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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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So US here but judging by reactions here I'm guessing this was a massive mistake :(. And of course a Trump supporter I know was all in favor of this so I have to imagine this is really really bad.

Apparently, 48% think it was a mistake, but 52% think it was a good decision.


Gold Member

This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

Mr Swine

You had one job UK! Too bad that a Brexit won, I guess that UK will try to get fantastic trading deals right?

Will EU accept that or will we just give the UK the worst possible deals so that their economy tanks?
Other states aren't too happy about it either, in reality. The UK has said, enough is enough.

I'd be more on board with attacking this if I had confidence that my fellow Brits actually understood the complex nature of sovereignty (and how many of those 'laws' were regs for the single market etc) and how the people of Britain have never been 'sovereign'. But I don't. Certainly not now.

Chris R

Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?
Indeed. The EU and the UK have no motivation to be petulant about this. Its entirely possible a free trade agreement is the first order of business.

Notions about "punishment" & "deterrence" etc are pretty childish. I doubt in the cold light of day they would actually do anything to reduce the massive economic benefits of healthy trade between the EU & UK. What would be the point? Spite?

Unity among EU member states? Maintaining the EU project?


Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?



So instead of thinking that people could have come up with some logical and valid reasons to vote leave and to try and understand them you choose to remain ignorant and go with this? If you really think that 17 million people voted leave for those reasons? And that all those who voted leave are xenophobic and racist? 17 million people?

Whatever makes you comfortable I guess but there is great irony in posts like this.

It's not a great post and I'm not here to defend that, but it's hard to not think that way when it's want ends up getting passed around Facebook and you see friends of yours that you thought you knew suddenly feel emboldened to talk about how Muslims are taking over the country.

I've been trying hard to separate the xenophobia from the overall vote, but when me and a lot of people just see their social media have these shared posts and status updates on the subject after voting for a campaign led by Boris Johnson and Farage, it is difficult to think otherwise.

I just hope we're all mistaken.



So instead of thinking that people could have come up with some logical and valid reasons to vote leave and to try and understand them you choose to remain ignorant and go with this? If you really think that 17 million people voted leave for those reasons? And that all those who voted leave are xenophobic and racist? 17 million people?

Whatever makes you comfortable I guess but there is great irony in posts like this.

I've seen post like this a lot that start with "Instead of figuring out why..." but no one ever post why. All I've seen is the word bubble with IMMIGRATION across it. As an American and a minority I only got my experience with codified political language to go by but here that usually means people unhappy with their lives are trying to find a scapegoat to pin all of their misfortune on.


This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

That's a whole lot of saying nothing


Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?



Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?

The Alliance of Awesome
The French especially will give no quarter. We will be made an example of. Plucky little Britain is about to get fucked. The shit heels who voted for this will now feel what the real power of a bloc can do to you. The thing is these people have no comprehension of what's about to happen. None.

Fud and hyperbole.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Probably the United Kingdom of England and Wales, to reduce the number of necessary name changes. It's already the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, so the new name is actually simpler.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
As someone who doesn't understand economics that well: why did Japanese economic took a huge hit while the US for example didn't?

US market isn't open yet. Watch the futures market for a hint of where things will go Friday in the states. Down close to 600 points last I checked. Going to be turbulent the next while. I do wonder how short traders and the like will play this, though.



What was the main platform of leave? What was the overwhelming message from leave?

Job security? Better quality of life?

There were a number, in random order.

Control of borders: The free movement of people meant that Britain couldn't control the large numbers of EU nationals coming to settle in the UK.

Democracy: The EU is hugely undemocratic, with very poor mechanisms of accountability and repeal of legislation.

Trade barriers: Being part of the EU meant that the UK couldn't conduct its own trade deals.

EU Law taking paramouncy over UK law: A bugbear for a lot of conservatives who find that the traditional common law method was superior to the civil law method.


Of course the EU is going to seek partnership with the UK, but they have to be quite firm with how they handle this situation.
If they give the UK too many concessions and institute a status quo sort of situation where the UK de facto gets all the rights of an EU member but none of the responsibilities, it will only increase the anti-EU sentiment within the other EU members.

If the EU doesn't take a hardliner position for this, it's going to crumble very soon.

