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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Calm down everyone. Worrying won't help. There is a chance we may get everything and more.
Screwing Greece is screwing Greece mostly.
Screwing UK - just the thought brought about a $2trillion dollar market shock.

There was a plan. There absolutely was. Just not gonna be palatable to the leave voters.

Some very fine experts will fix this mess, and I am quite happy for Leave to take credit.

I wish I had your optimism.


We decide when we want to go. All this talk of punishing the UK and making an example of us because we don't want to be in their club is ridiculous. I mean we could just hang around indefinitely which would certainly be worse for the EU if the mood is were going to get a shit deal.

It would however also be disastrous for any UK politician to arrive at an election after he promised an exit while still being in the Union.


Gemüsepizza;208304632 said:
Did I describe Somalia? Can you point out where I did? No, because I did not. Have you lost all rational thinking?

No, but you are implying that we have failed as a country, that our education system will fail, economy and finance will fail, our population will decline and we should just give up, shrivel and die.


The whole point is that the EU is not the entirety of the world, the UK can start doing deals with other countries, you know the ones that are growing rapidly.
You mean countries like the BRICS countries?
The ones that the UK makes it hard for their citizens to even get a tourist visa? Let alone affordable higher education and prospect for setting up their business, research or work after education instead of telling them "kthnxbye" soon as they finish? Although this bit holds true for any non EU country, but if you want special trade with them then you have to treat them in a special way too.

That leaves you with USA and Canada remaining two and maybe Australia, who knows what you get out of it? Perhaps you'll end up getting your own version of TTIP afterall, except this time you won't have EU laws to protect you.


On Monday, yes, I'll be back at work. When we leave, I'm probably losing my job and career as an Ecologist.

Per CIEEM: The immediate focus will be on protecting the economy, however it is vital that we do not let protection of the environment slip under the radar. Not only would that be detrimental to nature conservation, it would also impact those sectors intertwined with environmental legislation such as construction, engineering, farming, water and energy.

Ah man. Hopefully you will get a lot of notice.


they wont invoke (despite the toy throwing from the EU) until they are good and ready, Cameron can not be trusted to secure a good deal, so that is why we need a new PM, so article 50 will need to wait until then...

of course one of Camerons threats was he would invoke article 50 if leave won immediately...

oddly that is another threat that has not come to pass

Cameron finally acted like a prime minister falling on his sword, everything else had been short term party political game playing. His EU negotiations should have started earlier but he didn't want in fighting going on for months.

He has constantly baffled our EU partners with his behaviour.
Not sure if it has been posted yet, but VoteLeaveDerbyshire as had a right go at prominent leave campaigner Dan Hannan's comments over free movement of people last night:



It's started all ready.

For those who missed Dan's comment, he basically said that the free movement of people would be inevetibale post bre-exit.


What was this? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/...-30bn-in-UK-plc-how-the-deals-break-down.html

Probably annoyed the EU, but still happened. Let alone the deals we already had via the EU. Thrown away.

Not so fast: Brexit puts UK-China financial services linkages at risk | Reuters


Unconfirmed Member
It would however also be disastrous for any UK politician to arrive at an election after he promised an exit while still being in the Union.

Not if you position it as getting the best deal for the UK on OUR time. That would be easy to sell.
Great. They can't though.

That is true they can't kick us out. But they can make life very very very very difficult for the UK if we try and stay in. Basically the UK would be on double secret probation, the minute the UK so much as farted in a slightly ungentlemanly way the rest of the EU would come down on us like a ton of bricks and they would use any excuse to "suspend our membership" for any slight infringement (which they can do).

Believe me we would be far better off outside the EU than we would being a member under these circumstances.
Really disingenious the way Leavers want to play games now and not actually leave except maybe at some point hey plz giveus EU bennies. Bunch of welfare queens tbh.


We decide when we want to go. All this talk of punishing the UK and making an example of us because we don't want to be in their club is ridiculous. I mean we could just hang around indefinitely which would certainly be worse for the EU if the mood is were going to get a shit deal.
The attitude of some Brits regarding the presumed importance of their country is quite something to behold.
Message from my friend: 'this will blow over next week, we weren't fully in anyway, we didn't even have the Euro'.
Of course he voted leave.

