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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Sore losers?

We've barely made it 3 days since the election and the two main issues that Leave campaigned on have been found to be utter bullshit.

£350m a week for the NHS? Nah j/k

Stop immigration? lol

Embarrassing is the prospect of that buffon Boris being our leader who couldn't negotiate a fucking night tube, being the one negotiating the most important trade and political deals of a generation.

How about you pull your head out are arse and realise the implications of what is happening.

Shall we examine the remain claims?

New world war (trumps all of them)


You're misreading what I said.

I have huge respect for anyone who voted. Why be angry at someone who voted leave? Why? It's their decision. Same for remain. These people, like us, got off their asses and voted. You seem to be missing my point here - I'm angry at those who didn't bother to vote yet now want to be heard. They had their chance. They blew it.

Voting without understanding the issue is worse than not voting.
People who didn't vote are idiots for not taking the time to inform themselves
People who voted out are also idiots if they expected NHS money or a radical change on immigration policy, which it seems a lot of people DID think by all the brexit remorse we're seeing now

I definitely see the latter as worse
Just some random thoughts:

Even though it was a leave vote that was one hell of a close win 3% that is around a million people difference, that is nothing. How that plays out over the coming years could become very messy.

I was never against leave as I didn't think the EU was the be all and end all but looking at the utter lack of a clear message about the direction those who wanted to leave want to go or looking at their political histories and the views of the candidates representing the cause (yeah sides were crap) I could never have voted leave. Now we are now about to enter an utter political mess. It is going to be dire for a long time politically. The outcome could be radical or it could be a faux leave which is basically only in name and everything else remains the same. The former is what would be needed but short term everyone will get hit hard but long term could be good, especially the poor if it is the later then it wont be any different and a waste of time for everyone.

However watching British politicians getting absolutely bossed by American and Chinese dignitaries over the past couple of years I have no faith in any of them to create something new and worthwhile and most likely will allow for larger mass pilfering by foreign investment and be made their rent boys.

I think Europe will be better without us especially if more of the smaller not full up for it countries leave and the resource drains go. It will allow for the main core to do what they have wanted for decades. The larger it gets the more likely it is to fail the small it gets the more likely it is to succeed.

Work wise even though it is a disaster for myself I will adjust even though I have no idea what I have to adjust to but the politicians need to start now as uncertainty is only going to destabilise the markets and hit us all harder than it needs to.

To sum it up I don't think our politicians have what it takes to create a forward thinking progressive global looking foundation for the country. I hope I am proven wrong.
Of course it's risky. Problem was that the risks being talked about were all basically 'economic insecurity beckons', and the people most likely to win the vote for Leave were already living in perpetual economic insecurity.

So the choice for many was risk it all or status quo? Ballsy.


And when every other country in the world turns around and asks for free trade with the EU because of the precedent with the UK?

The EU will not agree to free trade with the UK with nothing in return. It's delusional.

it is a negotiation you go in hardball, that leaves you wiggle room...Cameron could learn a thing or two from that


Oh come on, you can go to any country and see skin heads, far right, Nazi tatoo crazy people whether in UK, France or Germany.

Sometimes the press just has a field day to sell papers, and its not right to Judge normal good UK peope on such photos in the same way I dont judge Germany or France on their extremists.

We should still plaster people like that over papers and social media. Even if just to shame them.

Plus sadly, he's not 1 out of a total of 20. Quite a lot of anti-immigrant rhetoric going around.


UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

Yeah. Sorry but this is not happening. The earlier you realize this the better.
I'd argue remain didn't do a good enough job to refute those claims and prove them wrong.

Then you weren't watching any of the debates. It came up repeatedly, and Boris always said he wasn't lying about it, and then swiftly moved on to another of his big three points. That was always his tactic. Challenged on one lie? Swiftly pull out a different catch-phrase for guaranteed applause from the Brexit half of the crowd. If the Remain camp still wouldn't drop it, then he'd claim they were continuing "project fear".

£350 million --> Uncontrolled immigration --> Take back control
^_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

It's your fault if you didn't pay attention, or didn't take 5 minutes to Google the claims the Leave Campaign made.


Shall we examine the remain claims?

New world war (trumps all of them)
I don't even know who you are talking about but I will assume you read someone say that.

The fact is remain voters didn't really vote remain because of world war 3, while the leave voters voted because of those things.
Just because some no name person said WW3 does not make it the face of remain campaign, while the thing about NHS and immigration were the face of leave campaign..RUN by leave campaigners.

