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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Never underestimate whole communities of people with nothing to lose.

I've heard this during the last general and European elections. "They've got nothing to lose so vote for these UKIPpers to fuck the system!" Or "The Tories will get the befits cheats under control and then there will be more for them!" And yet they always find something more to lose, just like I'm thinking they will here.

When is the wake up call that they're doing this to themselves? When is the point of just seeing what happens every time some of the poorest of society vote like this? The middle fingers to the politicians are just galvanising other politicians so they can just keep gettingnaway with it regardless.
No, this is you and a lot more having a problem with the reasoning of people that decided theat Leave was a better option for the country that remain with the EU. And all of you have made your point clear of how this people are racist bigots xenomorphs white old people that don't have any education and are poor and that they shouldn't be able to vote or have their voice being represented in how their own country should be represented.

Call things what they are, you guys are elitist aristocrats and can't care less for democracy if it means the majority supports something you don't believe in.
I never called anyone a racist. I even share the worries about immigration. However, that is mostly unrelated to the EU. Even debated for that in multiple threads on this very forum.

My problem is that people are clearly lied to by the Leave camp, the facts are being ignored - apparently we no longer need experts - and even the Remain side did an absolutely terrible job of explaining the positives of the EU.

If you want to fix the problems in your country, make sure you first know where the problems are. And that is not with the EU, but with your own government.


These are your average joe (jane?) voters that caused us to leave. I wonder how much BS that was on the leave leaflets actually comes true?

Because so far, everything is as predicted with what remain is saying. You can only hope it doesn't continue.

That's what I mean by that snidey remark I made. Campaign postal drops a ton of disingenuous leaflets, people go onto FB to spread to tens if not hundreds of followers/friends. Family members hunker down and group think not wanting to offend another family members. People go and vote leave then cry about it the morning after.

It's the modern day equivalent of chain/spam email, and it works far quicker and more effectively poisoning far more people.

When shit doesn't come to light, rather than it being a lie, it's just blame shifted from the MPs to the "poor/foreigners/other minority group" that the NHS isn't getting more money.
I apologize if this is not the place for this or if it has already been discussed but...

As an American who is going to the UK next week, what does this mean to us as a traveler? Will we notice any difference?

best time to go. Before this USD to pound was nuts.

Now it'll be much more affordable.


You might think that it isn't true that immigration is suppressing your wages but thinking that doesn't make someone racist.

Definitely I think it's fair to say Leave ran a racist campaign. I think it's also far to say there are many racists in the UK. What I find absurd is the idea that some intrinsic hatred of slavic people is the main reason Leave winning.


- The UK will not have any input into the EU-imposed regulations any longer, and they will have adhere to all of them, otherwise there won't be trade with the EU (see: Switzerland).

Most people in UK felt this is where we have been anyway for past number of years, pump money in, EU imposes whatever they feel like.

Eu needs to change.


I apologize if this is not the place for this or if it has already been discussed but...

As an American who is going to the UK next week, what does this mean to us as a traveler? Will we notice any difference?

When you enter the UK you now have to wear a UKIP Tshirt
Call things what they are?

When you are founding arguments why democracy doesn't work, the problem isn't democracy, it is you. The people voted and their will should be honored otherwise you don't believe in democracy and believe that some people are better than other and this people should be the only ones able to vote.

Democracy is like the free speech, you should defend it against everyone and for everyone, even those you don't agree with.


I don't need to, really.

Leave won. That's it. People can piss and moan about it all they want, I'm disappointed personally, but it's happening. Us in the remain camp were too complacent. Look how many examples of the following we saw over the past week and throughout last night: "oh, I don't need to vote, we're obviously gonna win", "oh, don't worry London will save us", "bunch of racists, they'll never win"

The writing has been on the wall for years now and everyone has just carried on with their heads in the sand. This is the result.

If only we had academics and people in industry argue the case for remain based on reasoning and data. Shame the only thing we did was stick our heads in the sand eh. All of us. Look at how insightful I am.

