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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Gove uniting the Tory party with his timely pop culture references



You can see Gove doing a little wee wee of excitement at starting article 50, we are merely ants to be experimented on, "the blob" as he puts it.

Lego Boss

Alastair Campbell sent an email to The Sun

I've always liked AC. He is clever and articulate. His aggression was founded on principles that he always believed he was doing the right thing and he was up-front about the stuff that he agreed with and disagreed with I was nver so sure about the dark prince Mandeson though.

However, it still seems a teensy weensy bit llike fucking the judge when he courted News International for New Labour throughout President Blair's reign.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Im not one to comment on politicians demeanour but this is not how a human talks and it genuinely comes across robotic


Leavers in an impossible position. People will ask them if they are confirming £350m a week saying that's what people were promised. No one can deliver that.


How on earth do you we have any leverage in deals with other countries, we are going to get steamrolled and it will be worse for the public.


never left the stone age
So does Gove always sound 120% dishonest whenever he speaks? I've seen more believable displays of emotion from Steven Seagal :lol


@DPJHodges 13s13 seconds ago
Is it me, or is launching your latest campaign with an admission you lied your arse off in your last campaign, not the best strategy.


Gold Member
This guy is comical. No leadership, and his public speaking - while imitating Blair and Farage - falls woefully short.


Question time anyway - let's go.

Funky Papa

So does Gove always sound 120% dishonest whenever he speaks? I've seen more believable displays of emotion from Steven Seagal :lol

It's less about sounding dishonest and more about sounding inhuman. Like a poorly programmed robot trying to express itself under some poor folk's hide.


Nice article on financial effect of immigration in UK.


As you would expect - its net positive:

"They found that the contribution of recent immigrants (i.e. those who arrived after 1999) has been consistently positive. Recent EU immigrants contributed 34% more to the fiscal system than they took out, and recent immigrants from non-EU countries contributed about 2% more than they took out."

If anything, non-EU immigration was more of a problem, you know, the one that UK government already had full control over. :p
Ironically I actually think he's very honest, almost to a fault. If Boris would say whatever it took to get you to vote for him, Gove was saying the same things but because he genuinely believes it, imo.


Ironically I actually think he's very honest, almost to a fault. If Boris would say whatever it took to get you to vote for him, Gove was saying the same things but because he genuinely believes it, imo.

Yeah like "I am not PM material" or you know most of the Leave and Boris campaign.


Nice article on financial effect of immigration in UK.


As you would expect - its net positive:

"They found that the contribution of recent immigrants (i.e. those who arrived after 1999) has been consistently positive. Recent EU immigrants contributed 34% more to the fiscal system than they took out, and recent immigrants from non-EU countries contributed about 2% more than they took out."

If anything, non-EU immigration was more of a problem, you know, the one that UK government already had full control over. :p

yes but the nubmers are cold and harsh, whereas the estate up the road has been taken over by the Poles and I won't stand for that, there's just not enough room in this country for sub hum-


Really like Gove, think he's showing a big picture viewDIEHUMANSDIEHUMANS of the UK economy for the next 10 years.

Don't, he seriously creeps me the fuck out, like the nice quiet Doctor that turns into a lunatic when they join the SS.

Theresa May, please.
I'm convinced Gove is not of this Earth, I would love to know what he looks like under the fake skin. He talks like a robot and the stuff coming out of his mouth could have been written by a cultist. He is one scary erm.... thing.
I'm convinced Gove is not of this Earth, I would love to know what he looks like under the fake skin. He talks like a robot and the stuff coming out of his mouth could have been written by a cultist. He is one scary erm.... thing.
He actually makes me doubt myself for laughing at the lizard conspiracy theorists.
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