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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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"Hey mates, we voted for something that could have disastrous consequences but at least we gave them the middle finger, am I right"
Yeah you can absolutely blame them for that. This isn't middle school or celebrity big brother, votes have consequences.
Mate, the people who voted out have it pretty bad already. Most can probably take that hardship better than the "london" type folk just hoping it may be better for their kids, and out people are being underestimated imo there's a general election for kicking gov in the so called balls, but yeah Cameron's past lies have defo not helped this situation, he should of had better negotiations in the run up cos my feeling now (after seeing EU reaction) is that he certenly* had the cards.
not by me, just to clear


But emboldened to do such a thing by those who voted to Leave.

Don't shy away from the consequences from your actions. That would be a cowardly thing to do.


I feel best we can get is free trade / free movement access Both ways.

EU laws we have no say.

That's it as much as people saying 18% is nothing that's still 18% to make up .

They will make it clear we are getting no favours be made an example of but not too intensely as if they do that will send the wrong message .

We will be on talking terms who knows over time we may get better but it will never be the way it was.

Norway-lite we will limp on.
You do realise that Norway lite even as a best case is far far far fucking worse than the previous settlement
People expecting Brits to keep buying German cars are in for a rude awakening if we get fucked over by Germany. Everybody looses. EU is going to rip itself apart with all the hate and vindictiveness..

She is not stupid, she is smart and probably not as vindictive as some of the trolls on GAF.

You won't be kicked out of the common market, but obviously you will get a less way favorable deal that you think of.
Wait, are there leavers who thought they were voting against tories? Bad news for you, brace for years of tory dominance, and of the reactionary variety .

I'm tired of these Tories who try to appear like they care about fairness I want the old Tories who love police states and kicking poor people for fun.
But that's exactly what's happening, there is a lot of discontent, UK is leaving, what makes you think that other countries (the ones who are subsidizing the have-not countries) aren't considering the same thing? It's obviously not just the movement of low-wage labor, the open border to refugees that some countries feel the need to have a way to control the massive influx into their countries (not saying I care one way or the other) because the Syrian refugee crisis is an issue for many of the EU members in terms of not being equipped to integrate them into their societies (some EU countries are much more impacted by this than others), but other issues as well. Right now EU is over-regulated and led mainly by Germany and countries like France and UK aren't exactly happy with the arrangement (hence Brexit).

Like I said things will play out in the next couple of years, it might get messy but what Brexit does is provide a model/roapmap for other countries to follow suit should they decide leaving the EU is best for them.
No its not happening. Gert Wilders, marie Le Pen etc are not in power and when they are (which I doubt) people will see what happened with the UK and will not dare to vote for leave.

Also how the hell will leaving the EU help to solventhe refugee crisis? Will france start shooting any muslim looking guy at their borders?


But that's exactly what's happening, there is a lot of discontent, UK is leaving, what makes you think that other countries (the ones who are subsidizing the have-not countries) aren't considering the same thing? It's obviously not just the movement of low-wage labor, the open border to refugees that some countries feel the need to have a way to control the massive influx into their countries (not saying I care one way or the other) because the Syrian refugee crisis is an issue for many of the EU members in terms of not being equipped to integrate them into their societies (some EU countries are much more impacted by this than others), but other issues as well. Right now EU is over-regulated and led mainly by Germany and countries like France and UK aren't exactly happy with the arrangement (hence Brexit).

Like I said things will play out in the next couple of years, it might get messy but what Brexit does is provide a model/roapmap for other countries to follow suit should they decide leaving the EU is best for them.

They read the news.


I'm bemused by all of this, but I only wanted to say VW are already hurting internationally in the US market from the emissions rigging scandals. They'd be hurt even more with another major market turning their back on their products.

Just responding to the trolls who think Merkel is going to give UK a very hard shaft, cant see it myself, UK is not in a position like Greece where we are asking for money or help.
I am fully aware people are upset, and I mean no offence to anyone.... I was asked what I would ask for as a leave voter...

you go in hard, you dont go in cap in hand asking what can you give us

Well, you were asked what a good and realistic and achievable deal would be, not what you would demand going in as a negotiating tactic.

In your eyes, what would be a good and realistic deal that the UK can achieve?