Also we're not allowed to be negative about events that happened because they happened and that's that.


If everyone takes that view and dismisses the opinions of everyone who doesn't share their politics... where exactly does that get us?

That's not progression, that's just people sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming slogans at each other!

No where really. I'm just tired of seeing people trying to hide behind their actions by saying "it's an opinion." If you want to have debate, sure try and respect and understand where they are coming from. But the second you commit it to a vote, no that is no longer an opinion and you are directly effecting other people and I have no reason to see why that deserves any respect. If shit goes good/bad that is 100% those who voted for whose in power's fault.


WW3 in the making.
Well, we're certainly making conditions more favorable for another WW at least. Cooler heads no longer seem to be prevailing. I imagine we'll elect Trump over here in November for some stupid reason or other and then we can really get the party started.

Holy shit at trying to equate the EU with Britain in the 1700s

There is some incredible cognitive dissonance on display here


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Most people in UK felt this is where we have been anyway for past number of years, pump money in, EU imposes whatever they feel like.

Eu needs to change.
Well then most people in the UK were wrong, I'm not sure how that particularly helps your argument?


I apologize if this is not the place for this or if it has already been discussed but...

As an American who is going to the UK next week, what does this mean to us as a traveler? Will we notice any difference?

Your money will be worth a decent more than it would've if this didn't happen.
Most people in UK felt this is where we have been anyway for past number of years, pump money in, EU imposes whatever they feel like.

Eu needs to change.

But it hasn't been that way, especially not for the UK. It's all just fear mongering and urban myths about banana bendiness and safety helmets for acrobats and blaming the evil dictators in Brussels for shit your local government did on their own accord.

And the EU is composed of directly voted representatives of each country. If your representatives didn't do enough for the UK in your eyes, maybe you should've voted for better representatives?

Does the EU need to change? Probably. There's certainly things that need to be looked at. But seceding from it (or dissolving it) won't solve these problems, and will only make each country weaker in the long term.
And you're saying 17 million people in a country of 64 million can't be dumb and/or racist? Allow me to invite you to a place called the American South.

If the majority of a countries voting populace consists of dumb racists that speaks more on the country than the racists.


Yeh not going to get any actual answers in here it seems, just quips and hurling abuse at the other side.

nobody is going to debate literal definitions here, no. if you want to talk about the actual circumstances surrounding the vote feel free to stay and chat.
Personally I blame the opinion polls. I really do believe opinion polls should be illegal because they influence the vote in a very adverse way.

The opinion polls towards the end were showing a huge swing to remain which lead to two things. Firstly remain voters became complacent and thought "well remain have it in the bag I don't need to vote today" Secondly people started thinking "well remain has it in the bag because the opinion polls say so, I am gonna vote leave to be just a lil bit different cos it won't matter".

Another part of the problem with the UK is every general election we experience the uniquely British form of democracy of "your vote doesn't really matter anyway" and that is true in a general election but in a referendum your vote does matter and I think people failed to realise this.


nobody is going to debate literal definitions here, no. if you want to talk about the actual circumstances surrounding the vote feel free to stay and chat.

It seems people would rather make sweeping statements about the population voting to leave, I can't really argue against that kind of hate.

I voted leave and will probably get accused of being a xenophobic skin head racist now.


I had racial abuse today from some dick stain, I fear for what this will do for us as a country....funnily enough the afternoon after this referendum. I totally believe that majority of people who voted for leave did so for a multitude of reasons but i'm also very concerned that some of the very right wing elements to our country will use this as a stepping stone for their hateful agenda's


Personally I blame the opinion polls. I really do believe opinion polls should be illegal because they influence the vote in a very adverse way.

The opinion polls towards the end were showing a huge swing to remain which lead to two things. Firstly remain voters became complacent and thought "well remain have it in the bag I don't need to vote today" Secondly people started thinking "well remain has it in the bag because the opinion polls say so, I am gonna vote leave to be just a lil bit different cos it won't matter".

