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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.



I hope all the disaffected, working class Labour voters from areas hit hardest by austerity in the North of England / Midlands that voted "Leave", feel better represented by PM in-waiting, Boris Johnson, in due course.

Well Liverpool is fucked, I work for BT so my job could be fucked and I'm young so my future is fucked. I voted remain. I can't wait to see the dole queue filled with immigrants as well as poor white people though- maybe I can go past with a banner saying: We told you so.


This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

Hold on a sec. The economy is right now crashing, and the people who are responsible are celebrating.
Two sides are not the same.

As a Londoner I really really hope all these experts are wrong.

There must be some contingency plan.
How very very disappointing :/ can us who voted in, not just stay in the EU plz Cameron. This really isn't the news I was hoping for, I can't believe this tbh.

On a side note I'm going to Amsterdam in August when should I get some euro's, shall I wait and hope the pound is a little bit stronger :/ ?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Probably the United Kingdom of England and Wales, to reduce the number of necessary name changes. It's already the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, so the new name is actually simpler.

Being as Wales is not a Kingdom (it has a Prince) more likely to be the United Kingdom and Principality.


Close enough.


Gold Member
That's a whole lot of saying nothing

Oh ok.


Am I doing it right now? I'm saying so much and it feels so good.

Yes, I'll work with the morons who have just made one the worst decisions in the history of a democracy to help alleviate the consequence of their own idiocy. Fuck that.

Ok but what alternative do you have? Leave the country?


The French especially will give no quarter. We will be made an example of. Plucky little Britain is about to get fucked. The shit heels who voted for this will now feel what the real power of a bloc can do to you. The thing is these people have no comprehension of what's about to happen. None.

France and Germany won't hurt themselves to make a point. France is limping along with less than 1% growth and 10.5% unemployment. UK is Germany's third largest trading partner. They can't risk hurting their own economies by punishing the UK.
This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

No, don't weasel out of acknowledging and talking about what the image depicts. Clearly, for a vast majority of voters, immigration was the single biggest factor.

The rest of the country isn't getting on with things, it's watching itself sink as industries and companies are announcing they're fleeing and the currency is tanking. The Leavers are too happy high fiving each other to see what mess they've caused.


This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

Maybe it's my finance background, but when confronted with data that runs contrary to my initial idea, I tend to reconsider whether the initial idea was right, rather than deny the reality of the data.

Even from over in the US it was clear the leave campaign was predicated in large part on xenophobia.


Easily one of the worst days of my life. Ive lost all the benefits of living in an EU state. Will be paying more taxes and my life is controlled by a government I dont support. I hate everyone who voted leave because they didnt know any better. I hate them so much.
I've just woken up. Honestly it feels like I'm still dreaming.

I'm at a little bit of a loss for words at how the majority of the voting population could be suckered in by terrible misinformation, downright lies, and the opportunity for the British Economy to face a years of uncertainly because of a hunch that things might be better outside of the world's trading block, when all data and renowned experts point to it not being the case.

A sad day for my country.
This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

The irony.


The famed stiff upper lip seems to be in short supply in this thread. Whichever way anyone voted, the situation is what it is. Best to get on with it and attack the future with vigor, rather than crying that the sky is falling.

People are literally posting in this thread that they are being told their jobs are lost as a result of this stupid decision. This is not a theoretical change for many, many people.
There were a number, in random order.

Control of borders: The free movement of people meant that Britain couldn't control the large numbers of EU nationals coming to settle in the UK.

Democracy: The EU is hugely undemocratic, with very poor mechanisms of accountability and repeal of legislation.

Trade barriers: Being part of the EU meant that the UK couldn't conduct its own trade deals.

EU Law taking paramouncy over UK law: A bugbear for a lot of conservatives who find that the traditional common law method was superior to the civil law method.

So only border control and "democracy" because I sure as shit didn't hear anyone talking about trade barriers in the few weeks.

That's a grasp at straws and I think you know it.


They have specific agreements that are nearly the same as being in the Union with none of the shit burdens of the Union.

That's likely how the negotiations will play out once the dust settles.