That's the problem with referendums. You're handing over the running of the asylum to the inmates. It's impossible that anyone could vote knowing the implications of their actions. It's very easy to vote with your heart and ask questions later. Big mistake by Cameron.
As an outsider listening before the vote, this is what seemed like the outcome would be, which is why all the experts thought it'd be a stupid decision. It just turns out the Leave voters weren't listening to any experts.

Anti-intellectualism has been on the rise here for a long time.

"Who cares about your facts? My opinion is based on 'common sense'"



45% of our trade goes to the EU. 45%. Let that sink in for a moment.

We will either have to pay tariffs, and accept the hit to our income or negotiate access to the common market which will include accepting the regulations and free movement but without having a say in said regulations. Trying to pretend otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

And we buy most of the German high value items, to the point where we import more than export....

And who runs most of EU and pays for everything....Let that sink in for a moment.

The only way there will be tariffs is if Germany is willing to accept the hit. End of. Maybe they will, feel sorry for Germany they get clouted with everything.

The attitude of some Brits regarding the presumed importance of their country is quite something to behold.

Makes you wonder why EU and ministers in germany were even bothered. If we make no difference, then why the headlines ? Why would what UK does bother anyone ?

France, germany and Netherlands will be quite happy paying 1/3 more into the EU to make up for us, cant see the issue, probably more now there is the expansion ?


Oh I see, thanks.

So why are they not invoking it? What do people want now? Do they still want to leave EU or are they scared to do so?

Or Cameron wants no responsibility?
They are scared, they have no plan, they are starting to realize what they have done.
second day, still can't believe we actually did it :D


nothing of value was lost

Your glee over this is kind of disturbing, especially over universities losing funding.
Well the fact the Tories slogan is a tree, and they are not anti environment, should give you some hope they don't suddenly reject climate change and the environment

HAHA! They're massively anti-environment. In 2013 they made a housing developer the new head of Natural England (the UK's environment body), and he changed the law to allow ancient woodland (meaning it's been there for at least 400 years) to be developed on.

Given how much HS2 is costing them, cutting a huge chunk of the bill spent on environmental mitigation out of the equation is something this government will jump on. And to add to growing fears, both Boris and Farage are climate change sceptics.

Ah man. Hopefully you will get a lot of notice.

Thanks =) I'm self employed, run my own small business. I've just given myself and my seasonal employees two years warning...
That is true they can't kick us out. But they can make life very very very very difficult for the UK if we try and stay in. Basically the UK would be on double secret probation, the minute the UK so much as farted in a slightly ungentlemanly way the rest of the EU would come down on us like a ton of bricks and they would use any excuse to "suspend our membership" for any slight infringement (which they can do).

Believe me we would be far better off outside the EU than we would being a member under these circumstances.

Also economic uncertainty doesn't help London either. They are incetivized to leave, question is how takes the lead in actually doing it and how.


That is true they can't kick us out. But they can make life very very very very difficult for the UK if we try and stay in. Basically the UK would be on double secret probation, the minute the UK so much as farted in a slightly ungentlemanly way the rest of the EU would come down on us like a ton of bricks and they would use any excuse to "suspend our membership" for any slight infringement (which they can do).

Believe me we would be far better off outside the EU than we would being a member under these circumstances.

They can, but I'd love to know what reasoning they'd use. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/summary/glossary/suspension_clause.html

A lot easier said than done.


Not if you position it as getting the best deal for the UK on OUR time. That would be easy to sell.

There are however only two options: you invoke Article 50 in which case you are no longer negotiation on your own time; or you don't invoke Article 50 and you're not negotiating a deal, you're still a full member paying, but just with nobody listening as they are still waiting for you to leave. In which last case Farage will try his best to sweep up the right while the Tory can no longer promise the leave to hold him off.
Will see how sore you are once immigration wont stop and people lose their jobs

"I got nowt so I will lose nowt"

truly a great future for your children.

Thanks daily mail and Murdoch.


We decide when we want to go. All this talk of punishing the UK and making an example of us because we don't want to be in their club is ridiculous. I mean we could just hang around indefinitely which would certainly be worse for the EU if the mood is were going to get a shit deal.

But but we thought you wanted to leave RIGHT NOW to stop the mass inmigration...

Seriously, the Brexit aftermath is just pathetic.


Holy fucking shit the remain voters really are a bunch of sore fucking losers.

Its embarrassing.

What's embarrassing is the misinformation that passed for the Leave campaign & how camp Leave are dismissing lot of key points already, but what's MOST embarrassing is that Leave voters don't seem to notice the rug being pulled out from under them.


