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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Given we've gone down the road of direct democracy we were not given a leave plan to vote on (the Remain "offer" was clear). I think we have a right to a referendum on accepting a proposed leave "offer" before invoking art. 50.

If we don't have a deal that will suit the majority of the country (leave and remain voters) we should not leave the EU.

I think leave voters would not be happy with us leaving the EU and keeping free movement of persons (in exchange for access to single market) and all sorts of red-line concessions.

What do the leave voters on GAF think about this?

Again, this isn't board game night. I mean are you suggesting the whole of the UK did not know how Article 50 works before they voted they wanted to invoke it?


Given we've gone down the road of direct democracy we were not given a leave plan to vote on (the Remain "offer" was clear). I think we have a right to a referendum on accepting a proposed leave "offer" before invoking art. 50.

If we don't have a deal that will suit the majority of the country (leave and remain voters) we should not leave the EU.

I think leave voters would not be happy with us leaving the EU and keeping free movement of persons (in exchange for access to single market) and all sorts of red-line concessions.

What do the leave voters on GAF think about this?

I have said it before, and people can ridicule all they like, if they do a deal that allows free movement, they instantly piss off the 17 million that voted leave....

if it comes in nothing has been achieved, except we are worse off for everyone, we voted to leave, you may not like it but we did, so a solution has to be found going forward that is as good as can be outside of the EU without free movement

I have allready said free movement of Labour could be a way, but GAF dont like this either, so no point going over it again


Yep, the consequence being that the Tories are now likely to remain in power for the foreseeable future, with more power to fuck over the north, the working class and the poor than they've had in half a century.

The ones most outraged about how they've been treated by central government, and voted leave because of it, are now so much worse off it's unreal.

To be clear, The Tories almost overnight took hold of larges swathes of the traditionally labour bases. Boris Johnson is immensely popular.

The next budget is probably going to be an eye opener. We'll see if vast sums of the country, go 'right, we expected it to be bad in the short term, and that's what we got'; so basically giving carte blanche for more austerity measures. And I wonder if they will feel empowered.


It's not about rushing the process (that's going to take 2 years minimum, probably longer). It's about Cameron formally announcing the withdrawal to the EU so the process can in fact start, and the road map of withdrawal be drawn up. Before the referendum, he publicly stated he would do this, and now he's talking about waiting until a new leader is elected in October. The world at large isn't going to wait for four months to pass, just because Cameron wants to pass the buck on the poison chalice to someone else. UK stability is more important that Cameron's pride at the end of the day.

Agreed. Remain spent their entire campaign trading on fear, and look at the outcome. You don't sell membership of an institution through fear, you sell it through promoting the actual benefits.

If that were true he would not have pledged to hold a referendum in the first place.

It's his pride that got us here.



Sure, if you're the opposition's best expert on foreign affairs, popular enough in your party to get nominated if they won, you'd be the favorite for the job of foreign secretary. That's fine, but it's still just a fantasy job at the moment. I get what they want to achieve by "resigning", they want to remove their party leader, but why don't they call for an emergency congress of the entire party where the members then could do a proper vote of no confidence in the guy?

I don't know enough about German politics to draw parallels, or labour rules enough to comment properly. All I can say is that we are effectively a two-party state and the shadow cabinet isn't so much of the fantasy job. It's an important part of British politics, sure no real power but the major influencer of power.

According to Sundy Politics, Beeb news right now, they need 46 Labour MP's to trigger a leadership election. Each resignation is a nail in that coffin.


*-I'm paraphrasing the Simpsons episode Trash of the Titans. It is sad how many parallels I see in the politics there and what happened.

The Simpsons are the best at this.


Given we've gone down the road of direct democracy we were not given a leave plan to vote on (the Remain "offer" was clear). I think we have a right to a referendum on accepting a proposed leave "offer" before invoking art. 50.

If we don't have a deal that will suit the majority of the country (leave and remain voters) we should not leave the EU.

I think leave voters would not be happy with us leaving the EU and keeping free movement of persons (in exchange for access to single market) and all sorts of red-line concessions.