Do you not understand the difference?
fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

You don't have a right to demands anymore. Sorry. You're net inmigration is less than 3% and most of it isn't even from EU contries, as a resident from a country with almost 3x more, stop crying.

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

Not until you press the red button.(Article 50)

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

15 fucking years? I guess you want that time so your white people can have enough white childs and stop the browning of UK.

That said, that's not you to decide, not anymore. When you leave EU you can build as many walls (trump style) you want to stop inmigrants.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

I'm so disgusted at the last 2 I'm not even bother responding.



If the effect of an exit from Europe was of such crucial importance and would devastate the United Kingdom David Cameron wouldn't have offered the vote.

Scaremongering, Fearmongering, whatever you want to call it is in full effect.

But im sure the next time a tata steel or bhs goes into administration exiting the EU will be the cause................
It's the same political brinksmanship Boehner was doing with the shutdowns and debt ceiling hostage-taking in the US in order to retain control of his far-right crazies.

The difference? He made sure his bluff was never called.


Shall we examine the remain claims?

New world war (trumps all of them)

I mean are you going to seriously say that one of the main talking points of remain was that leaving would cause world war three? Are you going to back that up with sources of multiple people claiming leaving would cause world war three? Did economic experts on the remain side suggest leaving would cause world war three?

You're not 'examining' shit.


Lmao so true. I see a lot of people in the Leave camp now say 'Guys calm down. Let's... Let's figure out how to make this work'. They really didn't think this one through did they?

I'm still laughing about Cornwall.

You can add yorkshire councils to that list of buffoons.


Then you weren't watching any of the debates. It came up repeatedly, and Boris always said he wasn't lying about it, and then swiftly moved on to another of his big three points. That was always his tactic. Challenged on one lie? Swiftly pull out a different catch-phrase for guaranteed applause from the Brexit half of the crowd.

£350 million --> Uncontrolled immigration --> Take back control
^_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

It's your fault if you didn't pay attention, or didn't take 5 minutes to Google the claims the Leave Campaign made.

It came up repeatedly but remain still couldn't get it hammered home. If they did they'd have won.


it is a negotiation you go in hardball, that leaves you wiggle room...Cameron could learn a thing or two from that

Uh ofcourse they will demand free trade and restricted immigration.
No one doubts that, but it is not happening...which is what people are saying here.


We should still plaster people like that over papers and social media. Even if just to shame them.

Plus sadly, he's not 1 out of a total of 20. Quite a lot of anti-immigrant rhetoric going around.

France and Netherlands will be next in the spotlight. I think far right extreme view people are equally easy to find no matter what country you are in.


The Birthday Skeleton
Free trade agreement will not happen without free movement.

No matter how much of a special snowflake you think you are.


Of course it's risky. Problem was that the risks being talked about were all basically 'economic insecurity beckons', and the people most likely to win the vote for Leave were already living in perpetual economic insecurity.

Tower Hamlets is one of the poorest boroughs in the country. Proportion of child poverty stood at 49%.

70% Remain.


I mean are you going to seriously say that one of the main talking points of remain was that leaving would cause world war three? Are you going to back that up with sources of multiple people claiming leaving would cause world war three? Did economic experts on the remain side suggest leaving would cause world war three?

You're not 'examining' shit.

your'e prime minister said it, I think you would agree he was one of the 'main' players

Brexit' could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron



You paint it as if staying in EU is also a dead certainly for stability and rosy life, there is Greece, Portugal, Ireland and maybe Italy in a mess, and you also have albania, Turkey and others joining.

Either way its no bed of roses. Its not as high but still a very real risk for Eu to go to the wall being overly encompassing of economies so much divergent from Germany, France and Netherlands, not forgetting the migrant crisis.

Ireland isn't a mess, they''re the fastest growing EU economy.
I get it, I am just saying that both sides said stuff that they are both now receding on...

Cameron and his article 50 threat for instance

No. One side, Leave, won the referendum and they are the ones that are backing down on its two main promises, policies or whatever you want to call them within 3 days of winning.

It's a con and you know it.


The weirdest thing for me is how the Leavers (talking about the politicians) are uttetly outpaced by the machinery and processes they jump-started. It's as if Farage and Co. decided to stay home today, meanwhile EU, Germany, Poland, Scotland and many more are already positioning themselves for the things that are to come.


Ireland isn't a mess, they''re the fastest growing EU economy.

Fastest growing because Ireland got fucked massively. Always easy to grow fast from a low starting point. Greece was one of the fastest growing at one stage too.

