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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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You paint it as if staying in EU is also a dead certainly for stability and rosy life, there is Greece, Portugal, Ireland and maybe Italy in a mess, and you also have albania, Turkey and others joining.

Either way its no bed of roses. Its not as high but still a very real risk for Eu to go to the wall being overly encompassing of economies so much divergent from Germany, France and Netherlands, not forgetting the migrant crisis.
Reread my post and you'll find out I'm not talking about Remain or Leave. Leave is a done deal, no need to sell me on it, I don't care for these talking points.

My point is that it's unbelievably irresponsible to hold this vote and have zero plans for the morning after. Leavers, of all people, should understand that I don't want the next 4 months of my portfolio and my business tied to the infighting of people I never elected.


Why be angry at someone who voted leave?

Because the toxic attitude in this country towards minorities and immigrants is already bad enough and the leave majority have made UKIP and their xenophobic rhetoric more prominent than they have ever been. It's legitimized it intentional or not. Many well people were constantly talking about this and they were shouted down with cries of "stop calling leave voters racist!" en masse by the sort of people who say that both side are bad and think that has any sort of insight. With all the talk about respecting leave voters, there's been a distinct lack of respect by those same people for the people actually being effected by this. So excuse me if I play the smallest violin for people who are crying because someone on twitter said a bad thing about a UKIP poster about migrants and they took it personally. Meanwhile my life being in a predominately white conservative area just got even worse, where are the calls for respect for me?


Knows the Score
Whatever the aftermath, it really has brought out the best in some people.


(Romford, today)


From all the promises the leave people made, what is realistically going into effect? Which won't?

Nothing, other than the UK withdrawing from the EU. Because that's all that we voted on. Boris wasn't elected to be PM with a sweeping mandate for reforms with this vote. Farage didn't become an MP with this vote.

Bold One

The Tories won the general election with only a third of the votes.

#VoteLeave was over half of the votes.

I didn't see a petition with as many votes when Cameron crawled his way into Downing street.

The remain camp seriously needs to suck it up, accept it and work with the leave camp to ensure a successful and positive exit from the EU.

This sulking and flapping your arms about in a huff because something didnt go their way isnt going to help any one is it?

You can vote out the PM every 5 years, this was an irreversible decision, the Leavers just cost thousands their jobs, done long-term damage to the economy and future generations.

These kinds of kinds of posts piss me off to no end, 'let's band together and make it work' after doing you utmost to tear the Union of Europe apart and subsequently that of Ireland and Scotland out of some imagined slight?


fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

In my view it was no bed of roses staying in the EU or leaving the EU, both are clouded in risk and uncertainty. Nobody will really know for a few years until all the dust settles. Eu is trying to enrol too many counties with more divergent economies than Greece, its scary.

My point is that it's unbelievably irresponsible to hold this vote and have zero plans for the morning after.

Oh, there appears to be a Vacuum now on all sides I agree. I just hope that Cameron and Merkel had discussed a plan if things went boom. Cant imagine everyone just left things to chance, that would be crazy.


Because it done. Like it or not, the referendum is over. All of this noise is simply people's unwillingness to accept the result. There's no re-roll saving throw on this.

All there is now is moving forward, so better to focus on that versus crying over spilt milk.

It's not like people want the same things going forward on either side.

I wasn't pro EU for the reason Cameron was, just as Arthur Scargill wasn't anti EU for the reason Farage is.

Moving forward to what?
fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

1. Won't happen as long as you're a member of EU. If you want to stop EU immigration as quickly as possible, you had better start the leave mechanism as quickly as possible

2. and 3. are incompatible. Any non-EU country that wants free access to the market has to agree to freedom of movement (together with the other freedoms).



From all the promises the leave people made, what is realistically going into effect? Which won't?

None of them, because none of them were promises.

All this vote means is that, sooner or later, someone is going to be forced to deploy Article 50. Anything beyond that has no guarantees.


You paint it as if staying in EU is also a dead certainly for stability and rosy life, there is Greece, Portugal, Ireland and maybe Italy in a mess, and you also have albania, Turkey and others joining.

Either way its no bed of roses. Its not as high but still a very real risk for Eu to go to the wall being overly encompassing of economies so much divergent from Germany, France and Netherlands, not forgetting the migrant crisis.

Amongst my Greek relatives many wanted to leave the Euro. But no one, not a single one, wanted to leave the EU. Just the thought of that was preposterous to them.
I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm.

