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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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And Osborne has now said his plan to return to a budget surplus by 2020 must be abandoned because of Brexit. Fuck me. It look as if, out of everybody on the Conservative side, Osborne seems to be the big winner from all this.

Conveniently gives him an excuse, he wasn't going to hit the target anyway.


So, today, at least, things finally do seem to be slowing down.

That's good.

Other than the fact we might not be able to trade under WTO terms after we leave the EU, Gove claiming he tried to call Boris and Team Boris calling it rubbish and both of the favourites for the leadership saying nothing will be triggered until 2017 at the earliest and Osbourne saying the target for reducing the nations debt isn't going to be hit by 2020 due to leaving (which is probably a convenient get out clause), sure.


Unconfirmed Member
Sort of off-topic but this Battle of the Somme ceremony is beautiful. And makes the UK leaving the union even more sad.


It boggles the mind that Labour aren't making any ground with this absolute travesty. Instead they are having the most polite, ineffective, incompetent purge/leadership heave of all time with the most polite ineffective, incompetent leader of, well perhaps not all time but close to it.
Majority of labour voters voted to remain. Labour needs to accept that it's voting base from the 70s has changed, and it isn't coming home unless they make massive changes (I.e. Blair 2).
Exactly, and there's a whole load of business-minded Tory voters who they can appeal to on a pro freedom of movement campaign. I suppose the counterargument is that the Tory party are going to lie for the next few years pretending that they will get access to the markets and restrictions on immigration.


Westminster voting intention:
CON: 34% (-)
LAB: 29% (-1)
UKIP: 17% (-2)
LDEM: 7% (+1)
GRN: 4% (-)
(via Opinium / 28 - 30 Jun)




And Labour aren't even contradicting this. It boggles the mind.

There is no mandate for ending freedom of movement, the referendum purely stated to leave the EU, and surely more than 50% would want and would have wanted to have the Norway model over the WTO organisation.

Labour is so fucked up at the moment, I'm not sure what they stand for anymore and it's pissing me off.
So this came out this morning: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-36683083

BBC presenter/journalist in tears after receiving racist abuse this morning.

This country...

On this note, actually, some people have taken to wearing safety pins as part of a show of solidarity against this sort of thing.


Don't know whether it has actually caught on, but worth keeping in mind!


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
If Corbyn doesn't realise he needs to leave after seeing this, with the state the Tories are in, then I'm baffled.

Why would he care about the polls, he's not interested in running an alternative government.


How the hell is UKIP so much higher than LibDems. My god this country...

UKIP has taken votes from labour and Tory, and they aren't coming home anytime soon. It's why no Tory candidate wants to call an election. It's the same as the SNP effect - once people make that switch and vote for another party, it's a lot easier in the future to keep doing so.

I don't think that result would get them many seats, but it would leave the Tories open and vulnerable in many areas (and labour in the north potentially), hence their reluctance to go back to the ballot box.


If Corbyn doesn't realise he needs to leave after seeing this, with the state the Tories are in, then I'm baffled.
If the PLP don't realise they need to shut the fuck up and get behind their democratically elected leader after seeing this, with the state the Tories are in, then I'm baffled


Other than the fact we might not be able to trade under WTO terms after we leave the EU, Gove claiming he tried to call Boris and Team Boris calling it rubbish and both of the favourites for the leadership saying nothing will be triggered until 2017 at the earliest and Osbourne saying the target for reducing the nations debt isn't going to be hit by 2020 due to leaving (which is probably a convenient get out clause), sure.

I think that's a case of jumping at everything now, no matter dangerous or not.

*Obviously* in order to be able to trade with EU (or anyone else) on WTO terms, we have to become a member of WTO first. *Obviously*, if everybody drag their feet on this and other things, the country will first spend years getting out of EU, then a year or more getting into WTO, then some more time striking a deal with EU. *Obviously*, the EU guys are making strong faces and telling everyone that, yes, that's how it's going to be, and that no, they don't see any other way.

But that's just a negotiation position. Everything here is subject to negotiation. Preliminary work on entering WTO can and should be done. The UK can work on deals with other countries, aiming to close them quickly after quitting the EU. The UK *can* negotiate with the EU about the future deal and about anything else. The UK doesn't even have to enter WTO to trade with the EU on same or similar terms, the new deal can include these terms without ever using the name "WTO".

Yes, the UK perhaps depend more on the EU in general than the other way around. But it's an inter-dependency. The EU *also* depend on the UK.

So, I think it's time to stop jumping at every tweet, take a step back, decide the course and move on. I don't see the sky falling. If someone thinks it is, fine, I understand, but I'd re-check some time after to make sure it really is falling.


UKIP has taken votes from labour and Tory, and they aren't coming home anytime soon. It's why no Tory candidate wants to call an election. It's the same as the SNP effect - once people make that switch and vote for another party, it's a lot easier in the future to keep doing so.

I don't think that result would get them many seats, but it would leave the Tories open and vulnerable in many areas (and labour in the north potentially), hence their reluctance to go back to the ballot box.

It will not produce many seats but at least it will highlight the flaw with the current first past the post system. Ending up with 1 or 2 MPs representing millions of people...... and some how people are shocked that the electorate feel unrepresented and detached.


This shit has been happening for years and it has taken the Brexit vote to get them to acknowledge it and report on it and only then because trying to make it fit their narrative of being anti Brexit. Sick. Utterly sick. Both the acts and the reporting.

It has been happening for years, but to say that are only just now reporting it is crazy. They reported it before, but they are reporting it a lot more now... because the number of incidents has increased.

There are already at least 3 incidents just among people I know. In addition, the police are reporting a fivefold increase of racially motivated hate crime in this country since the vote: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...increase-race-hate-crimes-since-brexit-result


Westminster voting intention:
CON: 34% (-)
LAB: 29% (-1)
UKIP: 17% (-2)
LDEM: 7% (+1)
GRN: 4% (-)
(via Opinium / 28 - 30 Jun)

I think I'm happy with The UKIP vote staying flat or being slightly lower, this is the victory honeymoon still. It should fall away faster in a few months, there's little talk of not leaving the EU to motivate the party.


It's unreal that Gove can preside over a campaign to destroy the UK and he gives one speech and people eat up the bullshit and overlook everything. No matter how it's spun, nothing good will emerge from the leaving the EU.


This shit has been happening for years and it has taken the Brexit vote to get them to acknowledge it and report on it and only then because trying to make it fit their narrative of being anti Brexit. Sick. Utterly sick. Both the acts and the reporting.

Shut up. The police are reporting a 500% increase in reported hate crime, and that's just the stuff which is reported which is normally just the tip of the iceberg.

I know, I know, post fact world and all that.

Britain, WTF happened to you? Why you going full retard?

> be outraged at calling someone the n word
> use retarded in the same paragraph



Maybe EU is better without Britain? We'll take 48% of the intelligent pople as refugees and build a wall around the island. It could work ;)

I think you mean 'take the intelligent 48% of people', otherwise you're leaving 52% of the intelligent people behind and I sure as shit don't want to be one of them! ;-)
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