You might want to glance at a financial paper instead of a tabloid.

Wall street journal ok for you?

The comments signaled that Ms. Merkel wasn’t about to rush into a painful divorce with Britain to discourage copycat EU exits, as many other leaders around the bloc, facing populist insurgencies of their own, are hoping for. “We were sad that things turned out as they did yesterday, and that’s not a reason to be in some way nasty in the negotiations,” she said on Saturday.



Just responding to the trolls who think Merkel is going to give UK a very hard shaft, cant see it myself, UK is not in a position like Greece where we are asking for money or help.

Yeah, I tend to agree. Not bemused by your argument, but the whole referendum event, sorry if that wasn't too clear.


I feel best we can get is free trade / free movement access Both ways.

EU laws we have no say.

That's it as much as people saying 18% is nothing that's still 18% to make up .

They will make it clear we are getting no favours be made an example of but not too intensely as if they do that will send the wrong message .

We will be on talking terms who knows over time we may get better but it will never be the way it was.

Norway-lite we will limp on.

It was always either going to be Norway lite or turkey lite (if no immigration).
Which why this is such nonsense because we will have less than what we had before with actually no advantage.


When the EU says it's going to be harsh: "they will change their tune".

When Merkel says she will be nice: "we are safe, no problem here".


Just responding to the trolls who think Merkel is going to give UK a very hard shaft, cant see it myself, UK is not in a position like Greece where we are asking for money or help.

We haven't started annoying them yet with what we want.


The EU will give us unrestricted access to their markets and they'll be grateful for it. We're British and, umm, that means something. Yeah!

Huh? You're gonna ruin the entire Eurozone very swiftly with that kind of attitude. The second biggest economy in this bloc just chose to leave. As much as we Brits temporarily fucked up an entire generation the rich will still want to get richer on both sides of the divide.
Because the best thing for the wider economy is to pull the plaster off as quick as possible. Put this way bending over and giving the uk a really good deal isn't in the top 10 of next best things for the eu to do. If the uk drags it out expect no prenegiotation and possible suspension if the uk even sniffs at starting external negotiations with other countries while still a member. The Eu can wait the uk out, it's not preferable but they control almost all the levers all the uk controls is its own veto and it's article 50 intitation the pressure on Johnson and or May to pull the trigger in 3 months time will be unbearable

At the end of the day EU countries still need to do business with UK (and vice versa) and establish favorable trade agreements because a nasty exit weakens the entire region, despite the anger from some EU ministers there are business interests that need to take precedent over emotions, cooler heads will always prevail.

Bold One

But emboldened to do such a thing by those who voted to Leave.

Don't shy away from the consequences from your actions. That would be a cowardly thing to do.

He will, he will weasel and squirm, spout half-answers and deceptive almost-truths, he's desperate for psychological assurance that he hasn't made a mistake like a console wars fanboy indignant to justify his purchase.


The EU will give us unrestricted access to their markets and they'll be grateful for it. We're British and, umm, that means something. Yeah!

Edit: I really hope we can get something workable.
We french people apparently love them british cakes so nothing to worry about here.
People expecting Brits to keep buying German cars are in for a rude awakening if we get fucked over by Germany. Everybody looses. EU is going to rip itself apart with all the hate and vindictiveness..

She is not stupid, she is smart and probably not as vindictive as some of the trolls on GAF.

Yeah right people in UK will not buy German cars but real british cars like the bentley, the mini or the rolls royce.... Oh wait..
Just responding to the trolls who think Merkel is going to give UK a very hard shaft, cant see it myself, UK is not in a position like Greece where we are asking for money or help.

UK will loose a huge chunk of its financial services business and rhe capital that cpmes with it.

There is nonway the EU will allow London to remain the main place to trade Euros, state bonds etc. in the future and will simply not issue EU Passports to banks that have seats only in London.

So yeah UK wants something from EU for sure.


We should convince the SNP to stand south of the border and vote them in.

Bro, get your own SNP.

But if you give us some change, enough for a kebab and a bottle of buckfast, we'll come down and smack your Westminster about and declare the whole country as Scotland.

Then ye can vote for the SNP.


Maybe the xenophobic Leavers couldn't handle Nadiya winning the Bake Off I mean come on she made SODA CHEESECAKES I WANT THAT she deserved the win.