I'll direct you to my previous post about TCRS:
Pretty sure TCRS is not being sarcastic, considering he's a UKIP supporter and hates the EU on every level.

I would never vote for them in national elections, but I'm definitely voting for them in the European elections. The more heat those clowns in Brussels get the better.

There's no doubt that there are advantages to being in the EU, but to some people things like sovereignty matter and the fact that the EU today is completely different to what we originally joined all those years ago. I absolutely don't want a great European socialist state, ever closer union, unelected and unaccountable officials handing down orders. No, thank you. I would like us to stick to the single market. If the others want to go another way so be it.


the lefty tears. delicious.

to all others: are you seriously incapable of differentiating? 30% of the voters are racist scum? tell me, which party do the people who want the UK teave the EU or limit the EUs influence vote for? Labour, LibDem, Conservative? All three are essentially pro-EU parties. Or does voting for an anti-EU stance make you racist? Actually, in the lefty world view that wouldn't surprise me.


It's already happening. UKIP are cutting majorly into the Labour vote up north, and if the Tories ignore the results of this referendum you can be sure as hell that UKIP will eat further into Conservative votes.

Not enough soft Leavers will ever vote for UKIP to get a majority. All the sink estates are already voting for UKIP and they only got 1 MP.


1. Won't happen as long as you're a member of EU. If you want to stop EU immigration as quickly as possible, you had better start the leave mechanism as quickly as possible

2. and 3. are incompatible. Any non-EU country that wants free access to the market has to agree to freedom of movement (together with the other freedoms).


no they don't, just because it has not been done, there is no reason to not agree to it, in both parties interest to do free trade
fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

Holy fucking shit the remain voters really are a bunch of sore fucking losers.

Its embarrassing.

Sore losers?

We've barely made it 3 days since the election and the two main issues that Leave campaigned on have been found to be utter bullshit.

£350m a week for the NHS? Nah j/k

Stop immigration? lol

Embarrassing is the prospect of that buffon Boris being our leader who couldn't negotiate a fucking night tube, being the one negotiating the most important trade and political deals of a generation.

How about you pull your head out are arse and realise the implications of what is happening.


I'll direct you to my previous post about TCRS:

Jeeez. Outright bragging Universities may be heavily impacted from this really makes you a bit of a *insert a bad word here*.

Education is one of the things we should all be trying to support and help no matter what. Instead of mocking what may come of it after leaving the EU we should be asking what do we do to make sure any downsides can be patched up and prevented.
Its only peoples future now why would that be a big deal? :/

This is not a game.

If the effect of an exit from Europe was of such crucial importance and would devastate the United Kingdom David Cameron wouldn't have offered the vote.

Scaremongering, Fearmongering, whatever you want to call it is in full effect.

But im sure the next time a tata steel or bhs goes into administration exiting the EU will be the cause................


fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

You want free trade for all but a restricted migration....wat?
There is a negative 100% chance that the EU will let you in the single market without freedom of movement.


Sore losers?

We've barely made it 3 days since the election and the two main issues that Leave campaigned on have been found to be utter bullshit.

£350m a week for the NHS? Nah j/k

Stop immigration? lol

Embarrassing is the prospect of that buffon Boris being our leader who couldn't negotiate a fucking night tube, being the one negotiating the most important trade and political deals of a generation.

How about you pull your head out are arse and realise the implications of what is happening.

I'd argue remain didn't do a good enough job to refute those claims and prove them wrong.
Will Scotland have an independence referendum before the UK officially leaves the EU or after?

That's a tough one. My guess would be:

  • Nicola Sturgeon is starting talks with EU leaders now
  • Talks will start in ernest with Westminster once either a new Tory leader is elected and/or a general election has occurred
  • A Scottish referendum will happen at some point in the 2 years between article 50 and Brexit
  • Ideally Scotland would want to leave the UK before or on Brexit to avoid leaving the EU and rejoining. However the EU might insist on waiting till post UK break up and forcing Scotland to apply as a new country and meet the same 50 point test as Turkey.
Asking for Britain to be "punished" is the most dangerous thing a well educated person could do right now. You want a strong Europe? Then you want a "good enough" outcome for Britain.

Well educated people can be just as silly or irrational as the folks we laugh at.

Decent discussion on CNN yesterday:

CNN.com said:
I do want to bring in now Jeffries Briginshaw. He's the CEO of BritishAmerican Business. Austan Goolsbee is the former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and a professor for the Booth School of Business for the University of Chicago, along with Diana Furchtgott-Roth. She's a former chief economist for the U.S. Department of Labor. And now she's a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Diane, you first. As well as being an instrumental economic voice, you're also a dual citizen of the U.S. and the U.K. You were in favor of Britain exiting the E.U. Tell us about this. Why do you think this is a positive move?

