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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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it's not just that she doesn't have answers, it's that her position is strengthened by stoking the fire down here rather than trying to fix this mess and the people who will be worst effected are applauding her for it.
Incase you haven't noticed she isn't prime minister of gb she's first minister of Scotland and she's trying to sort out stuff for Scotland.

Get your own useless pillocks in line.


you want to leave mate?

i don't.

any politician that can facilitate this for me i'm all ears for it.

Of course I don't.

The vote is apparently sacrosanct, we have asked the driver to take us to our new home and we don't care if the bridge has collapsed on the way.

I'm knee deep in crazy cunts(not you)


not tag worthy
Depends, I looked into going to Australia in 2008, when I was 36, and I could have got in.

I am currently looking again, but it's a bit tougher being the wrong side of 40.

I'm near 40 too.
My skills aren't transferable either. I can only really work in one field,

I think staying in uk for the meantime until my wife and I get things sorted .

She has a shit load of business experience so I bet she would find something easily.

I have spoken to her since she came back. I feel less stressed and just want to ride this out.

Where we end up in the future who knows?

If it looks like it won't work out in the UK we will deal with it. Until then we just wait.


The mess keeps getting messier.

I can see this leading to the complete break up of the UK into weird little bits all strung together with sticky tape.


This is insane.

British politics is outdoing Game of Thrones. Does everyone in parliament spend their evenings consulting Machiavelli?


Boris' week so far.

Lol, can someone slap Boris' face on that? XD


Maturity, bitches.
If you think a certain bit of news will mean things go a certain way then expect it to result in the opposite.


Meanwhile it sounds like a Corbyn supporter has used anti-semetic language towards a labour MP today at the launch of an inquiry into anti-semetism in the labour party.
You couldn't make this shit up.

You know those videos of parliaments in other countries where suddenly the communications break down and become full-blown fisticuff chaos? I feel like we're in the midst of a metaphoric version of that right now


All that is happening is the EU is setting out its negotiating position (worst case scenario), while when we have a new leader, they will set out their position (best case scenario).

The reality will be somewhere in the middle.


(I voted Remain, I'm just saying people are freaking out and saying we're going to turn into Somalia or something).


From far away, it looks like she is the only one who cares for her country/people and is fighting for them.

Might be misleading but contrasted to the english politicians she comes across like a saint.

See this whole situation just shows how much our politicians do not care about their people(they must hate us) and how stupid they are. Like May is saying Brexit means Brexit, when we dont even know what it means and what the consequences are. Just fucking jump off the cliff anyway, there's surely something soft down there.

They will just go through it without understanding why the public wanted it, or care what they are angry about(so the anger and disenchantment continues). If your a politician shouldn't you do things for the better of your people, they even justify and do that all the time with security, were taking away your rights and monitoring you even though you wouldn't agree with it because its for the greater good. They disobey when it suits and then abide by the rules when it spites us.

In this case even though people may not get what they really want and will be worse off and were lied to and it was impossible to understand such a complex situation reduced to such a simple question.

We have such evil cuntish fucking stupid politicians.


All that is happening is the EU is setting out its negotiating position (worst case scenario), while when we have a new leader, they will set out their position (best case scenario).

The reality will be somewhere in the middle.


(I voted Remain, I'm just saying people are freaking out and saying we're going to turn into Somalia or something).

The EU seem to be setting out the actual process of exit.


thanks for the laugh
Incase you haven't noticed she isn't prime minister of gb she's first minister of Scotland and she's trying to sort out stuff for Scotland.

Get your own useless pillocks in line.

i see someone who has realised that de-entangling a nation from its economic union (let alone central government) is an absolute nightmare that no sane voter would want to go through.

if somehow this is resolved and the nuclear button is never pushed, the appetite for independence for the sake of some flag waving bollocks in the wake of this colossal fuck up will be gone. her last chance at an independent scotland is for article 50 to go through, sink the UK and jump in the EU lifeboat.


They won't win an referendum with the Euro being forced on them. It was No campaigns magic weapon last time and they'll drag it out again.
The pound could be worth less that milk bottle tops, but voters will still prefer it to Euros.

And the no campaign will just say you aren't getting the pound either like last time. I think a yes would only win now if piles of shit hit the fan in the UK.


Meanwhile it sounds like a Corbyn supporter has used anti-semetic language towards a labour MP today at the launch of an inquiry into anti-semetism in the labour party.
You couldn't make this shit up.

Ruth Smeeth: http://www.ruthsmeeth.org.uk/statement_on_the_launch_of_the_chakrabarti_report

"This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a 'media conspiracy'. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people, which were ironically highlighted as such in Ms Chakrabarti's report, while the leader of my own party stood by and did absolutely nothing."

"People like this have no place in our party or our movement and must be opposed. Until today I had made no public comment about Jeremy’s ability to lead our party, but the fact that he failed to intervene is final proof for me that he is unfit to lead, and that a Labour Party under his stewardship cannot be a safe space for British Jews. I have written to the General Secretary of the Labour Party and the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party to formally complain about this morning’s events."