Holy fucking shit the remain voters really are a bunch of sore fucking losers.

Its embarrassing.

It's because it's a close result, because it has real implications for the future. If things go well people will move on, if things go badly we are all on the edge of the shitstorm.


Holy fucking shit the remain voters really are a bunch of sore fucking losers.

Its embarrassing.
Many have been. But let's not forget that after Farage conceded defeat within minutes of the polls closing, he proceeded to blame the voter registration deadline being extended. Not to mention Leave voters claiming conspiracy over pencils in polling stations on the day. Both sides were going to react badly.


What's embarrassing is the misinformation that passed for the Leave campaign & how camp Leave are dismissing lot of key points already, but what's MOST embarrassing is that Leave voters don't seem to notice the rug being pulled out from under them.

Both sides were full of crap equally


Unconfirmed Member
But but we thought you wanted to leave RIGHT NOW to stop the mass inmigration...

Seriously, the Brexit aftermath is just pathetic.

I voted remain. Some of the people in this thread though who just want to be nasty trolls and see the UK punished because they have hurt feelings can fuck right off.


Because invoking the clause means we're on a time limit. We're out two years from that point regardless of our stability or lack of. The UK government will want to iron out details for favourable separation from the EU first, most importantly retaining access to the European single market.

The EU is trying to force us to start the clock now so they can have the upper hand in the deals. They can then keep saying "no" to our offers until they get the best deal they possibly can (free EU movement, membership fees, loads of other concessions), knowing full well that at some point the UK will have to accept the EU's terms or risk leaving without anything at all.
Completely wrong.

1. The timeframe of two years is not set in stone (but desirable)
2. This is about starting with the process now. The EU wants a definite decision to avoid a period of huge uncertainty because UKs England's politician can't get their shit together. This isn't a game and the EU is not your toy.
No, but you are implying that we have failed as a country, that our education system will fail, economy and finance will fail, our population will decline and we should just give up, shrivel and die.

I don't think you should give up, but the leave voters have to accept the consequences. And those will not be pretty. All their dreams about a strong, independent UK are just that, dreams. Pure fantasy. I just feel sorry for all the innocent people who have to suffer from this.


They can, but I'd love to know what reasoning they'd use. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/summary/glossary/suspension_clause.html

A lot easier said than done.

There's no need for suspension, UK will just keep paying its fees and obey EU laws, and anything they ask will get a "NO !" because why would they ask anything if they're leaving anyway ?
UK wanted to leave to stop paying the EU and have control on its borders. What even is the point of the "Leave" if you don't take what you asked for ?

There's really no point in making it last, it's like ending a relationship, everybody's going his way and it's better for both parties. UK should now focus on building its future without the EU, and EU its future without the UK.
Playing the waiting game wouldn't help UK's position within the EU and it would be quite suicidal for any pro-Brexit politican if they are suddenly trying to ignore the vote.

I voted remain. Some of the people in this thread though who just want to be nasty trolls because the have hurt feelings can fuck right off.

Dunno, but your posts appear like you are quite hurt in your feelings.


second day, still can't believe we actually did it :D

nothing of value was lost

The fuck?

Although I guess some of you English like getting ramrodded with University debt and therefore wouldn't give 2 shits if Uni's burn because of this.

Up North we pride ourselves on free Education and seeing Napier Uni in that list does actually make us disappointed at best, seriously worried at worst. A country without robust and thriving education is a shitpit.


Holy fucking shit the remain voters really are a bunch of sore fucking losers.

Its embarrassing.

It's depressing.

Guess why leave won? Because they went out and voted. The turnout for younger voters throughout Britain is staggeringly low - and now, suddenly, it's all the older generation's fault?


The sheer amount of people I see on facebook, reddit and elsewhere complaining about the result, yet admitting they didn't go out and vote is absolutely staggeringly infuriating - and a silly online petition to reconsider is not going to change that. Those people should have got their fucking act together and made their voices heard. They had a chance. They lost it - by two fucking percent.

So yes, I have a huge amount of anger - for the remain voters. I was able to get off my ass and vote remain, yet it seems millions upon millions of others couldn't be fucked. Well, you're stuffed now. Sorry. Deal with it. Sick and tired of the younger population (yes, I'm 27) assuming things will go their way regardless of lack of effort, and assuming things will be taken care of for them. People who do not understand this need to grow up.
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