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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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It's ironic. I was all for Scotland staying in the UK a while back. Now they're the ark that'll take what is still good about Britain and continue it onwards into the EU as a separate country.

Hopefully I can join them.


Governments have been taking money out of education for years. An uneducated voter base is great for those who want to remain in power.



It's 350 million pounds a week gross, and yes that is the number, but we get some of that back in a rebate. It's a smaller figure gross. I don't think it's misleading to quote the gross figure though.
yes it is if you fail to acknowledge how their's rebate and money made back from that. just saying "we lose £350mil a week to the EU" is misleading as fuck


While sad to see the UK leave, I do hope this referendum will be a signal to the EU leadership that reforms are badly, badly needed. Or other countries will follow.

This has been coming for a long time, and people being "shocked" have not been keeping up with events in Europe or have had their heads buried in the sand. What use is it to try to forcibly unite a continent if half the people in it don't agree? Maybe Brexit will end up being a good thing and saving Europe in the long run.
In the words of someone who's been studying your legal system for the passed 5 years and watched the UK form except after exception on EU legislation that would have helped the country. You sir, are an ignorant baffoon who has made a completely uninformed and idiotic decision. But don't feel bad. Half of the country is wearing the same shoes.

You're an expert tho, so who gives a fuck.
So this is probably real bad for the global economy and the stock market, right? That was the main thing I kept reading about in the lead up to the vote.


Surely there is enough evidence already for the referendum result to be disregarded now.
The economy is in freefall, the leave campaign have already admitted they completely lied. How can the result be even remotely considered legitimate or workable under these circumstances?
Because it's what the majority of voters wanted. I know you're clinging on to the notion that this will somehow be reversed, but that's not going to happen. Make peace with that.


Surely there is enough evidence already for the referendum result to be disregarded now.
The economy is in freefall, the leave campaign have already admitted they completely lied. How can the result be even remotely considered legitimate or workable under these circumstances?

Joke post right? Or are you another one who only approves of democracy when you get your way?


The markets collapsed because they rose a lot in the last week off the back of an incorrect assumption.

Don't read too much into short term volatility that's what markets do. It's whether they stick around for weeks or months and what interest rates do that will matter.

Yeah but the wider market bounced off the low and is about 7% down, so basically back to a few months ago. Shrug.

1 hour ago: Market is just going back to last week.

Now: Market is just going back to a few months ago.
- most likely. Scotland will have none of this shitfest.

- is a possibility but i dont think so for now.

Scotland will almost definitely hold an independence referendum ASAP, and it's extremely likely that they will drop out of the UK, especially if the EU tosses them a bone and invites them back in.
Northern Ireland is a big question mark. I think this referendum may have brought NI closer to want to become independent (or unify with Ireland), again, especially if the EU offers them to join back in.
And I know you didn't ask about that, but it might even be in Gibraltar's interest to opt out of the UK as well.

It heavily depends on how the UK will fare once it's out of the EU. Will its economy implode or will it get away with just a few bruises? If it's the latter, then the EU will fall apart, most likely.
This is especially the case if the EU approaches Brexit softly and concedes to allowing the UK many of its rights as an EU member but without the responsibilities.

While I do think now the chances of Yes vote in a second indy referendum is pretty likely, it would be foolish to do it so soon. Scotland have had 4 major votes in the past two years, we're getting burned out here. Also couple that with the fact Sturgeon knows if they lose this referendum then the book is shut for a hell of a long time, she has said before she wants consistent Yes polling at 60% for a number of months before pushing a referendum.

I think Sturgeon will try to make the best of a bad situation currently, she doesn't need to do much else. If the Tories have Johnson as leader with Farage in cabinet, that'll do the damage. They're both loathed up here by the majority of the populace.

I'd say a referendum around 2020 with a push starting maybe late next year or 2018. In the meantime, Sturgeon will do her best to negotiate Scotland being a member of the EU in the result of a yes vote.

Ireland could be a potential shitshow because of the peace process being affected - Sinn Fein will push for unification.

Scotland will probably wait at least until the agreements with the EU are done - no point jumping ship until knowing what the alternative is. And I think it is just too soon to have another referendum there

My best case hope now is that the UK gets continued access to the free market because it is in the interest of the whole EU bloc. Ironically that might give us less control over borders and less influence to change things.

Maybe this might also encourage some serious discussion within Europe about how it evolves structurally - there is continuous push to and from around more political union vs a more economic approach - and this might push things back towards a simpler, more economic basis

Thanks for the responses fellas. Very interesting. It's crazy when you know you are living through something that will be in history books.
Doom I tell ya.

After a few days it will all calm down.
Not for everyone. Businesses will probably move, people are losing money and pretty much for no reason at all. Nobody has given a good reason to vote leave outside of some nonsense. It really is the worst economical thing to happen since the financial crisis from 07/08.


Gold Member
I was not implying that at all, whereas you seem to imply that there have been no rational posts regarding the negative impact Brexit may have (as shown by the severe stock drops), which is not the case.

So far, the overwhelming majority of the Leave party have not shown any intention to discuss matters or their reasoning, which I think is a shame.

Actually they have. Even in this very thread. But they end up being dogpiled while having the "immigration" image thrown at them.

Oh well.

Spain's been trying to get shared sovereignty over Gibraltar for the past few decades. The UK won't make any concessions on that front I believe, however, I am deeply concerned about the people who live there. Spain has been bullying Gibraltar politically for a long time, and over 90% of them voted to remain in the EU; as the membership within the EU protected Gibraltar from Spain. Now that it'll be gone, though? No idea what's going to happen down there.


What controls does Norway have on borders? Assuming best case is a Norway-like agreement,mod we end up with more or less control over borders and immigration?

At least on the land borders Norway has with Sweden and Finland there aren't any kind of border controls. Not sure how it works if you arrive by plane or ship though.


The EU is not dead, but it needs to listen to what people are saying and implement more sweeping reforms to stop contagion.

Yes it's a turning point in EU history. The decisions we take now can improve it much or completely break it.


So i figure Scotland's gonna be all "hey, we didn't vote to stay within the UK for you to rip is out of the EU", right?

Scotland's gonna secede now.
Just like "the UK" is sick of "the EU" "making their decisions for them", i suppose now is the time where Scotland would be sick of England doing the same - just with a much more dramatic result.
This is a massive win.

The EU will implode, and this is the start.
Iceland don't want to join, Switzerland has cancelled their application, France wants out etc.

To call England leaving xenophobic and racist is just pure ignorance and actually make you look pretty daft.

I hope we here in Sweden will have a vote as well as we're many that wants to leave, but with the incompetent moron in charge that will sadly not happen any day soon.

A lot of Leave proponents keep saying there are other reasons people are voting Leave that aren't xenophobic. Like, what, exactly? What are these reasons?
"Shadows of men in fleeting bands upon the winds
Divide the heavens of Europe;
Till Albion’s Angel, smitten with his own plagues, fled with his bands."

(Europe, a prophecy. William Blake)


The so-called left claiming there's no way so-called right will make people vote something, and then the so-called right going and making people vote it is exactly what happened in UK though, and I hear some comparisons with other elections on the continent. So I would watch that "extremely".

As he said. The UK doesn't have the US's demographics so it's not a 1:1 comparison.
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