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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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As someone who didn't mind remaining in the EU( sadly I didn't vote)I do have to say there's a lot of uniformed negativity on here and other places, it's like a girl being dumped and is talking about her ex with some delusional idea's.
I'm just watching everything unfold and it does seem some people are in a different universe then the reality that this wasn't a bad or good idea but it's turning out better then a lot of doom sayers were and still are portraying

Dude. UK is still in EU and will be for the next two years. If you're looking at current situation and think it's fine and this makes you assume it will be like this after actual exit happens you're in for a rude awakening.
As someone who didn't mind remaining in the EU( sadly I didn't vote)I do have to say there's a lot of uniformed negativity on here and other places, it's like a girl being dumped and is talking about her ex with some delusional idea's.
I'm just watching everything unfold and it does seem some people are in a different universe then the reality that this wasn't a bad or good idea but it's turning out better then a lot of doom sayers were and still are portraying
- Scotland talking about leaving the UK
- Cameron resigned
- Leave already backtracking on NHS and immigration promises
- No clue who is in charge at the moment
- EU already pushing for Article 50 to get this over with
- Markets are scared
- Companies actively looking for new locations outside the UK
- People have already been fired
- Racist abuse hurled in the streets to immigrants and kids

Looks pretty bad to me. Of course this is two days after the referendum and people are upset, but that this is turning out to be a bad idea seems pretty clear.


- Scotland talking about leaving the UK
- Cameron resigned
- Leave already backtracking on NHS and immigration promises
- No clue who is in charge at the moment
- EU already pushing for Article 50 to get this over with
- Markets are scared
- Companies actively looking for new locations outside the UK
- People have already been fired
- Racist abuse hurled in the streets to immigrants and kids

Looks pretty bad to me. Of course this is two days after the referendum and people are upset, but that this is turning out to be a bad idea seems pretty clear.
Can you replace immigrants with 'brown people'? For the sake of accuracy.


No money has been issued, it has been made available. No signs of the crash it has been made available for though, so there's that.

No Jimbob. The absolute reverse happened. Thankfully this time round, there was a coordinated plan with central banks around the world. It did help that we foresaw this.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Anyone that want to discuss anti-intellectualism? That's arguably the underlying factor of this brexit mess. It's people quoting graphs to justify choices they made when reality, on which decision should be made, is much more complex than a google search. That's why we study, that's why experts exist and that's why representative democracy is based on trust. Clearly such a relationship between people and their representatives is being lost. But that's not the most worrying aspect: another fundamental link seems to become more and more fragile, the one between people and experts, people and scientists. It's a worldwide phenomenon, arguably most prominent in USA and UK. I mean, politicians are expected to lie, it's part of their jobs, but experts in all fields? The spreading of phenomena like conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, anti vaxers, is what worries me the most. There is clearly a tendency to downplay the value of competence in all field, including foreign relations, in this case. Foreign relations, the socio-economical matters discussed here are complex and delicate and people should not be expected to take decisions based on their superficial knowledge. Politics is not a graph posted on Facebook.
Trust is the issue, devaluation of expertise is the issue. Don't call me antidemocratic, as these are the foundations of representative democracy, the only kind of democracy that can exist at the moment. Any other thing is not going to end well , because 'direct democracy' implies listening to fears, emotions, and feelings that are easily exploited by populist leaders to get what they want. That's what's happening: people are refusing to recognize intellectual authority to gain a deceptive sense of self-determination and freedom, only to become more vulnerable to the misguidance of exploitative leaders. It's the illusion of freedom, the illusion of democracy and historically is what brought us fascism and dictators. That's not the victory of democracy, it's the victory of fear.

I think you are sort of right. But the larger problem is not so much anti-intellectualism itself, which is always going to exist in vast numbers wherever, but political pandering to anti-intellectualism.

Though I'm not at all sure how you could stop it.

The political classes are imploding. Usually I would be open to this, however it's happening because everybody knows leaving the EU is poison to our country.

I'm open to it. We've needed some big political rethinking for many years now, essentially nothing has changed in UK politics since Attlee (Lab) and Thatcher (Con). This is the trigger, this is the problem. Needs to be sorted.

If there is a message for other countries in this, it is to lance the festering wound before it gets to this stage.

What the hell is happening, this just seems likes its turning into a right shit show at the moment.

Sturgeon saying she'll block it, no PM to kick off article 50 and now people speculating it won't actually happen.

What a joke.

