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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Oh for real? I mean, who isn't being controlled by Murdoch in parliament these days? Murdoch's dick has been in more pies than Jason Biggs.

No, with Gove it goes much much further. He is literally bought and owned by Murdoch. He's been a journalist for years working for his papers, he meets with him extremely regularly, he takes his directions from him. He is corrupt through and through. Loathsome man who would sell out of the country in a heartbeat - and has.



Basically reaffirming that while the wording would allow us to discuss trade with the EU members, they won't.

A few replies to him said that EEA could be used in the interim, but I can't find any good source other than biased Leave sources. I wonder if there is any truth to that?


Easyjet begins seeking regulatory permission (air operator's certificate) to move HQ to another country. Although in Easyjet's case this would be a paper move largely, with most operations remaining in Luton under a UK subsidiary, but they'd need to move enough operations to meet the AOC requirements of the member state they move to (I imagine it'll be Ireland)


Did May say she would call a snap election?

Nope, the opposite - no election till 2020. Partly because the party really doesn't want it now as their majority is so wafer thin (and it would give the SNP an even greater argument for Indy2).

I do think one will be called before 2020 though. Opinion polls seems to indicate that people think it should be before we start the leave process. May could spend the next 6 months playing hardball, come up short (as we know she will), then decide an election is needed and give her MPs a free decision on whether to stay in Europe or not.


Not invoking Art. 50 in this calendar year?

What the hell is going on with those people?

No-one wants to do it. It's incredibly, impossibly hard and will cause economic disruption when invoked. For some of them it's just putting off the pain, for others it's about creating the space and time to be able to not ever invoke it in the first place.

Same reason Merkel said we should be given some time - the longer it goes, the easier it is to back out from it. One week from the referendum - impossible. 6 months from the referendum - much easier.


Ok, putting the alien / robot / coked out of his brain quips aside, is there something wrong with Gove?, is he a sociopath or something?


Nope, the opposite - no election till 2020. Partly because the party really doesn't want it now as their majority is so wafer thin (and it would give the SNP an even greater argument for Indy2).

I do think one will be called before 2020 though. Opinion polls seems to indicate that people think it should be before we start the leave process. May could spend the next 6 months playing hardball, come up short (as we know she will), then decide an election is needed and give her MPs a free decision on whether to stay in Europe or not.

Yeah, it's very possible the tories could gain seats in an election but I guess no one wants to commit because of how high the uncertainty is. There are also quite a few moving parts, would a Tory leader be happy with UKIP gaining seats at the expense of Labour? Lib Dems gaining seats? SNP holding all their seats in Scotland wouldn't be a good look for the union either...


It is worrying that both Gove and May have said that immigration is more important than the economy for Brexit - which would mean no single market. Gove honestly believes this (he said it during the campaign), but for May to say would either mean that:

- she's trying to shore up her right flank and it's a bluff to get elected
- her anti-immigration stuff is from the heart and she'll use this as a mandate to carry it out

God help us all if the two leading Tory candidates both believe that I migrations is a bigger issue than the single market. They will happily take us over a cliff to pander to racists.
It is worrying that both Gove and May have said that immigration is more important than the economy for Brexit - which would mean no single market. Gove honestly believes this (he said it during the campaign), but for May to say would either mean that:

- she's trying to shore up her right flank and it's a bluff to get elected
- her anti-immigration stuff is from the heart and she'll use this as a mandate to carry it out

God help us all if the two leading Tory candidates both believe that I migrations is a bigger issue than the single market. They will happily take us over a cliff to pander to racists.

Yeah sounds like they are willing to sacrifice the economy to pander to the far right. Well at least it would certainly make the tories claim to have a safe hand for the economy well and truly finished, and would give the other parties tons of ammo for posters, billboards and TV broadcasts.


It is worrying that both Gove and May have said that immigration is more important than the economy for Brexit - which would mean no single market. Gove honestly believes this (he said it during the campaign), but for May to say would either mean that:

- she's trying to shore up her right flank and it's a bluff to get elected
- her anti-immigration stuff is from the heart and she'll use this as a mandate to carry it out

God help us all if the two leading Tory candidates both believe that I migrations is a bigger issue than the single market. They will happily take us over a cliff to pander to racists.

It's all abstract at the moment, if it's going to be really bad then I think they will pause.
It is worrying that both Gove and May have said that immigration is more important than the economy for Brexit - which would mean no single market. Gove honestly believes this (he said it during the campaign), but for May to say would either mean that:

- she's trying to shore up her right flank and it's a bluff to get elected
- her anti-immigration stuff is from the heart and she'll use this as a mandate to carry it out

God help us all if the two leading Tory candidates both believe that I migrations is a bigger issue than the single market. They will happily take us over a cliff to pander to racists.
And Labour aren't even contradicting this. It boggles the mind.

There is no mandate for ending freedom of movement, the referendum purely stated to leave the EU, and surely more than 50% would want and would have wanted to have the Norway model over the WTO organisation.


And Labour aren't even contradicting this. It boggles the mind.

There is no mandate for ending freedom of movement, the referendum purely stated to leave the EU, and surely more than 50% would want and would have wanted to have the Norway model over the WTO organisation.

It's a blank cheque.
And it can't be questioned no matter how damaging it is, amen.


And Labour aren't even contradicting this. It boggles the mind.

There is no mandate for ending freedom of movement, the referendum purely stated to leave the EU, and surely more than 50% would want and would have wanted to have the Norway model over the WTO organisation.

Politicians aren't *that* stupid. They've seen the data. They know Leave won because of immigration. They have to emphasize stopping immigration in order to get votes.
And Osborne has now said his plan to return to a budget surplus by 2020 must be abandoned because of Brexit. Fuck me. It look as if, out of everybody on the Conservative side, Osborne seems to be the big winner from all this.
And Osborne has now said his plan to return to a budget surplus by 2020 must be abandoned because of Brexit. Fuck me. It look as if, out of everybody on the Conservative side, Osborne seems to be the big winner from all this.

Setting himself up nicely for Tory leadership someway down the line, no doubt.
What Britain needs to # makebritaingreatagain is a London based, government funded, privately controlled import export company. It could be called something catchy like TEITCo.

While I love and absolutely get the reference, I can't help thinking how apt shortening to 'TIT-Co' would be ;) (emphasis on the 'tits').


Politicians aren't *that* stupid. They've seen the data. They know Leave won because of immigration. They have to emphasize stopping immigration in order to get votes.

Majority of labour voters voted to remain. Labour needs to accept that it's voting base from the 70s has changed, and it isn't coming home unless they make massive changes (I.e. Blair 2).

It's a shame that demographically we were about 20 years away from being another USA. every prediction on the current trends had us overtaking the USA in terms of minority groups. That would allow for labour to move to the Obama coalition to win elections. Unfortunately we aren't there yet, and it's less likely we ever will be because of Brexit.

(A Pole friend of mine turned down a job yesterday because why would he ever move here now? )


If this referendum has shown anything it's that our political class is totally venal and self centred. Seeing if they will destroy the economy forever and ditch free movement because they are too scared to tell the public the truth will be their final test. I don't think you could construct a greater gap between "doing the right thing" and "doing the thing best for your career" if you tried.
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