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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Lol you really think its going to be that easy.
if it was, what is the point of being in the EU if you can leave and still get all the benefits.

There will be consequences and ramifications for sure, it'll be the only gate keeping back other countries from following suit.

What consequences ? We buy more than we export, we give more than we receive...

Britain has always wanted a union of free trade and friendship and co-operation, rather than a united states of Europe. That has never changed imo.




Stupidity. Mankinds only weakness.
Jesus Corbyn's statement......that will not help the calls to oust him for being out of touch, because that comes across as out of touch! He's always wanting things that he couldn't d in Europe so maybe as some have suggested he is ambivalent or pleased at the result.

I'm particularly incensed by a leave voter on my facebook, he is a leave voter, thinking the EU is a dinosaur that benefits only certain countries - he's married to a Greek woman and is moving to Greece.......and he fucked us all before he left!
We are not making any demands, we buy from Germany more than we export to you. Its up to everybody to be civil and play together, or are you one for retribution ?.

In simple terms, here's Germany's trade off:

Make no concessions to UK and make them jump through hoops like Norway & Switzerland do and risk what 10-20% of bilateral trade?


Make concessions to UK and risk further referendums, a break-up of the EU and the Eurozone.
No more artificially low Euro to spur exports, no more sucking up demand from all over Europe.

You will implement EU regulations and you will contribute to the EU budget like Norway and Switzerland do. No fucking rebate this time either.


Cameron is a mess, Corbyn is a mess.

the loonies took advantage of this mess

In a little over 12 hours, Cameron and his populistic maneuver managed to fuck up an entire continent's geopolitical situation, dissolve the UK, damage the world economy, enable and legitimize a far-right racist party, making the world more unstable and insecure in a time when we exactly need more cooperation and stability to fix the global challenges that are facing us.

I don't see how we can recover from the situation like
  • Middle East (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria),
  • the refugee situation (oh god),
  • the wounds after 2008 financial crisis,
  • global fucking warming destroying our existence,
  • Putin flexing muscles and being aggressive,
  • rising far-right nationalism.
  • The biggest inequality in world history
  • Droughts and extreme weather in 2016
  • Tax safe havens in Panama and many other places
And now we have this entire shitty mess because of UKs fucked up political situation and complete lack of insight into what the voters actually were voting on. And the far right parties and nazis are just going to be emboldened and feel legitimized from this.

This post here sums up my thoughts on the events in the past 24Hrs. The dis-connect between Westminster and the rest of England is massive. The SNP have nailed the Scottish vote and we need something like this England.

As an Englishman I hope the UK survives this as we need each other more now than ever.

Thanks for the quoting of that other poster. I'm from America, but GAF needs to stop bashing opposing views.


Can someone explain to me why people would vote to leave the EU? Aside from the whole point that everyone who voted to leave suffers from Xenophobia and racism, I'd like to see all possible angles to what would have caused people to vote the way they did.

the main argument was that the UK give more than what they receive from the EU,and that money would be used to make life better for the people

Bold One

According to my Dad I have been eligible for Irish citizenship since 2003,

Time to get this ball rolling.

Thanks for linking this. As someone who didn't follow this campaign and have heard plenty of arguments for remain now that it's over, I found this incredibly interesting. I thought I'd transcribe some leave voter quotes here for people who didn't watch it, although I encourage you to do so.

"The people that suffer from being in the EU are the people at the bottom, so it seems that all that Europe's about is a mass of cheap labour for transatlantic corporations, that's all it's about."

From a person of colour in response to the interviewer talking about foreigners taking British jobs: "Stop the Indians as well, stop the Pakistanis as well... stop them. Do the job yourself (the interviewer interprets this as the leave voter "calling the bluff" of anti-immigrationers)... I don't think it'll ruin Stoke, I'll find work, don't you worry about that."

"Every time I voted, nothing ever gets done. I just feel as if, probably something'll get done if we leave."

Thanks to at least show interest on how a face of the leave vote looks like and their voices instead of painted them all as racist white old people, I remember other gaffer saying he was from Stoke and made me basically look for what the people said in that region and look and behold they don't look racist hooligans and have real fears and problems and they feel like their politicians have fail them.

