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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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We're actually looking forward to GBP dropping - we're an exporter with almost all our customers abroad and almost all our expenses in GBP. This is good for us, either to earn more or to be more competitive against foreign competitors. In fact, we just got a payment from Dubai and it came a day later than expected and, as a result, we "lost" £40k because it was the day GBP bounced back a bit.

Ultimately this will be good for us generally.

You may get some short term gains, but medium to long term I thing you#ll play a hefty price for the leave vote I think; even if you get back in through the EEA after five-ten years.
Yeah, I do know that's what they mean. A) It's already like that (I've had to opt out in every professional contract I've ever signed) and B) 'hours worked' is no different to any other facet of a job that's negotiable. Some people actually want and like working more if they want or like the extra money.


In other news...


In an article that will inevitably be seen as an offer by Mr Blair to play a part in the negotiations, the former prime minister says: “There is going to be a negotiation of extraordinary complexity where there are a thousand devils in every detail... This needs serious statesmanship.”


People are going to hate this because it's Blair, but the fact is apart his credentials running the country and on the world stage, he is also a competent barrister.

But his Iraq legacy will forever taint him with people, especially Corbyns fanclub.
And Slavery, don't forget the slave trade.

Workhouses, Child Labour, The Slave Trade, and Opium are the foundations of this..

Dammit, the four things our great nation is built on is...

Workhouses, Child Labour, The Slave Trade, Opium and Foreign Rule.

No, no, the 5 foundations of modern Britain are...

(as a nation we've a lot to be proud of ;))

You forget England has always worked on a disunited European continent since before UK was even united.

UK was one of the first western nations to preach slavery ban and free trade I wouldn't pin the slavery hat on them.


Why do you think Osborne has been looking so miserable?



I hope you guys are joking? Britain is not an exporter of anything but financial services. Get a grip - we buy everything from everywhere else. There's no point me even listing what we import because it's literally everything. Even stuff made here is made from imported materials. You're are delusional if you think this wet cold island can stand it's own outside of finance.


Anyone watchign Gove?

Following along, but at work.

Gove: I so wanted that [Boris] plan to work. I worked night and day for it...but he was not the right person for that task

@DPJHodges: So far this isn't a leadership launch from Michael Gove, it's a pretty desperate attempt to construct an alibi.


This is why Labour is trying to take Corbyn out. The party is overwhelming in favour of staying in the EU, but they know Corbyn and McDonnel will happily take them out because they have wanted too for decades on the basis of arguments that were fought and lost in the 70s.

Honestly, they just need to split now. Relaunch as a "Democrat" centre-left party. Shame the "English Democrats" name is sullied by racists.
Wouldn't the limitation on the freedom of movement affect you more? Or is it one of the few creative companies who haven't shipped in cheaper labour from Eastern Europe? I doubt given the rate at which colleges and uni's pump out qualified students who struggle to get work that field that the creative industries would do well with labour needs under a points system.

Right now approximately 1/3rd of our staff are from EU countries (that aren't the UK). It actually used to be more but just general staff turnover has altered the make up slightly (this wasn't deliberate, just a result of who applied!). All of these people except maybe one or two would be considered high skilled and, I should think, wouldn't struggle too much to get in (I mean, we have a fair few from outside the EU that work here too). The most "shippable" work is the CG stuff (which is what I do!) but our dalliances with outsourcing previously have had the breaks put on due to quality control and translation issues rather than cost. That's actually meant that we've hired more here which might not be good for the business per se (though a rational decision in the face of poor quality-to-cost analysis) but is obviously good for British CG workers. Like I say though, most of these jobs are considered pretty high skill.

The other "arm" of the business is the actual shooting and editing bit which will always be in London because it's where our clients are. Obviously if we shoot on location we shoot on location, but most of our projects are done in studios and, again, they're almost all in London where we can control everything we need to, have our own crew, don't need fixers etc. Unis and colleges pump out students with qualifications but, eh, that obviously doesn't mean they're actually qualified, as it were. Whenever we hire juniors, I'd say we have to meet around 10 before we hire anyone. With senior roles it's a lot easier as the ones not cut out for it are weeded out.

