When Alex learns that Britain has decided to leave the European Union, he’s shocked by just hold normal everything seems. But the calm doesn’t last as Alex is suddenly accosted by a giant living coin from the not so distant future.
In this horrific future where Britain has left the EU, four story busses lie strewn about the streets of London after a failed plan to cut costs, the Queen’s Guard have been replaced by flying reptiles with machine guns and the River Thames runs red with molten lava.
Now Alex and his handsome sentient pound must travel back to the past and sway the vote for European solidarity, by proving that all you need is love.
The central bank like any central bank has money to use in case, and it wasn't used. They do the same thing when there is any shock. It's their remit.
And before shedding tears for bankers in London how about waiting to see exactly who gets relocated fired or whatever?
For fucks sake...
But as has been established here, those 39% should just shut up and accept the decision.
Why use it as a bargaining chip for something that requires voting and more importantly still keeps their EU status uncertain, when they can veto that shit and stay in the EU?Good. It'll likely be use as a bargaining chip for indyref2, so it'll work out for Scotland.
For fucks sake...
The political classes are imploding. Usually I would be open to this, however it's happening because everybody knows leaving the EU is poison to our country.
now is the time for farage to step up and take over
Why use it as a bargaining chip for something that requires voting and more importantly still keeps their EU status uncertain, when they can veto that shit and stay in the EU?
So your shtick of 'fuck the parasites' is more realistic than 'oh shit all that tax money'?
A lot of value wiped off the top 250 companies in the UK because of voting to leave the UK. When you picture that is also in £'s, the result is actually worse with the value taken off the currency.
If scotland actually declares independance they'd definitely stay (or get back) into the EU.
There is already talk in german media to fast track scotland into the EU if they can't actually stay in (which no one appears to know if it's possible at the moment).
I heard one figure that the BoE spent 250b propping up the currency.
Anyone got any validation or denial of this?
Its all just talk though. What people are forgetting is the US might also have a say behind the scenes as they historically do not trust mainland Europe. To the US ultimately the UK is their only true alley in Europe. There's going to a lot of forces at play when things eventually begin to move.
FfsThere's already a book out about this mess.
I heard one figure that the BoE spent 250b propping up the currency.
Anyone got any validation or denial of this?
I heard one figure that the BoE spent 250b propping up the currency.
Anyone got any validation or denial of this?
You do realize that a huge part of the UK funds comes from taxes on the banks and bankers?
And the only reason the market somewhat recovered is because the british central bank issued 250 BILLIONS pounds to avoid a complete crash?
Why use it as a bargaining chip for something that requires voting and more importantly still keeps their EU status uncertain, when they can veto that shit and stay in the EU?
It looks like she could trade the veto for another vote on Scottish independence, and then make the next referendum all about staying in the EU. So I guess she's really in the best position at the moment.So the rest of the UK should accept Scotland does not want to leave and stay due to that ?
She is basically flipping the argument about Scotland being taken out against its will and holing the rest of the UK hostage, a smart move for a politician to make whos sole purpose is Scotlands independence, the rest of the UK wont need a referendum then they will just kick Scotland out.
Should Scotland have a new vote after the UK voted and Scotland decided it wants to remain IN ? sure. Do not hold the UK hostage though.
Yes, this was what Carney announced shortly after Cameron took his ball and went home.can't be true, 250B £? that's huge
There's already a book out about this mess.
I heard one figure that the BoE spent 250b propping up the currency.
Anyone got any validation or denial of this?
What's the chance of this happening?seeing a lot of names from labour resigning on that BBC ticker
also, breaking
The central bank like any central bank has money to use in case, and it wasn't used. They do the same thing when there is any shock. It's their remit.
And before shedding tears for bankers in London how about waiting to see exactly who gets relocated fired or whatever? I imagine the richest section of the financial services section is very concerned about their wealth and careers as they are not immune BUt I won't waste one cell thinking about them. You guys seem to have that covered.
It seems to be a thing to scrape up absolutely every impact one can possibly think of, and predict a bunch more, and make each one into a Greek tragedy because it suits the narrative. Fine, do that if it helps.
I am more interested in realities.
Aisha S Gani
On Friday my niece was on a field trip. A man shouted at school girls: "So is this a **** Islam fishing group?! Where's the white people?
This is what the leavers unleashed. Not even kids are safe
No money has been issued, it has been made available. No signs of the crash it has been made available for though, so there's that.
I hope these people didn't confuse EU immigration with asylum seekers from Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
I hope these people didn't confuse EU immigration with asylum seekers from Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
What is happeeeniiiiiiiiing.
Joke post?
Errrrrrrrr...about that.
How unlikely would you say it is that a Remain MP wins the Tory leadership contest?
Almost impossible?
Hang on, I thought gaf hated bankers? I'm confused.
Maybe now we can knock up some bilateral trade agreements with the likes of India and Australia etc that have been put on ice by the EU because 1 member doesn't like them.
I think the UK will get cold feet as time passes. It'll be a fight, but at the end that 17 million in favor will dwindle considerably on a re-vote.
She's wonderful.
She needs to at least consider it - she could hold an insane amount of political favour and leverage within Westminster if she did.
Technically, with Scotland voting largely remain there is nothing undemocratic about Scotland issuing a veto.
What is happeeeniiiiiiiiing.
How unlikely would you say it is that a Remain MP wins the Tory leadership contest?
Almost impossible?