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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Oh please, this is not the time for stupid jokes like this.

It should be to the highest bidder, surely.
True, true :)

In all seriousness though, I think all Leave voters should be shipped to a far away land as castaways where they can start their own lives free of immigrants and trade deals. The remain voters can stay in the UK and enjoy the benefits of the EU.



- Article 50 is pandoras box no one wants to touch any time soon.

- Exit negotiations will take some two years give or take.

- Then back at the table again for another set of years of hard negotiations for new trade deals.

Yeah. Big companies love that kind of uncertainty for years ahead. And free movement ain't going nowhere until deals are in place.

This is really a perfect storm you got going UK.


A comment regarding Malmström's comments: She is Swedish. Just like the Germans, trade with the UK is pretty important to us Swedes. One argument of Leavers was that it would be in the interests of countries like Germany to push for a mutually beneficial trade agreement even after Brexit. Malmström's comment can be considered evidence against this view.

EU commissioners must work in favour of the whole Union, and not their native country. They must be impartial to each member state.


Brexit has taught me that next time I vote, I will have to properly research the matter at hand, in depth, even if it's only about the colour of Merkels lipstick on official occasions. Shit is scary as fuck.


I'm just going to enjoy the calming noise of This is BBC One HD before I watch Question Time and probably rage quit after 2 questions.

Brexit has taught me that next time I vote, I will have to properly research the matter at hand, in depth, even if it's only about the colour of Merkels lipstick on official occasions. Shit is scary as fuck.

Next referendum: 0% turnout. Everyone was too scared.


yeah, my blood pressure can't do a QT rn

Brexit has taught me that next time I vote, I will have to properly research the matter at hand, in depth, even if it's only about the colour of Merkels lipstick on official occasions. Shit is scary as fuck.

Lucky for you, we don't live in a direct democracy where hugely important decisions are left up to a lying press.

It's like the public being allowed to skip all their exams, but then expecting them to pass the bar


Is it Article 50 time yet?



Gold Member
Just pretend nothing ever happened "So who does the panel think will win the Euros?"

I'm fully expecting things like

How does it feel to have beaten the EU into submission
Will you remain strong as the EU try to bully us out.....

Can feel blood pulsing in my cheeks already typing this.....


If people want a visual representation of what a tariff regime between the UK and the EU would look like here it is note the overwhelming amount of tariffs below 5%


The bottom axis shows the 2011 trade surplus or deficit between the EU and UK in each tariff goods sector.

Oh I suppose I should mention that aside from tariffs, you'd also have custom charges which currently don't apply but they're relatively minor.

9.8% for vehicles seems very high. Which direction is that - UK deficit or EU deficit? Even if it's a UK deficit we still export a lot to Europe and adding 10% to costs is very bad

Hey - good question on QT


Oh it's in Preston? Yeah, I'm revising down to the first question.

EDIT: oh good, border control out of the gate.

EDIT2: So Times writer has no clue. Good to know.
Even shitty tabloids are a big step-up from Twitter, which is where a lot of this hysteria is coming from.

I swear, I feel like at some point we entered an internet created reality-distortion field, the real "generation gap" is people who live in the social media bubble, and those who don't.

Gotta admit, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to a lot of social media stuff but it doesn't surprise me that Twitter breeds this behaviour.


If we can negotiate closed borders and free trade, then everyone else will want that. It isn't about what is possible, you have to consider all 27 countries it has a knock on impact too.

It isn't about being tough you stilly twat. All this rhetoric about being strong is just bullshit pandering to the right.


The issue with A50 is how vague it is. It was tossed in there to please some people and was never expected to have been used at all.

Now it's going to be used, people are in a bit of a pickle when trying to actually spell out the process.

Yes the out process has never been clearly defined, this point was a raised a couple of times during the Greek mess two years ago, I think both sides of the channel will find long-held beliefs and certainties are less certain than had been supposed .
You're explorers mapping out an undiscovered terrority (you might struck gold or give the natives syphilis) but you'll provide a map for any who follow. Good luck.


Yeah, I don't think that is an accident.

I study Law, and to be fair the vast majority of legislation, legal documents and so forth are intentionally vague.

Take for example, one of the old but now repealed Dangerous Dogs Act actually stated nothing more than 'a dangerous dog'. It was vague and absolutely ridiculous. Its purpose was for legal enforcement to determine what was meant by that. That was extreme however, so thus was repealed.

The point is, these things are not 'accidentally' vague as you mentioned, it was done on purpose. Some people I've spoken to think it was an accident, which it clearly is not.


Yeah, I don't think that is an accident.
It's not.

Excerpts from Alain Lamassoure's interview by Le Journal du Dimanche, who helped redacting this article (in French):

«On ne pensait pas forcément au Royaume-Uni en rédigeant l'article»
We didn't necessarily think of the UK when redacting this article.

«Avec cet article 50, l’idée était de rassurer les pays et de faire en sorte que chacun se sente à l’aise dans cette maison commune en sachant qu’il peut en partir. C’était dans un but dissuasif, et cette dimension a échoué.»
The goal of article 50 was to reassure all countries, making them feel comfortable in this common house, knowing it's possible to leave it. It meant to be dissuasive, and this dimension has failed.


The beaurocats in Westminster don't listen to people either. How have they managed to spin it that it's all europes fault

Edit - fuck it they've got a UKIP wanker on, switching it off just in case he gets clapped
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