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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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If they really were clueless what to do after, what was the plan with the referendum anyway?! It's bizarre. Just to stir up the political climate?

It's almost as if the whole thing was cooked up between old public school friends who never dreampt that leave would appear a viable option to the majority of the populace.


Literally from the site it's from:

the person I quoted see's his wording was incorrect, 81% of leave voters are not against multiculturalism, 81% of people asked in this (the sample we know fuck all about btw) who felt it was a bad thing when asked, also voted leave. They're not the same thing.
Literally from the site it's from:

It's the way I mistakenly phrased it. He was right. 81% of vote Leave pollers don't believe multi-culturalism is evil. People who believe multiculturalism is evil were 81% likely to vote Leave. Subtle but important difference.

It's still a damning sign of high levels of racism.


Lol if you think that Merkel is siding with UK on this. She is the master of making soft talk and ruthless decisions a bit later.

Merkel is well known for being calm, cordial and softspoken in the public...but behind the scenes being a ruthless tactitian with a very firm hand. There is a reason she became chancellor and is by now regarded not only as the most powerful woman but one of the top 3 most powerful people of the world.
It's the way I mistakenly phrased it. He was right. 81% of vote Leave pollers don't believe multi-culturalism is evil. People who believe multiculturalism is evil were 81% likely to vote Leave. Subtle but important difference.
the person I quoted see's his wording was incorrect, 81% of leave voters are not against multiculturalism, 81% of people asked in this (the sample we know fuck all about btw) who felt it was a bad thing when asked, also voted leave. They're not the same thing.
Yeah, apologies to both of you, I misread what you had posted as well!


If leaving the EU results in further cuts due to a loss of tax receipts I hope the Tories make sure the pain is spread evenly. No exceptions for pensioners, if pensions get cut then fair enough, everyone has to feel the pain of leaving including those who were more likely to have voted for Brexit.

And though i live in yorkshire i wouldnt cry if all these northern towns get hit by massive cuts. Let them feel the pain.
Good question. I'm not sure if that's public knowledge yet or not. Even prior to the results the polls were all showing the same trend though. Age was the biggest factor in which way people voted, followed by education (higher education = more likely to vote Remain).

Just curious really. Saying 75% of under 25 year olds voted remain is incredibly high. But how much is 75% of them? Is it a hundred, a thousand, a million?
Merkel is well known for being calm, cordial and softspoken in the public...but behind the scenes being a ruthless tactitian with a very firm hand. There is a reason she became chancellor and is by now regarded not only the most powerful woman but one of the top 3 most powerful people of the world.

It doesn't make sense to rush the Brits, they suffer by themself if they don't hurry up and get it over with, way more the the EU.


But then it really feels like we've gained nothing by leaving, and actually made any complaints (about the EU being undemocratic and consisting of free movement) more valid.

I'd be disappointed from a Remain standpoint, the Leavers would be absolutely livid.

it's almost as if it's impossible for the leave voters to actually get what they want and they were sold a bunch of outright lies

but that can't be, surely


- How David Cameron blew it

Great piece by Politico.

This time, Remain would focus on the economy, underline the risks of leaving, and try to win the argument early. They wanted to pin the Leave side to fighting on immigration, where they thought it would come off as negative, xenophobic, and divisive.

“What we wanted to do early on was own the economy, own business, and own the fact that you’ll be better off [by voting to stay],” a senior campaign source said. “We wanted to own that very early. And I think that was successful, because that sort of pegged them back to another kind of campaign, which is essentially the [UKIP leader Nigel] Farage campaign. Which is very, very focused on immigration, very, very focused on isolating Britain from the world. Now, that is a powerful argument and has its impact, but it’s not what I think the people who were originally running Vote Leave wanted.”
But then it really feels like we've gained nothing by leaving, and actually made any complaints (about the EU being undemocratic and consisting of free movement) more valid.

Yes to the first part, no to the second. It's the UK government that should be seen as undemocratic. The Leave campaign lied to people to trick them into voting against immigration and EU membership fees as their primary two motivations for leaving, and have now gone back on both. Nothing to do with EU democracy, everything to do with Boris, Gove, and Farage being toss pots.