Sad that their own countrymen treat them like racist, instead of trying to understand them and why they are basically voting with anger, rage and fear.


Hey let's blame Corbyn and the real leftists in Labour for what the neoliberal EU and the Tories caused because I don't know what the hell actually happened.

Corbyn didn't even bother going to the NE of England to campaign, traditionally their heartlands. Labour needs new leadership now or the main two parties wil be offshoots from UKIP and the Tories


Unconfirmed Member
What does Corbyn have to do with the general elections? You're just riding the wave of hate-propaganda spewed out by the Blairites. Corbyn is not the cause of the problem, he is the solution.

are you just being deliberately dense? I didn't even mention Corbyn by name in the second post you just assumed. This has been going on for a lot longer than he's been in charge and I blame THE PARTY as well as the current leader for failing their base.


undemocratic ?
The people on the european parliament Are people ELECTED to be there and to vote.
WTF am i reading.
The europeean deputies , like it or not were a prime exemple of democracy. It wasn't perfect but it was working.

The EU Parliament does not hold the balance of power. The unelected EU Commission does.


Seriously. There's no argument against Corbyn. If anything he is part of the solution. But moderates gonna moderate as usual.

There is an argument the PLP could make: they are largely pro-remain, yet Corbyn's input to the remain campaign was utterly lacklustre and, despite his supposed level of popular support, he was completely unable to energize any support for remain amongst Labour heartlands. It almost seemed like he didn't want to bother trying.
Can someone explain to me why people would vote to leave the EU? Aside from the whole point that everyone who voted to leave suffers from Xenophobia and racism, I'd like to see all possible angles to what would have caused people to vote the way they did.

The UK always had a distant relationship to the common idea of the EU - more integration between nations.

They always wanted to preserve their sovereignty as much as possible, so ultimately it came down to this.

But there's no way back. And the US and Canada would pretty much prefer the UK in the EU as a counteract to Germany.


Can someone explain to me why people would vote to leave the EU? Aside from the whole point that everyone who voted to leave suffers from Xenophobia and racism, I'd like to see all possible angles to what would have caused people to vote the way they did.

EU legislation on small business was a factor. The way they had to adhere to EU laws was ruining a lot of small business.

EU laws on employment, waste management, environmental regulations, product registration, health and safety, etc.

These were hard to adhere to for a small company.


So, is the result binding or non-binding?

If non-binding, what does the referendum even mean in this case?

Technically non-binding but nobody is going to go for that technicality, any politician trying to say "ignore the referendum" will get ousted at record speed. Also the rest of the EU seems to be reading it as definitive.

EU legislation on small business was a factor. The way they had to adhere to EU laws was ruining a lot of small business.

EU laws on employment, waste management, environmental regulations, product registration, health and safety, etc.

These were hard to adhere to for a small company.

Germany is mostly running on SMEs so it can't be THAT onerous.


Can someone explain to me why people would vote to leave the EU? Aside from the whole point that everyone who voted to leave suffers from Xenophobia and racism, I'd like to see all possible angles to what would have caused people to vote the way they did.

I feel that this vote has more than anything revealed the disconnect between Westminster, RoE, Scot, NI, Wal. It's unfortunate and if there was a 2nd ref I bet it would be different.


Neo Member
I had my music on random in the car on the way home and 'The Prodigy - Their Law' came on. It made me smile. What is your song of the Referendum, Gaf?

Gun by CHVRCHES, came up on my playlist while I was reading this thread.

Did it make you feel so clever
Did you wear it on your sleeve
Did you see another lifetime
Where I was not a part so far entwined

EU perspective I guess.

I really don't know how to react to these news. Took me by surprise. Hope UKGAF is ok and that this doesn't bring more segregation in Europe.


So how do we expect the EU to approach negotiations with the UK in regards to people movements and trade arrangements?

Will they give them a pass seeing that they are still a economic powerhouse? Or will they do a "Greece" and make them serve as example of why you should not leave the EU with a hard deal?


Seriously. There's no argument against Corbyn. If anything he is part of the solution. But moderates gonna moderate as usual.

I agree with a lot of Corbyn's politics and he is my constituency MP but he has been an utter failure as a leader of the Labour party and as a campaigner for Remain. Labour were a nonentity for most of the campaign, even Tom Watson agrees with that and he is the deputy leader!