What do the leave voters on GAF think about this?

I mean, leave voters could've thought about this before. What it actually means to leave the EU. The Norway example is nothing secret.


Do you think all 27 members will agree that the UK get exactly the same deal as Norway? There is a real change of sentiment among European countries, particularly eastern European ones after this.
I assume the UK will go in to this hoping to at least keep freedom of labour and not explicitly movement in general, but then why would other nations not withdraw and do the same?
This is of course assuming immigration is as big an issue in those countries.

Oh they'd give them the Norway deal in a heartbeat, the Norway deal is so favourable to the eu it's unreal, Norway puts up with it because their oil and gas revenue allows them to


I have said it before, and people can ridicule all they like, if they do a deal that allows free movement, they instantly piss off the 17 million that voted leave....

it is comes in nothing has been achieved, except we are worse off for everyone, we voted to leave, you may not like it but we did, so a solution has to be found going forward that is as good as can be outside of the EU without free momvement

You're vastly overestimating the intelligence and traction of this 17m. Expect large swathes to fall away in the next few years.


I have said it before, and people can ridicule all they like, if they do a deal that allows free movement, they instantly piss off the 17 million that voted leave....

it is comes in nothing has been achieved, except we are worse off for everyone, we voted to leave, you may not like it but we did, so a solution has to be found going forward that is as good as can be outside of the EU without free movement

I have allready said free movement of Labour could be a way, but GAF dont like this either, so no point going over it again

So is there some kind of clear set of red lines that has been laid out to the Government, to assist with their negotiations?

All I saw in the leave campaign was "we don't like them foreigners"...not sure that's much for them to work with.


Do you think all 27 members will agree that the UK get exactly the same deal as Norway? There is a real change of sentiment among European countries, particularly eastern European ones after this.
I assume the UK will go in to this hoping to at least keep freedom of labour and not explicitly movement in general, but then why would other nations not withdraw and do the same?
There is no reason why EU won't accept a Norway model for UK.

But what do you think differentiates freedom of labour vs freedom of movement?
That you get sent back if you don't have a job? In that case the UK already has it, it's a 3 month limit.


To be clear, The Tories almost overnight took hold of larges swathes of the traditionally labour bases. Boris Johnson is immensely popular.

The next budget is probably going to be an eye opener. We'll see if vast sums of the country, go 'right, we expected it to be bad in the short term, and that's what we got'; so basically giving carte blanche for more austerity measures. And I wonder if they will feel empowered.

I can't see any scenario where there is patience. I'd be stunned if the electorate see anything but an improvement in their current standing as a massive betrayal. One which Farage will be waiting in the wings to capitalise on no doubt.

I think that's the most frustrating thing for me. I understand the anger, I understand the resentment for the way people are treated. I just don't understand how this could ever have been the logical conclusion.


yep but not accessing the free markets risks destroying UK economy in one swoop as other trade deals will be years away so how can we trade at all, we might be stuck out in the cold for many years, maybe thats what we need a realignment and realisation we arent the centre of the world.
These are not concerns for Leave voters. Immigration is key, and they want immigrants out.


Unconfirmed Member
I keep seeing this over on Facebook over and over - 'LOOK WE ARE FINE, LOL'

This chart is going to be more telling

A) When Article 50 is invoked

B) Two years later the day we actually Leave.

They also like to ignore the fact that this cost £250 billion.
I have said it before, and people can ridicule all they like, if they do a deal that allows free movement, they instantly piss off the 17 million that voted leave....

if it comes in nothing has been achieved, except we are worse off for everyone, we voted to leave, you may not like it but we did, so a solution has to be found going forward that is as good as can be outside of the EU without free movement

I have allready said free movement of Labour could be a way, but GAF dont like this either, so no point going over it again

Yes, the bolded is what a Brexit vote means. Well done.


That's still lower than when the referendum was called in the first place. If we remained, we were likely to see recovery. Getting back to a shit level is not a thing to celebrate.

