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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Corbyn needs to scorch the earth with some of these labour MP's. Outright dissent and slander on national TV and opportunitisic career advancing bullshit. There was a women on earlier yesterday he should have kicked the door down on on live TV and kicked her ass to the curb.

They deserve to be sacked and then they can go join the Tory party where they belong. Or UKIP. Or quite frankly strapped to that pig we are sending Cameron on to Panama.

In other words Corbyn is growing some balls and it's about time.

Here. Here. People say he doesn't have the clout to take action; he's now getting rid of those causing disunity in the party in order to form a coherent cabinet. Hope he continues and tells them to fuck off and join another party if they don't like the direction he's taking them.

It's ironic, because people think a Blairite leader will help unify the UK and offer a platform to those disengaged with establishment politics. Find it hilarious how people wish to regress instead of progress.
Art 50 I Just means that a decision has to be made according to a country's constitution. That just nvolves the means to reach a decision and if those means are in your constitution. Many countries don't have the mechanisms in place for a national referendum, but if the UK had a trial by combat as a mechanism it would be fair game.

The UK doesn't have a written constitution, so you can't apply the article literally.

They need to figure out a date at which the UK is no longer in the EU at which point there's some balances to be settled. They also need to figure out the status of Europeans in the UK and British citizens in Europe. Those are the easy point.

Then, there's some sort of free trade agreement to hammer out. That one could take decades.


No. Not even in the slightest, if they tried we'd go straight to the ECJ who would injunct the matter and since they take so long to even hear a case, it'd give us years of negotiating time.
It's essentially a private members club article 7 requires a vote of those members to take action typically that's the sort of shite that courts give wide latitude to


You're probably a touch too young and missed the very worst of it. The Tories' candidate was elected in Smethwick in 1964 on the back of the slogan "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour". Then you had signs on establishments saying "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish", and the endorsement of apartheid in South Africa.
That's horrable but I just read somthing that said there was no evidence of the signs,I don't know what to believe these days.


I'm 40 and don't remember any of that.I'm calling bullshit.

Of course not everyone has the same experience as others.

But my dad was 63 before he died and he spoke of the signs being less friendly to non-white people, my mother who's 57 remember people trying to break into our home in Southampton (Before I was born so we're talking 27+ years) through the backdoor, my oldest brother who is 40 remembers how the white kids would never want to play with him or his Asian friends and my third oldest brother remembers when a pig's head was dropped infront of our local Mosque as it was being built in the late 1990s

Besides the signs, I really don't see what's hard to believe here. If you want to consider my family's experience "bullshit" go ahead, but it is very genuine worries of a Muslim family.

Yeah, this leave vote has definitely galvanised the racists/far-right.

And the sad thing was I never thought it would shift just so seismically at this pace.

It's not just brown skinned people, my brother's friend who is Greek, spoke about his wife being bullied online and being told to leave the country because her surname is Greek (She's 100% English descent though) and how people even joked with him at the school he worked in that he's going to have to go home when he turned up Friday morning. He's born and raised Brit though.

I'd though would point out it's not just the white English who are becoming racist, it worries me to see so many people in the Asian community go "Those drunkard Polish/Romanian are such an eyesore, let's kick them out!" I would have hoped being immigrants themselves they would understand being misrepresented by the media, but still...


President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe very keen to talk to Sturgeon regarding Scotland


Just don't read twitter comments. Jeez.

Here. Here. People say he doesn't have the clout to take action; he's now getting rid of those causing disunity in the party in order to form a coherent cabinet. Hope he continues and tells them to fuck off and join another party if they don't like the direction he's taking them.

It's ironic, because people think a Blairite leader will help unify the UK and offer a platform to those disengaged with establishment politics. Find it hilarious how people wish to regress instead of progress.

Yes, this. I have to criticise him for waiting this long, too long, but England need it now and thank fuck he's finally getting the ball rolling. Or heads rolling I should say.

I'd have been pissed if he resigned. Especially considering some of the snakes wanting his place.
Just don't read twitter comments. Jeez.

