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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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so the first Big Business to come out and say

Just calm down, the world has not ended

Jaguar Land Rover has said "today is just business as usual".

The firm said: "We are a British business with a strong manufacturing base in this country, we call Britain home and we remain committed to all our manufacturing sites and investment decisions.

"We respect the views of the British people and in line with all other businesses, Jaguar Land Rover will manage the long-term impact and implications of this decision: nothing will change for us, or the automotive industry, overnight."
Disappointed in the country, but not surprised.

Much more disappointed in a lot of my family who voted leave "because because immigrants" i pressed them everytime they brought it up and none of them could come up with a coherent thought on why immigrants.

Oh well, best strap in.
I'd love to hear from EuroGAF their opinions on the likelihood of:

- the end of the UK, with Ireland, Scotland, or both leaving

- the end of the EU as the dominoes start to fall
What a great day, made sure that I did my bit. The EU was doing us no good, I see the scaremongering has got to many of you but don't worry kids, we will be okay and the rest of EU will still want to trade with us and all that jazz. All these issues with trading will not last long, of course now there is being an overreaction.

This will just be the start, I can see other counteries following us and leaving as well such as the Netherlands. I'm not usually proud of my fellow countrymen because they usually pretty shit but today, damn good job to those 52%. :D


Gold Member

The gall of calling for unity literally right after a vote DIRECTLY AGAINST UNITY.

The irony.

It's not ironic in the slightest. The country needs to pull together, with or without the EU. Unity can happen without the EU.

Tell me why people voted leave other than immigration?

And sod off with talk about unity. I won't give cunts who have forced me to leave the UK the time of day.

So if you disagree with policies and regulations imposed by the EU those are not valid reasons? If you say those are your reasons are they just a cover up for your "racism" and "xenophobia"?

And just so you know, I didn't vote myself, I'm a British expat living abroad. Looking at all of this from the outside its quite sad to see, but sad for reasons not realted to the result of the vote. The country is divided and has been for quite some time. This vote has just brought it all to the fore.


This one image... Is that all you guys have got?

But I guess you guys can keep posting it until you are blue in the face while the rest of the country is getting on with things and trying to sort our future out for the better.

This is one time when the country really needs to unite and work together in order to prevent us from falling into a hole. Based on this thread I'm not hopeful since some of you are deciding to use the same tactics as the campaign you went against.

Fuck 'em. Not *my* countrymen, let them help themselves.


Far right has been gaining traction across Europe.

Is USA next? Trump for president!

The US's huge diversity and polarization that causes minorities and liberal whites to band together against the Republicans make it extremely unlikely for the GOP to win the presidency this go around.
Nigel Farage quoted as saying Leave made up the "£350 million extra to NHS every week" statistic AFTER the referendum results. Is that enough to prove manipulation and lies throughout the campaign? What about the "Turkey will join the EU" bullshit? That good enough?

EDIT: Lol at people quoting "Unity". You realise 2 of the 4 countries that comprise the United Kingdom voted OVERWHELMINGLY for remain? There's no Unity there. Also our capital was 60/40. The people with the means to create Unity are backing the fuck out.


wow, cant believe so many people in the UK are afraid of immigrants, looks like that was a major point in the voting. This is sad.


What a great day, made sure that I did my bit. The EU was doing us no good, I see the scaremongering has got to many of you but don't worry kids, we will be okay and the rest of EU will still want to trade with us and all that jazz.

This will just be the start, I can see other counteries following us and leaving as well such as the Netherlands. I'm not usually proud of my fellow countrymen because they usually pretty shit but today, damn good job to those 52%. :D

I fff hope not. As a trading Centre of Europe that would fuck us over so much.


GTFO with this shit. Shorten is a muppet whose whole campaign is based on lies and misinformation. Turnbull is in no way comparable to Trump and this idiotic decision made by the people of the UK.

Hahahahahahaha, Shorten may be a muppet but he isn't bought off by Murdoch, and anyway, are you saying you'd prefer the Liberals over Labor? you must hate the poor.


I just lost £2000 from my savings which were invested in a long term share option with my work. I guess I'm not taking the kids to Orlando. :(


The worst thing for the EU now would be to try to force loyalty through fear. Does that sound like a healthy union?


It's not a healthy Union by any means anyway. A monetary union without a united fiscal policy is a disaster as has been proven with PIGS. At the same time, good luck getting a united fiscal policy with mostly the big players dictating policy for their benefit. It's a shit show.
Let us free ourselves of the false song of globalism. I want peace and prosperity between NATIONS, not evil empires calling themselves "unions".

We can live in an international world of trade, travel, and peace. Nation States are the key to prosperity. You can take what good there is out of the EU, without the EU and rid Europe of the rest of it.

Fear has been instilled into so many, especially the youth into thinking the world is better off with globalism. Is cultural degradation, complete inequality of nations, less freedom, and forced policies really the superior way? Giant multinationals raping the working class of the world and nations are the solution?

We are better than this. Please research the evil of globalism and wake up. I want a peaceful and prosperous world just like many of you who disagree with me on this issue.
Good riddance, dumbasses. Hope you enjoy your xenophobia.
Don't come crawling back to us when your economy hits the floor.

We will accept Scotland, though, they seem like decent people caught in this shitshow.

48% of us wanted to stay in! Don't tar us all with the same brush

Just feel bad for the almost 48% of the country that has to deal with the just over stupid half
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