Another part of the problem with the UK is every general election we experience the uniquely British form of democracy of "your vote doesn't really matter anyway" and that is true in a general election but in a referendum your vote does matter and I think people failed to realise this.

Why do you blame anything? Where you not for Leave?

Honey Bunny

From Guardian

Germany will want free trade with UK. Germany funds EU, this is what will happen imo.

However, we will get lots of scare mongering in the meantime.

Chill out every one.


Handelsblatt says it has been leaked an eight-page emergency plan with the “German strategy for Brexit”.

The newspaper says Germany would offer “constructive departure negotiations” but divorce proceedings would be difficult, for example regarding Britain’s involvement in the European investment bank. After the two-year period, the German government would aim for “associate status for the UK” and Great Britain would become an “associate partner country”.

But the paper also says there would be “no automatic access to the single market”, for fear of encouraging other countries such as France, Austria, Finland or the Netherlands to follow Britain’s lead. One would try to “avoid offering false incentives for other member states when settling on new arrangements”.

It adds: “The extent of such imitation effects would depend largely on how Great Britain was being treated.”

It'll be an interesting balancing act. Expect the rhetoric to be more harsh than the reality.


Personally I blame the opinion polls. I really do believe opinion polls should be illegal because they influence the vote in a very adverse way.

The opinion polls towards the end were showing a huge swing to remain which lead to two things. Firstly remain voters became complacent and thought "well remain have it in the bag I don't need to vote today" Secondly people started thinking "well remain has it in the bag because the opinion polls say so, I am gonna vote leave to be just a lil bit different cos it won't matter".

Another part of the problem with the UK is every general election we experience the uniquely British form of democracy of "your vote doesn't really matter anyway" and that is true in a general election but in a referendum your vote does matter and I think people failed to realise this.

I have a feeling the government should have stayed neutral in this and acted on behalf of the people by adjudicating the slanging match between the Leave and the Remain.

By getting into the ring they made the whole thing worse. At least Cameron should have distanced himself from it with a "this isn't my battle" line.


It seems people would rather make sweeping statements about the population voting to leave, I can't really argue against that kind of hate.

I voted leave and will probably get accused of being a xenophobic skin head racist now.

Statistics show that people who voted to leave are anti-emigration.

Maybe you aren't but it's not like people are coming to these conclusions out of thin air.


From Jeremy Corbyn


I say with with great pleasure - fuck Corbyn.

Labour should be leading the charge against this result. Making the positive case for the country being part of Europe, outwardly facing the world and engaging with it. Not shrugging his shoulders, saying " ah well" and moving on.

This was not a landslide result. Someone needs to represent the 16 million people who voted to stay in Europe - that should be them. No-one wins if both parties just end up squabbling over the same 17 million leave votes.
Heard on Radio that German and french are saying a free trade with UK is already being put up. You really think its just UK this effects ?

Germany and France are as keen as UK to have a free trade agreement imo. Done. Wish I could find a link, was on radio.

Free trade ? Trading is costly , you can't just allow transports of goods out of your territory without anything in return. The market allowing that would be at the mercy of the other. Unthinkable.


It seems people would rather make sweeping statements about the population voting to leave, I can't really argue against that kind of hate.

I voted leave and will probably get accused of being a xenophobic skin head racist now.

i'm sure if you want to let people know why you voted that way you'll get some good discussion

just be prepared to have your assumptions challenged
Most people in UK felt this is where we have been anyway for past number of years, pump money in, EU imposes whatever they feel like.

Eu needs to change.

You had calling in these regulations unlike most countries in the EU.

And good these damn pillow regulations, dammit! Opressing UK people sleep.


It seems people would rather make sweeping statements about the population voting to leave, I can't really argue against that kind of hate.

I voted leave and will probably get accused of being a xenophobic skin head racist now.

I mean you can vote for whatever you want obviously. Since I just started reading this, what were your reasons for voting to leave and were those backed up by facts or was it an emotional vote?
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