Ireland has improved a lot, but it's mainly Dublin.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
it is a negotiation you go in hardball, that leaves you wiggle room...Cameron could learn a thing or two from that
There's a difference between playing hardball and going in with a list of demands so insane that the other negotiators would laugh at you.
your'e prime minister said it, I think you would agree he was one of the 'main' players

Brexit' could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron


"Can we be so sure peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt? Is that a risk worth taking?

"I would never be so rash to make that assumption."

Where's the WWIII mention there?

Aside from the almost vil manipulation of Cameron's words, we can agree that he and his coleagues did a really bad job defending the Remain option.

El Topo

The weirdest thing for me is how the Leavers (talking about the politicians) are uttetly outpaced by the machinery and processes they jump-started. It's as if Farage and Co. decided to stay home today, meanwhile EU, Germany, Poland, Scotland and many more are already positioning themselves for the things that are to come.

Chances are they didn't think it would actually happen. That said, they cannot take action when they are not in power.


France and Netherlands will be next in the spotlight. I think far right extreme view people are equally easy to find no matter what country you are in.
What are you talking about ? Neither France or the Netherlands are having a referendum to leave Europe any time soon.

edit : Turkey and Albania joining the EU ? Yeah you've been brainwashed.
Voting to leave and then trying to postpone the whole thing until October is ridiculous. You wanted out, so don't dilly dally at the front door. Hopefully the EU will be able to expedite the implementation of Article 50 sooner rather than later

France and Netherlands will be next in the spotlight. I think far right extreme view people are equally easy to find no matter what country you are in.

Except that our leaders are not dumb enough to have a referendum on leaving the EU. There's a single party shouting for leaving the EU in the Netherlands, and because of racist remarks towards Moroccans by the party leader no other party wants to cooperate with them anymore, it's not going to happen.


No. One side, Leave, won the referendum and they are the ones that are backing down on its two main promises, policies or whatever you want to call them within 3 days of winning.

It's a con and you know it.

all I know of is that MEP saying about immigration? Farage about the 350 million, TBF we all knew the 350 million was a headline baseless fact.... but both parties made spurious claims and had the vote been to remain, the debate would of turned to their promises etc


You paint it as if staying in EU is also a dead certainly for stability and rosy life, there is Greece, Portugal, Ireland and maybe Italy in a mess, and you also have albania, Turkey and others joining.

Either way its no bed of roses. Its not as high but still a very real risk for Eu to go to the wall being overly encompassing of economies so much divergent from Germany, France and Netherlands, not forgetting the migrant crisis.

Portugal is way better now actually. The threat of sanctions is a little bullshit but our deficit is getting in place.

Mess isn't what I would qualify us as. Even if we could be better obviously.


Fastest growing because Ireland got fucked massively. Always easy to grow fast from a low starting point. Greece was one of the fastest growing at one stage too.

Ireland has improved a lot, but it's mainly Dublin.

Yes, but it's very far from a mess or some kind of basket case like it is being portrayed.


Voting to leave and then trying to postpone the whole thing until October is ridiculous. You wanted out, so don't dilly dally at the front door. Hopefully the EU will be able to expedite the implementation of Article 50 sooner rather than later.

Yes because a rushed decision with nothing in place to replace the incredibly complex deals and mechanisms that are already in place will be super helpful to everyone. There is an awful lot of work to do for thousands of companies and organisations.
The weirdest thing for me is how the Leavers (talking about the politicians) are uttetly outpaced by the machinery and processes they jump-started. It's as if Farage and Co. decided to stay home today, meanwhile EU, Germany, Poland, Scotland and many more are already positioning themselves for the things that are to come.

I have the weird feeling they planned to have Article 50 as a bargaining deterrent to negotiate a new special membership inside of the EU.

But the EU would rather to leave UK behind than allowing this farce.


I have the weird feeling they planned to have Article 50 as a bargaining deterrent to negotiate a new special membership inside of the EU.

But the EU would rather to leave UK behind than allowing this farce.

Yup, I feel that way too. Cameron never intended to actually leave, anyone who thinks so is silly.


Tower Hamlets is one of the poorest boroughs in the country. Proportion of child poverty stood at 49%.

70% Remain.

So? There's plenty of really poor boroughs that voted to Leave too, in very large numbers. Rather than point to individual boroughs, I'll just point to Lord Ashcroft's polling, which shows that:

The AB social group (broadly speaking, professionals and managers) were the only social group among whom a majority voted to remain (57%). C1s divided fairly evenly; nearly two thirds of C2DEs (64%) voted to leave the EU.
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