Yes, this. I have to criticise him for waiting this long, too long, but England need it now and thank fuck he's finally getting the ball rolling. Or heads rolling I should say.

I'd have been pissed if he resigned. Especially considering some of the snakes wanting his place.

Amazingly well timed as well, the papers lose their slot to spin this in Sundays editions.


Mentality of a Brexiteer?

Do you even understand the amount of intervention Mr Draghi's European Central Bank is applying to prop up the EU financial system? Do you follow the financial news?

If the EURO was that sound, why is the UK so better off without it?

Just wait till Greece requests a new bailout, then Spain, then Italy.

I'll just remind you that ALL major central banks have been propping up their currencies and financial systems in the years since Lehman's.


Here. Here. People say he doesn't have the clout to take action; he's now getting rid of those causing disunity in the party in order to form a coherent cabinet. Hope he continues and tells them to fuck off and join another party if they don't like the direction he's taking them.

It's ironic, because people think a Blairite leader will help unify the UK and offer a platform to those disengaged with establishment politics. Find it hilarious how people wish to regress instead of progress.

I like Corbyn but we are at the point of writing a new chapter for the country, he has to fucking come alive, but he's gonna get bogged down in resignation stories.

Without electoral reform a truly left wing party is not going to get the space to function.


It's essentially a private members club article 7 requires a vote of those members to take action typically that's the sort of shite that courts give wide latitude to

Regardless, what would anyone be hoping to achieve? I just read article 7...the EU would achieve squat by suspending certain rights the UK had under the treaties (such as voting rights, etc). All the trade rights fall under the EFTA, I doubt those could be touched.

Plus by the time the EU got around to invoking article 7 we will have probably invoked article 50.
Amazingly well timed as well, the papers lose their slot to spin this in Sundays editions.

Just don't read twitter comments. Jeez.

Yes, this. I have to criticise him for waiting this long, too long, but England need it now and thank fuck he's finally getting the ball rolling. Or heads rolling I should say.

I'd have been pissed if he resigned. Especially considering some of the snakes wanting his place.

This show how strategically shrude he is. By Monday it will be old news and he can scourge the party in peace. If this isn't a sign he's got conviction and wishes to take this party forward, then i don't know what is.


Amazingly well timed as well, the papers lose their slot to spin this in Sundays editions.


In fairness though I just want him to go all Hulk on everyone. Give zero fucks about the media and just whip the Labour Party in line or to the curb. It's now or never. He has snakes trying to lead an open revolt they decided to speak publicly about on national TV hours after Brexit.

That shit has to be sorted now. Corbyn is a decent guy with many good ideas and Labour supporters should give him a chance after cleaning out the party.


That's horrable but I just read somthing that said there was no evidence of the signs,I don't know what to believe these days.

I don't know what to tell you, brown people in England are on the receiving end of racism to this day. If you think it wasn't worse in the era of apartheid and the US civil rights struggle then I think you're imagining an England that never existed.


So nothing then... such a shame to hope for this to be overturned. Never going to happen is it?

Meanwhile, this video wants to make me vomit especially 1:42 onwards.
"...there was so much scaremongering for us to stay, so I thought we'd be fine if we go it alone"

I don't know how you get through to people like that in a reasonable way. I suppose it's fine to drink that bottle of bleach because the labels on it are no doubt just scaremongering me.

pretty much sums up the north not happy about being forgotten basically
So instead they sing songs about Boris and praise Gove. Two people I'm sure will remember the North.

Give me a break


The Labour party in it's current form is finished with a cretin like Corbyn as leader.
I agree New New Labour needs to come about now to work in a post-Brexit Britain but why do you think Corbyn is cretin, if you don't mind me asking?


Do any of the Corbyn supporters really think he can win election? Do they even think he can get Labour more seats than in 2015? Seems like Corbyn supporters are happy having Labour reduced to some narrow faction.

Complaining about "Blairites" just show that some people are fighting a battle that has been over for years.


I agree New New Labour needs to come about now to work in a post-Brexit Britain but why do you think Corbyn is cretin, if you don't mind me asking?

