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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Way to go London, a massive part of this vote is due to the class issues and how London tends to be the ONLY focus of the Government, so what do you do? Spit your dummy out and prove you want everything to be about you again! Maybe if you guys actually paid attention to OTHER areas of Britain you wouldn't be in this mess right now.

Same goes for all the poll options right up to the vote, when you're only polling London, using that as evidence on how the rest of the country would vote is just stupid.
I like that it's not about the UK or Great Britain but England specifically.

You know, she might actually be right if there's independence referendums. Her vote and those of her peers might've ended the UK/GB and literally might put England back on the map.
Still can't get my head around that a descision like this was left to any kind of majority. If you want to let the people vote for an issue like this, that few people of them are able to understand the consequences of, it's really weird to let 51.8% be enough.

75%? Ok, it's clear what the people want.
60%? Pretty much even there.
55%? Well, at least it's with a respectable margin.
But 51.8%? Come on.

I've seen a lot of people say that if the remain side hade won by as little, there wouldn't have been that kind of discussion, but that would have been to keep things as they are. 51.8% should mean to remain, but not to enter the EU if that had been the voting.
I don't understand how a decision this big is made based on a simple majority vote.

Just what
Right. So Cameron made a pledge to reduce the levels of net migration to the UK to 100,000, claiming that mass immigration to the UK caused a large number of problems, not just putting pressure on services and housing, but reducing social cohesion because immigrants weren't integrating. This was a Big Problem, and only Cameron could bring the levels of net migration down to 100,000, if not lower.

Cameron then spectacularly failed to reduce the levels of net migration, with levels infact increasing during his time in office, due to a number of factors (an improving economy in comparison to the rest of the EU is one, but cutting nurse training levels so we have to recruit more from abroad also helped.) This destroyed any trust in the ability of politicians to control immigration at all. Mass immigration was causing all these Big Problems, and it was laughably easy for the Leave campaign to paint a picture of it being impossible to control while the UK was within the EU, thanks to freedom of movement.

Yup, this definitely played a huge part in this result.


one you remain voters will love

Get ready for the age of Boris

Sell pounds and buy shares in Boris Johnson. This campaign has transformed him into a leader.

“All hail, Boris Johnson, hail to thee. Thane of Cawdor and king hereafter!” Well, at least after October.

Boris Johnson is the big political winner of this referendum. Nigel Farage has been vindicated, yes. But now Ukip has what it wants, what does it do next? It will, the Tories hope, fade away. No need for it any longer. So Farage was only Moses and it is Johnson who the Eurosceptics will charge with leading them into the promised land.

People have lodged a protest vote but it is a government that will have to implement its desires. Boris certainly looks up to the job. And the backbench Tory MPs who have previously questioned sincerity and ability will have had all doubts wiped from their mind.

Not every leave voter is a racist, but l can say with absolute certainty that without racism, the leave campaign wouldn't have been successful. And as I consider racism entirely intellectually illegitimate, I can't accept the intellectual legitimacy of the referendum.

Thank you. Not everyone who voted leave is racist is the only point I am trying to make. I know some people are basing it from a racial perspective, but I hope it's a minuscule amount.
Still feel absolutely deflated at what's happened.

I just wish Brussels would have been willing to bend a little bit and at least allowed for shortterm freezes on immigration. Maybe that way Leave voters wouldn't have been so drastic.

In what way is the EU responsible for immigration into the UK? I'm not up to date with that topic. I thought they were out of the Schengen zone.
Still feel absolutely deflated at what's happened.

I just wish Brussels would have been willing to bend a little bit and at least allowed for shortterm freezes on immigration. Maybe that way Leave voters wouldn't have been so drastic.

There was no need for that. Productive workers are a net benefit and for those on social security it is entirely within EU rules that the originating country pays for it.

It was all a big lie, that's why Brussels couldn't do a thing. They can't stop the Brexit campaign from lying.


not tag worthy
Friend from work posted riot police outside the news for building in London Bridge. She is opposite it in the shard.


But surely it gives us a barometer for the next 355 days?

I don't think so. The effects won't happen over night, the UK will remain part of the EU for at least another two years after all. So for the time being it's just business as usual but with a big huge unknown on the horizon.


Wow. Good job conservatives. So you all want to wall off your own little burrows and war with every other peoples..

Maybe we can just round up all the conservatives of the world, their racism, their guns, and their privatized corporate loving bullshit and send them to the effin' moon.

Hey dude, I voted CON but remain. Please refrain from broad strokes. Conservative =/= racist isolationist.


On Tuesday, after a traditional exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament, we will listen to brief presentations by the NATO Secretary General on EU/NATO cooperation, and by the EIB President on his initiative for the Southern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans. Finally, I will propose that we adopt all of our conclusions, which should be possible given the good preparatory work conducted in the Council.