"No-one from the Leader’s office has contacted me since the event, which is itself a catastrophic failure of leadership. I call on Jeremy Corbyn to resign immediately and make way for someone with the backbone to confront racism and antisemitism in our party and in the country."


The Birthday Skeleton
They won't win an referendum with the Euro being forced on them. It was No campaigns magic weapon last time and they'll drag it out again.
The pound could be worth less that milk bottle tops, but voters will still prefer it to Euros.

It was a magic weapon because it was the pound and "being in EU" vs. uncertainty.

But now it's pound (a totally different one compared to last time) and May/Gove and no EU vs. EU and euro. I don't see a too difficult choice there.
New Zealand has offered its top trade negotiators to the United Kingdom, relieving the British civil service as it prepares for the strain of seeking new deals with countries across the globe.

The Telegraph understands that the Commonwealth country has made an offer to loan staff to the British civil service, which has few trade negotiators of its own.

Wellington’s olive branch came alongside an offer to discuss a trade agreement with the UK, which would help Britain get out of the starting blocks and begin replacing the trade access lost as a result of the Brexit vote.


First the flag, now this. Commonwealth bros got our back :)


I'm a outer for reasons that i've already stated in this thread(you lot don't agree with me i now)

I didn't expect this much of a political mess from both sides, the torys should of had a brexit plan and labour have gone into self destruct, MPs on the labour side have really dissapointed me, all they had to do was sit tight in wait for the torys to nuke themselves.
As right wing and xenophobic as some in the Tory party might be, I wouldn't have have figured them for a party willing to literally fuck over the economy over it. I would have expected them to be free market/free trade/capitalism above all.

That's a good point, how can they be so stubborn about potentially losing the City? I assume half their Oxbridge classmates are City bankers/CEOs.


I can see Scotland doing this, but London is part of England and Gibraltar on it's own is as good as finished and will become part of Spain.

I know this is wishful thinking but best case scenario for London is for the EU to designate it a Special European Economic Zone and be like Hong Kong: One Country, Two Systems.

It makes the most sense for Gibraltar, don't you think? It wouldn't be "on it's own", it'd still be a component of the United Kingdom, just like Greenland is a part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but it'd be in the EU.


It's kind of amusing that little New Zealand, all the way across the world, one of the former colonies, with 4 million people and an economy 15x smaller... would have to loan Great Great Britain its trade negotiators.

True it's funny but with the EU, we've not had to.

If only they'd known a Referendum had been called and Leave had made a pla...ahhh fuck it


I'm a outer for reasons that i've already stated in this thread(you lot don't agree with me i now)

I didn't expect this much of a political mess from both sides, the torys should of had a brexit plan and labour have gone into self destruct, MPs on the labour side have really dissapointed me, all they had to do was sit tight in wait for the torys to nuke themselves.

This is geopolitics, you shouldn't treat it like Croydon council elections. The PM said there wasn't a plan.

Because it is insane.


i see someone who has realised that de-entangling a nation from its economic union (let alone central government) is an absolute nightmare that no sane voter would want to go through.

if somehow this is resolved and the nuclear button is never pushed, the appetite for independence for the sake of some flag waving bollocks in the wake of this colossal fuck up will be gone. her last chance at an independent scotland is for article 50 to go through, sink the UK and jump in the EU lifeboat.
And that is at all relevant to anything I said how? Good news she can't invoke it again that's your own useless shower of cunts.


This is basically the EU telling the UK that they are the ones setting the rules and that they better get to work. I expect nothing but gloves-off negotiations at this point, with the UK being tied and gagged.

bu-bu-but I thought we would get special treatment?!

what about all the german cars???



So this might not be true? I don't know anymore, I'm lost.


The party activist who berated a Jewish Labour MP in the latest episode in Labour’s internal turmoil claims: “I am an ally of the Jewish people.”

Marc Wadsworth, who was a prominent Labour Party activist during the early 1980s, said that he did not know that the Labour Ruth Smeeth is a Jew when he attacked her by name at the launch of an investigation into anti-semitism.

The incident flared up as Jeremy Corbyn presented the results of an internal inquiry into alleged anti-semitism in the party.
it's not just that she doesn't have answers, it's that her position is strengthened by stoking the fire down here rather than trying to fix this mess and the people who will be worst effected are applauding her for it.

What evidence do you have that she is deliberately "stoking the fire" down in England? As far as I can see she is taking a logical, rational approach to the result based on the wishes of the Scottish people to remain within the EU. She's simply exploring her options and being honest when asked that the decision might lead to a second independence referendum if the Scottish people show a willingness for that to happen. If that stokes peoples anger as a result, so be it. I don't see this as a game where she is deliberately going out of her way to piss off English leave voters. And you didn't respond to my assertation that her appeal to a wide base of people isn't because they are self hating English voters.
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