I say with with great pleasure - fuck Corbyn.
Labour should be leading the charge against this result. Making the positive case for the country being part of Europe, outwardly facing the world and engaging with it. Not shrugging his shoulders, saying " ah well" and moving on.
This was not a landslide result. Someone needs to represent the 16 million people who voted to stay in Europe - that should be them. No-one wins if both parties just end up squabbling over the same 17 million leave votes.
Corbyn was rightly ambivalent on Europe. In the end he was in favour of remain. I think EU has fucked up on a number of key issues, and it has a vision of federalist Europe that ultimately would seek to ape the US that I find distasteful, but I still voted to remain. Blaming Corbyn in particular seems to be falling into the same cycle of ignorance. His rehortic was actually more balanced than this shambles of a debate. The future in Europe isn't promosing unless it is reformed. Who in Labour was presenting a credible vision of reform? Were any of the alternatives to Corbyn? I respect Corbyn because he is credible, like very few others towards party leadership in Labour seem to be.