DIANA FURCHTGOTT-ROTH, FORMER WHITE HOUSE ECONOMIC ADVISER: Well, Americans wouldn't like being governed by an American union headquartered in Buenos Aires made up of other countries in America.

The problem is that in England, any law passed by Parliament has to be compliant with E.U. laws. There's a lot of feeling against the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels who do everything from making food sold in kilos to other kinds of environmental and transportation regulations.

The most important thing is that the E.U. is a failed experiment. It has highly educated citizens. It's only growing at about 1 percent. Britain is one of the strongest members. It will be far better off outside the E.U. than in it.

The real loser in this is the E.U., not Britain. When the dust settles, investors are going to go back into the markets and they're going to find that Britain is a good investment and will grow faster without the European Union. We wouldn't want an American union telling us what to do, and they don't want a European Union telling them what to do.

KEILAR: Jeffries, what's your response to that?

JEFFRIES BRIGINSHAW, CEO, BRITISHAMERICAN BUSINESS: So, I think we have been living with the uncertainty of the referendum for a long time. The business community hates uncertainty. We woke up this morning with shock. That's turned into concern.

And I have got to as you know that from a business community point of view, international, domestic, that's probably towards the downside of the risk of what this all means. But we have got to look for sources of calm, for stability.

And we're saying that the transatlantic economy, particularly the U.S.-U.K. part of that, is a huge source of potential stability and opportunity, even as we worry about the downside risks what of exit actually means.

So we're looking for opportunities, hoping that no one acts too fast to pull any triggers that kick off processes that have their own timetables that can't be stopped, but also thinking about where other sources of growth can come from, and the U.S.-U.K. economy is a huge potential for that.

There's $1.1 trillion invested between the countries, $250 billion worth of trade. And that, although it could be affected by exit, is a source for future strength. And so we're trying to say, let's keep calm, let's look around us, let's not act too rashly, but let's also look for some different upsides that can help us through this.

KEILAR: Austan, I want you to respond to that. And just for context, of course, you worked for President Obama, you support Hillary Clinton.

So react to what Jeffries and Diana have said and also tell us what this means here in the U.S.

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, FORMER CHAIRMAN, COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS: I think it hinges critically on what is the time frame you're thinking about. If you say five years from now, how much will it matter, I don't think it will matter that much, because, over a longer period, they can negotiate a different relationship to Europe than being part of the E.U.


Switzerland has done that. Norway has done that, Canada. But over the next four or five months, I think the answer to does this hurt Europe or the U.K., the answer is, it's going to hurt both. Nobody knows what's going on.

They have got -- are now the millions of people that are U.K. nationals on the continent, are they all going to have to get work visas? What's going to happen to the financial sector? I think it could easily send the U.K. into a recession in the short run, because any consumers or businesses that were going to invest are at least going to say, well, let's wait a few months and figure out how this is all going to play out.

So I think we're going to have a bumpy ride in the near term. And then over the longer run, these issues of is this just going to start the breakup of Europe and the breakup of the U.K., that the Scots are very likely to say, well, we don't want to have to be in the U.K. if they're going to do this, and then if you consider the Netherlands or Denmark or even Spain or Greece, there are going to be a lot of European countries who say that the country that had its own currency doesn't even want to deal with this, why should we deal with it?

KEILAR: Diana, what do you think about the ramifications here of the U.K.? We certainly would expect that Scotland might again try to have a referendum. What do you think?

FURCHTGOTT-ROTH: Well, Scotland's economy is relatively small compared with the British economy.

The E.U. has every incentive to sign trade agreements with Britain, because Britain has a net deficit with the E.U. The E.U. exports more to Britain than Britain imports from Europe. So, it's very -- it's to the E.U.'s incentive to sign these trade agreements, also the other commonwealth countries, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, that have been in some sense shut out of U.K. markets because of the E.U., the United States so.

So, I think there are a lot of people, including China, by the way, that was pushing for Brexit, that is standing by trying to do business with the United Kingdom. The big loser, as Austan said, is the E.U. Once the U.K. has left, then other countries are going to want to either renegotiate or leave themselves.

The E.U. is a place for weak economies, not for strong economies that don't get as much out of it, and are more hobbled by the different regulations from Brussels.