We will then move to dinner, where Prime Minister Cameron will explain the situation in the UK after the referendum, followed by a first exchange of views. This will mark the end of our meeting on Tuesday.

On Wednesday the 27 Heads of State or Government will meet informally to discuss the political and practical implications of 'Brexit'. First of all, we will discuss the so called 'divorce process' as described in Art. 50 of the Treaty. And secondly, we will start a discussion on the future of the European Union with 27 Member States.

Dinner with Cameron on Tuesday, informal meeting of the 27 EU member states about the UK's exit without Cameron on Wednesday. Fun times.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Way to go London, a massive part of this vote is due to the class issues and how London tends to be the ONLY focus of the Government, so what do you do? Spit your dummy out and prove you want everything to be about you again! Maybe if you guys actually paid attention to OTHER areas of Britain you wouldn't be in this mess right now.

Same goes for all the poll options right up to the vote, when you're only polling London, using that as evidence on how the rest of the country would vote is just stupid.
Is that the responsibility of Londoners, or the national government? Is it Birmingham's responsibility to care for the wellbeing of Liverpool?

The power in this country is absolutely tilted towards London, but that isn't the fault of the people living there, and you can't be surprised they're not celebrating when the rest of England voted against their interests.


Nope, thats is the problem though. Sometimes you can just get your head around and understand the issue. UK has too many planning laws and green belt and its so expensive to build anything thats not on a flood plain....(or so it seems).

Immigration / housing / planning / greenbelts / brown belts

Rven when stuff is built UK is a nation of home owning or private land lords ready to make a buck, depriving so many of home ownership.

Politics and life...

But what does leaving the EU do to affect any of this?

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Saw a member of Merkel's cabinet talking on the CNN. There will basically be no concessions for the UK, he flat out said the deal they will be presented with is the Norwegian one. It's all or nothing. He said there would be no special arrangements despite what Brexiters may be telling their public.
He also essentially confirmed they'd trigger article 50 themselves as soon as possible if they are able to, and he want the UK to leave as soon as possible.
Still feel absolutely deflated at what's happened.

I just wish Brussels would have been willing to bend a little bit and at least allowed for shortterm freezes on immigration. Maybe that way Leave voters wouldn't have been so drastic.

Sorry but EU shouldn't bend to what makes the EU what it is (free movement), and lend you special treatment (no free movement, but yes to free trade!) because of your bigotry.


We'll have to agree to disagree. It will be interesting to see what happens, but I think that it was pretty clear that it was a once in a generation thing, regardless of England and Wales making a mistake.

So, I mean, if you guys hold a new election, and SNP campaigns on wanting a new referendum and they sweep Scotland again, and they say they have a mandate for independence, what do you think should happen? Just shrug your shoulders and say "sorry?"

What if the polls show overwhelming support for independence?

I'm kind of unclear on what justification you think you would have for maintaining sovereignty over a country that clearly wants independence. I mean, I say this as an American to an Englishman, so I understand the irony, but still.


So the article states that the EU net immigration is stable and that "Employment is at a record high" and that they need immigration to fill specific jobs "big skills gaps that employers cannot fill domesticall".

What is your argument again?

Not mine personally, I am just informing people on the immigration argument that went on during this brexit poll.

I personally dont have any issues with people who want to work, especially the jobs that many people just dont want to do.

But its important to understand views and where they came from. My issue is with Eu bureaucrats, but thats my beef.


See though, nobody flat out called you personally a dumb racist xenophobe. Fact of the matter is, however, that immigration was the biggest reason for people to vote for Leave. Obviously, you had your own reasoning and conclusions, and I'm glad you actually educated yourself about the situation, but the vast majority of people who voted Leave didn't. And you have to accept that fact. You have to accept that someone just posted a video with interviews where people say that they voted to Leave because of "all those muslims" and because of misconceptions such as "I never voted for any of the people in Brussels". You have to accept that there's been several people who said that they didn't know what implications it would have, or that they would vote for Remaining if they had a second chance and now that they know what has happened. You have to accept that this decision has gotten Thumbs Up from the right winger populists across all of Europe and the world.

This is the company you are with. Even if you weren't concerned about immigration in the slightest (and in your initial post, you did mention that as part of why you voted for Leave, if I am correct!), the vast majority of people who voted for Leave did. Those are the ones that people are referring to when they say that ignorance and xenophobia have succeeded. Not you.

