the support
  • Michael Gove, Boris' lapdog, stabbed him in the back and announced he would be running for leader
  • Boris Johnson then gave a 15 minute speech explaining how good he would be as a leader and how good he was as London Mayor... Before saying he would not be standing at the end
  • Turns out that Gove may have sub-edited Boris column
Maybe winding down for the day, but we now have two leadership contests too!


Maybe another one for the list?

Corbyn possibly resigning shortly.



It's so true...

Funky Papa

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the news, but isn't this why she's urging to hold a second independence referendum as soon as possible?

Probably. She knows negotiations will take a while, so the harder she pushes for a referendum, the better for Scotland.

I could see a very quick transitionary period in the event of a declaration of independence assuming the UK is ok with the situation, which is no small if. I can't honestly imagine Scotland going indy before the UK invokes Article 50.



Maybe another one for the list?

Corbyn possibly resigning shortly.

He has to go. I like Corbyn as a politician, I do, but we need a credible opposition now, and it's obviously not working.

Sorry but he's just got to go.

Have you been paying attention today? Winding down?! This has all happened today:

Labour are needing members for their shadow cabinet so badly at the moment that they put an 81 year old backbencher of 20-something years, who literally has written a book on being a backbencher, in a front bench position

Really?? XD


I could see a very quick transitionary period in the event of a declaration of independence assuming the UK is ok with the situation, which is no small if. I can't honestly imagine Scotland going indy before the UK invokes Article 50.

tbh if I was a member of parliament in the UK right now i'd vote pro their referendum and move to scotland myself. Seems like the safe bet.
Also, I can see the EU using the terms for scotlands independence as part of the global art.50 deal. It would make it easier for spain to accept if it was part of a big major construction that none of the other areas who want independence can rely upon.
It is impossible to be solving two things of this scale at once. Asking the UK to have to deal with another referendum on Scotland while it is not yet out of the EU and the terms of the future cooperation with the EU are unclear is asking for a suicide. Please have patience and don't demand your part of the pie until we take that pie out of the hot oven.

From Sturgeon's perspective its more like you're a cat leading its kittens into a burning room and she'd like her kitten to get out before you all die in the fire.


Probably. She knows negotiations will take a while, so the harder she pushes for a referendum, the better for Scotland.

I could see a very quick transitionary period in the event of a declaration of independence assuming the UK is ok with the situation, which is no small if. I can't honestly imagine Scotland going indy before the UK invokes Article 50.

Of course not, but I wouldn't dismiss the potential of an independence referendum by summer 2017.


From Sturgeon's perspective its more like you're a cat leading its kittens into a burning room and she'd like her kitten to get out before you all die in the fire.

That's why we need media that isn't sensationalist.

(I mean, really. Is it too much to ask to hold off for two-three years so that the country can damn sort it out?)


She is also not as propped up by vested interests as other candidates.

In politics, she is well known as not really being a schmoozer, more a getting on with it type of thing, and she has taken on some very powerful organisations and won, for example the US government on the McKinnon case and the police unions on racism/Hillsborough.

Here is a speech she gave to the police federation. Please note, this is a room full of police officers (institutionally racist) that she is saying it to. This takes some fucking cajones.


She is the right woman for the job.

Literally nothing you say here indicates that she is the right person to be prime minister. The police inquiry was a good showing, but she has voiced countless problematic and authoritarian opinions, and tried to push through problematic legislation which others have had to block.

So she has conviction. Conviction doesn't a good leader make. Often the opposite.

Heh, as a Scot I'm rooting for May. She has shown that she is more than capable of doing what needs to be done, as shown by her no nonsense attitude as HC.

I don't think it's fair calling her Thatcher 2.0, whats the connection? She's a female conservative?

She's authoritarian as fuck and wants to turn the UK into a secret-service-ruled police state.

She would love to be Big Sister. You think 1984 is your ideal running model of a sovereign state? Cool, vote May!

I kind of knew the reason May was staying from the shit and being silent because she knew being involved would taint her profile, she was just waiting for a moments like this. Except for Gove, who is still not that big of a threat for her, nothing stands in her way.

I literally said this to my gf last night. She stayed out of it so that all the shit would float past and she'd emerge clean.

It worked.

People will never learn


New Zealand has offered its top trade negotiators to the United Kingdom, relieving the British civil service as it prepares for the strain of seeking new deals with countries across the globe.

The Telegraph understands that the Commonwealth country has made an offer to loan staff to the British civil service, which has few trade negotiators of its own.

Wellington’s olive branch came alongside an offer to discuss a trade agreement with the UK, which would help Britain get out of the starting blocks and begin replacing the trade access lost as a result of the Brexit vote.



Really?? XD


Paul Flynn says MPs may be a "tad surprised to see me in this position". It was only yesterday that it was announced that Mr Flynn would be responding to the business statement.