KEILAR: Jeffries, though, I want to ask you a bit of a -- sorry -- I see you want to respond to what Diana said. Please go ahead.

BRIGINSHAW: Yes, that's not really a scenario I can see.

I think trade deals are tough to negotiate, boil down to economic weight. And Britain will have less economic weight.

Trade deficits are relevant, but it's governments that negotiate trade deals, not business. And so you can see there's a lot of politics building up in this already. And I can't see France or Germany being in a hurry to accommodate British business or their own industries' trade deficits.

So, I think the trade scenarios are much more difficult than, you know, we're putting on the table right now. That doesn't mean that in the longer term...

GOOLSBEE: I totally agree with that.

BRIGINSHAW: ... things don't get worked out.

And at the end of the day, a country's prosperity depends upon its own productivity and innovation and capabilities and the ingenuity of its business community. But politics can help. Market access can help. U.S. business invested in the U.K., is invested in the U.K. for market access in part, not only. And that market access might shrink, so that is a negative that won't easily be solved through new trade negotiations.

But that's what we will have to do. It's just that it's not going to be that easy.

KEILAR: It's not going to be easy.


You can vote out the PM every 5 years, this was an irreversible decision, the Leavers just cost thousands their jobs, done long-term damage to the economy and future generations.

These kinds of kinds of posts piss me off to no end, 'let's band together and make it work' after doing you utmost to tear the Union of Europe apart and subsequently that of Ireland and Scotland out of some imagined slight?

Lmao so true. I see a lot of people in the Leave camp now say 'Guys calm down. Let's... Let's figure out how to make this work'. They really didn't think this one through did they?

I'm still laughing about Cornwall.


Whatever the aftermath, it really has brought out the best in some people.


(Romford, today)

Oh come on, you can go to any country and see skin heads, far right, Nazi tatoo crazy people whether in UK, France or Germany.

Sometimes the press just has a field day to sell papers, and its not right to Judge normal good UK peope on such photos in the same way I dont judge Germany or France on their extremists.


It bears repeating over and over again.
The UK will NOT get access to the common market without accepting free movement.
Stop deluding yourself into thinking this is even a possibilty.
If anything you will get a much worse deal than that.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
no they don't, just because it has not been done, there is no reason to not agree to it, in both parties interest to do free trade
And when every other country in the world turns around and asks for free trade with the EU because of the precedent with the UK?

The EU will not agree to free trade with the UK with nothing in return. It's delusional.


fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

May I ask you something? Why do you think freedom of labour movement is key?
Sore losers?

We've barely made it 3 days since the election and the two main issues that Leave campaigned on have been found to be utter bullshit.

£350m a week for the NHS? Nah j/k

Stop immigration? lol

Embarrassing is the prospect of that buffon Boris being our leader who couldn't negotiate a fucking night tube, being the one negotiating the most important trade and political deals of a generation.

How about you pull your head out are arse and realise the implications of what is happening.

We haven't left the EU yet. What the government spends it's budget on has nothing to do with the referendum.


fine I will post...

Deal for UK

I believe the UK has jumped first from a sinking ship, the BBC is also reporting this so I am not alone, the EU is broken and all the UK has done is start that process....

UK Demands

1. an immediate ban on low skilled labour coming over whilst exit strategy finalised. To help stop a rush

2. Free trade for all, any fees imposed on UK will be reciprocally imposed on EU.

3. points style immigration, a 15 year hold on low skilled labour unless a company can show evidence of not being able to fulfil jobs with British residents.

4. Any Europeans all ready in situ are welcome to stay, if you leave the UK you then become subject to the points system

5. All criminals who are non British are to be immediately deported

Didn't you say you were going to post a deal for the UK? This is in no way going to be achieved, no matter how unified we are.

It's cloud cuckoo land shit
I'd argue remain didn't do a good enough job to refute those claims and prove them wrong.

I honestly don't see what more they could have done.

They refuted the £350m a week every chance they could in debates and interviews. Leave just carried on using it.

Remain were pro-free movement of people, you cannot campaign for that and convince people who's main reason for voting leave is immigration that you cannot end immigration or the economy will collapse.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Yep education is not valuable at all, who wants education and wants to be educated? Not the Leavers it seems.

I've seen vile tweets today aimed at a Cancer researcher who can't continue their job as a result of this. People are weird.

To continue the Stewart Lee analogy. "You can vote to sleep in a shit-filled bed, but don't be surprised when other people complain about the smell."
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