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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Think all the signs have been proven.

2016 is the year we all die.

or maybe it was we all get pie.

I should have paid more attention to that fortune teller.




Excellent, well done brexiters. And fuck everyone who just thinks half the country are nothing more than racists. Fuck all of you.

Seconded. Interesting times ahead. Sorry for those who are initially are badly affected but hopefully the market will stabilise pretty quickly. Labour and Tories need to get their game together though or UKIP will take this momentum and steamroll.


I'd love to hear from EuroGAF their opinions on the likelihood of:

- the end of the UK, with Ireland, Scotland, or both leaving

- the end of the EU as the dominoes start to fall

Ireland could be a potential shitshow because of the peace process being affected - Sinn Fein will push for unification.

Scotland will probably wait at least until the agreements with the EU are done - no point jumping ship until knowing what the alternative is. And I think it is just too soon to have another referendum there

My best case hope now is that the UK gets continued access to the free market because it is in the interest of the whole EU bloc. Ironically that might give us less control over borders and less influence to change things.

Maybe this might also encourage some serious discussion within Europe about how it evolves structurally - there is continuous push to and from around more political union vs a more economic approach - and this might push things back towards a simpler, more economic basis


Saves 350 million a day, controls immigration, job enrichment, have our own legislation system and justice system etc etc, lots of reasons

Edit: Sorry meant a week

In the words of someone who's been studying your legal system for the passed 5 years and watched the UK form except after exception on EU legislation that would have helped the country. You sir, are an ignorant baffoon who has made a completely uninformed and idiotic decision. But don't feel bad. Half of the country is wearing the same shoes.


I genuinely feel nauseous after reading the results this morning.

What a massive cluster fuck this is going to be.

The thought of Boris as Prime Minister is already too much to bear let alone the idea the Farage is going to be hanging about UK politics, like the grim spectre of death, for the next ten years.


Even the BBC are reporting on the rumour that Cameron will resign. The markets will double down on exploding if that's the case. No-one has any confidence in Johnson handling this.
But people just posting the immigration image over and over again without any discourse is completely ok?

I was not implying that at all, whereas you seem to imply that there have been no rational posts regarding the negative impact Brexit may have (as shown by the severe stock drops), which is not the case.

So far, the overwhelming majority of the Leave party have not shown any intention to discuss matters or their reasoning, which I think is a shame.


Surely there is enough evidence already for the referendum result to be disregarded now.
The economy is in freefall, the leave campaign have already admitted they completely lied. How can the result be even remotely considered legitimate or workable under these circumstances?
Well. Good job England. Continue to vote against your own interests.

Not sure I'm staying in this country. Currently work in the NHS and I already know leaving the EU only means my job becomes more shit.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Shits intriguing as fuck, havent slept in 24 hours and barely awake but I cant turn it off, dont want to miss anything.

This is pure history in motion

Give me caffeine pills


Neo Member
It's funny how some people keep expressing happiness on leaving the EU and hope that other countries follow. Never forget, we may live in the "old" world but the "new" world is is much, much bigger that the European countries. If we don't join up we will have nothing to say in the world. Don't forget, China is 21x bigger than the UK... We are just specs of dust as countries on our own.


This is the equivalent of threatening to slap yourself, doing it, and falling off a cliff as a direct result...


Daffy Duck

I genuinely feel nauseous after reading the results this morning.

What a massive cluster fuck this is going to be.

The thought of Boris as Prime Minister is already too much to bear let alone the idea the Farage is going to be hanging about UK politics, like the grim spectre of death, for the next ten years.

Same here, and if Cameron leaves it's just going to add to the madness.

What a shit time.
I'd love to hear from EuroGAF their opinions on the likelihood of:

- the end of the UK, with Ireland, Scotland, or both leaving

- the end of the EU as the dominoes start to fall

1. I think it's pretty likely. Scots are fed up with England's dickwaving and are pro Europe.

2. No. The entire Union is far too important to let the cunts that voted leave tear it all down. England will be made an example of with unfavourable trade deals and the recession they'll fall in will scare everybody else off.
(sorry 48 %)


So not worth it
But people just posting the immigration image over and over again without any discourse is completely ok?

You mean the word cloud that was gathered from social media? The one that says "immigration control" as one of the major pillars of the #brexit side?

Because it was, you know, it might not be your personal position, but that was a huge part of the #brexit camp regardless of that. If that's enough to offend you, I honestly don't know what to tell you.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
So just to re-iterate, leaking now that Cameron is about to resign.

Just a refresher as a backseat spectator: this was all his idea right?

If so, what else should he do? He just played all-in and it blew up in his face at the cost of the UK.


Fuck me. The markets are still tanking.

We're still the fifth largest economy. Why are these people panicking so much?
This is a massive win.

The EU will implode, and this is the start.
Iceland don't want to join, Switzerland has cancelled their application, France wants out etc.

To call England leaving xenophobic and racist is just pure ignorance and actually make you look pretty daft.

I hope we here in Sweden will have a vote as well as we're many that wants to leave, but with the incompetent moron in charge that will sadly not happen any day soon.


What controls does Norway have on borders? Assuming best case is a Norway-like agreement,mod we end up with more or less control over borders and immigration?

Norway actually is a member of the Schengen area. It would be illogical for the UK to leave the EU and adopt Schengen.
I just can't see what will change border-wise. (Ireland also has an opt-out on Schengen, so people can't "enter through there")
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