"For the past 26 years I have been a backbencher by choice. Not just my choice but the choice of the last five leaders of my party," he says.

Despite a "diversity project" in Labour that brought "far more women to the front bench than ever before" there has been a "total absence of octogenarians" he complains.

Mr Flynn, who is 81, says he hopes his appointment will be a "trail blazing post" and will lead to "all octogenarian short lists for the party".

Chris Grayling congratulates Paul Flynn on his "extraordinary comeback 26 years since last sat [on the front bench]".

Mr Flynn was such a good backbencher he wrote a book on it, Mr Grayling tells the House, before producing the book.

Mr Grayling shares a few of the "words of wisdom" from the book, including the advice that "ministers in waiting should cultivate the virtues of dullness and safety".


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
So the two people arguably responsible for this whole mess are now just "Welp that was fun. See ya!"

New Zealand has offered its top trade negotiators to the United Kingdom, relieving the British civil service as it prepares for the strain of seeking new deals with countries across the globe.

God damn Kiwi immigrants coming to steal all the jobs! Kick them out I say!


Is there a website where one can look up an MPs past pledges, opinions, speeches etc?

I want to find out more about the shit that some of these people have done cos I'm sure Theresa May has loads in her closet. I know she's spoken quite Orwellian in past speeches after all but would like to see some of them.


New Zealand has offered its top trade negotiators to the United Kingdom, relieving the British civil service as it prepares for the strain of seeking new deals with countries across the globe.

The Telegraph understands that the Commonwealth country has made an offer to loan staff to the British civil service, which has few trade negotiators of its own.

Wellington’s olive branch came alongside an offer to discuss a trade agreement with the UK, which would help Britain get out of the starting blocks and begin replacing the trade access lost as a result of the Brexit vote.


So now we can complain about unelected bureaucrats from Wellington?!

Is there a good site or something where one can look up an MPs past pledges, opinions, speeches etc?

I want to find out more about the vile shit some of these people have done cos I'm sure Theresa has loads. I know she's spoken quite Orwellian in the past but would like to see them.



It is impossible to be solving two things of this scale at once. Asking the UK to have to deal with another referendum on Scotland while it is not yet out of the EU and the terms of the future cooperation with the EU are unclear is asking for a suicide. Please have patience and don't demand your part of the pie until we take that pie out of the hot oven.

More like England have shat in the pie before baking it and she doesn't want to eat it


Is there a website where one can look up an MPs past pledges, opinions, speeches etc?

I want to find out more about the shit that some of these people have done cos I'm sure Theresa May has loads in her closet. I know she's spoken quite Orwellian in past speeches after all but would like to see some of them.

You don't really need to go to all that effort. It'll probably be in the Guardian very soon.

Par Score

BIG: so @MalmstromEU tells me EU/UK trade talks won't start until Art50 exit complete then UK will trade on WTO terms until a deal is done

Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.


More like England have shat in the pie before baking it and she doesn't want to eat it

If you want to make the analogy closer, it'd be thirty million cooks from both England and Scotland (and also Wales and North Ireland) cooking the pie and then 52% of them liking it and 48% not liking it, with Scots mostly not liking it. But that kind of takes all wind off the sails.

Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

If thats true might as well shut down the UK now.



Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

Hahaha you have too much faith.

We're screwed.



Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

If that's true, thats fucking it.

Article 50 would be complete suicide if not already.



Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

holy shit lol


If you want to make the analogy closer, it'd be thirty million cooks from both England and Scotland (and also Wales and North Ireland) cooking the pie and then 52% of them liking it and 48% not liking it, with Scots mostly not liking it. But that kind of takes all wind off the sails.

Not in a first past the post world. There we can conclude that all of England and Wales liked it.



Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

I'm sorry what.



Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

I mentioned that yesterday actually.
Article 50 only requires an exit agreement that takes into account a framework for future relationships between the withdrawing state and the EU. It does not require that new trade deals be put in place.
Basically they'll sort out pending deals, figure how to phase-out all the treaties and EU laws and what to do with EU/UK citizens.



Cecilia Malmström (@MalmstromEU) is the EU Trade Commissioner in charge of EU Trade policy.

The article 50 period wouldn't be used to negotiate deals, just allow us to have the most orderly exit possible. Fortunately no PM would ever be stupid enough to actually invoke Article 50.

If this one works out to be true, then yes, the sky is indeed falling. His other Tweet is pretty telling about how long we'd possibly have to negotiate anyway:

Just to give you an idea... EU/Canada trade pact talks started 7 years ago, a deal is now close but it could still take 2 years to ratify
They come over here and steal our jobs...

You don't need to worry about that. They are just there to negotiate a trade deal with the foreign power they owe allegiance to for you. Once you've been taken to the cleaners Once that's done, I'm sure they'll be on their way. Possibly with your silverware.
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