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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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This is a massive win.

The EU will implode, and this is the start.
Iceland don't want to join, Switzerland has cancelled their application, France wants out etc.

To call England leaving xenophobic and racist is just pure ignorance and actually make you look pretty daft.

I hope we here in Sweden will have a vote as well as we're many that wants to leave, but with the incompetent moron in charge that will sadly not happen any day soon.

Reading your post, it becomes pretty clear that this might be for the better.


No love for him, but can't blame Cameron for resigning even though he created this mess. I wouldn't want to lead this dumpster fire either.

Look at literally everyone in the Tory party and name one person that you - as someone who presumably doesn't like the Tories - was rather PM than Cameron.

Out of all the potential leadership candidates, Boris is the worst. I'd take May over him.



1. I think it's pretty likely. Scots are fed up with England's dickwaving and are pro Europe.

2. No. The entire Union is far too important to let the cunts that voted leave tear it all down. England will be made an example of with unfavourable trade deals and the recession they'll fall in will scare everybody else off.
(sorry 48 %)

I think this is about right. And sadly, the crucifixion of the as a warning to others will be necesary. The EU is more important than this, horrbile as it is to say.
1 hour ago: Market is just going back to last week.

Now: Market is just going back to a few months ago.
I was talking about the reaction before the stock market opened not pinning a prediction: market made a bad bet, and is correcting.

But continue with the end of civilization narrative if it excites you. I worked through the Asian currency crisis and was at Lehman too (luckily not when it went under), this is just understandable volatility and Isn't the same scale. It's how things move long term that actually impact people and nobody knows how that will end up.
When David Cameron nope's out and wants nothing to do with it, you know it's a catastrophe.

If a horrible tory can't handle it what horrors await us in the future?


Cameron isn't going to actually pull the trigger (Article 50) to leave the EU. He's leaving it for the next PM.
Sounds crazy that 52% agreed with it. Europe has gone through so much and here we are again with a huge crisis ahead. As always, normal people will get fucked. Smaller countries might suffer consequences cause of the markets going down.

I'll try to buy a bunch of ps4 games today on amazon though.


Props to Cameron for having a referendum in the first place

He was a twat and only offered it as a carrot to try and get back into power at the last election.

He is also an even bigger twat for allowing a referendum with a simple majority on such an important topic. Should have had a 2/3 majority required to change the status quo, and possibly a minimum turnout requirement


Same here, and if Cameron leaves it's just going to add to the madness.

What a shit time.

It genuinely feels like watching a slow motion car crash in a Burnout game and there's nothing that I can do except watch it all happen in agonising 4K detail.


Thank GOD, let's hope we can all go back to a better Europe, the one that existed peacefully for the last hundreds of years before the evil EU.

Actually they have. Even in this very thread. But they end up being dogpiled while having the "immigration" image thrown at them.

Oh well.

They have?
How? By posting misconceptions that have been debunked already? By saying "it's got nothing to do with immigrants, you're all ignorant if you believe this!"? By saying "Yay, now we showed [Cameron/the government/the EU] the middle finger!"?

I haven't seen a single serious argument in this threat coming from any Brexiters.
US Gaffer here: Why does Farage guy keep calling this "Our Independence Day"?

Last I checked EU never invaded UK...
Boris Johnson said something along the lines that if we vote I'll make that day Independence day which is fucking disgusting insult if you ask me. Countries generally have to fight wars or have been occupied for decades if not centuries. To compare the EU to that is an over-exaggeration but what do we expect from the Brexit bunch?

So what actual changes does the exit have on immigration? EU workers are sent home?
I think any here and any that turn up it will be agreed can remain (otherwise all the UK ex-pats will be sent back here out of spite) and as for the future (2 years at least) it will be controlled just like non-EU is right now...which is to say far more than tens of thousands no ifs no butts bullshit Camoron came out with years ago. But you could now (now being years later) shut the borders 100%...if you wanted economic suicide and achieve this largely pointless goal (we need to drive population growth as an aging population costs money to care for and pensioners don't exactly generate tax revenue).

So are UKIP now irrelevant? What will happen to them as a party?
They will fuse with the conservatives and the conservative party will veer far more to the right. Seriously, nobody ever read UKIP election manifestos but they are scary reading.


So, in trying to understand what the Remainers are going through as an American, the closest thing I could imagine would be if 52% percent of my country voted Trump into presidency, and say, caused an economic catastrophe... I don't think I could possibly forgive or ever let go of that anger. I feel that it's the sort of decision with such substantial ramifications that it would break apart not only a nation, but families and friendships.

Pretty much.

Already happened in Scotland. Families and friendships got broke.

Then after the vote to stay, half of the promises disappeared, and suddenly so many more people got mobilised and we swung way harder into nationalism.

Just fucking hope we get another referendum. Bit of an empty thought.
Having your PM resign after your bank's have lost 35% of their value in 15 minutes trading isn't going to help to recover that. Or economy is going to be in the utter toilet for years, if not decades


Fuck me. The markets are still tanking.

We're still the fifth largest economy. Why are these people panicking so much?

Because the majority voted to reshape the market so that conditions for being the fifth largest economy are removed.


Cameron: "I fought this campaign in the only way I know how". Yes, by lying. See ya, Cammy.

£350 million a week. Control immigration.

I don't think any side can call people liars at this point, because both the above points are total fabricated bullshit.
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