It is more or less what I expected to happen in the event of a Leave vote. No joke, but difficult politics. It needed doing, but I wish it had not taken this outcome to trigger it.

Interesting turn of events if Scotland could veto the Brexit... but then to do that it would require the British government to officially trigger it first, right ?
Your UK politics are really crazy, with politicians putting things in motion with the hope they fail (and getting in trouble when they don't).

No, it would only require the UK government to consult with the Scottish Parliament. This is a matter of UK law and the UK constitutional settlement and is entirely independent of the triggering of Art 50 with the EU.
Now UK government suggests Scotland can have it's second indy ref.... i can see where this is going.


I don't think anyone plausibly believed that Westminster would stop Scotland having a second independence referendum if that is what they want. Indeed, there's probably a lot of support among the Brexit supporters who resent the Barnett Formula and West Lothian question who wouldn't mind Scotland leaving.

Question is though, will Scotland vote to leave a country that is, while admittedly diminished in the wake of Brexit, still going to remain a first world country and a NATO member? Moreover, I cannot honestly believe that when the dust settles in the years to come, that there won't be some trade and visa-free relationship with the EU. Yes it won't be as good as the current setup, but oh well, no empire lasts forever.


Since everything is turning to shit and the referendum is not legally binding, surely someone should stop this madness and reverse the decision.

Europe is currently having a meltdown. Everyone just needs to relax until all involved have calm down. That is really what is needed right now.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
so farage's spin is that the probable recession would have happened if the UK hadn't voted leave anyway
Hey, Monarchy wasn't thaaaaaat bad you guys.

Seriously, why would the people of UK trust politicians ever again after this historical mess.

Part of me would love to see the Queen block this. "63 years I've sat on the throne and let you do what you want. I'm finally using all the votes I've saved up to stop you muppets ruining everything."

It might be the end of the monarchy, but in hindsight she would go down as not only the last, but possibly greatest monarch of British history.


Sturgeon holding all the cards.

She's out doing shit. Where the fuck is Boris?

Last known photo



Sturgeon has effectivley been the UK's prime minister in the past few days.
And everyone seems to like her.

Agree with her being PM material. And I didn't particular like her but her general handling of the last few days, regardless of what happens next, has blown the fuck out of any Westminster clown
Europe is currently having a meltdown. Everyone just needs to relax until all involved have calm down. That is really what is needed right now.

It can't calm down until we know what the UK is doing, and if that decision is to leave then there will still be turmoil for the next couple of years. A lot of the meltdown is caused by the financial instability, and until that levels out again it won't stop. And it won't level out until there's a clear plan in place and known consequences.
Can you replace immigrants with 'brown people'? For the sake of accuracy.
Seems the Eastern Europeans are also getting targeted. But Muslims will have it the worst probably - even though they have nothing to do with it, because they probably didn't immigrate from the EU.

Neo C.

I think we're vastly misreading the Spanish government here. There'll be a lot of support across Europe in fast-tracking Scotland in, or even treating it as the successor state as far as the EU goes.

That's what I expect as well. In longterm, the Brexit is a good deal for Scotland, never before it has so much support.

I don't think Sturgeon is going to block Brexit. It would totally kill Scotland's chance of independence.
So I am going to guess what IDS said wont be popular on here, but from a leave perspective I am pleased he has confirmed what we want... a leader from the leave campaign to be the new PM
Shhh, you will be hanged, drawn and quartered on here by admitting that you are a leave-supporter!

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Sturgeon has effectivley been the UK's prime minister in the past few days.
And everyone seems to like her.

I would vote SNP if they were an option for me. They are the only competent an decent political party. Though they aren't the left wing fantasy many paint them as.

Shhh, you will be hanged, drawn and quartered on here by admitting that you are a leave-supporter!

Tak3n is just a moron who never argues in good faith.


Sturgeon has effectivley been the UK's prime minister in the past few days.
And everyone seems to like her.

lol, no.

She is absolutely vile. Completely selfish woman. All she wants is to become queen of Scotland.

I hope they leave. It'll be fun to watch them beg to come back.

What a terrible leader, I love Scotland, they need a better person to speak for them. Will this women let her people know about losing the pound and then having to spend over 13 billion euros a year to be in the eu club, the UK is free in fact it even gives money plus has nukes that keep Scotland safe.. I'm no wise man, but this women is foolish behind belief.

She is a disaster!

They chose to remain part of the UK and the UK has chosen to leave the EU. so they must stand with us and deal with it together.

can't stand this woman

I hope the scottish people enjoy the euro and have somewhere for their share of immigrants that the eu will impose if they stop in the eu

Who this woman? Dose she know what she's getting into. You are this us you ride this road this us don't be a backstabbing traitor.

