Quick get two lengths of copper wire and a shovel who needs fusion energyI posted it earlier but I can imagine Belfast is feeling an earthquake as a result of his old man spinning in his grave.
Quick get two lengths of copper wire and a shovel who needs fusion energyI posted it earlier but I can imagine Belfast is feeling an earthquake as a result of his old man spinning in his grave.
Never felt so ashamed to be British.
this is painful
Not seriouslySo with the Petition now at 2,000,000 in less than 48 hours...how serious will people take it?
4 indie game devs in London are closing... (didn't think this was big enough for gaming side) https://twitter.com/ThatThereTim/status/746763506595291136
Another one wanting the magic money tree... Sigh...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36629533?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter (Correct link)
this is painful
Looks like UK politicians were really caught off guard by yesterdays results
So the Norway deal is not a good deal then for the fools who voted leave?
This is such a stupid time to be alive.
Another one wanting the magic money tree... Sigh...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36629533?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter (Correct link)
But Corbyn was too busy with "meetings after meetings"...
Today, in my local neighborhood group on Facebook (in London), I've been told that they hope I will find a place where people will want me, because i need to "fuck off" now and I can finally stop stealing money from hard working British people.The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggots. No compassion at all.
I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.
4 indie game devs in London are closing... (didn't think this was big enough for gaming side) https://twitter.com/ThatThereTim/status/746763506595291136
no its happening. the remaining european members will force it one way or another
it's really sad because a lot of it is unexpected4 indie game devs in London are closing... (didn't think this was big enough for gaming side) https://twitter.com/ThatThereTim/status/746763506595291136
So with the Petition now at 2,000,000 in less than 48 hours...how serious will people take it?
There's a suggestion that any exit agreement with the EU could require consent from the Scottish Parliament.
What is the advantage of a Norway deal in comparison to where we were/are?
Seems that if we were going to go down that route, then we've really cut ourselves a raw deal.
Another one wanting the magic money tree... Sigh...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36629533?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter (Correct link)
Today, in my local neighborhood group on Facebook (in London), I've been told that they hope I will find a place where people will want me, because i need to "fuck off" now and I can finally stop stealing money from hard working British people.
This is not a political group, people ask for plumbers on this small group and things like that.
I am not constantly bitching, I am genuinely scared and, what scares me the most, is the attitude from leavers to deny any massive push thanks to xenophobic campaign, racist remarks and nationalistic slogan.
Let me tell you: the disgusted one is me.
So with the Petition now at 2,000,000 in less than 48 hours...how serious will people take it?
this is painful
Less than a month before the historic EU referendum, the team assembled by Cameron to keep Britain in the European Union was worried about wavering Labour voters and frustrated by the opposition leaders lukewarm support. Remain campaign operatives floated a plan to convince Corbyn to make a public gesture of cross-party unity by appearing in public with the prime minister. Polling showed this would be the number one play to reach Labour voters.
Senior staff from the campaign begged Corbyn to do a rally with the prime minister, according to a senior source who was close to the Remain campaign. Corbyn wanted nothing to do with the Tory leader, no matter what was at stake. Gordon Brown, the Labour prime minister whom Cameron vanquished in 2010, was sent to plead with Corbyn to change his mind. Corbyn wouldnt.
I was really pleased to read this. It's about time they all (including our MPs) started acting professional and get to work on making the best of the situation.
I don't regret my vote at all but I'm getting concerned about the rhetoric from the majority of EU wanting to hang UK out to dry and the bile being spewed by pro-Remain people. It's fucking done. The British public shouldn't be punished in its entirety because of a very closely won vote. Fucking get on with life and make it work.
As for idiots petitioning for an independent London, wtf to that.
Yeah! Let's cut their heating allowance too! That'll learn them! Come on dude, we're better than this.
But Corbyn was too busy with "meetings after meetings"...
And his EU planning diary - leaked to HuffPost - as a result was light on EU events. MPs felt there were days where Corbyn did nothing at all on the campaign, while Cameron was out on the stump nearly every single day. Some were surprised he took a holiday in the middle of the campaign itself.
Corbin was encouraged by staff to avoid participating in LabourIN events, TV debates or any StrongerIn events. Instead of working on a common position, an alternative narrative was developed in which Corbyn would criticise the EUs weaknesses and call for reform.
The phrase Thats why I am campaigning to remain in the EU was deleted from numerous leader speeches and interventions in the long and short campaigns outside of the LabourIN campaign, despite calls from other parts of the Party to him to get involved.
Corbyns allies signed off a planned visit to Turkey early in the short campaign, to talk about open borders. After opposition from other parts of the party, it was eventually vetoed.
The leaders office declined to cooperate with other parts and wings of the Labour Party in making the case to remain, including any cooperation with former leaders Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. It also vetoed repeated attempts to get him to make a video explaining why he was campaigning to remain.
One Labour campaign source said that the head of the LabourIn campaign, Alan Johnson, asked for a meeting with Corbyn in April and was told by his team that the only available date would be July.
One particular flashpoint came when Corbyns team promised to include significant pro-Remain content in a keynote speech Corbyn was due to give at green energy firm Ecotricity in mid-May. The speech was in the EU grid and was flagged as a big EU intervention to the press. But all pro-EU content ended up being removed by Milne, insiders say.
On the Sunday before polling day the leaders office broke promises to let Sunday newspaper journalists have pro-EU comments ahead of Corbyns appearance on the BBCs Andrew Marr show.
What's there to get on with? Out means out. No free movement. No free trade. No special dispensations for the City. If you wanted all this then you should have stayed. Toodle pip old boy, Britain is just another country outisde the EU and we owe them nothing.
The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggots. No compassion at all.
I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.
Wait, so it's disingenuous to use a metric of the 100 largest companies in Britain? It has no effect until it includes the top 250? Also I'm pretty sure multinationals care when this makes it harder for them to do business.....
sounds like he was quite busy yes
"Stop whining, you're perfectly safe"
It's started.
I'm not a big fan of the East Europeans (I'm one myself) but I do understand them. They are here for work, they complain about weather but still they want to stay here. There are many more attractive countries and the Brits should respect them more.
Via what mechanism will they force a British exit? Just yell at them a bunch?
As much as people in the UK hate Tony Blair, they should probably get him to join the negotiation team.
4 indie game devs in London are closing... (didn't think this was big enough for gaming side) https://twitter.com/ThatThereTim/status/746763506595291136
Phrases like "a true british mindset" and "normal, honest hardworking people" are clearly dogwhistle terms. As if we're dumb enough to not know what you're referring to.So the people who don't pass your "British mindset" purity test are the real bigots. Coolcoolcool.
As much as people in the UK hate Tony Blair, they should probably get him to join the negotiation team.
this is painful
The 100 largest companies based in the UK, not those who have most of their operations there.
For companies like Shell and Vodafone, UK is a small part of their operations.
In contrast, the FTSE 250 is mostly companies which have most of their operations and sales in the UK.
If you produce in China, sell globally and have branches in all major financial capitals, are you really a UK company that feels the brunt of Brexit?
The Leavers voted for what they believed in, exercising their right to vote. It's the remainers who I see driving a wedge in with their constant bitching and slating of voters. Like I said in my previous post, people need to dry their eyes, dust themselves off and get on with things instead of being whiney cunts asking for the poor to be punished for an il-informed vote. That's not the British mindset and people saying things like that are turning into the very thing they hate. Biggots. No compassion at all.
I'm actually disgusted, to be honest. The tone of the posts on this forum is vile.
The leave vote seems to have given these people the belief that this sort of behaviour is acceptable again, which is what I was worried about happening.