Yeah, you're right. I apologise. Emotions are running high though, I don't normally get all wound up! There were a lot of Leave voters doing it for the wrong reasons and I did get a bit precious as I felt lumped in with them. I gave this vote more thought than any I've ever partaken in, it felt serious and demanded reaearch. Hopefully (from my perspective) those who voted for the wrong reasons will ultimately contribute to the right thing happening in time even if their motivations were skewed.

Perhaps to clarify my immigration comment, I'm not concerned about it in general, immigration is a healthy thing for any country as long as it's stringently controlled. I'm under the assumption that the UK may now be able to take more control over who, how and how many come in - this will be dependant and no doubt tangled up/dependant with further negotiations in other areas with the EU though.

Immigration was low down on my reasons for voting Leave though.

I think anyone who voted Leave who thought it through, who considered both sides and understood the importance of the vote ( and the potential for disaster) is feeling like I do today; a sense of great apprehension tinged slightly with cautious optimism.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
We'll have to agree to disagree. It will be interesting to see what happens, but I think that it was pretty clear that it was a once in a generation thing, regardless of England and Wales making a mistake.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that states should be able to hold referendums willy nilly every year or so, but yesterday's vote changes the entire political landscape of the UK and has serious ramifications for regions like Scotland and N. Ireland, which is why Scotland has to be given another opportunity to hold an independence referendum. This isn't just a case of them holding referendums until they win independence.
And as many have said, the Tories seem to have basically slashed public services and blamed the EU for it.
For decades, the major political parties throughout the developed world have been cutting taxes, chipping away at social services and public investments, advocating privatization, deregulating finance, and generally satisfying a small number of economic ideologues and a very large number of delighted private corporations. They've allowed transnational capital to run roughshod over just about everyone and everything else — cutting them every possible deal and extending them every possible advantage at the expense of ordinary taxpayers, labor unions, education, healthcare, social welfare, you name it. Transnational capital has rewarded them by moving anything that can be done more cheaply out of the developed world, and by doing contortions to avoid paying taxes back into the countries in which they hawk their goods and services.

The justification has often been that we can't afford our old ideas about society, that we all have to tighten our belts; meanwhile, trillions of dollars languish in offshore accounts. We've been told that the complete failure to regulate financial instrumentation or the housing market was somehow our fault, that government is wasteful and corrupt, that it can't do anything, that public services are always inefficient, that the welfare state is making us all poorer, that bureaucracy is always bad for business, that equitable federalism is impossible, that losses must be public, that gains must be private, that trade between nations is a zero-sum game, that only a few people can be wealthy, and only if they work hard.

Meanwhile, the bitter legacy of colonialism, coupled with a century and half of industrialization that has demanded repeated foreign misadventures and sustained environmental devastation, has turned the parts of the world that we depend on to fuel our batshit society into a cauldron of war, suffering, and extremism. Now those brown people who used to do our bidding for pennies are coming here, often because we have ruined their homeland (directly, through war; indirectly, through climate change), and they are the problem. We simply can't afford them. No, don't crunch the numbers. Don't check our figures. Don't ask about the offshore accounts. We're telling you: They are the problem. Getting rid of these dusky foreigners will bring back the industries we gutted, the services we dismantled, and the jobs we sold. Things will be just like the old days. Promise! But to do that, we have to try some more austerity, and we have to get rid of the bureaucrats. It's the only way.
Not mine personally, I am just informing people on the immigration argument that went on during this brexit poll.

I personally dont have any issues with people who want to work, especially the jobs that many people just dont want to do.

But its important to understand views and where they came from. My issue is with Eu bureaucrats, but thats my beef.

It's irrational bullshit.

They aren't a cost factor or a burden to the native population but quite the opposite.


if immigration was the biggest factor in voting leave, maybe labour should not have silenced the conversation of immigration for the last 12 years.
I took until 2010 just for politicians to start admitting that immigration was unsustainable at current levels and they literally had to say " it is OK to discuss immigration, it is not racist to discuss it".

Pretty much backfired now lol.

Yeah, ignoring the traditional Labour heartlands and dismissing any concerns, no matter how legitimate, as racist has worked wonders. Hull, which may as well be a single party state under Labour, voted for Leave by 2-1.

More like that the guy who tells you how shitty the EU is, is maybe not the perfect figurehead for a pro-EU campaign.

Also true.


Sorry but EU shouldn't bend to what makes the EU what it is (free movement), and lend you special treatment (no free movement, but yes to free trade!) because of your bigotry.

Then we leave, I am sorry...tough shit to the EU....no point the EU bleating about this, Cameron asked for reform, he was offered barely anything of substance, just enough to allow him to lie his way to saying he had enough to promote remain

if the EU falls, then they can look back on themselves safe in the knowledge if they had not been tossers we would of stayed
I don't understand how a decision this big is made based on a simple majority vote.

