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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Where do you think you'll go if you could?

Honestly? I'd love to live in one the islands off the African continent. Mauritius, Cape Verde, even the canary islands. If I have to be poor and struggle, let me at least do so in a exotic location.

That said, realistically I'd probably end up in continental Europe. Paris or Italy.

Germany is also a very good possibility as it's the one place the skills in my current job could help me find another.
Boris Johnson is not Trump nor is he an idiot climate skeptic swimming against scientific consensus.

"Boris Johnson today said it was “vitally important” global leaders work together to tackle climate change as he arrived in Paris for a major summit on global warning."

(From 2015).


To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.

Nah, I don't speak any languages beyond English. A few people have already suggested Germany. I don't think I'll miss England (or London) tbh. Feels like things in England have gone downhill in recent years and this vote to leave will only make things worse.

Honestly? I'd love to live in one the islands off the African continent. Mauritius, Cape Verde, even the canary islands.

That said, realistically I'd probably end up in continental Europe. Paris or Italy.

Germany is also a very good possibility as it's the one place the skills in my current job could help me find another.

Man, those islands would be cool, a world away from England and it's shitty weather. Germany again. I might have to cop some books and start learning German.


To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.

Mentality of a Brexiteer

Those graphs continue to be validated.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.

Why yes, some of us do indeed.


I've been to Germany many times and it's not an exaggeration that the majority of them talk better English than many here in England. There's no "yeh bruv" bollocks over there, for sure.

But really the same could be said for the Netherlands too


Some soft leavers won't ever vote for UKIP. The idea of Brexit is going to change as well, from the fairytale that was sold to the actual reality.
They won't need the soft leavers, because for a general election they don't need 50%+ of the vote.
You're also assuming that the idea of Brexit will change widely if it doesn't actually happen, which I doubt. Many will put it down to scare-mongering, as we didn't actually Brexit, so how can X/Y/Z be Brexit's fault, etc.

The question is, in those circumstances, could UKIP win a majority in a general election?
That I don't know, as it depends much more on the geographic distribution of seats against 'Leave' voting areas. I would hope not, but I feel that would depend on Labour providing a strong united opposition for Remain voters to get behind.
If UKIP get a majority, the first order of business would be Article 50, 'backed by the 2016 referendum and the recent GE mandate' (GE mandate being as little as 25%+ of the vote!).

To be clear, I want absolutely none of the above to ever happen, but reading articles trying to persuade people that the Conservatives can duck out of Article 50 without mentioning political consequences beyond that point is something of a joke.


To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.
Why would you speak Dutch in Germany?


Which would be the best Euro country to move to in your opinion? Been a Londoner my whole life, but this whole mess has got me thinking about my future.

I've been planning on moving to Berlin for the last year. The city is remarkably cultured, and a favourite amongst artists (which is a plus point for me).

This is only making my decision feel more justified. However, I'm also considering moving into politics somehow to help instigate positive change, so I may yet be staying...


Anyone thinking of leaving England for good over this result?

Depends if Muslims and brown skinned people continues to be the boogeyman and if that sentiment continues to rise.

That being said if I had to leave the UK my preferred choice would be Germany, so I can continue to buy those German cars without my fellow Brits calling me out for my betrayal.


To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.
This is not the time for overly subtle joke posts, but thank you for trying.


They speaks German in Germany, not dutch. Dutch is the language of the Netherlands. Also you can live in Germany just by knowing English.

I kind of disagree. in Deutschland they speak Deutsch, which is the same as "Dutch". The English just totally messed up two countries. Calling it Netherlandish or Hollandish both don't really ring well either though,, heh. Netherlandish would definitively be the better term though.

Anyway, for all you colonists, there's a plethora of great multinational global cities on the mainland, I prefer Amsterdam myself. Probably the city with the most cultures in the whole world bangled together, while not even a million pop live there. Even with so many immigrants, we still can't get enough of them.
I didn't know that.

I wonder what went though his mind when 'leave' won?


Some people think he only joined leave to position himself as Anti Cameron and he never thought they would actually win. He would be the valiant loser and Cameron's heir apparent.

He played himself and lost.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.

Oh wow.



Some people think he only joined leave to position himself as Anti Cameron and he never thought they would actually win. He would be the valiant loser and Cameron's heir apparent.

He played himself and lost.

Yeah, seemed like an elaborate ruse to earn the keys to No. 10, blow off the referendum and achieve Prime Minister status.

Well, safe to say he flopped it.

Now himself, Cameron, Osborne and the lot have flocked into some kind of hiding with not even a murmur to come from them.


Unconfirmed Member
does anyone think the option of a tiered (associate) membership in the EU is realistic? could the EU use this opportunity to reform itself?

It's an idea that has apparently been around for years but I don't know enough about the inner workings of the EU to say one way or the other.


To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.

don't know why you're worried about the euro when it's the pound you should be shitting yourself about >_>
No, the point to make here is it is not the EU's call to interpret the UK constitution.

That is perfectly possible! What's the story then?

Here's a few examples:

1) a couple in my shop this afternoon. they have no internet, no computer, they actually do not have a TV either. Have a radio but the husband uses it only to listen to Test Match Special. Sole source of EU referendum information - Leave leaflets

2) elderly aunt of a acquaintance of mine, lives in a care home almost entirely staffed by east europeans and gets no sensible conversation about anything. TV is never turned to the news. Sole source of political information rabidly racist son-in-law.

3) old disabled customer of mine, poorly educated lives in a sink estate largely confined to the bedroom as the rest of her flat was until recently used as a den by drug dealers who told her to stay put. Main source of info - Leave leaflets and Leave facebook posts

Not all old people, not by any means. But lots of them. The more educated, more tech-savvy oldsters probably didn't vote particularly differently to the young 'uns.