Sure, but it's still a positive (in these weird times). Gives all the parties a bit more air to breathe at least. Doesn't mean companies won't leave the UK of course but it's better than nothing.
100% agree, although you did forget the Iraq war lies part of it. Even factoring that in (and coming out the end of it, I fucking despised him), I think the years under Blair were the best I've seen in my lifetime politically (i'm 31, for reference).

At 39 I'm old enough to remember the end of Thatcher (good riddance) and the bumbling Major years. I also recognised at the time the hard work and the good the Lib Dems actually did during the 2010 parliament.

Perhaps the only good thing to come out of this referendum is that it seriously curtails the Tories ability to push through further socially crippling reforms while they have to concentrate on managing their way through this mess instead.


I would prefer May, Osborne or Gove as PM over Boris.

Boris has lulled the public in to thinking he's a kind hearted man who is in touch with them. With the others you only need to blink once before you see how venomous they are.

I think any Labour leader would look like a decent alternative versus them.

People are that fucked a statement of saying having Osborne or May over Boris is hope?

Thank fuck Scotland will likely be going independent. England, I'll "pray" for you.


As a norwegian I have to say that the norway deal is an absolute farce and only acceptable because of oil and gas propping up the economy.

We are the best EU member to adopt all regulations, but we voted no twice to keep our "independence". Good luck doing that when all your trade is towards the most powerful economic bloc on the planet. Blows my mind why people in this country don't get that.
Leave won, so you can jump up and down all you like.... I am trying to come up with a solution that works for all, but again all we get is insults from remain voters

And you can defend your comments that immigrants don't like to work but just want benefits with "well Leave won so stop complaining" all you want. That's never been part of my issue with everything you're saying. Everything you're saying about why Leave won is bollocks.


I read that Denmark* had similar problems where local people were undercut by migrant labour. The government passed a law that said that local people could not be undercut by non resident workers.

Had the UK government done something similar some people might have voted differently. It seems like an obvious thing to do now.


That can't be right. They might set up such rules for goverment contracts. Or ban working for below minimum-wage. But EU wouldn't let them simply ban people from setting up prices lower than local people.

Germans tried to enforce that polish truck drivers would have been paid the same as german ones while driving on german roads and it was struck down by EU for example.
Same for everyone in Europe including Germany. None of us should hope to face the future alone. The EU is also about leaving an imprint of European values on global politics and developments with what we believe should be the future of this planet. It's futile to believe China, India, Russia or even the US would give a serious flying fuck about an isolated European country when deciding on the fortune of this world.

That the UK, of all countries the UK with their claim to relevance, has willingly opted out of this is tragic.

Yeah. The coming years are going to prove that being an isolationist is an incredibly foolish concept.


As a norwegian I have to say that the norway deal is an absolute farce and only acceptable because of oil and gas propping up the economy.

We are the best EU member to adopt all regulations, but we voted no twice to keep our "independence". Good luck doing that when all your trade is towards the most powerful economic bloc on the planet. Blows my mind why people in this country don't get that.

That's what I've been saying. UK is not Norway. No country is like Norway. A Norway deal would be the least painful outcome but I don't think the UK will even get that.
I have said it before, and people can ridicule all they like, if they do a deal that allows free movement, they instantly piss off the 17 million that voted leave....

if it comes in nothing has been achieved, except we are worse off for everyone, we voted to leave, you may not like it but we did, so a solution has to be found going forward that is as good as can be outside of the EU without free movement

I have allready said free movement of Labour could be a way, but GAF dont like this either, so no point going over it again
There's this thing where other countries have their own populations and desires. Strange I know. You voted for what you're getting. An exit.

No one has to give the UK everything it wants and special treatment because reasons.

Your idea of "free movement of labour" is people immigrating into your country, working, paying taxes and having no access to services. And you don't realise why people think you're being ridiculous.

Your "solutions" are not solutions. They are fantasy.
Again, the UK can choose to lose access to the single market, if it wants. Or it can try to stay within it, outside of the EU. Either way it reaps the corresponding requirements and benefits, or lack thereof.
I read that Denmark* had similar problems where local people were undercut by migrant labour. The government passed a law that said that local people could not be undercut by non resident workers.