Just what

As said, because it's such a complicated issue, that most people really don't understand the full extent of. Let the people vote, absolutely, but let the descision to move from the current status be decided by a clear margin, and not just any margin.

I'm swedish, and we have people calling for the same vote here. I've had people on my Facebook friend list changing their profile picture to Swexit images today. People I know to be not the sharpest tools in the shed. If we're to vote, I hope we do it differently then UK.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Wonder who Leave voters will scapegoat now we don't need to worry about them Muslims or Eastern Europeans.

I'm sure they will look towards, African, Indian and Pakistani migrants now that Romania et al are out of the equation.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
We'll have to agree to disagree. It will be interesting to see what happens, but I think that it was pretty clear that it was a once in a generation thing, regardless of England and Wales making a mistake.

The SNP's manifesto reserved the right to call a second independence referendum in the case that there were 'significant and material changes' in circumstances regarding Scotland and the UK. Being dragged out of Europe by England when 70% of Scots voted to remain could surely not be any larger a 'significant and material change'.


You forgot the part where Corbyn sabotaged Remain, it's covered here.


Significant fail. It's a wheelbarrow of ammunition for Leave. He even calls out the EU for ruining Greece.

He poured petrol on a small fire and got a bonfire.

It's irrational bullshit.

They aren't a cost factor or a burden to the native population but quite the opposite.

Not arguing with you on that point. But it was a factor in the referendum. See top of post.


So the word is that Brits working in the EU are going to be required to apply for work permits and they'll only be granted one if no qualified EU citizen is available for the job.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
So the word is that Brits working in the EU are going to be required to apply for work permits and they'll only be granted one if no qualified EU citizen is available for the job.

Yes, that is generally how immigration works.
For decades, the major political parties throughout the developed world have been cutting taxes, chipping away at social services and public investments, advocating privatization, deregulating finance, and generally satisfying a small number of economic ideologues and a very large number of delighted private corporations. They've allowed transnational capital to run roughshod over just about everyone and everything else — cutting them every possible deal and extending them every possible advantage at the expense of ordinary taxpayers, labor unions, education, healthcare, social welfare, you name it. Transnational capital has rewarded them by moving anything that can be done more cheaply out of the developed world, and by doing contortions to avoid paying taxes back into the countries in which they hawk their goods and services.

The justification has often been that we can't afford our old ideas about society, that we all have to tighten our belts; meanwhile, trillions of dollars languish in offshore accounts. We've been told that the complete failure to regulate financial instrumentation or the housing market was somehow our fault, that government is wasteful and corrupt, that it can't do anything, that public services are always inefficient, that the welfare state is making us all poorer, that bureaucracy is always bad for business, that equitable federalism is impossible, that losses must be public, that gains must be private, that trade between nations is a zero-sum game, that only a few people can be wealthy, and only if they work hard.

Meanwhile, the bitter legacy of colonialism, coupled with a century and half of industrialization that has demanded repeated foreign misadventures and sustained environmental devastation, has turned the parts of the world that we depend on to fuel our batshit society into a cauldron of war, suffering, and extremism. Now those brown people who used to do our bidding for pennies are coming here, often because we have ruined their homeland (directly, through war; indirectly, through climate change), and they are the problem. We simply can't afford them. No, don't crunch the numbers. Don't check our figures. Don't ask about the offshore accounts. We're telling you: They are the problem. Getting rid of these dusky foreigners will bring back the industries we gutted, the services we dismantled, and the jobs we sold. Things will be just like the old days. Promise! But to do that, we have to try some more austerity, and we have to get rid of the bureaucrats. It's the only way.

Amen, brother!
if immigration was the biggest factor in voting leave, maybe labour should not have silenced the conversation of immigration for the last 12 years.
I took until 2010 just for politicians to start admitting that immigration was unsustainable at current levels and they literally had to say " it is OK to discuss immigration, it is not racist to discuss it".

Pretty much backfired now lol.

What I wanna see now, is all the bellends who cry "immigration" now hide behind the next reason as to why can't get a job.

"I can't get a job because Eastenders is coming up soon and it interferes with my time".



God, I feel super deflated and people are literally celebrating. What have you won?

The major issue was immigration, that is not going to stop, in fact under a far right tory regime that will treat labour laws like loo roll, that is going to get worse.

What have you won?

Brussels wont make our laws? Well guess what bucko they didn't before, we as a union decided what was best....

Services not being up to scratch? That's not because of....

Your kid can't get a place in school? That's because...

You know what I was going to write a big long thing but I'm going to drink myself into a coma. People are happy to vote based on boogymen that have been repeatedly and scientifically proven to not be real, but fuck it. The mob won, long live the mob.
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