He has no political nous, at all. He is incapable of winning an election. Those on the left who want someone to pass a purity test to be leader will continue to lose elections till the end of time.

If the stories from behind the scenes which are leaking now of how he behaved and sabotaged the remain campaign are remotely true, he has no place in the Labour party any more.


Do any of the Corbyn supporters really think he can win election? Do they even think he can get Labour more seats than in 2015? Seems like Corbyn supporters are happy having Labour reduced to some narrow faction.

Complaining about "Blairites" just show that some people are fighting a battle that has been over for years.

It's hard to explain, I wanted him to spark debate and give something for the party to build from. In the end the PLP just didn't engage at all, sniping on Twitter.


"...there was so much scaremongering for us to stay, so I thought we'd be fine if we go it alone"

I don't know how you get through to people like that in a reasonable way. I suppose it's fine to drink that bottle of bleach because the labels on it are no doubt just scaremongering me.

So instead they sing songs about Boris and praise Gove. Two people I'm sure will remember the North.

Give me a break

not saying i agree with it but trust me the anger is there


Do any of the Corbyn supporters really think he can win election? Do they even think he can get Labour more seats than in 2015? Seems like Corbyn supporters are happy having Labour reduced to some narrow faction.

Complaining about "Blairites" just show that some people are fighting a battle that has been over for years.

There is nobody Labour can put forward that will win the upcoming election single-handedly, about 1/3 of their voters went for Brexit and won't feel the real pain of their choice until after a general election is called.

Labour's best bet is in an anybody-but-Brexit alliance on a platform of abandoning article 50 in coalition with Lib Dems/Greens and a pact with the SNP. Whether it's Corbyn at the helm or not won't make a huge difference, those voters will be backing policies not a particular candidate.
Do any of the Corbyn supporters really think he can win election? Do they even think he can get Labour more seats than in 2015? Seems like Corbyn supporters are happy having Labour reduced to some narrow faction.

Complaining about "Blairites" just show that some people are fighting a battle that has been over for years.

You're welcome to present an option that would fare better than him. Isn't so much about corbyn being best as being the lest worst/incompetent.

Until jarvis decides to run.

One thing's for sure, though, new labour's constant fretting sure as heck ain't helping no one.


There is nobody Labour can put forward that will win the upcoming election single-handedly, about 1/3 of their voters went for Brexit and won't feel the real pain of their choice until after a general election is called.

Labour's best bet is in an anybody-but-Brexit alliance on a platform of abandoning article 50 in coalition with Lib Dems/Greens and a pact with the SNP. Whether it's Corbyn at the helm or not won't make a huge difference, those voters will be backing policies not a particular candidate.

To force a general would need to table of no confidence in the govt, would need few Tory rebels and they would likely get them. Govt then has 2 weeks to bring those rebels back on side, would likely not be able to. New GE on new footing.


Those who are still sucking farts out of Corbyn's hoop should come up North and speak to some Labour voters instead of wanking around on the internet.

Liz Kendall types will destroy the London party, Jarvis is tolerable. Tristram Hunt types will do fuck all for anyone.

Corbyn has blown it, I'm not very hopeful really.
I'm sorry. Corbyn has to go. I see eerie parallels with Bernie Sanders, in this crotchety old man would rather the party burn in irrelevancy, than compromise his ideals, no matter how unworkable they are in today's climate.

I know some people consider the alternative to be Tory lite but the reality is, nothing in this world gets done without compromise. It's in the very essence of being a stateman.

Corbyn has proven he rather see the world burn. That is not fitting behaviour of a leader and he must step aside so people can start getting work done, not spout ideologies.


Labour's best bet is in an anybody-but-Brexit alliance on a platform of abandoning article 50 in coalition with Lib Dems/Greens and a pact with the SNP. Whether it's Corbyn at the helm or not won't make a huge difference, those voters will be backing policies not a particular candidate.
A Labour/Lib Dem coalition should have been the choice in 2010. The possibility of that now seems even less likely that it did then.