Ironically, a lot of Leave voters were only voting out of anger for UK democratic processes anyway, thinking they were "getting revenge". All those voters have achieved is making things worse for themselves. Rich Tory members are still rich.


Can't make this shit up:


via twitter
I was really pleased to read this. It's about time they all (including our MPs) started acting professional and get to work on making the best of the situation.

I don't regret my vote at all but I'm getting concerned about the rhetoric from the majority of EU wanting to hang UK out to dry and the bile being spewed by pro-Remain people. It's fucking done. The British public shouldn't be punished in its entirety because of a very closely won vote. Fucking get on with life and make it work.

As for idiots petitioning for an independent London, wtf to that.

Yeah! Let's cut their heating allowance too! That'll learn them! Come on dude, we're better than this.

They've had 8 years of being protected from cuts. If the country self inflicts more wounds on the economy then cuts from hereon be spread evenly. Not just working age benefits being cut, public services being cut or tuition fees being further raised.
Not entertaining expectations of any special treatment is not really punishment.

From the FT article posted.
The danger to the UK’s financial services sector was highlighted in comments on Saturday morning from France’s central bank governor, who warned that banks would lose “passporting” rights to operate in the EU if Britain leaves the single market.

François Villeroy de Galhau said on Saturday it was “paradoxical” to allow the City of London to operate by the EU’s rules and not be a member of the European Economic Area in the manner of Norway.

The governor of the Banque de France and ECB governing council member told French radio: “There is a precedent, it is the Norwegian model of European Economic Area, that would allow Britain to keep access to the single market but by committing to implement all EU rules.”
“We’ll get on with it,” said a senior executive at one large US bank. “We’ve started to think about how we put people in our existing offices and entities in Europe. We are already rebalancing our footprint.”
There. Professionalism.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
So in the N Ireland V Wales football match right now, the NI crowd is chanting "We voted remain, we voted remain, we're not stupid, we voted remain"..,


Yes to the first part, no to the second. It's the UK government that should be seen as undemocratic. The Leave campaign lied to people to trick them into voting against immigration and EU membership fees as their primary two motivations for leaving, and have now gone back on both. Nothing to do with EU democracy, everything to do with Boris, Gove, and Farage being toss pots.

It always made me chuckle when the leave side brought this up. It's like, don't they see the irony of what they are saying? What with our unelected House of Lords and our unelected Head of State.
Yes to the first part, no to the second. It's the UK government that should be seen as undemocratic. The Leave campaign lied to people to trick them into voting against immigration and EU membership fees as their primary two motivations for leaving, and have now gone back on both. Nothing to do with EU democracy, everything to do with Boris, Gove, and Farage being toss pots.

To clarify, I agree :p

But the greivances upon which people voted out will prove to be ultimately irrelevant.

Sums up how awful this Leave campaign has been.


Feckin hell, remainers want to watch the world burn now lol.

I am planning to leave the country. So i couldnt care less if the tories decide to take their cuts on labour heartlands. Good luck to them. But even if i were staying here, it's only fair these fools took their poison pill


Not getting my hopes up.

if that's the case i can only see it being used as leverage to force another scottish independence referendum

at this point i can't imagine scotland wants to be part of the same country as england anymore


And another thing about the type of deal UK might get from EU is that the dynamics between Norway and the EU are completely different from the UK and EU. Norway it's a prospective member of the EU, UK is leaving.


Gold Member
Good question. I'm not sure if that's public knowledge yet or not. Even prior to the results the polls were all showing the same trend though. Age was the biggest factor in which way people voted, followed by education (higher education = more likely to vote Remain).

You can probably only estimate from historical data so:

In the 2015 UK general election, 43 per cent of young people aged 18 to 24 voted

If you adjust it with the same rate as for the EU referendum based on the general election, it's ~ +6% which would make it around 50% I guess. This is for England only as well. It's somewhat difficult as the Scottish legislation on young voters can skew the figures for either side.