I dunno, I don't think leaving the EU will cause us to suffer personally but the UK VFX industry in general has benefitted a great deal from being the center of EU creative industries - all the largest visual effects and film companies in the EU are in London, which means all the best people from across the EU are too which helps keep the industry here and out of the other countries. On the other hand, if the value of the pound continues to drop and these staff are able to remain under a points system, this will still be the place I think. English being the lingua franca obviously helps, too.

Edit: To clarify, "our clients" tend to be London ad agencies. Their clients, and they're ultimately the ones paying us, are typically American, Middle eastern, African or from the UK.

You may get some short term gains, but medium to long term I thing you#ll play a hefty price for the leave vote I think; even if you get back in through the EEA after five-ten years.

Why? Most of our clients are NY real estate developers, American toy companies, middle eastern resort developers, African banks etc. We're in the fortunate position where we do very little business with the EU, so as far as I can see we're just going to get cheaper as far as our clients are concerned. The only possible issue is labour, but - as above - I don't think that'll be a problem either.

I'm specifically talking about my own circumstances, not trying to make a wider point. Though I guess, if I were, I'd say that this will help with our exports which have long been a problem. I mean, that's basically the point of devaluing ones currency when it's a choice.


We're getting there.

More than half of UK believe British influence diminished by Brexit

More than half of all Britons believe the country’s position in the world and 54% believe the economy has got worse since the Brexit vote, a poll by Opinium has found.

The results of the poll found 7% of Leave voters now regret their decision, and a clear majority, 60%, believe there should be a general election before Article 50 is invoked and negotiations begin with the EU.


Why? Most of our clients are NY real estate developers, American toy companies, middle eastern resort developers, African banks etc. We're in the fortunate position where we do very little business with the EU, so as far as I can see we're just going to get cheaper as far as our clients are concerned. The only possible issue is labour, but - as above - I don't think that'll be a problem either.

I'm specifically talking about my own circumstances, not trying to make a wider point. Though I guess, if I were, I'd say that this will help with our exports which have long been a problem. I mean, that's basically the point of devaluing ones currency when it's a choice.

Ahh sorry, talking the wider context. I meant the Royal You...

Funky Papa

Crucial points here from Gove on his Brexit- strategy.

I will end free movement, introduce an Australian-style points system and bring numbers down. With my leadership, it will be delivered.
bye then


Good potential news on Banking Passport. The regulation that establishes it would in theory permit banks based in the UK access to do business in Europe. From Ashurst's Brexit analysis:

Ashurst said:
A bank established in a third country seeking to do business with professional clients in a Member State will be able do so under MiFID II without establishing a branch in that Member State as long as it is registered in a register maintained by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). This is only possible where the third country regulatory regime is considered equivalent and a decision to this effect has been adopted by the European Commission (the Commission), so the effect on the UK would depend on whether its regulatory environment was deemed to be equivalent and whether the Commission could be persuaded to grant an exiting EU member this status. In theory, the UK should easily meet the equivalence requirements...

This is pretty mega and a ray of light for keeping financial services without losing an arm in negotiations...just delay exit into 2018 and it should be ok.


Unconfirmed Member
A guy like him focusing so much on the "heart" feels so utterly bizarre. He doesn't really leave the impression of being in touch with anything human.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
If Australia ever changes their immigration policy we will literally have run out of ideas


If Australia ever changes their immigration policy we will literally have run out of ideas

"Hang on, Australia have decided to test immigrants by seeing if they float to the top of a body of water to see if they either drown or get in? Well, if it's good enough for them..."


I can't take it seriously anymore, we will redirect money from the EU to services as if there's no cost to leaving.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
"Hang on, Australia have decided to test immigrants by seeing if they float to the top of a body of water to see if they either drown or get in? Well, if it's good enough for them..."

"We will measure the bodies on a points based system"


Good potential news on Banking Passport. The regulation that establishes it would in theory permit banks based in the UK access to do business in Europe. From Ashurst's Brexit analysis:

This is pretty mega and a ray of light for keeping financial services without losing an arm in negotiations...just delay exit into 2018 and it should be ok.

It concerns only the scope for MIFID, securities.


It's quite hilarious how he's comparing the UK with the US.
The things he says about rogue financial sector sounds nice and all but I don't believe anything out of his mouth.


The economic swing left by the Tories is striking. Really reaching out to disaffected Labour voters. Corbyn will be arguing about ending austerity and the Tories will be like "Yes, we agree! But we're the ones who can actually do that because you're a loser."
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