Had the UK government done something similar some people might have voted differently. It seems like an obvious thing to do now.


The obvious thing was not to open the floodgates to the ascension countries, like every other EU country
Sorry if this feels being ganged up on by hey everyone wants to kick the bucket in thier own way.

Zoom out the graph a tad, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 5 years...

To say the day closing the same as it opened is business as usual misses the point that over the last few months it was already down because of the uncertainty of Brexit winning, problems with economic growth in general and also the fact we're not gone yet (speaking of which if by 2019 we're still not finished negotiating an exit we should be able to vote for our MEPs as well).

Of course that market is a fluid force and a lot of matters make it move but I'm a bit sick of the naive rhetoric that "oh its the same as <2 weeks ago therefore it is normal; stop panicking. nobody lost their job.".


Thank fuck Scotland will likely be going independent. England, I'll "pray" for you.

Legit question: Is it wise to hold a Ref for Independence that Scotland may win whilst there is absolutely no guarantee any EU status would be granted? Would this not damage the Scots and put them in a worse position given the current climate?

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
How is this achieved though? If your roof is damaged, and a Polish builder offers to fix it for £200 and a British worker offers to do it for £300, how are you going to quantity what is 'undercutting', and what is 'profiteering'? Maybe the EU worker has less costs so he can charge less?

Pass, I assume it would affect building firms (in this example) who employ people from multiple countries more than an individual person setting their own rate to a private individual.



With all due respect, it's not business as usual at all. And we really need not spin things.
FTSE 100 is down 3.15%. How much less well off are we now?
FTSE 250 is down 7.19% How much value has British business lost now?

Now compare those two figures to where it would have been on news that Remain had won.
Now factor in how much the turbulence has caused to central banks across the world.
Then also note that BoE had to front up $250bn to shore up the currency market.
Add to that the fact that all UK banks lost a huge amounts in one day. As well as builders [ironically].
Then could you also remind me about GDP projections post Brexit leave win?

Of course all of this was expected. And it's actually not as severe as it could have been. But please do explain how this is business as usual.
As a norwegian I have to say that the norway deal is an absolute farce and only acceptable because of oil and gas propping up the economy.

We are the best EU member to adopt all regulations, but we voted no twice to keep our "independence". Good luck doing that when all your trade is towards the most powerful economic bloc on the planet. Blows my mind why people in this country don't get that.

Huge swaths of people just aren't educated about the matter. They'd much rather read The Daily Mail or The Sun, and watch Quiz Show variant 213 while getting angry at "others" than actually be healthily engaged in the future of their country. I mean, some of the buffoonery you hear coming out of some of these people's mouths... It's truly astonishing.


Aisha S Gani

On Friday my niece was on a field trip. A man shouted at school girls: "So is this a **** Islam fishing group?! Where's the white people?

This is what the leavers unleashed. Not even kids are safe

Fucking scary.

Aisha S Gani Verified account

On Friday my niece was on a field trip. A man shouted at school girls: "So is this a **** Islam fishing group?! Where's the white people?

This is what the leavers unleashed. Not even kids are safe

Yeah there were reports of school kids etc being abused, hard to believe this is the UK of 2016, Churchill will be turning in his grave.


People are that fucked a statement of saying having Osborne or May over Boris is hope.

Thank fuck Scotland will likely be going independent. England, I'll "pray" for you.

Yeah it is fucked. Boris is deceitful and that makes him electable.

The others can't hide it like him behind a veil of buffoonery.
Was there another machines are stealing our jobs documentary on BBC or what is that nonsense?

So you are suggesting for unskilled labour, automation is not going to be a massive factor 20 years from now?

Note, I'm not one of these ULW nuts, nor do I feel that skilled trades will be replaced by robots, like ever.

But it's ridiculous to think that we are going to have an abundance of lower skilled jobs in 20 years time. It's not going to happen.


Liam Fox seems to have forgotten they were in a coalition for 5 years with a party that blocked EU withdrawal talk.

If there's a grand plan i will be very surprised.
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