Labour can try to wash their hands of the Remain campaign and pretend it was all Cameron and Osborne if they want but they deserve some of the blame as well.
Seriously. There's no argument against Corbyn. If anything he is part of the solution. But moderates gonna moderate as usual.

It's unbelievable. He's the one campaigning for the working class and shares the same anti-austerity sentiment the #Leave voters had. Offered a measured argument without resorting to irrational rhetoric; campaigned throughout the country and acknowledged the flaws of the EU.

Moderates now want him gone because the established media's narrative is such that Corbyn isn't fit to lead; somehow losing the referendum is his fault. This is why politics doesn't progress: people revert back to the pre-established status quo because they're going to make many concessions in order to just get a seat in parliament. Politics without conviction is what the moderate centrist politic desire — the same politics which has caused so many of the issues pervading British society. Fuck it, you cunts deserve to go back to the dark ages, you don't deserve change.


It isn't a "manufactured leadership row" in anyway. Corbyn does not have the ability nor the credibility to lead a major political party. The PLP will be having none of it and Corbyn will be gone on Monday anyway.

Nope this won't happen. The motion of no confidence is purely symbolic. It will probably push Corbyn to a leadership vote but the members will just vote him back in anyway. He has a lot of support among the wider labour party.

Rightfully so too. He was the most honest of all throughout the campaign. He said "Europe has very many problems but its better to stay in and reform it". Sounds correct. Also some people are using the fact that he isn't a conniving, game playing politician against him. Fuck that shit.
All my British friends are despondent right now. I suggested on FB that we all meet up at a pub, and all of them declined.

Well, all but the one guy who voted Leave...


EU legislation on small business was a factor. The way they had to adhere to EU laws was ruining a lot of small business.

EU laws on employment, waste management, environmental regulations, product registration, health and safety, etc.

These were hard to adhere to for a small company.

none of that is going to change as long as businesses want to sell products to the EU, which the vast majority of them do
EU legislation on small business was a factor. The way they had to adhere to EU laws was ruining a lot of small business.

EU laws on employment, waste management, environmental regulations, product registration, health and safety, etc.

These were hard to adhere to for a small company.

The UK always had a distant relationship to the common idea of the EU - more integration between nations.

They always wanted to preserve their sovereignty as much as possible, so ultimately it came down to this.

But there's no way back. And the US and Canada would pretty much prefer the UK in the EU as a counteract to Germany.

the main argument was that the UK give more than what they receive from the EU,and that money would be used to make life better for the people

Thanks, guys! I appreciate the information. There's so much fallout going on that it's hard to find anything other than financial information or people letting their emotions get the better of them.


Not sure if it's been posted already, but some twitter banter to lighten the mood on an otherwise depressing day: "I tell you who else should resign. The whole of MI5's eraser division."


Again this garbage argument of "not informed enough", just come out and say clearly what you want, that white racist xenomorphs aren't allowed to vote already. Stop trying to act like a defender of democracy, shit is flawed but you stand by the principal.

I was responding to quotes of people literally saying that they regretted their vote the next day.


Euro Truck Simulator 2 Devs weight in with some smart comments haha (they're Czech)

SCS Software
SCS Software – ‏@SCSsoftware

Our game isn't fortunately called "European Union Truck Simulator", otherwise we would have some work to do.
1:41 am - 24 Jun 2016

SCS Software ‏@SCSsoftware
UK and Scottish Paint Job Packs for ETS2 are ~52% off in the Steam Summer Sale.
I'm particularly incensed by a leave voter on my facebook, he is a leave voter, thinking the EU is a dinosaur that benefits only certain countries - he's married to a Greek woman and is moving to Greece.......and he fucked us all before he left!

Anyone who spends anytime with anyone Greek has the same opinion. We really hate the EU after the whole debt crisis mess.
Why would he move to Greece though? Unless he works in the food or tourism industries he won't find any good jobs.


So how do we expect the EU to approach negotiations with the UK in regards to people movements and trade arrangements?

Will they give them a pass seeing that they are still a economic powerhouse? Or will they do a "Greece" and make them serve as example of why you should not leave the EU with a hard deal?
Going to be made an example of.
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