Huh? You're gonna ruin the entire Eurozone very swiftly with that kind of attitude. The second biggest economy in this bloc just chose to leave. As much as we Brits temporarily fucked up an entire generation the rich will still want to get richer on both sides of the divide.

Dammit. Was in two minds whether to mark my post as sarcasm. When I started writing my post it would've been clear but the thread moved too quickly.


I feel best we can get is free trade / free movement access Both ways.

EU laws we have no say.

That's it as much as people saying 18% is nothing that's still 18% to make up .

They will make it clear we are getting no favours be made an example of but not too intensely as if they do that will send the wrong message .

We will be on talking terms who knows over time we may get better but it will never be the way it was.

Norway-lite we will limp on.

I feel like the politicians did not really listen, if they do a deal that allows free movement...they may as well not bothered holding a referendum....we will literally be back to square one...immigration will still be the issue every one raises at GE...

as hard as this sounds, free movement has got to be a red line, or it was a waste of everyones time
No its not happening. Gert Wilders, marie Le Pen etc are not in power and when they are (which I doubt) people will see what happened with the UK and will not dare to vote for leave.

Also how the hell will leaving the EU help to solventhe refugee crisis? Will france start shooting any muslim looking guy at their borders?

UK just dared to vote for leave and Brexit won, I think people understand now that it's possible, the door has been opened whether we like this or not.

Not being a part of the EU a country most likely can establish quotas in terms of how many people they can allow into the country legally.

Depending on public sentiment/pressure current governments can be pressured into considering the possibility, they might not want to bet all their political capital on sticking with the EU when they've just witness Cameron's folly.
Everything will be fine ... they said.
Who i they right mind would invest money in a country with such an uncertain future ?
Meanwhile the most affected by this decision are ..... what irony
It seems a lot of people don't realize that. You can't break the status quo and then expect the status quo to maintain.

You wanted change. Here it is.

Don't worry , Uk can export Cakes to france, they said .. that should be enough.
At the end of the day EU countries still need to do business with UK (and vice versa) and establish favorable trade agreements because a nasty exit weakens the entire region, despite the anger from some EU ministers there are business interests that need to take precedent over emotions, cooler heads will always prevail.

At the end of the day, in negotiations, what's more important is who has better hands to negotiate with. UK is in a much worse position.

That's is not to say they will get royally screwed, but I'm not sure you'll get what you think you can get.


Just responding to the trolls who think Merkel is going to give UK a very hard shaft, cant see it myself, UK is not in a position like Greece where we are asking for money or help.
The German plan had already been leaked back in March. It's basically two years of public squabbling then a slightly worse deal than Norway gets.

I think what you and I consider to be the hard shaft are two different things. A Norway style eec membership with a similar payment as proportion of gdp (far higher than just now) no say in Eu regs or law but largely having to adopt them and free movement of people is basically a hard shaft as it's essentially everything just now but without any democratic say at all.

And frankly that's about as good as it's going to get. Schengren won't be enforced but frankly it's not an issue for the uk given that all the modes of transport between the eu and the U.K. require id anyway. What does the eu say to Norway and Iceland if the uk gets far better terms than that? Never mind to existing members

I'd be interested in what you actually think the end game looks like if not something similar to the above


People seem confused over what a good/bad deal means. Some Leavers seem to assume that by default, UK should get a deal at least as good as they had while in the EU and anything worse is "punishment" or the EU being mean. EU isn't going to make an unfair deal that hurts both UK/EU more than necessary, but EU also isn't going to give UK special treatment by giving them a deal as good as what they had now because it'd increase the risk of the EU dissolving. UK will get a fair deal, but that deal will naturally be worse than what they had before because you've absolutely made your negotiating position worse.


Aye. Or the progressives.

Our best bet is if article 50 is not triggered until a new leader is chosen by the Tories (as Cameron says), Boris wins and calls a snap election (as it's claimed he is telling Tory MP's he will do to get a new mandate), then we respond by voting in an alternative who is ideologically opposed and will not invoke article 50 as PM.

It's part of the sorry state of affairs that we don't have anyone like the progressives who could emerge as the contender. Labour are nowhere near strong enough.
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