Labour's best bet is in an anybody-but-Brexit alliance on a platform of abandoning article 50 in coalition with Lib Dems/Greens and a pact with the SNP. Whether it's Corbyn at the helm or not won't make a huge difference, those voters will be backing policies not a particular candidate.

I think it would. The alliance would need leaders who are capable of showing enthusiasm while banging people on the head over and over with the fact they were lied to about the Brexit.
Liz Kendall types will destroy the London party, Jarvis is tolerable. Tristram Hunt types will do fuck all for anyone.

Corbyn has blown it, I'm not very hopeful really.

Anyone outside of the Corbyn faction would be preferable, even if they lifted his half arsed 'policies' wholesale and wore the flatcap.



New pro-Brexit meme making the rounds.

The thing is, this is 100% correct. That is exactly what they voted for and by doing so they fucked up all things listed. Especially the NHS and rights -- and a Great Britain is potentially going to break up.

At the same time, I'm starting to appreciate that this process in particular has started to have people look at the country with scrutiny a lot more. I don't think overall good is coming out of the Brexit, but perhaps the next GE will have people far more aware of what they're voting for. The fact that we had 2 consecutive Tory terms despite people wanting them in shows something -- and the fact that this Referendum had a higher turnout than the GE...

If this causes us to have Lib Dems in power and somehow a reverse in this decision at the same time (or a country willing to get a Norway deal, albeit unlikely) then I would be pretty chuffed that this would be the best mistake.
So they voted for largely pointless things, people and things that won't be better off as a result of leaving, things that are demonstrably worse as a result.

I'm not really sure how the big paragraph on voting reasons goes particularly far towards dispelling the reasons ascribed by others that they're indignant about.
I'm sorry. Corbyn has to go. I see eerie parallels with Bernie Sanders, in this crotchety old man would rather the party burn in irrelevancy, than compromise his ideals, no matter how unworkable they are in today's climate.

I know some people consider the alternative to be Tory lite but the reality is, nothing in this world gets done without compromise. It's in the very essence of being a stateman.

Corbyn has proven he rather see the world burn. That is not fitting behaviour of a leader and he must step aside so people can start getting work done, not spout ideologies.

You are forgetting that labour has lost plenty and had its significance greatly diminished while he wasn't leader.

plus one shouldn't talk about a dude being unwilling to compromise when he's been compromising pretty much from day 0. When he didn't, such as with syria, he was proven to be the one solitary voice of reason.

If he'd rather see the world burn, he'd be doing PMQ's quite differently.

NL, however, has made it plenty clear from day 0 that they'd rather see nothing but ash than keep corbs at the helm.
To wit: until a viable alternative is presented, NL must stop acting like petulant children and get their shit together. That NL still can't present even the semblance of a viable alternative after nearly one year with him at the helm speaks volumes for their gross incompetence.


So they voted for largely pointless things, people and things that won't be better off as a result of leaving, things that are demonstrably worse as a result.

Which is why Leave voters are stupid, unless they were given some side deal that bettered their lives... which would be selfish -- or unless they were aware it would be worse, but that's okay if the foreigners are gone (xenophobic and racist).


for some the status quo was not good enough, despite the risks it was worth the gamble to say fu to the establishment and try the other option
for some the status quo was not good enough, despite the risks it was worth the gamble to say fu to the establishment and try the other option

I have the horrible feeling it was often more about the fu than the 'other option', when the chips were down.

By no means all, but a lot, I'd warrant.
You are forgetting that labour has lost plenty and had its significance greatly diminished while he wasn't leader.

plus one shouldn't talk about a dude being unwilling to compromise when he's been compromising pretty much from day 0. When he didn't, such as with syria, he was proven to be the one solitary voice of reason.

If he'd rather see the world burn, he'd be doing PMQ's quite differently.

NL, however, has made it plenty clear from day 0 that they'd rather see nothing but ash than keep corbs at the helm.

I don't care about the pantomime show which is PMQ. Nor do I care that he took the humantian approach to Syria. It is obviously commendable, but issues at home take precedence.