I voted remain, but all this post result scaremongering and finger pointing etc is crying over spilt milk. The real issue the EU face now is a general lack of confidence in the institution as a whole.and the potential for other members to elect to call it quits.


France and Germany won't hurt themselves to make a point. France is limping along with less than 1% growth and 10.5% unemployment. UK is Germany's third largest trading partner. They can't risk hurting their own economies by punishing the UK.

This is existential to the EU. i don't think people quite understand the political will here, at all.


Is there a proper term for just Wales and England? Great Britain includes Scotland, and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, but with both of those seemingly wanting out what would the remaining duo of England and Wales be called?


lol: Oh shit, where can i get the rights for this. T-shirts are going to fly off the shelf.


Well congrats on your 350 million £
of lies.

It takes two years to leave the EU. Maybe there is still hope left once people realise that a lot of their problems are not the fault of the EU. The EU is far from perfect but saying that this is the UKs 'Independence Day' is perhaps the most ignorant thing I heard this year.

How long until London votes for independence?
At least 2 years. The EU will want the UK to immediately declare Article 50 which will start the 2 year clock immediately but it's in the UK's best interest to stall and tbh it's probably in the EU's best interest, too. 2 years isn't enough time, not even close.

It's in the EU's best interest to get rid of the UK ASAP, take a hardliner position in their agreements and invite Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar in no uncertain terms.

It's quite certain the UK will be made an example out of, because for the EU there cannot be any other country that even remotely considers this in the future.



There were a number, in random order.

Democracy: The EU is hugely undemocratic, with very poor mechanisms of accountability and repeal of legislation.

EU Law taking paramouncy over UK law: A bugbear for a lot of conservatives who find that the traditional common law method was superior to the civil law method.

As much as immigration was a big topic, I think these two were as important. Lots of leave voters talking about 'taking back sovreignty' and all the shit that the daily mail spouts constantly. Very little basis in truth which is what really upsets me around the result - potentially life and country changing impacts for both me and my children, based on people voting for things that aren't really things (that infographic about the bullshit posted by newspapers about false EU regulations is a great illustration)


There were a number, in random order.

Control of borders: The free movement of people meant that Britain couldn't control the large numbers of EU nationals coming to settle in the UK.

Democracy: The EU is hugely undemocratic, with very poor mechanisms of accountability and repeal of legislation.

Trade barriers: Being part of the EU meant that the UK couldn't conduct its own trade deals.

EU Law taking paramouncy over UK law: A bugbear for a lot of conservatives who find that the traditional common law method was superior to the civil law method.

Every one of these is wrong and/or disingenuous.

I laughed at the "democracy" part. The UK's voting and electoral system is hilariously un-democratic. Even more so than the EU's imo.
That was more about refuting the claims of economic ruin from the Remain campaign, mostly focused on trade.

Yes, but I strongly suspect it was only useful as a political argument, not as a cause for voting Leave. It's not going to inspire people like immigration/sovereignty is, I reckon.


Of course the EU is going to seek partnership with the UK, but they have to be quite firm with how they handle this situation.
If they give the UK too many concessions and institute a status quo sort of situation where the UK de facto gets all the rights of an EU member but none of the responsibilities, it will only increase the anti-EU sentiment within the other EU members.

If the EU doesn't take a hardliner position for this, it's going to crumble very soon.

Unity among EU member states? Maintaining the EU project?

If the only way the EU can maintain its members is by punishing those who leave badly then maybe its doomed long term anyway.

Much more likely the second biggest economy in Europe and the EU find a way to trade together is a mutually beneficial manner.

Again I am a Remain guy but I am coming around to the idea that leaving the EU while a bad thing wont be the doomsday scenario folks seem to be thinking.


Tell me why people voted leave other than immigration?

And sod off with talk about unity. I won't give cunts who have forced me to leave the UK the time of day.

Yup. I voted and campaigned and argue for unity in my own small way over the past month. I am not going to now sit down quietly with the bigots who will now run our country for the foreseeable future


Unconfirmed Member
I'm ashamed to be a part of Britian today.

But then, I'm Scottish so hopefully I won't be a part of Britian for much longer.
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