I'm getting Northern Ireland -altogether more. adverts, is it a sign? I don't fancy it much to be honest.


if that's the case i can only see it being used as leverage to force another scottish independence referendum

at this point i can't imagine scotland wants to be part of the same country as england anymore
I certainly don't want to be, and I'm English.
Another one wanting the magic money tree... Sigh...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36629533?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter (Correct link)

Get fucked.

I have no real animosity to leavers outside of frustration what they have done to my future, but every one of these counties/countries that sucked on the tit of the EU and still voted leave can get absolutely fucked.

You should of known where your bread was buttered. The UK government, especially a conservative one, is not going to replace EU regeneration programs. End of story.


And the leavers drove a huge fucking wedge between the people and nations.

The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggots. No compassion at all.

I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.


- How David Cameron blew it

Great piece by Politico.

this is painful

Less than a month before the historic EU referendum, the team assembled by Cameron to keep Britain in the European Union was worried about wavering Labour voters and frustrated by the opposition leader’s lukewarm support. Remain campaign operatives floated a plan to convince Corbyn to make a public gesture of cross-party unity by appearing in public with the prime minister. Polling showed this would be the “number one” play to reach Labour voters.

Senior staff from the campaign “begged” Corbyn to do a rally with the prime minister, according to a senior source who was close to the Remain campaign. Corbyn wanted nothing to do with the Tory leader, no matter what was at stake. Gordon Brown, the Labour prime minister whom Cameron vanquished in 2010, was sent to plead with Corbyn to change his mind. Corbyn wouldn’t.



This graph is fascinating but deceptive. Here's the more useful statistics: The percentage of Leave voters and Remain voters that feel X is a force for ill. Based on this. Obviously it's opinion polling and therefore only so accurate.

48% Leave, 12% Remain

Social Liberalism:
38% Leave, 10% Remain

23% Leave, 9% Remain

Green Movement:
30% Leave, 9% Remain

32% Leave, 15% Remain

The Internet:
7% Leave, 3% Remain

29% Leave, 30% Remain

62% Leave, 17% Remain

Still interesting, but not as crazy as the graph first appears. Main take away though is undeniably just how massive a factor immigration is to Leave voters.


The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggest. No compassion at all.

I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.

Bollocks. The only thing that has to happen is you win the election and get your way.


The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggest. No compassion at all.

I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.

could have fooled me
The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggest. No compassion at all.

I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.

Not all of them, actually, but don't let that stop you.


So many brits living in Spain o_O


Well, I'm from Galicia in the northwest of Spain and the weather is almost as bad as in the UK but there are a lot of british people living here.

There are lots of abandoned little villages being restored by them. Great people tbh

If that happens in the north you can imagine how it is in the Mediterranean coast, Baleares Islands and Canary Islands..


The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggest. No compassion at all.

I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.

This reads as "look, ignorance won, get over it and help us make our unworkable promises work"


Pro Brexit NI loyalist moonbat (and Trump supporter) advocates constituents get an Irish passport. Yep, hell has well and truly frozen over:


I posted it earlier but I can imagine Belfast is feeling an earthquake as a result of his old man spinning in his grave.


Well, I'm from Galicia in the northwest of Spain and the weather is almost as bad as in the UK but there are a lot of british people living here.

There are lots of abandoned little villages being restored by them. Great people tbh

If that happens in the north you can imagine how it is in the Mediterranean coast, Baleares Islands and Canary Islands..

Yes. We in Portugal also have a proportional high British community, mainly in Algarve in the South. Some were interviewed in the last days/weeks told that they will try to get Portuguese citizenship.


Well, I'm from Galicia in the northwest of Spain and the weather is almost as bad as in the UK but there are a lot of british people living here.

There are lots of abandoned little villages being restored by them. Great people tbh

If that happens in the north you can imagine how it is in the Mediterranean coast, Baleares Islands and Canary Islands..

That's nice to hear, really amazing people :).
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