Once in a lifetime referendum two years ago 2 million+ voted to remain part of the united kingdom... why are we having these votes when you don't respect the results anyway sturgeon, 1.6 million following all political party's in Scotlands lead to remain is no real mandate... twisted mouth liar :(


So I am going to guess what IDS said wont be popular on here, but from a leave perspective I am pleased he has confirmed what we want... a leader from the leave campaign to be the new PM

Hey, I want that too. They're all wankers and will be in the post for one term maximum while the shit hits the fan. Best go rip them off like a band aid.
That's what I expect as well. In longterm, the Brexit is a good deal for Scotland, never before it has so much support.

I don't think Sturgeon is going to block Brexit. It would totally kill Scotland's chance of independence.

Yep it will be straight swap, no veto for a second referendum and with no press support for the Union, and likely no Labour and lib dem opposition will be an easy yes vote.


Hey, I want that too. They're all wankers and will be in the post for one term maximum while the shit hits the fan. Best go rip them off like a band aid.
The good news is that if Scotland leaves and joins the EU, the English government will be able to provide many jobs for people to create and maintain a boarder.
Agreed, it's actually incredible. She's always been a very good public facing politician but god damn it's amazing how nobody else seems to be doing anything.

Yeah they have all given up, the realisation that serious trouble is coming and they all vanish, cowards the fucking lot of them.
He's informally leading the informal discussions, in manner that would be described as the opposite of formal.

Yeah I read in The Sunday Times today that he is meeting with Gove over the weekend and making plans to announce something next week (potentially Monday).
So I am going to guess what IDS said wont be popular on here, but from a leave perspective I am pleased he has confirmed what we want... a leader from the leave campaign to be the new PM

He has no say in anything though, and he has zero accountability. Which is exactly why, when asked about whether immigration will sharply decrease now, he replied "That's what I think should happen, because we promised to lower it to the tens of thousands. So that's what I think the next Prime Minister should work towards, and it should be a Brexit PM."

He can say anything, and when it doesn't happen, he can say "it's not my fault!" And he's right. It won't be. It's also why Boris is nowhere to be seen because he knows he can't confirm all his promises will be kept. He doesn't have the luxury of zero accountability, and he's already suggested immigration levels won't really change.


Agreed, it's actually incredible. She's always been a very good public facing politician but god damn it's amazing how nobody else seems to be doing anything.

I'm sure we can find alot more and worse comments about Boris, Cameron, Gove, May, Osborne etc.

Probably in general, yeah, but the Scottish ref question really rustles soo many folks jimmies. Up North yeah, but especially down South.


Probably even longer.
I don't think anyone wants the UK getting out of the EU without knowing how the relationship will look like afterwards, and that does take time to discuss.

signals from the EU seemed to point in another direction,asking the UK to hurry up with the procedure because this state of uncertainity is poison for everyone

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
He has no say in anything though, and he has zero accountability. Which is exactly why, when asked about whether immigration will sharply decrease now, he replied "That's what I think should happen, because we promised to lower it to the tens of thousands. So that what I think the next Prime Minister should work towards, and it should be a Brexit PM."

He can say anything, and when it doesn't happen, he can say "it's not my fault!" And he's right. It's not.

Also worth noting is that IDS has made a career out of lying. He's one of the most loathsome, odious cunts around. He stands out as particularly maligant even amongst the cabal of Fox, Johnson, Farage and Gove.


Probably in general, yeah, but the Scottish ref question really rustles soo many folks jimmies. Up North yeah, but especially down South.

I think the position the UK Government is in right now, they will bent in front of Sturgeon begging and crying out 'NICOLA PLEASE YOU CAN RUSTLE OUR JIMMIES EVERY GODDAMN NIGHT JUST PLEASE VETO THIS AND SAVE US"
I think the position the UK Government is in right now, they will bent over Sturgeon begging and crying out 'NICOLA PLEASE YOU CAN RUSTLE OUR JIMMIES EVERY GODDAMN NIGHT JUST PLEASE VETO THIS AND SAVE US"
If Scotland can and does veto it, I really wonder how the Leave people in England will react. It won't be pretty.

Could the Queen veto this move, to 'protect the kingdom'.
Theoretically the current UK government can as well. The whole thing isn't binding. But the question is, who will want to take the blame. Leave won in the end, so whoever blocks it is going to get a lot of hate.
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