Yes, this is a big problem for the political fallout, which I am trying to get my head around.

You seem very interested in the meaning of Article 50.
I am trying to give you my strictly personal interpretation as a lawyer.

Art 50 I Just means that a decision has to be made according to a country's constitution. That just nvolves the means to reach a decision and if those means are in your constitution. Many countries don't have the mechanisms in place for a national referendum, but if the UK had a trial by combat as a mechanism it would be fair game.

Art. 50 II is so incredibly vague that the referendum could very well be interpreted by the European Courts as "notification" .

Of course the EU would prefer Cameron to pull the trigger himself to avoid a drawn out legal process, but that's certainly a possibility.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Pardon my ignorance but I have a couple of questions.

Can the UK vote themselves back into the EU?

What's stopping the UK and EU from negotiating a set of rules that'd an approximation of being in the EU?

I want to ask another question on if the referendum MUST be enacted but it looks like there's already discussion on it I just need to read.


Which would be the best Euro country to move to in your opinion? Been a Londoner my whole life, but this whole mess has got me thinking about my future.

Germany, especially Hamburg. You will feel right at home there. Culturally it isn't far off from Britain, they even love tea there. Also the weather comes unfortunately very close. ;)
This Hamburg street looks as it could also be in London, Manchester, Birmingham...



Pardon my ignorance but I have a couple of questions.

Can the UK vote themselves back into the EU?

What's stopping the UK and EU from negotiating a set of rules that'd an approximation of being in the EU?

I want to ask another question on if the referendum MUST be enacted but it looks like there's already discussion on it I just need to read.

I'll answer what I can (if I am wrong, someone correct me):

1) We can apply to rejoin but would require a full and unanimous agreement from every other 27 remaining member states

2) can't answer

3) Referendum is only advisory, so not binding. They can literally wake up and say 'nah, sod off' and forget about it.

Mr Git

To live where?
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Spain?

The only country worth leaving the UK for in the EU is Germany. You speak dutch?

And when the EURO implodes, (and it'll be soon) you'll come running back to Blithely.

I dunno man, I'm not fluent enough in cretin to understand this post.


Junior Member
Cameron said he's leaving this for the next leader in 4 months time, but that leader has no legitimacy(and will be head of a divided party with bitter people inside it), so I don't see how they can avoid having to call a general election. But that'll push the a50 back even further.

That election would be an unprecedented quagmire. Lib Dems are a joke. Corbyn is unelectable(although he might also get ousted in the meantime but that too would make Labour a joke and divided). Tories are going to be divided(I assume they are going to have a pro-Brexit leader) and a vote for them could be classed as a vote to break the union(there's no way the Scots won't go independent if they have to put up with someone like Boris as PM as well as being taken out of the EU). Last time UKIP got 8M votes and only 1 seat, what would their voters do? Stay? Go Tory?

At any point you could potentially have Tory MPs quitting the party or switching to Labour if they get a more right wing leader. The whole thing could end up in another hung parliament and one where the majority of MPs are pro-EU like now except this time they have legitmacy of a GE. It's just complete stalemate with a potentially conflicting referendum and GE.

All the while you got the EU and the world having to wait to see what happens. Even the EU, you might think it's a big bad monster that ain't going to wait, but it's made of 27 countries. You only need one pro-UK country (like Ireland perhaps) or one UK bribed country to veto and scupper any serious action.


Now himself, Cameron, Osborne and the lot have flocked into some kind of hiding with not even a murmur to come from them.

Ladies and Gentlemen I present the class acts with the power and keys to run this country.

When you think about it, we've already Trumped ourselves long ago with the absolutely corrupt and opportunitisic dick bags we keep voting in to run this ship. No wonder it's finally fucked itself and is sinking.

A ship of lies, BS and fat big boy wallets finally oozing with the stench of death and decay.
Pardon my ignorance but I have a couple of questions.

Can the UK vote themselves back into the EU?

What's stopping the UK and EU from negotiating a set of rules that'd an approximation of being in the EU?

I want to ask another question on if the referendum MUST be enacted but it looks like there's already discussion on it I just need to read.

1. A general election in the UK where parties put forward an EU manifesto would be better than a referendum but the "uncertainty" of this slow process would spook the disciples of mammon. If we actually leave then it's up to the EU to approve admission and they didn't even want us in the first place.

2. Politics and "setting an example" only.
Pardon my ignorance but I have a couple of questions.

Can the UK vote themselves back into the EU?

What's stopping the UK and EU from negotiating a set of rules that'd an approximation of being in the EU?

I want to ask another question on if the referendum MUST be enacted but it looks like there's already discussion on it I just need to read.

Yes they can vote to apply again in future and all member states must agree they can join. However look at it this way: if the uk does ok outside the EU they wouldn't apply again, and if they become a basket case the EU might well say sorry we don't want or can't afford to prop up yet another struggling state. IMO it isn't clear why a country of 65m cannot survive the way many countries outside the EU do, why that is a death sentence.

Nothing stops the UK negotiating free trade agreements with nafta asean eu and anyone else and nothing says they must be worse than the ones the EU had that the uk used. On the one hand the EU has a lot of clout being a big market, on the other hand it has a lot of rigid regulation applied to imports that the uk may say it can be more flexible on (hopefully not stuff like child labor, environmental destruction, etc etc). And the U.K. may want to focus more on nafta and Asia than the EU did. It may make better decisions. Or worse ones. Who knows.

The referendum is advisory, but it would further damage English politics to ignore it or ask for "best of three?" Or some such thing.
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