Attempting to find something good out of this shit show- I think it fairly reasonable that we could get a Norway level agreement. Honestly that'd be worse than what we currently have (less influence to change things but still have to accept most of the rules), but I can't see the EU allowing any special treatment


The next 48 Hours will be the hardest. Still have 2 years before you need to leave.

At least 2 years. The EU will want the UK to immediately declare Article 50 which will start the 2 year clock immediately but it's in the UK's best interest to stall and tbh it's probably in the EU's best interest, too. 2 years isn't enough time, not even close.


Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?

The Mercian Degeneracy


So are France and Germany being the other two big pillars of the EU going to go in hard against the UK now? I feel like this could get much worse before it gets better.

No, they can't afford it, just a bit of posturing the first days.


You had one job UK! Too bad that a Brexit won, I guess that UK will try to get fantastic trading deals right?

Will EU accept that or will we just give the UK the worst possible deals so that their economy tanks?

My understanding is that the EU won't likely cut any favorable deals to the UK because that would set a very bad precedent and encourage other members to leave? If that's the case, I feel really, really, bad for the 48%.

Also, I have a newfound appreciation for representative democracy.


The Polish/Romanian thing will be Blairs biggest fuck up and probably the reason we're out. Every other EU country limited entry to the ascension countries but he allowed unfettered access, overnight crushing the building trade etc etc

You got some stats on how it fucked the building trade? I find that hard to believe.


This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

Yes, I'll work with the morons who have just made one the worst decisions in the history of a democracy to help alleviate the consequence of their own idiocy. Fuck that.


You had one job UK! Too bad that a Brexit won, I guess that UK will try to get fantastic trading deals right?

Will EU accept that or will we just give the UK the worst possible deals so that their economy tanks?

It's quite certain the UK will be made an example out of, because for the EU there cannot be any other country that even remotely considers this in the future.


You had one job UK! Too bad that a Brexit won, I guess that UK will try to get fantastic trading deals right?

Will EU accept that or will we just give the UK the worst possible deals so that their economy tanks?

This isn't a board game. The EU still wants to trade with the UK. What would tanking their economy accomplish? Nothing. But the UK has to come to terms with becoming an irrelevant entity, globally speaking.
iirc one of the terms of them having the referendum a couple of years ag was that if it failed, they'd have to wait for ages before doing it again.

Not sure if this effects that.

Yeah but sadly we were promised if we stayed our EU place was safe, that was a blatant lie, and being a no voter I expect to have a another vote.


This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.


The gall of calling for unity literally right after a vote DIRECTLY AGAINST UNITY.


The famed stiff upper lip seems to be in short supply in this thread. Whichever way anyone voted, the situation is what it is. Best to get on with it and attack the future with vigor, rather than crying that the sky is falling.


BoE will intervene to try and stop GBP falling to stupid levels but it has limited FX reserves.

Will be reliant on other central banks the world over to help.



So instead of thinking that people could have come up with some logical and valid reasons to vote leave and to try and understand them you choose to remain ignorant and go with this? Do you really think that 17 million people voted leave for those reasons? And that all those who voted leave are xenophobic and racist? 17 million people?
Is 17 million supposed to be an unbelievable figure or something? Guess what, there's certainly more than 17 million racists in the UK, welcome to the real world.


Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?
I vote Beavis and Butthead.
There were a number, in random order.

Control of borders: The free movement of people meant that Britain couldn't control the large numbers of EU nationals coming to settle in the UK.

Democracy: The EU is hugely undemocratic, with very poor mechanisms of accountability and repeal of legislation.

Trade barriers: Being part of the EU meant that the UK couldn't conduct its own trade deals.

EU Law taking paramouncy over UK law: A bugbear for a lot of conservatives who find that the traditional common law method was superior to the civil law method.

FWIW, I find it hilarious that the 'trade barriers' thing was ever a point. As if most people gave a fuck.
This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

Tell me why people voted leave other than immigration?

And sod off with talk about unity. I won't give cunts who have forced me to leave the UK the time of day.


Good going UK.. you just started another worldwide recession, you just ripped the union into pieces

The only hope is after europe envokes article 50 we can negotiate a better deal and hold another vote on if this new deal is far better
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