I care that faced with the option of being a force of strength for his party and the electorate, he hummed and gave half hearted statements that not only failed to moblise his base, but further ignored the people he is supposed to represent.

As far as I'm concerned, corbyn should be a scholar at some universirt, where he can give lectures on left wing ideals to more pragmatic minded youth who will incorporate his ideas in their thinking.

He has no business at the helm of an opposition party fighting to prevent a newly emergent extreme right wing, that has bamboozled the working class and the poor to vote for their own toture chamber. Corbyn has been more passionate about the humantian effort in Syria than the economic effort in the north of England. He is unfit for the labour leadership. If anything, he should be working for amnesty international.


So they voted for largely pointless things, people and things that won't be better off as a result of leaving, things that are demonstrably worse as a result.

I'm not really sure how the big paragraph on voting reasons goes particularly far towards dispelling the reasons ascribed by others that they're indignant about.

What's more British than the Charge of the Light Brigade?


I don't care about the pantomime show which is PMQ. Nor do I care that he took the humantian approach to Syria. It is obviously commendable, but issues at home take precedence.

I care that faced with the option of being a force of strength for his party and the electorate, he hummed and gave half hearted statements that not only failed to moblise his base, but further ignored the people he is supposed to represent.

As far as I'm concerned, corbyn should be a scholar at some universirt, where he can give lectures on left wing ideals to more pragmatic minded youth who will incorporate his ideas in their thinking.

He has no business at the helm of an opposition party fighting to prevent a newly emergent extreme right wing, that has bamboozled the working class and the poor to vote for their own toture chamber. Corbyn has been more passionate about the humantian effort in Syria than the economic effort in the north of England. He is unfit for the labour leadership. If anything, he should be working for amnesty international.

Instead of appeasing and pandering half heartedly to the working poor, there should be someone strong enough and genuine in believing working class values.
We don't have enough people from modest backgrounds in politics.
Sometimes people need to be told off. Shame on you for being so easily duped, I'd have said. And sneering at education and 'experts'.
What are they going to say back to me? I grew up on a council estate. And this is how we talk.
Hating on immigration is typical poor fighting the poor. Instead of fighting amongst ourselves, we should ask for a payrise for all of us. Corbyn has it right for once.
Did anyone catch what Jacek Saryusz-Wolski said in Brussels?


"Next time don't count on Polish airmen to come to the help of Britain ever again"

"My father was a soldier on your side for 5 years"

Asked if he felt personally betrayed by the brexit vote he says "Yes" 3 times and admits he's angry when asked

Hope he's just a one-off and these type of attitudes and threats aren't prevalent from MEPs
Instead of appeasing and pandering half heartedly to the working poor, there should be someone strong enough and genuine in believing working class values.
We don't have enough people from modest backgrounds in politics.
Sometimes people need to be told off. Shame on you for being so easily duped, I'd have said. And sneering at education and 'experts'.
What are they going to say back to me? I grew up on a council estate. And this is how we talk.
Hating on immigration is typical poor fighting the poor. Instead of fighting amongst ourselves, we should ask for a payrise for all of us. Corbyn has it right for once.

But Corbyn did none what you said.

His only position (which is not incorrect), was this was all caused by cuts and the Tories putting corporate interests above the working class.

That's great, but that does not address the fact that the working class feel disfranchised and need reassurance that their voices would be heard.

His answers are the answers of an academic, not someone who is trying to get stuck in and actually do something about it.

He is the type of guy that would rather tell you why bleeding out is going to kill you, than roll up his sleeves and put pressure on your wound. He has place in the discourse, but not in the actual practical action.


Did anyone catch what Jacek Saryusz-Wolski said in Brussels?


"Next time don't count on Polish airmen to come to the help of Britain ever again"

"My father was a soldier on your side for 5 years"

Asked if he felt personally betrayed by the brexit vote he says "Yes" 3 times and admits he's angry when asked

Hope he's just a one-off and these type of attitudes and threats aren't prevalent from MEPs

glad he's happy about scotland then :p
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